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Posts posted by CaptShank

  1. 9 hours ago, HappyUnholy said:

    ... which is why it's been 10th on the rotation instead of 1st since phx posted on 7/10...



    Lol, my bad, haven't had to try and pop an empty server in a while. Guess it got changed.

  2. Does your bro have a gaming PC? Something where you can swap parts into to check? GPU, RAM, stuff like that. How about a second old HDD? Try installing win on that. If BIOS seems to be fine, maybe you are the 1 in a million that has a shitty SSD.


    Or go grab yourself the cheapest open box LGA 1150 board you can find and RMA that Gigabyte

  3. Well now you know it's hardware. Assume you tried your 970 again? Don't see how the vid card could be the case and assume you use an SSD so nothing mechanically wrong with your HD.


    In my completely under qualified opinion to be piping up in a thread with all these tech masters on here, I'm gonna take a guess you look at your mobo being an ass. Have you tried single stick of RAM though? Swap between both?

  4. BF4 started out unbelievably broken. But as the game matured and CTE was introduced, the game turned out to be one of the best in the series and should be an example to other games where with BF4's scale and complexity of what is happening on the server at any moment, it crushes what other games try and do on their smaller scale.

  5. On 2016-02-26 at 11:13 AM, Mastric said:

    There has been a lot of burn out on keeping the previous number of servers populated. Like WoW, BF needs some new content :\



    Mast pretty much has it here, at least from me. Just spacing out what I can do to still enjoy my play time.


    I mean, I've been playing Hardline a tiny bit (bring the typ hate), and even though it's no where near as tight as BF4, I've been having fun with the new DLC. Keep the car chase mode out of the game, but normal conquest is actually fun with new maps to run through.


    The typical maps we're always popping, I'm kinda over them right now. When a random, not played anymore map gets voted on and stays popped, I love how fresh that feels.



  6. We just started having scrims/practices with another clan on Thursdays but there's always people playing on Fridays. Jump into our TS and get the rest of your clan to jump in as well to say hi and see if something can be arranged. Some Fridays I could see this being an easy thing to make happen. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. See you on the battlefield.

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