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ATR Veterinarian
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Posts posted by Mortelinnor

  1. CM's in MoP were challenging but fun.  These aren't even fun.  You have to group stack and cheese everything as much as possible to have a chance.


    You obviously didn't group up with a bunch of pugs trying to get them last minute.

  2. Please ask one of the officers for an enchant. The cost is a shard, but if you don't have a shard, assist with the guild by providing a bit of gold.


      And here I thought the enchants were given out by the guild (at least on MS gear).


    How much is "a bit of gold"? Because what's "a bit" for you might seem a lot for other people (maybe their gold went to Gromn).


    Chillr, Nerita, Crimsontrail


    I doubt you could remove them from the raid team for said reason without starting a riot.


    You guys have nothing to worry about.  This isn't targeting you.


    I'm glad you can at least admit these rules are meant simply to get reasons to get rid of 2 people while seeming like you have a semi-valid reason to do so in the eyes of other raiders.


    Personnally, I felt like last night was not so much about having fun than watching your ass and shutting the fuck up because someone is looking for a reason to get rid of you.


    Let's just imagine if it had been me that had accidentaly pulled the boss and not Jaylog. I am pretty sure it would've resulted in getting kicked for the night, whereas Jay only got a: it's all good, just rez him and pull. (which is what should be done. I also support the EP minus, as you can't allow things like that to happen over and over again.) But this only shows the biais in the severity with which the rules are enforced towards certain people.

  4. For maximum effort, running lfr/normal on optional time to get Abro stones/Ele runes, keeping a stockpile of flasks and pots [and even augment runes], research boss fights, are enchanted and gemmed, minmax as much as possible and know their class/spec extremely well.


    Some people are part of a semi-casual guild (or a so-called one) simply because they don't have the time to run the raid on optionnal nights.




    The rules are enforced, then they are guidelines, then they are revised again, then the cycle repeats.



    That's a problem that makes me sceptical every time a new "Rules thread" comes around the corner.




    TBH, I feel like the new 'strict rules' are kinda killing the fun atmosphere in the raid. I know I am not the only one feeling that way. I can understand the rationale behind them, but...it's like a life-jacket that's supposed to keep people afloat, only to find it covered in diarrhea. 



    This, this and this. The comparison is surprisingly accurate.



    2.)  Not being inside the raid by start of raid or after a break is an EP minus.  Continued issues will lead to you being marked absent for that night because you weren't there and active when you were expected to.  One person wasting 19-29 other persons' time IS NO LONGER ACCEPTABLE.


    5.)  All members must be prepared with Seals, Flasks and Enchantments prior to start of raid time.  We are wasting too much time handing out flasks during raid.  Maintain a stack of your own flasks or talk to the officers/Kansir after raid or before raid for flasks when you get low.  Failure to have flasks or enchantments will lead to you being removed from the raid team.


    I get home at 7:00 PM from school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I have barely half an hour to eat and get ready for raid. I try to be on time as much as I can, but I don't have time to be prepared with flasks/pots/seals before 7:30, I do it as soon as I log in, but if that's counting agaisnt me simply because I won't throw my life away for raid, then that's complete bullshit.


    Also, as Nerita said, absolutely nothing was said on mechanics and how you'd handle people failing them. I'm aware that I do have difficulties with mechanics at times, but I get called out (infront of everyone) much more than other people who fail mechanics just like me.


    This guild used to have a very friendly raiding attitude, not so much focused on progression as on providing everyone with a enjoyable raiding experience with friends (or that's the impression I had when I first joined). High progression should be a plus, not a goal to be achieved at any cost. All of these new rules seems like you want an extremely serious atmosphere, where people need to be serious constantly. Call it a better atmosphere if you want, but I feel a raid where people have fun is much better than one where everyone shuts up and fear for their raid spot.


    I'm also sceptical about how these rules will be enforced any better than the last ones. The consequences were exactly the same: kick from the raid, and ultimately gkick. They were enforced only for some people, and others were allowed to make fun of them. These look exactly the same: "Here's the rules! Yes, they'll be enforced, look, we're putting X and Y on action plans. We'll blame them for this and that, but we won't blame other people who are doing exactly the same."

  6. Hello team!

    Today I have to go get my brother at the shooting range (it seems we have guns in Canada, and that hockey players get to use them as a "team activity") at exactly 7:30 PM. It's about 15 minutes away from home, so unless someone shoots me (but who would hurt Mort, really) I'll be home by 7:45.


    See you tonight team!

  7. Sounds fine to me, but it would be nice to still get max runestones (i.e through optional normal full run (please not a Saturday)) until LFR (bleh) is fully released. In the end, the main goal is to have fun killing dragons as a team, so difficulty won't matter much.

