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Posts posted by Ansky

  1. I agree with bash. I was all for it until 'mandatory' days. We don't even have mandatory days for our main raiders, and starting a raid that's got even stricter rules (and a different time zone) just doesn't seem like a good idea. A second group welcoming alts? Sure. A second serious raid group? You'd need recruitment for your specific times and that would be better in a new guild.

  2. So for those who haven't heard, I was writing a new kids' book and had placeholder names for the main characters, Moot and Ward. Well, after finishing it they kind of grew on me - and my kids loved them, so I figured why not, I'll keep them. 


    Today is the launch and it's currently FREE until Sunday for Kindle so I figured I'd throw the link out there for those who want to check it out! 



    • Like 3
  3. I will be, Moot =p


    I also wanted to say for those who are having trouble submitting through the form, the max size is 5mb and it has to be an image. If it's still not working, feel free to email it to me at annaskopp@gmail.com 


    One day left to submit! Need moar screenshots!!!

  4. So, I’ve been looking for good quality Minecraft picture books for my 5 year old, but it seems that all that’s out there is for 7+. So I said screw it, and made some. If I was looking for some, others are too, right?

    Steve Saves the Day is FREE, so if you have a device that supports the Kindle app, please check it out and leave a review. It would be really appreciated and will up my rank on Amazon so that people looking for it would see it too. I figured if anyone was interested in Minecraft, it would be you guys. And I know you love to help out your fellow gamers...right? RIGHT? 


    Anyway, thanks in advance and have a good holiday weekend! 

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  5. So my tooth crown broke in the middle of dinner tonight and I have an emergency appointment at 6pm tomorrow, but I should be on by raid time. If not I won't be more than 10-15min late. Great timing, I know.



  6. I think it's very obvious when people in the raid are discontent, at least to me since people are quite vocal through TS and raid chat and just get blown off. Putting up a vote on order of killing farm bosses is silly. But going to a completely different raid? Skipping farm gear for progression? Then the raid needs to be involved.


    Sometimes, when just one or two pople speak up and get immediately shut down, it doesn't mean the problem is fixed. It means that the other people who agree  won't see the point in speaking up. Taking a vote when there is a disagreement between the officer's plans and the raiders fixes that. It's never just one person.

  7. I really liked that last week the raid was asked what we wanted to do and went with the majority, even if it was too late. We need to do that more often instead of just being told why what we're doing is best for the raid. Let the raid decide what's best. That way, everyone feels like they mattered, even if their answer wasn't the majority.

  8. The issue was SOO in 2014. We kept recruiting new people and they required more than what we could offer, and the environment went to shit, and it carried over to now. It doesn't have to be that way. We don't need this. We just need to listen to our raiders and have fun playing the game.


    I'm serious though. Just for tonight, say fuck the rules and do what feels right. It will lift a weight off everyone's shoulders while still having order.

  9. I used to be in a server first hardcore guild, hence my Immortal title and black proto.


    If when I left, I went to this guild's site and saw this "rules" post, I would roll my eyes and move on.


    Anyone who wants to app to the guild and sees that post will probably do the same because it's ridiculous and no matter if it's more "guidelines" or "rules" it makes us look like elitist jerks (and not the good kind). The stop signs with the white outlines are optional, right?


    I'm not worried about myself, but the only people who talk in healer chat, who make this game social and fun, either want to be or going to be gone because of this attitude. What's the point of a guild, then? I might as well go kill bosses in LFR if I want to get loots without talking to anyone.


    Everyone is so tightly wound and on edge because of all the new rules. How about we scrap the rules and just use common sense? It was an accident? Ok, no harm. Too much talking? Clear the chatter. Making fun of someone? Stop or you get kicked. Late for raid? Sorry, someone else got your spot but you can sit and wait.


    I seriously feel like we're being parented. "Don't do this or we're going to take your toys even if it's an accident!" /shakes finger



  10. All I have to say is that to most people, casual = flexible. This is not flexible. What matters is who you are (a friend), how you play (the effort you put in), and your loyalty to the guild (like posting afk instead of just not showing up). By implementing this you are alienating people who don't want to feel pressured to log in at 730 instead 735 because it can cause them to lose their raid spot, not just some dkp/ep.


    This will kill the guild as it was. And I don't mean in SOO (because our recruiting heroic SOO is what broke it in the first place). I mean as it was before, when people mattered, not a number. When you guys would do ready checks to ask who wanted to do x and who wanted to do y and listened instead of waving people off like a parent's "because I said so".


    You are already losing your veteran members because of it, can't you see that? Is replacing your friends, your entire healer base, worth people who log in at 730 and are in raid when it doesn't matter worth shit in the big picture? When we have summons and don't usually pull bosses until 745-8 because of all the prepping that a raid takes anyway? You are really willing to dump your people for that?


    I don't think the answer is yes. I think this post is BS because you won't do that. Because I'm not going to stress myself out if it's 729 and I just got home. Because I don't expect anyone else to do so. Because it's not worth it.


    "Then we'll recruit" = "You're all disposable"


    There is not one healer in our healer base that I would consider disposable for any reason barring dissappearance. 


    This is not ok.

  11. Do they, though? For example, the cat pits on Kargath. They're closed on normal but opn on heroic. Doing heroic is more beneficial to us learning not to fall in them, for the kill and for mythic. I'll be honest, I don't know Blackrock, but normal seemed more like lfr with more health and damage, while heroic was more preparing us for mythic.

  12. Normal might give us a couple nights to just relax, have fun, and do some crazy stuff on fights that won't matter because they'll be a joke. It might pick up the raid atmosphere. However, the fact that the ilvl of the gear is lower than heroic Highmaul, I would say it's probably more a waste of raid time than going straight for heroic. The thing is, we will end up clearing heroic (as long as we don't do what we did in Highmaul and skip harder boses for easier mythic bosses), and if it's anything like Highmaul, mechanics we'll need to learn will be on heroic and mythic, not normal.


    I'm all for clearing it if the officers decide to do so, I'm all for fun, but I won't have a problem if we went straight for heroic.


    We would 100% go back for the FoS for everyone on a raid night. I don't see why we wouldn't? The reason we don't go back to normal is that it doesn't provide anything useful that we aren't getting from heroic, or mythic raiding..I believe we will go back to Heroic Imp. 



    Great! Lets do it!


    ETA: Lets do it while we're still clearing heroic that is. Once we don't need to clear heroic, it will just be a big waste of time.

  14. We have done this fight on a scheduled raid day on an optional raid night (holiday). I was there because I have Tue/Wed off. We got him to p3 in one night with less than an optimal raid and then I haven't seen him again because I can't come on Sundays. One more raid night and I bet we would have had him.


    As far as less than 20? We just downed a mythic boss with 20 people and 5 sitting. The only reason there aren't enough healers and tanks on any heroic imp attempts this guild has had in the past was because they were on optional raid nights, and that's why he's not down yet.

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