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Posts posted by Viledead

  1. I stack my doom with procs/etc. Overall my gear is really bad - 4pc would be killer for demo especially.

    As mentioned before, I only compete on dps because I mash buttons and stack procs...:) And tbh I'm not even close to perfect on stacking procs.

    EDIT: also i'm not sure when 5.1 dropped, but doom was buffed to make up that wand bug.

  2. Not sure man - a quick scan of the logs shows corr uptime issues, especially for corruption. Ie while there is movement, on blade lord last night you had 74% uptime on corr. Quickly checked serpent sting for zombiehunter and flameshock for hex (other dots) and they were at 82%/88% respectively. Older logs have corruption low too (ie last recorded stone guard fight, corr was 88%). Same night shows 62% on doom and 50% on corr.

    As mentioned I could have commented more if I had logged tuesday, because it's sooo much easier to look at stuff side by side rather than digging..;) And picking apart older logs is tough because there could have been DC issues, lag issues, special assignments, etc. Though I did make sure there weren't any deaths..;)

    FYI on forte I think it was briefly discussed in mumble or something, but I gave it up because it's quite fat and when I'm playing I'm typically on a 2011 MBP. In the raid on tuesday I think I averaged 10-15 FPS lol....until I dropped view distance to lowest then it went up to 20. Hence why weakauras, though it was a pain to set up it's pretty neat.

  3. More information on demo locks and tips. And on DPS in general - people have asked because I am a casual sitting on LFR and VP gear, and hadn't seen any of the normal mode fights other than some quick research. Generally, if I mention it below it's because I've seen it in the logs that are available.

    Demo Locks

    Probably the single biggest tip I can give is dot uptime - doom, corruption. Corruption is a contributor to fury - less corruption uptime, less Demo form. Pandemic means you can refresh early and it extends, touch of chaos extends it, and even fel flame extends.

    Basically, never enter demo form without corruption already up. In execute, in demon form, weave in touch of chaos to keep corr up when spamming soul fire. Don't cast soul fire in demo form before execute, save for out of demo form as it builds fury.

    Hand of Guldan on cooldown. Speaks for itself..;) Chaos Wave for AoE.

    Don't get married to staying in Demo form until it runs out. Step in and out of demo form. Example: corr is running low and you have to move. Switch to Demo form and spam a few ToC's while moving. Then get out of demo form. You don't want fury at 100% or 0%. Manage it - it's a resource with a hell of a lot of flexibility.

    A bit more on demo form - think about the fight, and when it's best to have Demo Form available with lots of fury. Obviously entering execute range is one. Having all trinkets and procs up is another.

    Demonic Leap is amazing and should be keybound.

    General DPS

    Stack procs/trinkets then cast/refresh dots and big cooldowns. It's often ignored or overlooked because it can be slightly annoying, but it really is simple.

    Below I mention how to track that stuff, but honestly it's overkill for how DPS can be improved. DPS Uptimes are often low and potions aren't used much. Remember the days when pots were used on progression bosses....... :) The logs are there for anyone to see, but certainly both top and bottom dps are guilty..:) Some of the consistently top dps definitely use pots a lot which is great because they are maximizing their capability to perform with the toon they have.

    Tracking ICDs:

    I use weakauras to track iCDs of Embroidery, Jade Spirit, DMC, etc. Then I time doom refreshes and other dots to line up as close as possible.

    Here is a video showing how to do it:

  4. Warlocks rejoice: In patch 5.1, pandemic no longer smooths damage when you have different buffs for dots.

    Basically, take corruption. If you have corruption rolling on a target, then pop your trinks and re-cast corruption, the "new extended corruption" actually won't get the full value of your buffs. It will smooth it. Doesn't matter if there is 1 second left or 15 seconds left on the original.

    The funny thing is, if when fully buffed you could keep refreshing corr to ultimately get up to the fully buffed amount, but it could take 6 globals. That would be a bad idea.

    Apparently Fel Flame refreshes ignore this and set the dot to it's fully buffed amount.

    Haven't read enough about whether that means to let corr drop off, use fel flame, or simply not care. But it's likely situational.

  5. HoG/Chaos Wave also give a 30% slow.

    DA could be useful, but tbh better to stay meta/etc for aoe dps unless an OT is needed in a pinch.



    Felguard axe toss for interrupt/quick short cc.

    From what I read basically the makeup can be anything if you just want to squeak gold, skill > all. If you want competitive times at gold then specs will matter much more.

