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Posts posted by Viledead


    I remember - the lei shen trinket with 100% crit dooms and imp armies. 


    Technically the class wasn't OP, the trinket was.  But they not only nerfed the trinket, but also imp glyph, etc. Double whammy, spec dead. Sad because a well played demo lock was awfully rewarding.


    Anyways....I've ranted about it enough already - how blizz could gut a spec/class without any apparent thinking or consideration.


    I'm toying with a mage currently - amazing how much easier that class is, especially frost.  In fact, I love playing a frost mage. I'm 550 with no cloak and doing more dps than the 556 demo lock with a cloak. 

  2. Here is the details on how to do it.  Basically, load up dots with procs, sb:soulswap, then soulswap with 1 cast in between.  Look at the meters at the start here - sure, he's in heroic gear, but aff locks are averaging over 500k dps on that fight.  Top parses are over 1.2M.


  3. But I really don't care that I'm labelled a 'core raider', and would prefer not to have the title given that there are others who feel lesser for not having it.



    This is what being a team member is all about.


    My two cents are this - you can't divide the base.  Some will donate more. Some are always perfectly on time. Some are amazing at dps. Some will almost never die to mechanics. Some research fights in massive detail in advance. 


    The challenge is common in the final tier - players centralize around guilds that are still effective at raiding.  Those guilds progress more.  Hardcore vs casual comes up.  It's the cycle of WoW.  

  4. Demo is destroyed. After big 5.4 nerfs we wondered why uvls went untouched. In fact, it felt slightly better post 5.4. OK so theorycrafters still knew uvls had to get changed, so they anticipated and created a crit build.

    But then a hotfix went after warlocks only on the trinket AND a big imp dmg nerf.

    So now basically demonic fury gen has died and our aoe is much less. The spec is slow, more boring, and well behind aff for basically every fight. I don't like aff though.

    It really is bad behaviour by blizz to see them kill a spec that was superbly rewarding for playing well. Now if u play well, you only break even or less.

    On top of this remember that t15 was about increasing df and that's out now too.

    So yeah demo is gg. I still can't believe it was a hotfix - probably only to avoid hard core guilds racing to world first getting some tiny advantage.

  5. You have to have it and you have to create a weakaura or something similar.  On fallen protectors for example, you can get 3 100% crit dooms on all three targets rolling constantly.  And one more strong piece of advice - go MF for T6, save fury and go crazy on add phases with immo aura.  For instance, on sha of pride....even without knowing my trink procs (I had UI problems), I still did 200k.  On dark shaman flex with 25 people, I did 270k on 1st attempt without knowing fight!  Seriously, MF is sick on add fights.  

    Edit:  Many warlocks are sticking to KJC because of the comfort of moving while casting - but it's a serious dps loss on most of these fights in SoO.  The 2x DS is nice on single-ish target fights (and allows you to line up procs better), and MF is an absolute requirement for add fights.



    Edit x2:  Here is a link to my parse on flex 25m dark shaman, keep in mind my UI was effed up and I couldn't track UVLS and procs, so my dps was actually low.....



    Note that the other demo lock has the trinket from the 1st boss, which is what every demo warlock needs straight away to work with uvls.  The only reason I beat him was because he didn't go MF...that immersius trinket is freaking OP for demo!

  6. Well the base issue which is Demo is extremely viable but really requires UVLS micro to be competitive stays the same.


    The only core changes were tier 6 talents (which are actually better for us), imp swarm glyph not being needed, and corruption not refreshing on fel flame or void ray anymore.

  7. This is for the demo locks in the guild - for the aff or destro locks, you don't exist because you suck at picking the best spec!  :)


    Right now, LFR lei shen trinket is basically better than almost anything in SoO, even heroic.  Basically, unless you will be downing heroic garrosh anytime soon, you should have ANY version of Lei Shen trinket (UVLS), and the trinket from immersius.


