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Posts posted by Varibash

  1. We feel bad guess, I can sympathize because i tried to be boomkin when i first came back and I know how god aweful it is, of course we want you around in raids, it's just for the ultrax fight we needed to maximize dps, in this case it was the class not the player, I sat serveral times on my dk before my gear caught up to everyone else's.

    As far as farming more gear, boomkin and resto gear are very similar, especially the off pieces. Just gem straight int and make sure the gear has spirit on it, replace anything with Hit on it and focus on reaching a haste break point (1250, 1700 are easy ones) then stack straight mastery to maximize the healing done by dots. Make sure you keep your harmony proc up 100% of the time.

  2. Something came up and I probably won't be around tonight, I will do my best to be here for raid, but if I am not online by 830, i wont be online at all. Sucks, I wanted to be there for the ultrax kill, but you guys will get it without me.

  3. What's unfortunately ultimately is that despite all of WoW's recent flaws and RL issues that will come up for people, no other game has come close yet to the sense of community. Sure there are older games (ask any SW:G fan), but the fact that you could play with both RL friends and extended friends on a constant basis was/is great. I've logged in just to chat to RL friends - WoW was almost a MSN Messenger.

    I really think that LFR should be different bosses - some of the best moments in WoW was downing that boss finally (for almost everyone who raids). Now downing the boss on normal difficulty when you've downed it over and over on super-eze mode just isn't as much of a high.

    Also - re: Blizz milking WoW - the Activision future is now. Divisional funding, P&Ls, shareholders, etc...all stifle innovation. You can kite the top of the hill for awhile, but soon others will innovate. Ask Microsoft about Apple (and now Google). I don't think SWTOR is any Apple/Google - but there will be one. And I tend to think it will be browser & phone-based ARG. The core model needs to change to really see a breakthrough.

    sadly, all true, once blizzard stopped being it's own boss, it's all been going down hill, even Diablo 3 is suffering... ie- real money auction house that blizz takes a % of each sale.

    There isn't a lot of hope for blizzard's future, i assume they will just continue creep along on people willing to play just because it's blizzard. It's going that way with a lot of video game companies it seems, look at activisions CoD series... the 3rd one that was just released is basically the same game as it's predessor, with a few more bells and whistles, no innovation, no graphical update.... same shit being trolled out... and yet somehow it makes money, it will continue to get worse as time goes on as long as gamers continue to mindless purchase these rehashed bags of shit. I for one do not purchase a game if the I do not support the company that made it.

  4. wall o text's in this thread, and I nominate........ Gump, so he will be forced to use the website.

    I know bash will say "yeah duh" - but hell even he's back casual after saying he'll never play again.

    well yeah.... duh.... and what do you mean I'm back casual, that's heresy, My toons haven't been logged on in a month as far as i'm aware, Casual nothing, I have been gone for 2 months now... and I don't miss it at all. It's been very nice not having a raid time to worry about, I can focus on other things in my life, I honestly dont know if I will ever pick up another mmo again, but right now, It's looking like a no, I won't.

    TL;DR: Blizzard needs 12-13 bosses per raid. They don't give a shit and are content with releasing two 7-8 boss tiers as a TOTAL amount of raiding patches for an ENTIRE expansion. Un-fucking-acceptable.

    Blizzard doesn't care about WoW anymore, their endgame cinematic after you kill deathwing is fucking terrible and so poorly done, their patch trailers have gotten terrible and not worth watching,

    4.3 patch trailer

    2.1 trailer

    hell even the 3.3 trailer was really good

    Blizzard is just milking WoW for everything it's worth now, i.e. purchasable pets / mounts, rehashed content i.e ZA/ZG BWD, they are literally spitting in the face of long time players. And it's only gonna get worse with release of MoP, it's like they took everything WoW was buidling up to be, and took a big shit right on top of it... pandaran was supposed to be a part of TBC as another playable race/zone along with the outland, it's retarded they are making it into it's own expansion.

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