    @mantra - challenge modes are about achievements, not just the gear treadmill..:)

  6. Thought I would start a warlock DPS discussion here. Of course I'm not raiding, but I have been doing quite well in LFR as demo - I think 105k on SG, 60k on Feng, etc. My gear sucks though - I still have 3 ilvl 450 pieces lol.

    I haven't tried Aff, but don't believe the hype that Aff > all - while it is, that is simcraft + perfect skill land. Destro is fine too.

    I'll probably start logging my LFR runs. I feel I'm making tons of mistakes - but there are some basics which hide them I guess. :)

    Quick tips on Demo:

    - Soulfire should always be saved for out of meta as it builds fury, EXCEPT for execute.

    - CD Management is critical. Timing everything for a killer Meta is a huge dps difference.

    - As always, time CDs/procs to line up with popping your doomguard.

    - Doom - keep it up! I do see dot uptimes low in some cases. Corr and Doom on everything available.

    - For Demo, Service > Supremacy by a small margin.

    - Don't spam HoG twice - it's a nice fury generator, and having them slightly overlap is better. For instance, HoG, SB, HoG works fine.

    There are arguments on forums/etc about proper openers. I use something like:

    Pre-pot, pre-cast SB (if I can time it), CDs, Corr, HoG, Meta, Doom, Doomguard, (Procs should be up), CW, ToC spam til out of meta, etc etc.

    If good crits I tend to spike up to 170k+ dps.

    Later on, time your Doom refreshes to CDs/Procs, as well as Meta.

    Also, try to time a close-to-full Meta to execute phase with soulfire.

    Also Also, never EVER sit on full fury.

    Note that I don't use Glyph of Wild Imps most of the time, but of course you would pop this same time as doomguard.

    Now some people say that the right opener is quite different - but my experience is basically, doesn't matter. If you get a killer Doom going as well as Doomguard, it's kind of nuts. And we're talking getting into the top maybe 10% performers, not 1%.

  7. It DOES - that's a post from july, here is a post from October:


    I know this thread’s a few days old now, but I’d like to clarify the cause for concern here so others are aware. Balkoth, we were able to track down a bug pertaining to item scaling in Challenge Modes, but it’s not related solely to classes that use a spirit -> hit conversion.

    What you’re noticing is a bug specifically involving reforging. If you reforge out of crit/haste/mastery INTO hit or expertise, then when the crit/haste/mastery gets scaled down, you also lose a percentage of the reforged hit/expertise. So, it's not a class or spec issue -- it affects all players who have reforged into hit/spirit equally.

    Given the way stat scaling and reforging mechanics work, this is kind of a tricky issue to fix, but we’re looking into it.

  8. Hi All,

    Thought I'd start a thread on challenge mode tips and tricks, as I found a few interesting things.

    Your gear is scaled down to 463 iLevel. Stats go with it. This has a big impact on hit - for example, as a hybrid counting on spirit-to-hit, you will lose hit. As dps counting on reforges for hit, the original stat goes down, which means the hit will go down. Could be worth it to have a 463 set kicking around for challenge modes (ie stick with the 463 piece not the 476 or 489 piece) so you can control stats.

    Also, people commented that invisibility potions help - you can skip some trash this way in some cases. 10 min CD, but you can use 1-2 times per clear.

    Most people comment that melee is punished a bit in challenge modes, but many gold groups had two melee. Another case of skill > all.

    For easiest challenge mode, many say that Gate of the Setting Sun is one of the easiest along with scarlett halls.

    Best to have some form of bloodlust as well. So shaman, mage or even hunter pet I guess.

    Guide here which helps:


  9. If i'm online (not til next week, and best is weekend mornings) I would definitely go. I'm demo with DA - which means I can OT trash, control burst, etc etc. It's probably a fantastic spec for challenge modes.

  10. @saz that's why raiders collude..;) Not advising to do it, but it's why it happens. Other solutions don't work - loot council takes ages (and still gets frustration), group loot in 25m can't work, and epgp is too confusing for most. It's been what, 2-3 weeks of raiding? Wouldn't worry about it really - iterate the system til it works for the guild.

    FYI there should be DKP minus for missing enchants/buffs..;) Hehe

  11. Oh one more thing - start your legendary quest!!! Hint: Wrathion..

    Another interesting thing - Charms of Good Fortune.


    What does this mean? An extra, personal shot at loot from a boss...not just LFR - also normal and possibly heroic! You use it, and you get something if you're lucky. Well, you'll always get something. So imagine if next tuesday all 25 players use it when you down the first boss....