  8. Cats are closed in LFR, open in normal and heroic but only wait in there, and come out on Mythic if I recall correctly. Normal and heroic are literally the same mechanics wise except for bosses health and damage.

    Oops, looks like Varlash beat me to it.

  9. Hello team!


    As I'm sure you're all aware by now, Blackrock Foundry will be accessible starting on February 3rd. In the light of the recent argument on which boss to kill next, I thought it might be good for everyone to voice their opinion about the next raid and ultimately have the officers decide and let everyone know what they're in for beforehand. This will hopefully save drama so we have more time for raid and ramens!


    Before answering Mort's greatest forum topic, please follow these guidelines:

    1. Speak for yourself. Voice your opinion, gives the pros and cons you see and don't speak for others.

    2. Be respectful of other's people opinion. I don't want another topic of endless quoting and beating a dead black horse (i.e quotes are unadvised, unless you write 100% agree under it! (because you're lazy and don't want to repeat)).

    3. Don't be rude towards ramens.

    4. Flex is not a thing. Only Normal and Heroic.


    Now that this has been said, I'll start!


    1. Starting with a Normal full clear:



    • Easier learning of mechanics (they hit for less). This should also allow the use of sub-par strats until we get good ones the week after release!
    • Almost guaranteed to full clear, thus getting tier tokens for several people. Normal BRF being only 5 ilvl off of heroic Highmaul, set bonuses will still be upgrades for some people.
    • With the high full clear chance in mind, more progress on the legendary quest (I doubt people already have 300 runes).
    • This one is kinda pulled from far, but with more boss kills, people will get higher tiers of BRF gear from their garrison faster.


    • A lot of gear might end up sharded.
    • "Normal doesn't matter!"
    • Should take something like 1-2 raid nights off of heroic progression.


    2. Starting with Heroic progression.



    • Most of the gear should find a happy new owner.
    • #WoWProgressrankthedream.
    • Gear is almost as good as Mythic Highmaul, and likely more easily obtainable.


    • Using scheduled raid times to push heroic bosses will  set part of the raid team behind on the legendary quest, as LFR doesn't unlock fully until March 24.
    • I highly doubt we can full clear Heroic Foundry on the first week, even if we use the whole 2 raid nights, by looking at our progression in Highmaul (the first few weeks).
    • Probably won't kill enough bosses to get people set bonuses (need at least 2 tier pieces).
    • Mechanics will be less forgiving, which will slow down our mechanics learning process.


    Here's my opinion on how to handle the matter:


    Personally, I think we should start the first week with clearing Normal, ensuring everyone several runes for their legendary, as well as allowing everyone to see all the fights. Sharded gear is a downside, but the crystals can still be used the week after to enchant our shiny new heroic weapons. It also shouldn't take us the whole 2 raid nights, allowing for some heroic progression on the second night.


    From then, depending on our heroic progress, we could start raid weeks by doing heroic progression, and then finish the clear on normal for the bosses we haven't yet killed on heroic. This should ensure everyone gets the maximum amount of runes for their ring (assuming they show up on all raid nights), while also giving people a shot at heroic gear and tier tokens (both heroic and normal).



    Feel free to voice your opinion on the matter, but remember the R word (which is surprisingly not Ramen): Respect.


    Have a nice day team!



    There are not enough fun people in the guild to make a wipe more enjoyable than a kill.


    Of course a kill is always more enjoyable than a wipe, but that's completely off the point. If you're mad because of either: a) People not being sat; B) Not everyone doing as much dps as you. c) Progressing as a guild on a boss you already went out and pugged; you don't need to throw a tantrum, as it only spoils the raid atmosphere.


    The group is clearly divided between 2 opinions: Some people are here for the "semi-casual" raiding atmosphere as we advertise on all of our recruitment posts, and then there's others who only seek to push more and more content no matter what, and are upset because they feel they're being held back. There's clearly a lot of tensions between those 2 mindsets, and that's something we don't need.


    Replaced with who? It takes longer than a day to recruit people. We 19 manned Kargath, does that mean we need to replace Willshattner?




    Or you know, we could also simply not bash on Will because he had internet issues for our two last attempts. Just a thought.

  11. Whatever you say, but when people keep on failing mechanics and don't get sat because "if we do it with less than 20 people then why have a mythic team", people like me are going to get mad.


    And this right here is why we have a shitty raid atmosphere.

  12. I wouldn't vote for either of those. My vote would go for ONE normal clear (7/7) during actual raid times so that people that are consistent on scheduled raids but can't show up for optionnal or pug it get to clear it. That would'nt even cut that much time off of our actual schedule, as a normal full clear would be quite fast.


    If the achievement is actually going away with foundry, then I'd vote for a full Heroic clear after that. If not, then I'd go with whichever boss we have the most chances to kill, but only if we come back for the Ahead of the curve achievement on scheduled days at a later date.

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