    Turns out that the proc changes for rppm actually somehow made our life better.  It seems to proc more reliably, and more often. Perhaps it's a bug - and I can't imagine blizz wants lfr gear from previous tier to be better than almost all current tier....but it's true.


    So if you don't have UVLS you probably shouldn't be demo! :)


    What's interesting is that the immersius trinket is a % buff and may value mastery over all else.  It works insanely well with UVLS as the extra crit dmg is amazing for the doom crit ticks.  Also it scales with your gear, so it gets better as your gear improves.


    On tier 6 talent, there is NO case when you should be keeping KJC anymore.  Default to the new AD for basic single target fights, and honestly MF is freaking amazing now.  If you time it right you can do crazy burst with immo aura.



    So no more casting on the move?  Yep...no problem though because apparently fel flame is almost equal to shadowbolt - in fact it is 3% more dps apparently, but the higher mana cost means it's slightly below.  So fel flame is filler when moving, shadowbolt when standing still.



  8. Of course - but there are baselines and if dps tbh is below 100k then a correction/improvement is needed as even with debuffs/etc that is quite low.  If someone just sat there and tunnelled boss with 75% corruption they still would do more than 100k.  


    So for example if you take the fallen protectors fight linked here from tonight:



    Two things stand out - seems that mark of anguish isn't transferring (causing 2 to die), and dps across the board is low - people should be around 170k generally.

  9. FYI the class specific stuff for SoO on icy veins has a lot of BS.  Multidotting adds on immerseus is better then demo?  LOL.  If that's true then aff is even better for norushen as adds live longer.  Icy veins even says affliction or destro is best for norushen over demo.  So...yeah.  odd.

  10. I'm going to bet there were a lot of adds not dying fast enough on norushen in 25m?  DPS on essences and manifestations is low (quite a few people aren't switching), which then is also why overall dps is low (debuff for dps on boss before the test cleanse).  

    Also correct me if I'm wrong, but Flex has all the same mechanics just not as punishing for mistakes.  And there have been tons of groups clearing flex for the past week, so kind of crazy if people didn't go into one.  For instance, Sha of Pride will be a lot easier if people have seen it before, and norushen will make more sense.

  11. A nice summary on 10 things to know heading into 5.4.  I'm sure everyone knows that VP will not reset, and the VP upgrade guy will stick around.  


    And - the first 8 bosses of SoO will drop any of the tokens you need on any part of the Legendary quest!!  Moot - no more stacking determination x3 on T14 LFR!

    Ask Mr. Robot's Blog Just another WordPress site Skip to content
    Launch date: Sept 10. # 1 New raid: Siege of Orgrimmar

    Item levels are as follows:

    • LFR: 528
    • Flex: 540 (more on flex in #6 of this list)
    • Normal: 553 / Warforged 559
    • Heroic: 566 / Warforged 572
    • ToT (for reference): Normal 522, Heroic 535

    Required iLevel to get into Siege of Orgrimmar: 496.
    Throne of Thunder’s requirement is still 480.

    New bonus roll currency: Warforged seals. These are still a weekly quest, where you turn in 50 lesser charms of good fortune. Make sure you have 50 charms saved up for patch day, so you can get your bonus rolls right away. (And don’t forget, Mr. Robot can help you find the best bosses to spend your bonus rolls on).

    Tokens drop from the following bosses:

    Release schedule (source):

    • LFR Wing 1: 2nd week of patch
    • Flex Wing 1: day of patch
    • Normal: day of patch
    • Heroic: 2nd week of patch

    The chance to win loot in old raids has been increased, including Throne of Thunder (source).

    #2 Valor Upgrades

    The valor upgrade vendors will stay around in Patch 5.4. AND you can stockpile your Valor as it will not be reset in 5.4 (stated by Ghostcrawler in a podcast interview on Twizzcast). Let Mr. Robot help you spend that stock piled Valor too – when 5.4 launches, we’ll have all of the new items ready to go!

    #3 Legendary Quest

    The legendary quest continues and turns your epic iLevel 600 cloak into a legendary cloak.

