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ATR Veterinarian
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Posts posted by The_Real_1hit

  1. There is one in the corner of my base, take a look at the blocks it's made out of.
    Under the water is a Transfer Node, with a world interaction upgrade. This feeds back in to my ME system.
    On top is an interface with the seed to crystal paterns, and that dropper block.
    Took about an hour last night to make 15k crystals with it.

    You also need a filter in the transfer node so that it doesn't pull them before they grow.

    Sent from my iPhone using ATR Gamers mobile app
  2. Wasn't sure if the atrlan.net page is still a work in progress or not, but I found a couple of items that may need addressing.



    The top left and right areas above the ATRLAN logo has things placed too far and they get cut off.

    Page Error 1.jpg



    Under Information, there is only info on the $50 tickets, not the $30.  The start and end dates only have time, but I would put the dates here as well.  Also, some of the content of "recent posts" is from last year, wasn't sure if that needed to be included for the upcoming LAN. 

    Page Error 2.jpg


    Also, can we have the ATRLAN logo on our main page of atrgamers.com clickable to be a link to the atrlan.net webpage?  The link in the description doesn't stand out very well. 


    Just my $.02


  3. Well you can try to update PB manually.  I've had this happen to me a while back.  As you can see you are not banned by us, I also checked PB and nothing turns up for your GUID.  Try also to repair your game files in Origin.  Leran1234.jpg

  4. 2 hours ago, Chuck_Mawhinn3y said:

    It sounds like the journey map is getting confused because the twilight ,nether,end were not regenerated? As for the chunk issue is it because you are building in the void ,?

    Sent from my iPad using ATR Gamers mobile app


    I'm not building in the void, that is skulls that is in the void.  I'm building in the Overworld. 

  5. This morning I'm having an issue where I put stuff in my Ender Chest and it does not go into my ME system.  Was working fine last night and the days prior.  It works when I'm in the world with my ME, but once I leave it for the Overworld, it won't place items from my Ender Chest to the ME.


    I've unclaimed all and then reclaimed and chunkloaded again, but does not seem to fix the issue.


    Would you mind taking a look @Mastric


    Also, don't know if this is normal, but I had waypoints in the Twighlight and when I would exit the game because of the consistent lag from teleporting a lot, once I came back in they were gone and the ones in the Overworld show up from the previous server/Overworld. 

  6. Like I said in the message app, we should consider using the Screen/Dim Module/Button to minimize the amount of transmitters we will need to use.  I think it will help keep it nice and tidy. 

  7. Stuck at work. Waiting on someone to show up so he can show me how he's going to fix a safety write up from two years ago and see if it will suffice. Probably be on in a couple of hours.

    Sent from my iPhone using ATR Gamers mobile app

  8. I just moved my base to a new world and have it fixed...now you want to start over... :o:angry::blink::down::confused:...I need more emoji's!!!


    While I'm not against the idea of starting over, I know some have just put in some time remodeling their bases, so we may want their input too, i.e.  @Varibash 


    What is the time frame for when the move must occur and could we just move the current one and then decide once people have time to think on it?


    I know skulls had mentioned a quest based one, but not sure which one.  Isn't there a way to put together our own mod pack?  What mod packs do people want? 

    • Like 1
  9. Yeah, SkrubgmazC00kies is #10 in the world in the heli.  So if that's what they were in, then yeah, he's a really good in attack heli.  It does become hard if you don't have a good team to work with.  Usually when I'm playing against a good heli pilot, I try and get at least two other people to cooperate with me and go stinger/igla and aa mines to help keep them from dominating because then they have to run and hide a lot. 

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