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Posts posted by Perenelle

  1. "hold thier manhoods cheap".... lol

    And what's with all this "brotherhood" crap? There's some sisters in the house, too , ya know. Or is that because only the men pull aggro and die?

  2. Don't be too nice to him; I yelled at him for being pissy and stubborn last night. I just personally think the officers should stay in there until LK is dead.

    Sorry my post turned this thread to crap; on some positive things:

    We so have phase one down. Even with random dc's of the person with plague, the heals and dispell and people moving let us hop scotch it across and not cause a wipe. And raging spirits were dying before the next one spawned. Fantastic.

    That whole Valk/ defile thing is getting better and better. I wouldn't say we're perfect yet, but we're getting there. I personally am still trying to get the timing down on Valks and Defile running... it seems if I get defile I have no time to get out of the group and need to run early, but on a couple of transitions I need to wait to see if I get picked up first. That seems to be the only Defile that ends up in a bad spot so I must not be the only one working on that timing.

    We were much better at getting in position for the ice rebuild (not sure what phase we say that is). If we can figure out the damn ghost- things in that last phase we'll be golden. I am going to see if I can figure out how to help dps them down faster. We so have this on Tuesday.

  3. You do see how "who should we sit so you can stay?" and "I'm sitting so-and-so" have completly different conotations. It's kind of like inviting yourself to someone's house... unless they're rude or can come up with a good excuse quick, they're going to say yes. So you wait for an invite. If you imply that he should sit, he's not going to say no.

    I don't see officer chat, either, and so I'm guessing that having him come on an alt when he thought 7 heals were overkill and was ignored, probably started it off. None of the officers should've been sitting. Until we've downed this, they should all be on if they can. How else can they give directions or help with other groups if they don't do the fight first hand? There's no way Gump is going to let one of the other officers sit.He's stubborn and I tired many times to have him take my spot since we had two moonkins. That's why next time I'll log and force the issue, but I'd rather not have him pissed at me.

  4. If the GM gets sat again, I will log and not return.

    He may not always be right, but he has more gaming experience than anyone else in the guild. Hell, he's been playing since before most of you were born on one platform or another. Giving him the option of deciding to sit someone doesn't count. The GM shouldn't always have to be bad cop. When it comes to raid, the raid leader should be making those decisions. He shouldn't be asked if he wants someone kicked; they should've been dropped back to stand by and the GM should've been kept. It was a slap in the face to do that to him, especially after he was willing to come on an alt instead of main in the first place. And all the smart ass comments were insulting as well. I only saw one officer stand up for keeping him in the raid. Thank you Cyianna.

    IMO, any officer who can make the raid should have priority on thier main toon/ main spec. Make everyone else adjust for the raid comp you need. If someone can't be on until 9:30.... then I guess they don't go.

  5. Everything that's legal isn't necessarily not a mistake.... Too many legal situations turn into accusations (founded or not). I've had friends get banned from college campuses when a girlfriend turned into an ex; by her choice, even.

    And I'm with Unholy, I'd be leery of anyone giving it away THAT easy... I mean, most people, no matter how attractive someone is, take a little convincing.... or some money.

  6. If anybody calls you about guild issues over the weekend, don't answer. There's nothiong that won't wait or that another officer can't take care of. I bet we can get Gump to minus 50 dkp for bugging Rebel.

    Enjoy your mini-vacation.

  7. This is why they block every interesting website at my school.... I'd be writing huge posts and never doing any work, lol.

    I am always happy to sit out for someone who needs the badges/ gear more. Back when I was a healer, it was rare to get to sit and I was always so happy when it happened. I have no problems with everything you posted. Even if I still needed gear, I will gladly sit out every other week, or whatever, so everyone can get geared.

  8. If someone doesn't have enough DKP for minimum bid they either 1) spent all their DKP for an item they REALLY wanted recently and not saving enough for min is their own fault or 2) new or poor attendance.

    I have seen too many people come in new, go very negative in the DKP department and as soon as they were geared enough to get into a different guild, bail. I know that some of the new guys would stay, but every time a guild gets used like that it leaves a bad taste about new guys. The only way to avoid that is to wait until they are past their trial period. Hell, when I first started raiding, I had been with Conventus (at that time they were NaG) for over 6 months as a non-raider while Gump was their main off-tank. When I started raiding, I had to wait 2 or 3 weeks before I was allowed to bid on anything, even though I'd been around, farming guild mats and they knew I wasn't going to leave. I watched priest gear get DE's or left rotting because I couldn't bid yet. It's the way it was and by not whining about it they knew was being serious about raiding.

    I've stating before that I liked loot council because officers discuss this shit privately and no one can really be a loot whore, but DKP has advantages, especially in being quick. Our officers are very concerned with being fair and trying to figure out some of the gear would take them forever. B)

  9. You can also invite the consistent raiders who are on-line in time at the start of the raid. If there are more than 25, look at group comp and see if the class you need to sit has any volunteers to be wait listed. We used to have to stay on-line... no wait list then log off. We also had to be in vent and ready as soon as we were needed. No "oh, we only have one boss left in this instance..." or they'd go to the next waitlist person and you lost anything you'd accumulated. Gump did have a mod that took care of which alt you were on (of course, there were those fail radiers who couldn't read the directions you were whispered about how to do it, sigh) and if you logged off.

  10. I actually used to love my previous guilds when we had more raiders on than slots. We had a DKP waitlist. I'd park my toon at the instance, get on the waitlist, switch to an alt (there was a mod that let you tell which alt you were on) and do things like farm mats for the guild bank, fish up some food.... whatever. And get partial DKP just for having my toon parked. If someone had to leave early, I'd get a whisper on my alt and switch toons and run in. No summons, no waiting for someone to fly to the instance and all I'd miss were bosses I didn't need any gear from anyways. Sweet.

  11. Yeah for getting Bash back.... Sorry to see we'll be missing for for awhile, Ruff. I've taken breaks from raiding and from the game as a whole from time to time if I was getting "too" addicted and falling behind in real life stuff (like work, lol). You take of whatever you need to and stop by from time to time.

  12. The very first guild I was in used to partner with other guilds to fill 40 mans... I thought it worked fine and people could still be with friends for general play. We didn't run into problems until they all merged into on large guild then needed to trim down. Having partner guilds sounds like a good idea.

    And Rebel, I do talk... but I have to get in a word here and there with Gump talking... how am I suppose to do that?

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