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Posts posted by Tirall

  1. Thats really odd, when I do that fight in my resto gear I don't have any probelms spamming Healing wave (I know LHW is more heals per second, but its also highly inefficent). Then again, I probably have way to much mp5 on my resto set (~650 mana while not casting without buffs XD). Also of note, I'm never the one that goes in the portals, so my HPS is always way lower than everyone elses.

  2. Argh, how I wish I could be on this roster, but it is not to be. As of April 10th, I get promoted (on the job) to the evening shift (2-11pm wow time), so my only raid day will be Saturday OR Sunday. Glad to see we've got other enhance Shammies stepping up to the plate tho!

  3. The general idea I like,but it has the same problem that every other DPS convo has...DPS DOES NOT EQUAL damage done. Alot of classes have mechanics that if used, drop their DPS but increase their damage done. For instance, if I don't use Flame Shock in a long fight, I'll pull about 8K DPS with a couple of million damage done. On that very same fight, if I do use Flame Shock, I'll do more damage but I'll only do about 6K DPS. The reason is that using things like DoTs counts as "damage time" according to anything that records DPS, so when I'm running around and not doing any damage except for the DoT damage, it drops my DPS over time. SO yeah, long story short, we have alot of DPS in this guild that are prepared for FesterGut, but if we're using DPS to measure them, their probably going to come up short on the list if their doing what their supposed to!

  4. Since I just might luck up and get in on the ICC10 mans on mondays, Tuesday's or Thursday's are always good days to raid for me (although we usually run something on thursdays, just never ICC25 anymore XD). Saturdays are pretty good too, just not as rock solid as tuesdays or thursdays.

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