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Posts posted by Smerffy

  1. easier said than done, but I will do my best. it probably wont have any sound, But i'll do my best. After raid of course.  


    Although, to be fair, I took it straight from another off of Youtube, so if you want a video now, I can find that for you :) 

  2. So I start my new job next Tuesday I won't be here for raid. and To be honest, I haven't gotten my schedule yet, so I am not sure if I will be here on Wednesday either, but I'm not sure yet.

    But I finally got a job, so, worth it. (been jobless since mid June)

  3. Well, with Arcane, the 4 piece is actually really bad w/o the pants. Arcane is seriously that spec that is pretty dependent on one Legendary item. W/o it, its pretty much a dead spec. I have the rotation down and I have the play style down, I just run out of mana to fast to make any of it work. Burst dmg with Arcane is very nice, but sustained dmg is absolute shit, w/o the 1 specific lego. So i'll just work on the ilvl of my staff for frost I guess.

  4. Gonna put this here as I can type it all out and explain things. In my current set up, as Arcane, my dmg/dps wont go to much higher unless I can get the Lego Pants. I run out of mana to fast to be able to do much. As frost, my weapon's ilvl just isn't high enough to get close to Maz and Pika.


    With all that said, I know I switched to the mage because I didn't like Ele, however, I can do more dmg as Ele currently. So for progression fights where dmg is an issue (Avatar, yes its an issue) I can bring my Shaman to help push past that. And before anyone says "what about the gear on your mage?" Avatar doesn't give me anything GROUND BREAKING. Progressing to me is more important than an item that wont do much for me.


    Now, my dmg on my mage is crap, I don't care what anyone says. I am 95% of the time barely above the tanks. So trying to tell me that my dmg is fine, well, you don't have to lie to me, its shit, lets be honest here. So at least thing about what I have typed here.


    Not trying to start Drama, just stating the facts and giving an option. If its decided that no, the raid team doesn't want to go this route, i'll leave it alone.

  5. They created a whole new website. Tukiu.org. All this because they didn't agree with how Curse runs there addon server, what a shame. You can now update Elvui again though


  6. I let mazrin know we are playing GTA again, not sure if/when he can make it, but he knows. Been trying to find konstay, but he hasn't been online in the past week, so I'm not sure what happened :(


    But I do know that Tonight and tomorrow night will be my last days that I can play till the weekend when I am in Phoenix. So I am hoping something happens tonight and tomorrow so I am not bored out of my damn mind again :) 

  7. regardless of what day we decide to do GTA day. and depending on how many people we get, we get have 2-4 clubs running and getting people money. There are some very interesting vehicles out there that would make for some very fun game play. It does kinda suck that its limited to 6 or 8 people per club, but if it didn't have a limit it would make some very crazy things to happen.

  8. Ok, plans have changed. i WILL be here on the 29th, however, I WILL NOT be on for the 5th and 6th as those are now the moving days. i'll be driving to Phoenix.

  9. i've played with beyond, but its missing mods that I enjoy more than what they have. I.E. Mekanism that would probably be the BIG ONE, best mechanical mod i've ever played with.

  10. So I created a 1.10.2 mod pack. It has my favorite mods in it (minus Thaumcraft). Mods that people don't use to often it would seem. I have problem with more mods added to it, but taking mods out is a no go. I just don't know how to share it through the twitch app thingy. It does get boring playing alone, but I haven't seen much movement in our MC gathering. So I figured i'd at least let people know I am playing something. There are some very Key mods in this pack I am playing that I would consider make or break. If you want the mod list i'll figure out how to show you, even if that means just writing them all out.lol

  11. I'm game for whenever I have free time. This week is kinda perfect as i'm not working and just waiting to move. however, once i get moved, I need to find work and i am hoping that doesn't cut off my game time, however, making money to pay bills is a little more important than playing games it would seem :(  So we shall see what happens.

  12. I may or may not be here for thursday night's raid. Getting really close to actually moving and we are trying to figure out when I have to have all my shit packed. My computer and Computer desk will be the last things packed, just trying to figure out if it has to happen Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.


    On a side, internet at the new place should be hooked up the day we arrive, so I should be fine that first week. I'll keep you posted for changes.

  13. LOTS of changes coming. Most look very VERY nice.


    Patch Notes


    Enhance is getting major changes, along with what looks like making Ascendance mainline. Ele changes are minimal, which is ok. (only class i pay attention to right now).

    But lots of changes.



    For us Profession people, some very nice changes on the way as well.


  14. So i should have made this post like a week ago or so, but yea FML. 


    Currently I am not sleeping, like maybe 10 hours a week, if i'm lucky. This is do to extremely high stress and anxiety levels. These levels are because I have till July 1st to find a new job and place to live or I become homeless (current job doesn't pay enough to do shit in Denver). So yea, I am trying my best to be here and I will be random at best until I can figure something out. 


    Sorry if this is affecting the raid team, that was not what I wanted to see happen.

  15. Posting late because I am dumb. I tried all week to drop this shift. I can't make it tonight as they gave me a shift outside of my availability :(. Is only this week, but still. So I wont be here tonight but i'll be here tomorrow.

  16. I can show up for like the first hour, however, at 7:30 MST I will be heading off to attempt to buy tickets for Blizzcon. It sucks that the first wave is so late on Wednesday, but them the breaks.

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