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ATR Associate
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Posts posted by Mannykaiser

  1. Hi everyone,


    Last night I allowed my cousin to play on my account while he was at my house. I was made aware today that he said something disgusting in chat which led to me being removed from the guild. I have spoken with my cousin about the incident and I would like to apologize on his behalf. I have also asked him to write an apology to the guild (please see attached image). I am appalled with his behaviour and hope you can understand that he feels horrible for what he said and what resulted in what he said.


    I just noticed he wrote "I accept for responsibility..." I assume he means "I accept full responsibility"


  2. Being off raiding during the holidays has brought me to making a decision that I've been thinking about for a while. I have decided to take a break from raiding for the time being, for a few reasons.


    Firstly, when school starts back up, my attendance would be worse than it already is and I don't want the raid team to suffer because of that. Secondly, raiding has become a bit boring for me, almost a chore if you will, and I don't think that I bring much to the raid team considering how many exceptional players we have. Lastly, I've always been kind of lazy and it shows when looking at my character, my lack of effort towards gearing my character is just detrimental to the raid as a whole and I don't want that to become an issue regarding the team's progression.


    I won't be leaving the guild because I love the guild and everything about it. Hopefully I will feel compelled to start raiding again in the near future. If and when that time comes, I do not expect a raid spot to be handed to me and I will do what it takes to earn one. I don't think this decision will come as a surprise to a lot of you, and some of you were probably expecting this.


    If there's anything you want me to clarify, don't hesitate to ask, be it on this post, or in-game whenever you see me. 


    Good luck team, I know you'll progress like champs.

  3. Surprise (not really), unfortunately I won't be able to raid tonight. A friend of mine bought me a ticket to go see the hobbit tonight, as we've been to the opening night of every hobbit movie. I'm really sorry everyone, if this is the last raid of the year, happy holidays to everyone

  4. Good and bad news team. Bad news is; I'm going to be a late tonight because my dad and I have to fix some things at my grandmother's house, not sure how late though. Good news is; I will be back to raid tonight.


    Please don't hate me.




    Thanks for showing up consistently these last few months Tychondris!
    Enjoy your break;  We'll see you for WoD hopefully.



    at least someone else noticed your copy pasta :P



    His was a copy-paste.  Mine was not.  Take a look at it again!  Varlash's has a semi-colon after "Enjoy your break" whereas the ICEMAKER's has a comma.  I hand-write my goodbye messages, damnit.


    The "w" on "we'll" is capitalized for Icemaker and not for Varlash, there was some effort put into those goodbyes

  6. I have an assignment due Wednesday but I forgot my shit for that class in my locker today, so I have to do it tomorrow. It shouldn't take very long though and I'm aiming to have it done before raid ends tomorrow.

  7. I see 10+ people quitting to go on break before the xpac releases

    That's much more likely. I don't really think people will be all that upset if they aren't part of that 10 man, especially considering how long this tier has been.


    For anyone interested as soon as my insurance check comes I'm going to be picking up (assuming it's not sold) a 1991 Nissan 300zx n/a with manual trans.  Pics to come probably in another thread, assuming all goes well.


    That car is older then Muln, Ward, Peace, PriestChick, & Gromn.


    I feel unloved right now

  9. I completely forgot that my parents invited family over for supper. I might be able to make raid but probably really late. Wish I had better attendance lately, but hopefully it'll improve.

  10. I'd be willing to throw my name into the hat for a 10 man. But my attendance recently hasn't been as consistent as it used to be (should improve though) and I'm not exactly completely confident in my abilities to perform in a 10 man scenario.

    Regardless, the roster for this group is for you and the other officers to decide, Bash. And whoever is "drafted" to this roster has my full support and encouragement. I can lend a hand if you need me to.



    Are you the new Yarnicus?


    Does he take creepy pictures of himself? If so, then he's moving in the right direction



  12. Hey team I'm leaving for vacation on the 24th and my flight is at 6:30 AM so I gotta be up by 4:00 AM. I may be able to raid a little on Wednesday but I'll probably leave early to get some rest so I can wake up at that outrageous time.

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