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Posts posted by Mythosaur

  1. For those who do not play alot or want to efficently farm Blaze Rods(best furnace fuel) or Experience for sweet enchants, I am finishing up building a blaze farm for community use.


    Essentially I took a spawner from the Nether and rebuilt it in my base.


    This is not hard really, just time consuming. All are welcome to use it, just dont steal my shit. If anyone needs to know how to use it, there will be signs saying what switch does what.


    I am also in the process of building an Enderman farm, this is more time consuming, but I will post details when finished.

  2. As a relative noob which guns should I focus on in both BF4 and Hardline? I understand play with what helps you put bullets in the other team, but does anyone have personal recommendations?




    I agree with your thoughts on switching to Ranked.  Probably good idea to switch them over Friday at some point. 


    Rush especially could use the love. 


    Op Locker Conquest to TDM all 64 isn't a bad idea...it feels like there's still op locker love out there, but we just haven't gotten there yet. I  have the feeling if we wanted to make it work, it'd have to be an Op Locker No Explosives Conquest. 


    I'm still not ready to push for pistols just yet, so everyone's safe on that front.



    Myth...growhouse shotguns?  um...that sounds painful.  a bunch of enforcers running around being silly.







    Shotguns and Knockouts... I'm in.



    That sounds amazing

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