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Posts posted by MMO-Champion

  1. Allied Races - Highmountain Tauren
    Bestowed with moose horns by their ancestor Huln, the Highmountain Tauren tribes have united together after pushing the Legion out of their lands. With the threat gone, these Tauren have decided to ally with the Horde and the rest of their kind to fight the Alliance.

    ar05.jpg ar06.jpg ar07.jpg

    Unlocking the Highmountain Tauren
    To unlock the ability to make a Highmountain Tauren, the following achievements must be completed on one character on your account. Once done, you can make a Highmountain Tauren on any server that you have a 110 character provided you have purchased Battle for Azeroth.


    The Highmountain Tauren Allied Race can be any of these classes:

    • idruids.gif Druid
    • ihunters.gif Hunter
    • imonks.gif Monk
    • ishamans.gif Shaman
    • iwarriors.gif Warrior

    The Highmountain Tauren racial abilities give you damage reduction, increased mining, increased versatility, a knockdown, and a chance to loot more meat and fish.

    Ability_Racial_RuggedTenacity.jpg Ability_Racial_PrideofIronhorn.jpg Ability_Racial_Mountaineer.jpg Ability_Racial_BullRush.jpg Ability_Racial_WasteNotWantNot.jpg Achievement_AlliedRace_HighmountainTaure

    • Rugged Tenacity - Reduces damage taken by 1.8% of stamina.
    • Pride of Ironhorn - Mining skill increased by 15 and allows you to mine faster.
    • Mountaineer - Increases your Versatility by 1%.
    • Bull Rush - Charges forward for 1 sec, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec. 2 minute cooldown.
    • Waste Not, Want Not - You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish.

    The Highmountain Tauren racial mount is the Highmountain Thunderhoof. It is usable by all Horde races upon completion of Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren.

    I'm a moose riding a moose, your argument is invalid.


    Heritage Armor


    Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
    1 Cosmetic Head inv_helm_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01.j Highmountain Headdress
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Shoulders inv_shoulder_armor_highmountaintauren_d_ Highmountain Shoulderguards
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Chest inv_chest_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01. Highmountain Harness
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Waist inv_belt_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01.j Highmountain Girdle
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Legs inv_pant_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01.j Highmountain Leggings
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Feet inv_boot_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01.j Highmountain Boots
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Wrists inv_bracer_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01 Highmountain Bracers
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Hands inv_glove_armor_highmountaintauren_d_01. Highmountain Gloves
    3dButton.png Modelviewer

    The Highmountain Tauren have an intro cinematic upon creation:

    Jokes, Flirts, and VO
    You can hear the Highmountain Tauren Allied Race Jokes, Flirts, and other VO in the video below.

    The Highmountain Tauren offer a variety of faces, hairstyles, skin colors, antler customization, and tattoo options. You can view them all in the screenshots and modelviewer below.

    HTFMainMV.jpg HTMMainMV.jpg


    HighmountainTaurenMaleFace0.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFace1.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFace2.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFace3.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFace4.jpg

    HighmountainTaurenFemaleFace0.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleFace1.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleFace2.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleFace3.jpg


    HighmountainTaurenMaleFacialHair0.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFacialHair1.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFacialHair2.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFacialHair3.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleFacialHair4.jpg

    HighmountainTaurenFemaleHair0.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleHair1.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleHair2.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleHair3.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleHair4.jpg

    Skin Colors

    HighmountainTaurenMaleSkinColor0.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleSkinColor1.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleSkinColor2.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleSkinColor3.jpg

    HighmountainTaurenFemaleSkinColor0.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleSkinColor1.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleSkinColor2.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleSkinColor3.jpg


    HighmountainTaurenMaleAntler0.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleAntler1.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleAntler2.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleAntler3.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleAntler4.jpg

    HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntler0.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntler1.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntler2.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntler3.jpg HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntler4.jpg

    Antler Tattoos

    HighmountainTaurenMaleAntlerTattoo0.jpg HighmountainTaurenMaleAntlerTattoo1.jpg

    HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntlerPattern0.j HighmountainTaurenFemaleAntlerPattern1.j

    View the full article

  2. Allied Races - Void Elves
    During the final push against the Legion on Argus, Alleria Windrunner learned to harness the void without falling to madness by her mentor The Locus-Walker. The Void has a reputation for corrupting those who use it, but Alleria has since managed to train a group of outcasted Blood Elves to resist it as well. She and her followers have joined her husband to fight for the Alliance.

    VElf01.jpg VElf02.jpg VElf03.jpg

    Unlocking the Void Elves
    To unlock the Void Elves Allied Race, the following achievements must be completed on one character on your account. Once done, you can begin a short questline to actually unlock the race. You will then be able to make a Void Elf on any server that you have a 110 character provided you have purchased Battle for Azeroth.


