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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. The problem is that you need to be in melee for this to work, and if you're in melee, you can't DPS. Do bosses like yor'sahj have a special hit-box that will allow us to melee him while still being allowed to hit him with ranged attacks?
  2. Thanks for the heads up buddy.
  3. We are doing a full clear tonight. Some of the people doing this with us don't even need heroic rag and are farming mats for legendary, so we gotta do another full clear to help them.
  4. Lyntha

    02/29 Raid

    Nice plug. We could carpool!
  5. Blizzard clearly designed the fights, even hard modes, around giving 10mans leeway when it came to DPS. For example, on Ultraxion Heroic 10man you needed something like 34k dps to beat enrage. On 25m heroic you needed 41k. This is represented in WOL parses. The 25man parses are always higher. They assume that you are missing raid buffs. This helps. A raid in 378 gear could possibly do heroic morchok from a dps standpoint if you had a great raid group with full buff/debuff coverage. If you were missing critical buffs (5% crit, 8% spell damage taken, 10% spell damage), it would be hard if not impossible. That's only for DPS. If you have undergeared healers, I dont think its possible to do heroic morchok, although the 10% nerf certainly helped.
  6. He's got all 378 or LFR gear other than trinkets. Both trinkets are deceptively good for their itemlevels and equivalent to 378 trinkets. Most importantly, you have Gurth LFR. That + Your familiarity + your skill + 10% nerf means that he should be fine.
  7. Yeah, my priest is saved after I brought her in for Hagara attempts. I guess you get saved if previous bosses are down. What about Napetostern?
  8. Lyntha


    Wait, I shouldn't be stacking expertise on my hunter RIGHT NOW?
  9. Lyntha


    BRB ON ROGUE. Sap it and tap it?
  10. @Saz: Id rather deterrence something other than lightning. If we do it right, everyone only takes one tick of lightning and it's really not bad at that point. Also, you get sated when you lust. A fight would have to be greater than 10 minutes in order for lust to be used twice.
  11. Lyntha

    02/29 Raid

    Whoah whoah whoah, what kind of guild do you think we are? You take as much time as you need, you'll still be welcome in our guild! Thank you very much for the heads up as it is much appreciated with regards to our recruitment but nothing changes as to your standing in the guild. If you have a light day and want to log in to raid, we'd be happy to have you. If you are tired, don't wanna raid etc, just don't worry about us and get your rest. If you just want to log in and play an alt or play casually or something but don't want to commit to raiding for now, that's fine too. Do what makes you happy and once your new software release is taken care of, talk to us then. I hope you're feeling better!
  12. I hope nothing bad happened zen!
  13. Thanks for the heads up!!
  14. We're not doing it unless we have a second tank. Need 2 tanks for Shannox, Beth, Aly, Rag. Show up and we'll see what we got and go from there but I doubt the run is gonna happen this week.
  15. I don't have a second tank, unless you'd like to.
  16. This run is on hold for this week. I am trying to get a second tank and Foto logged instantly last night after raid. I'm gonna try to have the first run be next Monday.
  17. Relevant: http://www.thedailyblink.com/2012/01/creative-usage-of-game-mechanics/
  18. lol no. We've been looking for good caster dps for a long time. Our next closest were Pikachu and held and they're both gone. Here's our current caster DPS: Unholy: has it Gump: has it Perenelle Mordechai Thundere That's IT. I don't think Perenelle has made any progress past Phase 1, Mord is on Phase 2, and Im not sure if Thundere even completed Phase 1 yet. I highly doubt that we have anyone collecting essences. We literally right now have 1 boomkin (And she is sometimes unavailable due to school grading, etc.), 1 elemental, 2 mages, 1 spriest. 0 locks. The only person surely collecting right now is Prydain, if we bring his shaman (If one of the healers don't make it).
  19. This is going to be a weekly run to get everyone who participates their mounts, I'm not interested in doing a one-off thing. It will be 7/7 weekly since we'd have to re-clear to get a crack at Rag. We might extend a lockout once or twice while learning but then it will (Of course) be 7/7 as we repeat the kill weekly. If you don't mind bearing with us as we learn the fight, siphoning essences should be do-able. I assume you'd be bringing your lock?
  20. We could really use you as demo. Would you be able to commit to consistently making the run?
  21. Updated. Looks like it will be Monday. We really need more RDPS and Tanks at this point.
  22. Rofl, how is that possible. Now I wont feel so bad when you beat me in DPS. Just to be clear, Ninja is right behind you in gear, except for weapons obviously. It's not that you lootwhored it up so much as you (And her) are two of our more consistent raiders and get rewarded with gear appropriately. It doesnt hurt that we have one feral druid as your guys' sole competition for most gear. Zenzae just came back, I just started playing my hunter and Sazda just joined. So you guys will have a lot more competition for gear in the future!
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