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Posts posted by Varibash

  1. 1 hour ago, Roqwell said:

    Being honest.. I don't want there to be more than 3 hunters including me (despite how inconsistent my attendance is because of college and theatre).

    They're a class that's helpful across the board, but only so much. Too much of any class isn't great unless they are multi-spec'd (like druid/pally), but even then there reaches a limit. Also, if you end up being a huntard I will yell at you more than I ever have at Pikachu because I don't tolerate dumb-fucker hunters.

    *skip 3 years into the future to our wedding day

  2. the topic is related to our "SEEDING" program which helps us populate our servers, there was a bug with the seeder that would constantly kill you even if you were playing if you were using the chrome plug-in, the issue is resolved if you use the program, not the plug-in

  3. lol, you're something else, dude.

    You're honestly sitting here, trying your hardest to convince us how so very intelligent you are.... It's so very pathetic. I am sorry fro you. You must be such an unhappy person irl.

  4. I guess people with miserable lives will get their kicks where they can.


    Enjoy your time here on our forums, because we will forget all about you by the end of the week and our servers will continue to survive without your participation in them. You aren't a special snowflake, and we won't be changing how we run our clan, just because you want us to. 


    You are literally accomplishing nothing but wasting your time. You responses are also gold for anyone that likes cringe worthy content.


    also, since you like meme's I found one that makes me think about you. 569ff8b7f103f_Ahyestheguyyellingatcatsta

  5. Point being is you are here complaining that BF is a game for adults, while using a MEME to express your point. 

    Just because being 18 legally means you are an adult, doesn't mean you are mature. You've gone to great lengths in this thread alone to prove to us that you are still very much a child. 

    Enjoy your ban, fuck off and good day sir.

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  6. Many of you have expressed interested and desire to bring your alts to the heroic farm content of our main raid team. Normally I am absolutely against this, but realistically, there really shouldn't be a big issue. That being said, there need to be a set of guidelines laid out to ensure that not only does everyone have the opportunity to bring an alt, but that bring said alt would not be a detriment to the raid team in terms of causing unnecessary wipes on farm content. Here are a few requirements for bringing an alt to the main raid team Heroic Farm content.



    There is no way in any corner of hell that I am going to bring your ilvl 630 fresh level 100 alt that your purchased with character boost to any raid team.... ever... Gearing characters is easier then it has ever been in the history of WoW. Your character must be at or near ilvl 685 before consideration for coming to the raid will even happen. Gear through Taanan, do some mythic dungeons, do some raid finder. Basically show some interest in playing that character and we will show an interest in  helping you get some end game gear. That includes gems/enchants on gear and knowing your stat priority.


    Learn to Play

    If you have no idea how that character/class is played, you can forget it. Learn the rotation, learn your defensive CD's, learn your class mechanics that can at least be useful in a raid environment. I will not bring your alt if your intention is to tank the floor the entire fight and contribute nothing to the death of the raid boss.


    Participate in the Alt Run/help run Mythic Dungeons

    This one is pretty straight forward. If you attend the alt run, on either an alt, or your main to help out your fellow guildies, you will qualify to bring your alt to the main raid. If you don't have the free time on the weekends to attend the alt, it won't automatically disqualify you from bringing an alt. Just volunteering to run timewalking/mythic dungeons with guild groups when applicable will help. We realize that some of the raid team don't have the free time outside of raid to help be it from family or work obligations, and we will consider those people on a case by case basis based upon their performance in the main raid (i.e. Don't afk on trash)


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