    The Void Elves Allied Race can be any of these classes:

    • ihunters.gif Hunter
    • images.gif Mage
    • imonks.gif Monk
    • ipriests.gif Priest
    • iwarriors.gif Warrior
    • irogues.gif Rogue
    • iwarlocks.gif Warlock

    The Void Elf racial abilities give you reduced shadow damage taken, ability empowerment, reduced void storage/transmog prices, no spell casting delays from damage and a teleport.

    Ability_Racial_ChillofNight.jpg Ability_Racial_EntropicEmbrace.jpg Ability_Racial_EtherealConnection.jpg Ability_Racial_PreturnaturalCalm.jpg Ability_Racial_SpatialRift.jpg Achievement_AlliedRace_VoidElf.jpg

    The Void Elf racial mount is the Starcursed Voidstrider. It is usable by all Alliance races upon completion of Allied Races: Void Elf.

    Those that follow the void tend to prefer the companionship of a steed without form or substance.


    Heritage Armor
    If you level to 110 without a boost, you will be awarded with Heritage of the Void.


    Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
    1 Cosmetic Head inv_helm_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Helm
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Shoulders inv_shoulder_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Pauldrons
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Chest inv_chest_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Mantle
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Waist inv_belt_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Belt
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Legs inv_pant_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Leggings
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Feet inv_boot_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Boots
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Wrists inv_bracer_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Bracers
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Hands inv_glove_armor_voidelf_d_01.jpg Ren'dorei Gloves
    3dButton.png Modelviewer

    Void Elves have an into cinematic.

    Jokes, Flirts, and VO
    You can hear the Void Elf Allied Race Jokes, Flirts, and other VO in the video below.

    The Void Elves offer a variety of faces, hairstyles, hair colors, skin colors and facial hair/features. You can view them all in the screenshots and modelviewer below.

    voidElfSkin00.jpg VoidElfFemaleSkinColor00.jpg


    voidElfFace0.jpg voidElfFace1.jpg voidElfFace2.jpg voidElfFace3.jpg voidElfFace4.jpg voidElfFace5.jpg voidElfFace6.jpg voidElfFace7.jpg

    VoidElfFemaleFace0.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace1.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace2.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace3.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace4.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace5.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace6.jpg VoidElfFemaleFace7.jpg


    voidElfHairStyle0.jpg voidElfHairStyle1.jpg voidElfHairStyle10.jpg voidElfHairStyle11.jpg voidElfHairStyle2.jpg voidElfHairStyle3.jpg
    voidElfHairStyle4.jpg voidElfHairStyle5.jpg voidElfHairStyle6.jpg voidElfHairStyle7.jpg voidElfHairStyle8.jpg voidElfHairStyle9.jpg

    VoidElfFemaleHairStyle0.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle1.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle2.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle3.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle4.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle5.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle6.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle7.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle8.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairStyle9.jpg

    Hair Color

    voidElfHairColor0.jpg voidElfHairColor1.jpg voidElfHairColor2.jpg voidElfHairColor3.jpg voidElfHairColor4.jpg voidElfHairColor5.jpg voidElfHairColor6.jpg voidElfHairColor7.jpg voidElfHairColor8.jpg

    VoidElfFemaleHairColor0.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor1.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor2.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor3.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor4.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor5.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor6.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor7.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor8.jpg VoidElfFemaleHairColor9.jpg

    Facial Hair/Features

    voidElfFacialHair0.jpg voidElfFacialHair1.jpg voidElfFacialHair2.jpg voidElfFacialHair3.jpg voidElfFacialHair4.jpg voidElfFacialHair5.jpg voidElfFacialHair6.jpg voidElfFacialHair7.jpg

    VoidElfFemaleFacialFeature0.jpg VoidElfFemaleFacialFeature1.jpg VoidElfFemaleFacialFeature2.jpg VoidElfFemaleFacialFeature3.jpg VoidElfFemaleFacialFeature4.jpg

    Skin Colors

    voidElfSkin0.jpg voidElfSkin1.jpg voidElfSkin2.jpg voidElfSkin3.jpg voidElfSkin4.jpg voidElfSkin5.jpg

    VoidElfFemaleSkinColor0.jpg VoidElfFemaleSkinColor1.jpg VoidElfFemaleSkinColor2.jpg VoidElfFemaleSkinColor3.jpg VoidElfFemaleSkinColor4.jpg VoidElfFemaleSkinColor5.jpg

    View the full article

  3. Allied Races - Nightborne
    Thalyssra and the Nightborne managed to quell their addiction to the Nightwell that had plagued them inside their protective barrier in Suramar for over 10,000 years. When the Legion came, the leaders of their race made a pact that created civil war. Now liberated, the Nightborne have found common ground with the Horde and plan to fight for them.

    ar11.jpg ar12.jpg ar13.jpg

    Unlocking the Nightborne
    To unlock the Nightborne Allied Race, the following achievements must be completed on one character on your account. Once done, you can begin a short questline to actually unlock the race. You will then be able to make a Nightborne on any server that you have a 110 character provided you have purchased Battle for Azeroth.