  12. @mantra i got it right away for that scenario, but others said you have to get a quest for it (from kunlai summit somewhere)

    @sazda I'd rather not make a full sticky - if responses stick to the point people can scan through..:) Also Pika is why I pointed out to make sure to loot sha..;)

  13. Hello All,

    Even though I'm a casual and can't raid with any consistency, I can help with providing some information on how to get raid ready. This is meant to be a light starter guide - I'm sure there is much more to add.

    Quick fresh 90 guide:

    - get ilvl up to heroic ready and run heroics. Scenarios are good too - ie Arena scenario gives a blue 450 weapon. Other gear is not good, but does net you VP. Buying crafted 450 pvp gear is cheap and will be an upgrade anyways if you need something to push you over. Hell I'm at 451 ilvl and i've run a single heroic with no loot drop.

    - do dailies for rep - you'll be glad in a week or two.

    - enchant even your gear you might replace if you get a drop. Why? 1. more dps = faster heroics. 2. Enchants are dirt cheap right now - and it won't stay that way once raid finder comes out. Many enchants are cheaper than mats on AH because of all the leveling going on and supply > demand.

    - LOOT SHA OF ANGER!!!!!!!!! You get a quest with i476 item! I got: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/90913

    - want a relatively cheap, but great trinket? Get an engineer or buy of AH: http://www.wowhead.c...by-spell - 1800 in extra stats!

    - there is a cheaper and more expensive shoulder enchant, created by inscriptionists.

    Other Highlights:

    - you want as close to 463 ilvl as possible to be raid ready. It's actually the minimum for queuing for LFR - so 463 is a min for normal modes...

    - There are some quite cheap 450 crafted gear you can easily get. Even the starter pvp gear is often an upgrade for recent 90's, and this will make heroics go faster.

    - All JP gear from rep quartermasters have had their rep requirement (honored) removed. So 450 gear is easy and cheap.

    - Heroics are dead easy - nowhere near the cata hurdle.

    - Consumables: pots, food, flasks are now all better if individual. There is no equal cauldron anymore. I have a pot-spec'd alt if anyone wants anything, just send mats over (Chainn). Let me know though - I don't log onto that toon often.

    - perfect cut gems I believe are equal in stats to blue gems. However, most blue gear don't have gem slots, so likely not an issue right now.

    - DPS seems to hover around 40-50k+ for the average person, so you want to feel comfortable around there. For stat priority, it seems many classes/specs aren't yet agreed on. For instance, Mr Robot might disagree with simcraft who disagrees with someone else. Just practice in heroics. As always, dancing right > 3% more dps.

    REP Vendors

    Where are they? http://wow.joystiq.c...e-to-find-them/

    Why do they matter? Free 450 gear to start off, and then later at honored (ie golden lotus) 476 ring, and for many some great VP gear at revered.

    Here is a post by Matticus on getting a priest quickly geared to be raid-ready. Worth it for any class to read as it gives you an idea on paths to take:


  14. Even for dps I did read that gemming for secondary stats might be correct. I was reading in the context of which gems to sell on ah..:)

    For healing though consensus was spirit gems will pwn this early tier of course.

  15. Wanted to toss out there that the idea of gemming straight int isn't necessarily the case anymore. No clue about specific spec's - but I can say that all the AH peeps are focusing more on hybrid gems because secondary stats appear to have gained in priority (i think higher item budget or something).

  16. One other issue that will come up, not now however. Saw it in previous guilds using any form of loot point system - and that is whether to reset or not for the next raid tier. It's important to set early on because people can get weird about it. What will happen if there isn't any form of reset is that you will struggle to recruit - fighting against a massive uphill battle. Hey bash (well, rugburn now too!) - remember Midi about this? :) Even though it was epgp it was still an issue.

    Also any classes/specs (ie holy pally's) that have low competition will take any shared trinket in almost any of these systems. Also if say a holy pally brings in an alt for a specific fight (ie need only 4 healers and no ret spec, but have alt rogue) then that alt using same dkp earned by holy pally can be an issue (will win everything pretty much). This will only happen after a few months of a current tier.

    Also per sazda there will be collusion - for instance some bow for hunters. Hunters talk before raid and agree to all bid 5 dkp for some amazing new bow. Of course it's obvious that collusion happened.

    I think it's a good system and will work well - just highlighting some issues that will probably arise in order to head them off.

    Also the probation period for 4 consecutive raids means the structure isn't casual friendly. It's ok because casuals have other means to gear up these days to at least not under-perform. But casuals likely wouldn't join a raid, all things being equal.

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