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Posts posted by Varibash

  1. Resto Druid

    While there are many ways to build a resto and several guides out there on the internet, I will be talking about how I think about it and what works for me.

    First and foremost, Talent Tree

    This is the area where the most controversy comes in when dealing with a resto druid, there are forums full of people argueing about what spec works the best, but in truth, you need to build your spec around your play style. Me personally I rely on my hots to do most of my healing, I only use direct heals in heavy tank healing phases and to keep my mastery proc'd. So naturally, I build my play style around a balance of mana efficiency and hot's, (mainly since resto druids AOE heals cost a lot of mana) again, there are main talents a resto druid should be taking no matter the play style:

    Natural Shapeshifter 2/2 and Master shapeshifter 1/1 are a must

    Heart of the Wild 3/3

    Naturalist 2/2

    improved Rejuvination 3/3

    Revitalize 2/2

    Empowered Touch 2/2

    Malfurion's Gift 2/2

    Wild Growth 1/1

    Efflorescence 3/3

    Gift of the EarthMother 3/3

    Tree of Life 1/1

    Natures Grace 3/3

    those are you 27 main talents points that are the best for a resto druid, the other talents need to be placed in slots that best fit your playstyle


    that's how I spec and that is what works best for me

    Stat Priority

    Resto Druids basic Stat Priority works like this

    Intellect - Intellect gives 1 spellpower per point and 0.006% crit per point. With Mark of the Wild, Heart of the Wild and Leather Specialization, Intellect provides 1.169 pellpower and 0.007% crit per point. Intellect also gives MP5 at about equal value to any MP5 you get from an equivalent amount of spirit

    Spellpower - Spellpower will now only exist on caster weapons and some enchants; all other sources of spellpower have been converted to Intellect

    Haste -128.057 haste = 1% spell haste. Haste reduces the cast time of our spells and makes our HoTs tick faster (and can squeeze extra ticks into the duration). Even though in Cataclysm there is less emphasis on being GCD-locked, haste will still be valuable. We have also lost a chunk of haste through changes to GotEM, changes to other buffs, and the loss of Celestial Focus as a haste option.

    Mastery --------> 143.42 mastery rating adds 1% to our Harmony bonus (increases potency of our direct healing spells by 10 plus casting a direct heal gives a 10% to periodic healing for the next 10 seconds). This means that it is essential that you cast at least one direct heal every 10 seconds in order to maximise your healing. Note that this is a self buff (not a buff on others) and only applies to new HoTs cast after the buff goes up, not existing HoTs (that is, a HoT already ticking on someone does not suddenly get larger ticks when Harmony is activated).

    Sprit -Spirit increases your mana regen. One point of Spirit is equivalent to 0.00836*SQRT(Int) MP5.

    Crit Rating - 1% crit = 179.28 crit rating. Crit heals do 2 times the healing of standard non-crit heals. HoT ticks can now crit, so crit is more valuable to us than it has been in the past. Regrowth (our quick heal) has high crit stitched in through talents; but our other HoTs also benefit from taking crit on our gear now. Crit direct heals mean bigger Living Seeds and Efflorescence healing. Basically, Crit is no longer the red-headed step child of our stats.

    There is a lot of debate within the resto druid community about the balance between haste and mastery, Since resto druid mastery is absolutely amazing since it is a straight buff to our AoE heals, basically it works out that you want to get your haste to one of the haste breakpoints then go straight into mastery.

    Haste Breakpoints

    Rejuvenation 12.5%, 37.5%, 62.5%, 87.5%

    Regrowth (HoT) 16.666%, 50%, 83.333%

    Lifebloom 5%, 15%, 25%, 35%, 45%, 55%, 65%, 75%, 85%, 95%

    Wild Growth 7.15%, 21.43%, 35.715%, 50%, 64.285%, 78.57%, 92.855%

    These breakpoints mean, at that percent haste, the specified heal will have an extra tick before it falls off, which means since HoTs are a Rdruids primary source of healing, getting an extra tick off is alot of over all healing done.

    At the very least you should aim for ~920/~1610 haste, which will grant you an extra tick of Rejuv (our most-often used spell), plus an extra tick of Tranquility, which is even more attractive now that in 4.1 our Tranquility cooldown has been reduced to 3 minutes. If you are smack on 916/1062 and can


  2. 1- Because I am OCD and lack of signatures annoys me, and I have forum power to edit your signature, so I did.

    2-Because I felt like using different styles

    3-Because she kinda looks like your pally

  3. No we don't pay attention week to week about how much dmg you are taking vs the week before. But DK tanks are definitely easier to heal on bosses that do a lot tank dmg, Example of this is the bird boss in FL (alyxosrazer) or w/e her name is, prydain definitely has more noticable dmg spikes from the add he is tanking then ghostwind. But it is all fight dependent. Stacking stam isn't a terrible thing to do, tanks with larger health pools avoid less of the incoming damage this is true, and the larger health pools mean a tank with say 200k hp gets hit for 100k from a boss, that 100k only brings him to 50% hp, vs a tank with 180k, a 100k hit will bring him below 50% hp, so it makes the healers panic a little bit more where as with the larger health pool it gives us more breathing room.

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