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ATR Veterinarian
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  1. I'm a Catholic Scot so I should be alright in her books unless she's from Tyrone, Armagh, Londonderry or some similar Godforsaken place
  2. So Onslaught went on hiatus around the same time as you guys, but with no official forums or anything I don't know how many if any will be back tonight (Also pretty sure Alkaizer isn't coming back at all). If we don't have anyone, I'd be down to join you guys in your normal/heroic stuff if that's OK with everyone.
  3. You talked to me about wanting to make this your offspec. I misunderstood our conversation. I will remove you for now. Let me know if you get geared up and familiar and whatnot. Did we have this discussion Sunday morning? I've got to be honest I don't remember it at all. I think so. You asked me which offspec would be more needed. I stated that tanking would be more important for us right now and you said you'd build towards it. I have no problems doing this btw, I just don't remember our conversation. Might take me a while to start it up though as I have no pieces currently but with only needing trinkets and jewelry that should make it easier.
  4. You talked to me about wanting to make this your offspec. I misunderstood our conversation. I will remove you for now. Let me know if you get geared up and familiar and whatnot. Did we have this discussion Sunday morning? I've got to be honest I don't remember it at all.
  5. Guess I should purchase dual spec now
  6. Hey Varlash, first 10 man Thok kill, guess who got the ring?
  7. Rednaltocs


    2 of my best friends birthday tomorrow so I'm going out for dinner/drinks with them. Gl with seigecrafter.
  8. Night Elf druid for 8 years, you guys are my horde reroll. Greetings from Firenze
  9. I will be here: Then I will be here: Then here: Then here: And finally here: I would say I'll miss you guys but that would probably be a lie. Gl with heroics and shit.
  10. Just an FYI me and Justice have it worked out so I get HoP'd just before 3 hits, works out much better that way.
  11. Looks like it increased? It was 148 last night.
  12. Rednaltocs


    Sorry for the late notice, I won't be able to make the raid tonight. Will be here tomorrow.
  13. I personally feel a lot of the benefits of the core raider rank are not being discussed and all the negatives are being brought out. This might be anecdotal, but I feel since the introduction of the new ranks, the guild as a whole has stepped up in terms of performance, with a lot less people failing personal mechanics and generally performing better. I know we're a casual guild and don't focus on that thing and care more about the atmosphere, but to me, the atmosphere and enjoyment from our raids is greatest when we are all performing greatly and seeing actual progression. Repeated failure with no noticeable gains can turn the friendliest guild very frosty when someone makes the same mistake twice. That being said, all the other points brought up here are mostly true as ell, its very much a catch 22. If I had a choice, I would go with Varlash's suggestion of a limited amount of core raiders with stringent requirements, but I can see why people would be averse to that decision. I'm just glad I'm not an officer who has to work all this shit out
  14. How cute, I the lesser class showed up for 2nd place.
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