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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by Crazy

  1. Looks like its up to you and Bash, Mastric!
  2. The teacher that does this trip every other year says that if you look foreigny, they don't like serving you pretty much anything until you are 18/parent concent.
  3. They are going on the trip with me as well. Yeah, I know. And in Munich, you have to be 18 to drink there since they get so many tourists. and i'm only 17.
  4. Nah, parents wont let me
  5. Thats okay, ill be munching on my swiss chocolates to keep me happy.
  6. Going to Venice soooo, be jelly
  7. Sorry not sorry that I am going to miss the 24th and 25th and maybe the 1st. I am going to Germany,Switzerland and Italy for 10 days. The departure date is 6-20 get back on 6-30 I might be so tired due to jet lag that I might miss the 1st but i'll definately be back on the 2nd. Just making this post now because I know healers are tight right now. I can help gear someone up through flex's (Like to better gear Lyntha/Vorty/Bash/Wilistari(maybe?)/Newbie) Just let me know so I can get my butt off of Minecraft. Ment 6-24/6-25 for the title BTW
  8. Just like when pika got officer
  9. Stop planning make out sessions with Manny!
  10. Crazy

    Best Wishes

    It sucks that you are leaving but the game's objective is to have a good time, and if you feel that joining your friends will make your experience more enjoyable, then power to you! Good luck in your future endeavors. See you on the forums tower buddy!
  11. Crazy


    ? this is for 3/12/14 March/12/14, why are you not sure? did you think 3/december/14? sigh, canadians
  12. Crazy


    I have to go to a college presentation thing that starts at 6pm, don't know how long it will be so I will either be late or not be able to raid.
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