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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Mannykaiser

  1. I'm in Vermont for the good deals on clothes and shit, but I'm pretty sure I'll be back in time for raid. Posting in case I won't make it in time
  2. Grats team, wish I was there though
  3. must go to work and twerk for the honeys (I actually have to work though) sry team good luck on the dinoprick kill him much love to everyone, even you varlash
  4. Similarly to the last time I posted, I won't be able to make raid because I have to work. I wish I could make progression night, but I like getting money and spending it on booze and strippers (not really though, saving for a new computer).
  5. I have to work tomorrow so I won't be able to make raid at all on Tuesday, sorry team
  6. does everything else turn on in your room?
  7. You're MVP during Thok attempts, even if you're not there
  8. Well done team, wish I could've been able to lend a hand in the kill
  9. I have to go clothes shopping tonight because I'm a growing boy and need new clothes (the second part isn't true). Good luck tonight team
  10. Share your chocolate, pls mulan. Get hammered in Germany though
  11. Meh, there isn't much to do in Venice aside from a gondola ride, still a really nice place though
  12. Italy is my homeland, don't ruin it (would be tough considering its economy has gone to pure shit).
  13. I don't love you... Btw, your caps lock is broken, scrublord
  14. Sorry for the late post, but it's my grandmother's (or nonna if you're Italian like me) birthday and the whole family is going out for dinner to celebrate. I might be there by 10ish if anything
  15. Mannykaiser


    He is the officer of dick sucking
  16. We get it, you're not smart
  17. I haven't been feeling well all day and I'll most likely take the night off to rest. Depending on how I feel, I might come on later.
  18. Replacing a non proven defender blood dk for a blood dk that is a proven defender was the turning point
  19. Why don't we just have a rotation for roars and shit during blood rage phase? We have like 3 or 4 druids, and one of them can symbiosis me for an extra roar if we need it. I think we're just over complicating it
  20. End of the semester is approaching and I have a ton of work due this week. Procrastination game too strong. Vive la r
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