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Posts posted by Mythosaur

  1. Hearthstone will be Conquest best of 5. Each player will bring 3 unique decks, no more than one deck per class, due to the casual nature of the event we will not be doing bans.

    No plans right now to require submitted deck lists.


    If Whispers of the Old Gods releases before the LAN we will evaluate at that time whether or not the Standard or Wild format will be used, however this is very unlikely.

  2. I will agree with you on one point, Battlefield is a game for "grown men". If you fell the need to use degrading language behind the anonymity of the internet in order to threaten or make someone else have less fun than you, you are welcome to go play elsewhere and enjoy the other benefits of xbox live.

  3. Ladies and Gentlemen, children of all ages, Trolls (master race) and blood elves alike! 

    We are approaching the new expansion at a fast, yet glacial, rate and as we all know with a new expansion comes new class/race combos.

    I know a lot of you have discussed changing to a new class like the shiny new Demon Hunter or even switching roles (ie dps to tank). Some of you may not be part of the raid team right now, but are looking at joining up to raid in Legion, or coming back with a whole new character.

    This thread is where we would like you to post with what you want to play. I will have a list running and making notes where needed. Please post even if you want to stay the same, just so we know in order to make sure we recruit for the proper raid comp come this summer.





  4. 14 minutes ago, Mortelinnor said:

    Please guys, yell at each other in the officer forums. At least keep giving everyone the illusion that our officers always get along fine with each other, and that everyone should follow their example.

    No one has ever been under the illusion Bash and I get along Mort.

  5. Due to unforeseen circumstances (Battlefront) I will not be able to make tonights raid. I know some of you may be pissed that I am playing that instead and....




    Okay I think that is long enough to not be in preview, I will be here, just wanted to raise Bash's blood pressure.

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