    Not caught up yet?! No need to worry. The first 8 bosses of Siege of Orgrimmar will drop all of the tokens you’ll need: sigils, secrets and runestones (source).

    The legendary cloaks are intended to be obtained fairly early in the patch. Blizzard stated they want you to be able to use the cape to progress through content, instead of getting it after the content seems easy. For more legendary quest information, visit Perculia’s thorough guide.

    Here’s a twist to note: the legendary meta gems will work in the new 5.4 gear. However, the Eye of the Black Prince (extra socket) and the sha-touched gems will not work in the new 5.4 gear. (source)

    #4 Timeless Isle Gear & New Currency

    You can get BoA iLevel 496 gear on the Timeless Isle (see a list of the timeless token gear on this MMO-Champion news post). You ‘create’ those items from tokens that you get around the area, similar to Battlefield: Barrens armor tokens. You can get these tokens from:

    You can turn the 496 gear into 535 gear with a Burden of Eternity. But there’s a catch that’s been reported from people on the PTR. You must upgrade the 496 token with the Burden of Eternity to 535, then turn it into an item. It appears you cannot upgrade an already existing piece of this 496 gear. Where to get Burdens of Eternity:

    Get a super detailed guide to the chest locations and macros to find them with TomTom.

    Where to get Timeless Coins:

    They have a chance to drop from mobs and be contained in chests, so you’ll gather them as you run around the Isle. There’s also a bunch of quests that reward a small amount of coins. Here are a few of the repeatable quests with larger reward amounts:

    • Weekly: “Empowering the Hourglass” – A collection quest. Rewards 200 Valor and 1000 Timeless Coins.
    • Weekly: “Strong Enough to Survive” – Kill 5 rare creatures on the Isle. Rewards 1000 Timeless Coins.
    • Weekly: “Celestial Tournament”  - There’s a new pet ‘tournament’ where you have to fight a series of 6 pet trainers without healing in between. Completing the quest rewards 1000 Timeless Coins, 125 Valor, and a Celestial Coin (3 coins buys you fancy pets!!).
    • Daily: “Little Tommy Newcomer” – Daily pet battle. Rewards 500 Timeless Coins.
    • Daily: “A Timeless Question” – You answer a multiple choice question to earn 100 coins.
    #5 BoA Epic Weapons & Items

    #4 in the list talked about iLevel 496 BoA tokens you can get from the Timeless Isles. You can also get BoA epic weapons from Garrosh Hellscream (end boss of Siege of Orgrimmar). They drop from Flex, Normal and Heroic. However, it’s been noted by Blizzard that the final iLevels are not yet set, so keep that in mind when browsing the items.

    List of all of the new BoA items (including the armor from the Timeless Isle).

    #6 Changes to Raids & Realms
    • Flex raiding! If you don’t know what this is, it’s a new mode for raids that let’s you have anywhere between 10 and 25 people (say, 14 friends) and the bosses scale up or down depending on the number of people you have. You can also do these raids with friends on other realms, so be sure to check out OpenRaid (US and EU) and get organized. They have their own lockout, separate from LFR and Normal/Heroic. The gear rewards are better than LFR but not as good as normal. Read Blizzard’s post about flex raiding.
    • Queue for multiple LFR wings! You can now queue for multiple LFR wings at the same time, hopefully this makes your queuing more efficient icon_smile.gif
    • Connected realms. NOTE: This will launch shortly after 5.4, not WITH 5.4. Some realms are going to be joined together and act like they are 1 realm. You can join guilds, use chat, and all of the normal things you could do if it was 1 server. One of the things that makes this better than merging realms: everyone gets to keep their character names and guild names, without worrying about duplicates. Here’s more info on the connected realms from Blizzard. I don’t think there is an official list of realms that will be connected yet… if you see it before I do, leave a comment with the link.
    #7 World Bosses and their Loot

    There are 4 celestial raid bosses, which according to PTR data appear to drop the gloves and legs set token (553 item Level) and 522 level PvP gear. You can find these bosses at the ancient proving grounds in the middle of the Timeless Isle.

