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Posts posted by Smerffy

  1. I wanted to apologize to everyone about raid tonight. I finally slept for the first time in almost 3 days. I tried to get up for raid, but it just didn't happen. I slept through 3 alarms. i am sorry and hopfully my sleep schedule will right itself after my epic sleep time today. 




  2. The lag in this one. I am pretty sure its on my end, but after about 10 min, I can't play anymore. I drop down to like 3 fps and it only resets if I completely log out, as in close down minecraft completely and restart the launcher. Its horrible.

  3. I figure I'd just expose the elephant in the room: Off Tank.


    I feel this situation was handled poorly. Not putting blame on anyone, just think it could have been handled better. 


    I offered to switch to my Pally and power level to make sure we can keep raiding without any major hindrance. I talked to the Officers about it and thought that was done. 

    However, Ward was leveling and/or gearing his Monk at the same time. I did not know he was going to do that and I don't know who knew he was going to do that. Not blaming him for it, he probably had the same idea I had: whatever we need to move the team forward. There is nothing wrong with that.


    Now, where I have an issue. This should have been figured out. Either with Ward and I having a chat, or the officers stepping in or something. Again, not blaming anyone, just confused.


    Personally I will do what is needed for the group. Weather that be tanking, healing, or dpsing. What would I prefer? healing of course, but we have amazing healers and i wouldn't ask any of them to step down. I believe I am not doing that well on the shaman and as elemental I am not having much fun, which is why I offered to go tank.


    So moving forward, we need to figure out who is going to be the other tank with Papa.  From my personal preference, I believe Ward should stay on his hunter, only because he has Higher damage than i do on my shaman. However, if he wants to tank, then he should do that. But don't switch after a month, cause that doesn't help anyone. I only say this because @Wardpelican you have changed your class 3 times with going to the monk. I am all for playing what you want, but changing to often hurts the group. I am not one to talk, I have changed as well, but I plan on staying with whatever we need to move forward.


    All opinions are welcome and a discussion is helpful.



  4. can't catch a break tonight :(  


    I'm not white listed on the 1.10 server. 


    I am giving up for the night. have a CT scan bright and early, guess i should just go to bed. Then I get to relearn my Shaman, yay.

  5. I really wish there was an easy way to see what mods are actually in each FTB pack. I know Direwolf did a mod spot light for Thaumcraft in 1.10, just not 100% sure its out of its beta build yet. But the newest iteration for it looks amazing. Would be fun to get a fresh build on a mod I love.

  6. Hunger games would be hard to do, because you would need everyone to be on at the same time. Ark could be interesting, haven't played in a very long time. BUT no Thaumcraft??? There better be another magic mod (BM don't cant)!!!!!

  7. I am hoping there is a way to salvage it instead of just scrapping it. I may not be amazing at building things, but the amount of time put in by some to build crazy things is amazing. My ability is to just blow through mods (once i figure them out) and that is the fun I have.

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