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ATR Seer
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Everything posted by Allison

  1. I'd love to clear everything. I've only seen the first boss of MSV, never fully cleared normal HoF, 3/4H ToES, 5/13H ToT I wouldn't mind trying for the raid achievements either.
  2. It's more about lady parts, mostly my fault there I would die, because I'm dumb Can confirm. You could probably see it on stream
  3. I was trying to be nice >:l
  4. Lost my favorite god dk
  5. Allison


    It was funny when we talked about it in raid last week, I guess it didn't seem the same way lool
  6. Allison


    Does he take creepy pictures of himself? If so, then he's moving in the right direction
  7. :< don'tmakemecrypikaplzibegyou
  8. :c like my sooooooooooooooul ;_________;
  9. Michael's on vacation this week, and won't be here at all. He'll be back for 29, 30. Pekahead kept fergetting to post while he was here so I'm doing it now! foreveralone ;_;
  10. Allison

    July 15th

    Should be fine now, pretty much blue skies with little cloud cover
  11. Allison

    July 15th

    Severe thunderstorm till 9pm, and its baaad. It's so nuts. So just incase the power goes out or something happens, Gromn and I might be MIA tonight.
  12. I know a few of you have heard, but I wanted to make a formal post about it. ( Fergot about it yesterday, sorry Jordan :c ) No game time till the 11th. I had originally set aside enough for a 3 month sub after I had bought FFXIV:ARR game time but I was going to wait till yesterday to purchase it. However, I'm still a growing girl and I've grown out of all my summer clothes ( Shorts mostly ). So there went all of my game time money. With 2 new healers and Muln back, everything should be fine healing wise. I'm sorry I'm a dumb ass. Please fergive me! ;_;
  13. I just re-gemmed my monk tank for 25 man raiding and heroics, and I can heal. I'm sure Gromn would come if his friends haven't set anything up early for the holiday
  14. I know right? Phone boss is op
  15. Totally fegot I RSVP'd to a graduation party tonight. I won't make it at all ! Love you guys, and best of luck! I have faith.
  16. I'll be streaming my healer PoV tonight and tomorrow. I might not do it next week depending on how bad the lag is.
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