    And then the special boss, Ordos.

    Blizzard explains it well, “We’re taking another look at a hardcore world boss intended for end-game progression raiders. This new world boss, Ordos, provides a few unique challenges. For starters, to even reach Ordos, you must have received the final Legendary cloak from Wrathion on any of your characters. In addition, once the battle has begun, players will not be allowed to enter or leave the Ordon sanctuary where the boss resides.”

    #8 New Faction and Changes to Old Faction Costs

    New faction: Shaohao. Rewards are sold by Mistweaver Ku and appear to be cosmetic like theReins of the Heavenly Cloud Serpent or a Harmonious Porcupette.

    Changes to old faction costs (from the patch notes):

    • Epic quality (purple) Valor items sold by the Shado-Pan Assault now have their reputation requirements reduced to Friendly or below, and have their Valor Point cost reduced by 34%.
    • Epic quality (purple) Valor items sold by all other Mists of Pandaria faction quartermasters no longer have reputation requirements, and will now cost Justice Points instead of Valor.
    • Rare quality (blue) items have their Justice Point cost reduced by 75%.
     # 9 Haste Changes & How It Affects You!

    Before 5.4, Haste increased the proc rate of your “RPPM” (real proc-per minute) Trinkets and Legendary Meta Gem. That means, the more Haste you had, the more often it would proc. Well that will no longer be happening in 5.4, for trinkets that already get a benefit from Haste.

    For example, Breath of the Hydra gives a bonus to Intellect when it procs. Haste will let you get more casts off while that proc is active, which means more damage , so Blizzard is removing the Haste scaling from its RPPM formula. Horridon’s Last Gasp, on the other hand, just restores mana. The amount of mana doesn’t change based on how much Haste you have, so the Haste scaling on the RPPM will still work on this trinket.

    Get a list of the changes.

    #10 Class Changes

    The patch notes contain all of the nitty-gritty details for each class, so I am not going to review them again. But I did want to share a blog post Blizzard published, that explains WHY they are making the changes they are to each class.

    BONUS! Recap of Dev Interviews:

    MMO-Champion has a summary of the Blizzard interviews that have been going on for the past couple of weeks. It’s very informative.


  12. Copied and pasted from here:



    Patch 5.4 is bringing with it a host of new features, from in-game excitement such as the Proving Grounds and the Timeless Isle, to larger structural changes such as Connected Realms and the removal of Arena teams. But if you’re anything like me then there’s only one thing on your radar (or is that raid-ar) for the next patch – the Siege of Orgrimmar. Not only do we finally get to put a stop to Garrosh, but we get to do it (mostly) inside the iconic Horde city. This is shaping up as one of the most exciting raid encounters yet, as Alliance and Horde join forces to bring an end to the crazed Warchief, and (perhaps) install somebody new.


    Siege will encompass 14 boss fights (separated across four wings for Flex and LFR) beginning in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, which has been corrupted by Sha energy and drained to reveal the entrance to the lower sections of Mogu’shan Palace. Once dealing with the threat in the Vale, raiders are then transported to Durotar where they will lead the assault on Garrosh’s forces in – and under – Orgrimmar.


    Check out what you’ll be up against below. Note that any references to strategy, basic as they are, could be outdated as it is based on PTR testing only.



    First wing: Vale of Eternal Sorrows (4 bosses)


    The ancient inhabitants of Pandaria recognized the vital importance of the lifegiving Pools of Power, building an underground system of aqueducts to safeguard the waters and nurture life in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The touch of corruption has animated and twisted these waters, and Immerseus stands as an unnatural embodiment of the Vale’s sorrow.


