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Posts posted by mokou

  1. I'm finally back from my well deserved paid trip to Japan and Korea


    I left my account untouched since May so every piece of gear and whatnot is from BRF which means I'm probably too far behind since you guys are pushing heroics (or so I heard anyway)


    I'll try to catch up as soon as I can and will be available for the raids just in case


    Canada sucks by the way ugh

  2. I just pointed out the poor dps because you said you didn't realize you were performing poorly dealing with primal elementalists


    You focused on not letting your dots drop on other targets too, which means you didn't perform too well on an aoe fight.


    I'm just saying if you're not even focusing on the kill target (primal elementalist) and doing aoe rotations/dots/whatever, while performing poorly compared to people who focused more on the single target rotation for that phase, you shouldn't really be surprised with how you were removed.


    I do agree with the fact that warnings should be given out (I don't know if snugg/ftfk gave whispers to those people last week) but with your situation it shouldn't have been too mindblowing

  3. Imcute, you scored an average of 26k throughout the 11 heroic wipes we had on blast furnace


    You placed 10th out of 14 dps that night, but since Phobia and Mirus only came in for the last wipe and then the kill attempt, you technically came in 10th out of 12dps


    If you run a dps addon you probably saw yourself on the lower part of the meters - which kinda speaks for itself that you have room for improvement


    If you don't, it can be helpful to download skada/recount/whatever to see how you perform on average.


    If you do have one but think that your performance was "fine" as you say, I think the officers have a different standard of good performance than yours.

  4. I'm too busy with a presentation/contest/midterm this week and won't be able to make raid this Tuesday and Wednesday


    I'd say have fun raiding, but the trend so far makes me think that you guys will be facing Guldan's hand again....

  5. Get over myself? Over what? Why'd I need to do something when it's YOU who's not even performing on an average level


    Or did you mean I should just get over your performance like it's nothing?


    And I didn't bring you up out of nowhere - Snugg was the one who brought it up and I've been just refuting him because the numbers he sees seems to be different from what I see on the logs

  6. I don't know where you're getting your numbers but Jesseh is clearly not doing "average" dps of an average raider


    Today he came in 9th percentile for Gruul, 6th for Oregorger (where he died to rolling), 24th for Hans&Franz, and 15th for Beastlord


    Last week he came in 8th percentile for Gruul, 18th for Oregorger, and 12th for Hans&Franz


    If he placed so far below the average and/or median EVERY SINGLE FIGHT with a 676 ilvl, he's clearly not an average raider - just a freeloader


    I'm not saying everyone needs to place within 80th, 90th percentile for their specs but there has to be improvements because I think there are some people who don't put in enough effort to deserve their spot. These people are holding up progression for the rest of the raid group


    I'm really curious as to whether or not you're actually looking at the numbers or have a different standard for an "average raider"

  7. I have to include a reference letter which I need to pick up from my prof  -> and her office hours are only Tuesdays and Fridays so I have to wait until 5:30pm tomorrow to pick it up

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