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Posts posted by Mannykaiser

  1. Also Manny was fucking beast mode on puddles

    I always knew you secretly loved me Varlash.

    Warrior mobility too strong. On a serious note though, I have enough mobility to soak more puddles than any other melee that was in the raid last night, so you can be damn sure I'm going to use that mobility as much as I can to help our group.

  2. Going out for dinner to celebrate my birthday so I might not be able to make it tonight. Concerning tomorrow, I need to study for 2 exams on Thursday but, depending on how confident I feel, there's a chance I'll be able to make raid.

  3. From what I've read, Galakras should be one of the easier heroic fights; one new mechanic that isn't all that major and obviously more hp and damage. Good luck! I like the videos Moot, nice touch :)

  4. So now that I have started my next semester at school, I may not be able to raid (only during the week, I can help out on Sunday for clean up if there's room for me) for a while because my parents want me to focus on school (I blame calculus for being the dumbest course in existence). Trying to convince my parents that I can handle playing games and do well in school at the same time (which I have, calculus is just hard) so it may not be final. #firstworldproblems


    Like I said before, it's tentative, so I might still be able to raid during the week. If I do have to stop raiding for the next little while, I wish everyone good luck on progressing through heroic siege.


    PS: I might reply with an update concerning my availability.

  5. I'd be interested in taking part in this. 10 would be my preferred starting time, but I could do 11. If it were to start at midnight, I'd probably have to leave a little earlier, but I'll see what I can do.

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