    The first encounter in Siege will task you with cleansing Immersues, the Pandaren spirit of water, in a fight reminiscent of a few earlier encounters including Tsulong and all the way back to The Luker Below. The fight itself is not very complicated, which is always welcome for the first boss of a tier, as it allows at least some gear to be gained each week. Immerseus has two phases: his normal phase, and the corruption phase. The normal phase is fairly simple – tank and spank, and move out of the void zones on the ground. Occasionally Immersues will create a large water torrent that slowly spins around the room – keep moving to avoid it. When his health is depleted, the corruption phase begins and adds appear. Some are damageable, and DPS must kill them as fast as possible, while some are healable, and healers must heal this to full as fast as possible. Killing/healing adds will deplete his Corruption bar, which must be emptied to complete the fight. The two phases alternate until this happens.


    The Fallen Protectors

    The Golden Lotus and Shado-Pan guardians of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms were caught in the epicenter of the devastating blast that scarred the Vale, and torn apart by the dark energies. Their spirits linger in the place they once protected, confused and tormented by their failure.


    In the second encounter, raiders will face their first council-type fight of Siege of Orgrimmar. This time you will face three pandaren – the brewmaster Rook Stonetoe, the rogue He Softfoot, and the priest Sun Tenderheart. Council fights this early in the progression path can always be cause for concern, as there’s always many abilities to learn and deal with, which some guilds can find overwhelming. In addition to the three abilities each enemy has, at 66% and 33% health, they will cast Desperate Measures, which brings new adds into the fight that also must be dealt with. These adds have abilities of their own: some can be tanked, some can’t, and one even fixates on certain players. These are the phases of the fight that really test raid co-ordination, so it’s important to only ever have one of the three pandas using their Desperate Measures at a time. Other than that, you will want to rotate DPS on the targets as they must all be finished within 15 seconds of each other.



    Some say that the mogu race was created in the image of this titanic construct, left deep beneath Pandaria to watch over and guard the continent’s darkest and most dangerous secret.


    Despite the encounter being titled Norushen, you don’t actually fight him. Instead, the raid will face the Amalgam of Corruption. This encounter has a fairly strict enrage timer at 7 minutes, so doing maximum DPS is important, and is somewhat reminiscent of Garajal in T14 and the Halion in the Ruby Sanctum. Additionally, this fight employs a similar mechanic to Primordius in that unless the player has been purified, he will do substantially less DPS to the boss. To get purified, players enter a separate reality by clicking orbs in the room, where they will face a spec-appropriate challenge to remove their corruption. Meanwhile in the main phase, the raid will have to deal with adds that spawn, which not only deal damage but also increase the damage of the Amalgam. In addition, the Amalgam has plenty of abilities of his own, including another spinning beam, as well as a tank-swap ability and some raid-wide AoE. This fight seems like it will pose a significant challenge for undergeared groups as they contend with the DPS check of not only the Amalgam but also his adds.


    Sha of Pride

    The seventh sha, the Sha of Pride, was the final burden to which Emperor Shaohao clung, shrouding the land in mist and biding its time for millennia. When Garrosh awakened the Heart of Y’shaarj, the force of his arrogance caused this dark energy to coalesce in the chamber where the Heart was unearthed.


    Finally, the seventh Sha is revealed and he takes pride of place as the final boss of the first wing in Siege of Orgrimmar. The Sha of Pride is somewhat similar to Cho’gall from Bastion of Twilight: the main challenge is managing your “Pride” counter by successfully avoiding attacks, as any damage taken is generally going to increase it. Similar to the Cho’gall encounter, hitting 25, 50, 75 and 100 pride has various effects, but instead of activating immediately most take effect during the Sha’s Swelling Pride attack, which occurs each time he hits 100 energy. Needless to say, things get worse as you gain Pride, however Norushen is here to help out, providing players periodically with immunity to Pride, as well as a hefty damage and healing buff. When the Sha hits 30% all Pride is reset and the Sha will become more powerful, turning the fight into a DPS race against how quickly the raid will gain Pride.




    Second wing: Gates of Retribution (4 bosses)


    Warlord Zaela formed a close bond with Garrosh during events in the Twilight Highlands, and she and her Dragonmaw orcs have pledged loyalty to Garrosh’s cause. Riding atop the fearsome Galakras, a direct descendant of the cataclysmic progenitor of all dragonkind, Zaela oversees the naval defense of Orgrimmar.


