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Posts posted by Mantra

  1. well added to the 30% + healing with holy avenger holy shock might be worth it since it is also instant, LoD has been one of those spells where its like meh it does heal decent to 5 people so i guess its just a matter of testing it. ive only really done sha on my pally and i stay away from LoD since eternal flame seems so much better especially since u can put hots on so many people with divine purpose procs that all transfers to your beacon target lol so ill have to try it out

    as for the putting shield with aoe healing spells i could be wrong but i think that only works with direct healing spells so wouldnt it only put it on maybe the initial person u cast it on? the aoe healing ouside of that wouldnt put a shield up atleast i think thats how it works?

  2. ya im thinking for 1st F&V as a pally Holy Avenger since it increases holy radiance and holy shock by 30% then its just a matter finding out what the best roation.... like holy radiance LoD holy shock LoD holy radiance LoD holy shock LoD and so on? since LoD ive found to be kinda lack luster not sure if its worth it or just spam holy radiance/holy shock lol....

    then do avenging wrath divine favor for second go around hmmm

    ya i might have to try it on my pally in a raid and see what provides the most burst healing

  3. hurrying home after burying that hooker you murdered in the woods (Mantra)

    1/10 no woods anywhere near me... if you had said desert it might of worked...

  4. that annoys me lol, cause i like listening to my music LOUD, like i have head phones on and deft can hear it pretty well and listening it to go up and down everytime some1 says anything drives me crazy especially when i get to part i like with alot drums and im getting into it and then the volume gets cut and its like..... lol

    but aslong as everything is fine and people are joking i can live without the music once it starts to get more of a frustration threats and stuff like that i NEED the music or im definetly not gonna wanna be there lol

  5. i also have my pally lvled up if needed for healing atm its full pvp gear so ill have to work on pve stuff on it to help out whenever needed... wanted it to be a pvp char but those plans fell through lol

    as far as frustration i know i get annoyed hearing frustration in vent and all the im gonna take away dkp for this and that and this and that so usually ill just leave mumble and wing it(honestly feel i play better just listening to music and being off vent neways)

    i know all that makes me not want to raid and ill be honest i messed up alot cause i didnt really feel like being there after the 1st night of raids as i told rebel... iknow i died atleast once cause i would alt tab in the middle of the fight to try and find a song to listen to that would keep me going and not just wanna /wrist from being there lol

  6. i have a 78 boomkin/resto druid i can do it with if im needed, but i don't really care about the title or anything so if you find enough take them instead lol

    now that i think about it i have an 80 lock on another server i can go on as well i think it already has some icc gear to but ill have to double check that when i get home lol, if that would work

  7. i can make the shoulder enchants and that engineering trinket+cogwheel gems, its actually an awesome trinket especially on aoe fights since the dragonkin does chainlightning lol

    and thats good to know on the arena scenario ive been farming heroics for a good weapon but they never drop lol

  8. i actually liked pvp on my hunter its just been a month or two since i've done it, but when i had equal gear i never really had problems with rogues 1 on 1 that being said it was before that trinket and legendary dagger quest(i know right now a rogue rapes my hunter in a stun if i dont roar it lol but thats with under 4k resil also)

    but this all being said is vs a rogue... atm the most rediculous melee class out there vs any other melee classes this is gonna be pretty OP imo but i guess we shall c what all other changes are gonna really be like for other classes

  9. ya no one likes the 70% slow that is auto applied with no resource usage or GCD usage but i thought i read somewhere(i dont read on it much so could be wrong) that in MOP 70% slow for rogues was gonna be more of a cooldown they had to use and normal slow was getting nerfed for rogues,

  10. Off-Healers (Anything beyond our 6 or 7 core healers) is this raid's biggest weakness. Here's our hybrid DPS who could theoretically heal and their healing proclivity:

    Unholyfaith - Doesn't heal.

    Fotosynthsis - Heals, and does well, but is our only 100% tank right now.

    Perenelle - Doesn't heal.

    Thundere - Dunno?

    Gravikki - Doesn't heal.

    Zenzae - Heals but main-spec is Enhance so his healing gear set is really weak thanks to having 2 raids in a row with 8 or less bosses each

    Rebelogic - LOL, rebel healing

    Ragnius - Doesnt Heal

    Fdragon - Offspec is tank

    Out of that whole group, we have 1 healer who could possibly off-heal (Zenzae) but since he uses agi gear, his heal set is probably awful compared to our core. Everyone else pretty much doesnt heal. This is not a knock on people... If they don't enjoy healing, they shouldn't do it.

    However, this does mean that you guys should definitely be looking to recruit DPS who can heal when needed in the future.

    The second-biggest weakness is DPS. We've recently lost some good dps (Like RTD) and still have some people who just aren't top-tier at maxing out DPS. Healers largely carried us through the heroic fights in Firelands that we downed until the DPS pretty much out-geared the content (Shannox, Aly, Rhyo, Domo). The ones we didnt down (Baleroc, Beth) were largely due to DPS issues. This is just something that the guild as a whole needs to improve upon.

    Although HMorchok is a healer check, that only applies if you can make the enrage timer and your DPS don't make stupid mistakes. A lot of the guilds that did 8 healers did so to make the fight easier because their DPS could still make the appropriate enrage timer with less DPS. They were also in much better gear.

    That being said, please keep in mind that although healers need some time to adjust to damage patterns in fights, if you are still wiping after many attempts, it is the DPS doing something wrong 99% of the time.

    just putting it out there i have an alt shammy i like healing on so i don't mind using that char either, not super geared yes as i have been really unlucky in LFR but even then i can pull out geared numbers on it i usually beat out other healers who have gear from normal modes

  11. well ya she called out dps on hagara when prika was calling out heals, dps wasnt really an issue on the heroic mode, he was going down plenty fast just rogues dieing to stomp which lead to others dieing, as well as movement issues to crystals was more the issue

    but i dont think that fight is a dps race anyways and more of a movement issue, i know my dps was lower than normal but i was focusing more on mechanics than power dpsing through it

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