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ATR Veterinarian
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About Soknar

  • Birthday 01/23/1987

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Me fail English?  That's unpossible!

  2. Since I started again in MoP, this guild has had some raiders come and go, but overall remained a reliable and competitive group that I enjoy playing with. Even on our unluckiest nights of attendance we have thrown something together, and it seems like every week is cleaner and faster than previous ones- no matter who is in the raid. With the exception of the JiKun trash (granted it gives some great guild-webbed-photos), I feel like we are beating ToT as fast as possible for a two night raid schedule. Even the most dauntless of heroes could barely topple ToT in 6 hours. I have never tried to recruit strangers to a group, but it sounds like the people who really are motivated to raid proactively find a guild and then switch to that server? Won't picking a new server as our destination only benefit us by a larger local trade-chat pool to recruit from? We need to hope who is there has the quality/reliability we need and is not loyal to the group they are currently with (which seems to be a big obstacle). Even with 10x the population this seems like a rough gamble considering the hassle of transferring 30+ chars, and still leaving alts and support chars behind. I have a few friends, nostalgic characters, and memories all on Skullcrusher which is what keeps me coming back to WOW (I have taken a break after every expansion so far). Switching off of Skullcrusher would be a serious mojo-killer for me; Skullcrusher is where Soknar killed his first boar on release day and it is where he plans on wiping for the final time.
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