    The second stanza of Siege of Orgrimmar opens with a typical add-wave fight, in which the raid must defeat waves of adds, followed by mini bosses, in order to open up access to cannons which you must then use to hit the boss, who is flying around above the battle, and properly engage her. There are many different add types that need to be dealt with in differing ways, such as adds that will charge random people, adds that will leave pools of bad on the ground, and adds that will heal others. On top of that there are four different mini-bosses that will need to be handled as well, and raiders will need to pay lots of attention to their positioning, as many abilities are quite deadly and one particular attack will be a one-shot. Once the boss has been brought down to the ground, there will be intense healing necessary as Galakras does increasing amounts of AoE damage to the raid. Based on PTR testing, Galakras is going to be a particularly difficult encounter for a lot of groups, as the damage dealt by Galakras seems to be overwhelming most groups.


    Iron Juggernaut

    This mechanical terror, designed nearly as much for intimidation as destruction, is the centerpiece of Garrosh’s siege weaponry. Crafted in the image of the mighty Kor’kron war scorpion, the Iron Juggernaut guards the gates of Orgrimmar, crushing any who would rise up to challenge Garrosh’s True Horde.


    The Iron Juggernaut – aka mechanical scorpion of death and laser beams – is a repeating two-phase encounter at the front of Orgrimmar. His two phases are the Assault phase and the Siege phase. Assault is the more traditional phase, in which he must be tanked, and there are numerous interesting abilities to deal with in order to lessen raid damage. Rupture lines will spread out from his body and must be avoided, as to does the large red circle of death that will appear on the ground. There will also be Crawler Mines to deal with, which can inflict 500,000 damage to the raid or 850k to one person (before any damage reduction) if they “disarm” it. In Siege mode, the Iron Juggernaut will no longer be tanked, instead gaining new abilities. The most dangerous of these new abilities are his Explosive Tar and Cutter Laser. Explosive Tar will place a pool of tar on the ground that will deal damage and slow anybody in it, however the real danger is from the Cutter Laser, which will focus on and chase a player. If a Cutter Laser ever passes through the Explosive Tar, the raid will take 500k damage. Ouch.


     Kor’kron Dark Shaman

    Haromm and Kardris trained thousands of shaman to whisper reverently to the elements to requisition their aid. The army of Garrosh, however, does not ask – they take what they desire in the name of the True Horde. Dark Shamanism forces the elements into servitude, twisting them into burned-out ash, corrupted waters, and toxic air.


    Finally we get to kill some orcs! The Dark Shaman (there’s two) begin the encounter inside Garrosh’s room, though it’s beneficial to pull them out of there so that the raid has enough space to move. The shaman encounter winds up over the course of the fight, as the shaman drop new totems to gain new abilities at 90%, 80%, and 70%, before finally popping their own bloodlust at 30%. Raiders will have to be wary of tornadoes, walls of green bad, and a particularly nasty ability called Falling Ash, which will drop a great ball from the sky and hit anybody within ten yards for 999,999 damage (possibly a reference to the Final Fantasy ability, which always did 9999 damage). One of the most important abilities to deal with, however, will be the Foul Slimes, which deal 100k per second to anybody with 3 yards, and will need to be kited. There are no new abilities after 70%, however the Frenzy at 30% will increase their damage and haste by 30%, making it a very dangerous period to get through.


    General Nazgrim

    Once a grunt in service of the former warchief, Thrall, General Nazgrim rose quickly through the ranks after overwhelming victories in Grizzly Hills and sunken city of Vashj’ir. Fiercly loyal to the Horde and bound by a rigorous code of honor and duty, Nazgrim will hold the line for his warchief until his dying breath.


