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About Willshattner

  • Birthday 10/02/1988

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  1. You claim that you resolve issues, but if that were the case all these people wouldn't have all these built up issues. All of the officers besides Tbear continue to dance around any valid points and arguements made against them, and the only response from them is we aren't perfect instead of addressing the actual issues. For somme of you that think there isn't a bias from the officers when it comes to people then I think you need to pay more attention to the raids and how people are handled and treated. Some of us are treated much more harshley for something when someone else can do the exact same thing and it not be a big deal. That is a very evident sign of biasedness going on here. Also as Roq mentioned the officers are being pretty big hypocrits to things they have said and not just only in this post. I'm all for letting the past go and moving forward, however people don't allow that to happen and that's not something I can completly control. Also another thing to point out about this entire attendance thing, most of the officers won't be able to raid mythic because of their own rules they have set in place, so I hope they can hold the rules to themselves as they do to others.
  2. What's absurd is how you danced around the majority of my post, but I know this isn't going to get anywhere so I won't bother trying to talk more about it.
  3. To say I'm only deflecting and not admitting that I do sometimes talk too much or step over the lines with somethings i say is complete bullshit. I'll easily admitt I'm not the easiest person to get a long with, however I was invited back to this guild with the understanding that I would have a clean slate and this has not been the case. Sure I might need to look at myself about some things but so do you. To simply say all I do is deflect and take no blame is just an easy out for you and I expect more from a person in your position. The stigma from me being kicked on false pretenses has continued to stay with me and the officers have done nothing but help further that and not to prevent or end it as it should be done. I'm not asking for people to like me, I'm not asking for a pitty party, all I want is to be left alone and let raid. It's just that simple. I'm over being the scapegoat for everything when theres no need for it. These clearly an unequal treament of people in this guild which has been brought up in other posts in this topic, yet you just skip over that and don't address it. Also as far as gump calling me a racist, that is a completly slanderous claim and I am owed an apology for such a bold and false claim made against me. TLDR: just everyone stop fucking with me and just let me show up and raid and you won't have issues with me.
  4. Well me and mastric just went over my death reports for the past few weeks and my survivability has averaged in the 90 percents. So I don't think me dying is really that big of an issue Roq, but I do appreciate your comments and will keep them in mind.
  5. I think he ment you should get over your elitest attitude you got going, where you talk condecending towards the entire raid every night and cause for a negative raiding environment.
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