    The final boss in the Gates of Retribution wing is the warrior, General Nazgrim, whose encounter uses an interesting rage mechanic to determine which abilities he will be able to use. It is important that you manage how much rage he gains, in order to lock him into his less damaging abilities, which cost less rage. The rage abilities are also on something of a slippery slope, as the higher-cost rage abilities will all help him to gain more rage, thus getting into a very dangerous cycle that could prove very difficult to break. Nazgrim will also be assisted by Kor’kron forces, which will include four different add types (five on heroic): warrior, mage, rogue, shaman and hunter (heroic only), which will be summoned throughout the fight. Each has a couple of abilities, including the shaman having the ability to heal, and so must be dealt with accordingly.




    Third wing: The Underhold (3 bosses)


    Malkorok has been Garrosh’s most loyal and trusted lieutenant throughout the Pandaria campaign. When the Warchief needed a volunteer to infuse with the power of Y’Shaarj, it was only natural that Malkorok would offer without hesitation.


    The orc slaughter continues into the third wing, as this time we face Malkorok, who has been infused with the power of Y’Shaarj. Malkorok is the healer gimmick fight of the tier, as Malkorok’s room is filled with an Ancient Miasma, which turns all healing into an absorb shield up to 100% of the player’s health. As such, healers should be keeping the absorb shields topped off as best they can, as damage to a player’s health cannot be immediately healed back. Malkorok also has a rage bar, similar to Nazgrim, and when it hits 100 he enters a Blood Rage by absorbing the Ancient Miasma. As you’d expect, he does a lot more damage during this phase, and completing each Blood Rage will increase his overall damage by 25% each time. Malkorok also has a strict six-minute enrage timer, meaning it’s going to be one of the more hectic fights of the tier.


    Spoils of Pandaria

    When Garrosh gazed across Pandaria, he saw untapped power. During the course of his campaign, Garrosh has plundered weapons, treasures, and artifacts of the pandaren, the mogu, and the mantid. They are kept in a warehouse deep within his underground base, guarded by a mysterious security system that appears to be of Titan origins.


    Time for another add battle! This time, however, there’s not even a boss at the end. Instead, the raid takes place within a warehouse, filled with boxes of mogu and mantid adds. The goal is to complete each quadrant of the warehouse by killing enough adds to power the lever at the end of the room and deactivate the Titan defense system. In order to do so, the raid will have to split into two groups to start opening crates in the two quadrants that are available at the start of the encounter. The groups then move on to the quadrant that they open up, so each group only has to deal with two quadrants. In addition to the adds, there are also Pandaren spirits which will give buffs out to tanks, healers or DPS, which will likely by essential in completing the encounter within the time limit.


    Thok the Bloodthirsty

    When the Isle of Giants was discovered off the coast of Pandaria, teeming with primal devilsaurs, Garrosh sent men to capture some of the most fearsome specimens, hoping to subjugate them and use them as beasts of war. Countless orcish beastmasters have fallen to Thok’s jaws as they struggle to trap and cage him, yet the creature’s thirst for blood remains unslaked.


    If you thought Horridon was big, you ain’t seen nothing yet! Thok the Bloodthirsty is a huge devilsaur that has been captured by Garrosh, and he lives up to his name. Another repeating two-phase fight similar to Iron Juggernaut, Thok transitions from his normal phase to his second phase when he senses the raid dropping into low health. If 5 players in 10 man (15 in 25 man) drop below 50% health, Thok will sense blood and engage his second phase where he will fixate on a raid member and chase them around his room. At the same time, an add will spawn, who will drop a key to one of the cages around the room. These cages unlock an NPC, upon whom Thok will fixate, and then devour. He gains their abilities and returns to phase 1. There’s only three NPCs, so it’s expected that Thok will be dead by the third time you need to go through the second phase. Thok rounds out the third wing.




    Fourth Wing: Downfall (3 bosses)


    Siegecrafter Blackfuse

    Helix Blackfuse was the only goblin with the combination of engineering prowess, professionalism and ruthlessness to satisfy Garrosh in his search for the engineer of the True Horde. His love for his creations (and for the gold they fetch) blinds him to the fate that his fellow goblins are likely to face should Garrosh’s plans come to fruition.


    Kicking off the final wing is the goblin engineer named Helix Blackfuse. Blackfuse pilots a shredder, which gives him a heap of vehicle-based abilities. In addition, he’ll summon more shredder adds, which must be tanked away from Blackfuse. The main gimmick of the fight is the large conveyor belt area behind the main area, which is only accessible by traveling through some Mario-like pipes. Entering the pipe drops you on the conveyor belt where some of Blackfuse’s weapons travel along to attack the raid. You’ll have the ability to take out only one each time, so decisions must be made about which ability you would like to block, and he has quite a few to choose from, including some crawler mines, an electromagnet, and laser turrets. The belt is protected by lines of fire that must be dodged. Returning to the main platform is achieved by travelling back through the pipes.


    Paragons of the Klaxxi

    The nine surviving Klaxxi’va Paragons are ancient champions of the mantid who fought alongside the Wakener against the madness of Empress Shek’zeer. But the paragons, as do all mantid, hold a far deeper loyalty. When Garrosh unearthed the heart of Y’Shaarj, the paragons followed the whispers of their ancient creator to the iron halls beneath Orgrimmar.


    The penultimate fight in Siege of Orgrimmar is against the nine Klaxxi Paragons you spent hours awakening in the Dread Wastes at the start of the expansion. We sure look silly now! Thankfully you don’t have to fight all nine at once, as only three will be active at any time, and each time you defeat one another will join the fight. The order of activation, including the initial three is different each week, which will mean raids will need to adapt each week to which Paragon is active at each time. As well as bringing in the next Klaxxi, once each Klaxxi is defeated they can be interacted with to pass on one of their abilities to a raid member. The challenge in the fight is remembering all nine Paragons’ abilities and how to deal with them. Once you can do that, it’ll be a simple council fight.


    Garrosh Hellscream

    Garrosh, son of Grom, first laid eyes upon Azeroth when Thrall, who saw in him the potential for greatness, plucked him from the fields of Nagrand to spearhead the Horde’s Northrend campaign. Garrosh too sees greatness as his destiny, and his actions have brought the armies of the world crashing down upon Orgrimmar for a final reckoning that Garrosh himself awaits with brutal relish.


    This is it! The final fight of the expansion is against Garrosh Hellscream, wielding the power of Y’Shaarj. Another multi-phase fight, Garrosh begins by summoning waves of adds to deal with, and throwing down a Desecrated Weapon creating a large void zone to avoid. Once Garrosh is brought to 10%, he’ll enter his first transition, where the raid is pulled up into a secondary zone. Here you must kill adds and make your way to Garrosh as quickly as possible to interrupt him while he’s absorbing energy from the dark heart. The more energy he absorbs, the more of his abilities will become empowered, doing so at 25, 50, 75 and 100. This will happen multiple times over the course of the fight, and the goal will be to keep him below 50 until the final phase (so you only have to deal with one empowered ability), which occurs at  10% health again. Garrosh will heal to 25% and gain full energy, empowering all his abilities. At this point it becomes a DPS race to kill him before the entire room is covered in void zones (or he kills you in other ways).

    Hopefully this preview has provided some insight to what awaits you in Siege of Orgrimmar. Remember, as always, that anything on the PTR can and probably will change, so don’t expect all mechanics to work exactly as above on live. Good luck, have fun, and happy raiding!

  13. I would follow off server too, but I don't raid either. :)

    While there is a decline in total wow players as well as active raiders (LFR is enough for some it seems)...I think the real reason is raider consolidation. Just like PVP - where most go places like tich and darkspear, raiders are consolidating on maybe 5 different servers (Illidan, KT, etc).

    So when a guild dies on a smaller server, players don't look to the same server, they decide to xfer or re-roll a more active server.

    Basically what Lyntha said in his last post - servers like SC are seeing significantly lower raid activity as a % of player base.

    Edit: another reason people are centralizing on a few servers is so they can raid on alts via pugging.

    Edit2: pika makes very good points.

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