    The Nightborne Allied Race can be any of these classes:

    • ihunters.gif Hunter
    • images.gif Mage
    • imonks.gif Monk
    • ipriests.gif Priest
    • irogues.gif Rogue
    • iwarlocks.gif Warlock
    • iwarriors.gif Warrior

    The Nightborne racial abilities give you inscription skill, magical damage, mail access, a damaging snare, and reduced magical damage taken.

    Ability_Racial_AncientHistory.jpg Ability_Racial_ArcaneAffinity.jpg Ability_Racial_Cantrips.jpg Ability_Racial_MagicalResistance.jpg Achievement_AlliedRace_Nightborne.jpg

    • Ancient History - Inscription skill increased by 15.
    • Arcane Affinity - Increases magical damage 1%.
    • Cantrips - Conjure up an Eldritch Grimoire, allowing you mail access for 1.5 minutes.
    • Arcane Pulse - Deals 5000 Arcane damage to nearby enemies every 2 seconds and snares them by 50%. Lasts 20 sec.
    • Arcane Resistance - Reduces magical damage taken by 1%.

    The Nightborne racial mount is the Nightborne Manasaber. It is usable by all Horde races upon completion of Allied Races: Nightborne.

    " Born capable of sniffing out concentrations of arcane energy, this noble cat was presented with thanks to a proven ally of the Nightborne.


    Heritage Armor
    If you level to 110 without a boost, you will be awarded with Heritage of the Nightborne, which grants the purple heritage armor below. We've included the alternative color that is currently unused as well.

    NFPR.jpg NFRRv2.jpg

    Level Type Slot Name Model Viewer
    1 Cosmetic Head inv_helm_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Crown
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Shoulders inv_shoulder_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Mantle
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Chest inv_chest_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Finery
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Waist inv_belt_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Belt
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Legs inv_pant_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Leggings
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Feet inv_boot_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Slippers
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Wrists inv_bracer_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Bracers
    3dButton.png Modelviewer
    1 Cosmetic Hands inv_glove_armor_nightborne_d_01.jpg Shal'dorei Gloves
    3dButton.png Modelviewer

    Along with the regular new character creation cinematic, Nightborne have an extra bit of story.

    Jokes, Flirts, and VO
    You can hear the Nightborne Allied Race Jokes, Flirts, and other VO in the video below.

    The Nightborne offer a variety of faces, hairstyles, hair colors, skin colors, ear customization, and tattoo options. You can view them all in the screenshots and modelviewer below.

    NBMMainMV.jpg NBFMainMV.jpg


    NightborneMaleFace0.jpg NightborneMaleFace1.jpg NightborneMaleFace2.jpg NightborneMaleFace3.jpg NightborneMaleFace4.jpg NightborneMaleFace5.jpg

    nightborneFemaleFace0.jpg nightborneFemaleFace1.jpg nightborneFemaleFace2.jpg nightborneFemaleFace3.jpg nightborneFemaleFace4.jpg nightborneFemaleFace5.jpg


    NightborneMaleHairStyle0.jpg NightborneMaleHairStyle1.jpg NightborneMaleHairStyle2.jpg NightborneMaleHairStyle3.jpg NightborneMaleHairStyle4.jpg NightborneMaleHairStyle5.jpg NightborneMaleHairStyle6.jpg

    nightborneFemaleHair0.jpg nightborneFemaleHair1.jpg nightborneFemaleHair2.jpg nightborneFemaleHair3.jpg nightborneFemaleHair4.jpg nightborneFemaleHair5.jpg

    Hair Color

    NightborneMaleHairColor0.jpg NightborneMaleHairColor1.jpg NightborneMaleHairColor2.jpg

    nightborneFemaleHairColor0.jpg nightborneFemaleHairColor1.jpg nightborneFemaleHairColor2.jpg

    Skin Colors

    NightborneMaleSkinColor0.jpg NightborneMaleSkinColor1.jpg NightborneMaleSkinColor2.jpg

    nightborneFemaleSkinColor0.jpg nightborneFemaleSkinColor1.jpg nightborneFemaleSkinColor2.jpg


    nightborneFemaleEarCustom0.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom1.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom2.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom3.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom4.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom5.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom6.jpg nightborneFemaleEarCustom7.jpg


    NightborneMaleTattoo0.jpg NightborneMaleTattoo1.jpg NightborneMaleTattoo2.jpg NightborneMaleTattoo3.jpg

    nightborneFemaleTattoo0.jpg nightborneFemaleTattoo1.jpg nightborneFemaleTattoo2.jpg nightborneFemaleTattoo3.jpg

    View the full article

  4. wowmini.png Battle for Azeroth Alpha - Build 25902 Models

    Patch 7.3.5 Hotfixes - January 26
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    • Defeating Algalon should once again award the appropriate achievements.
    • Players can now correctly earn the achievement Souls of the Lost.


    Dungeons and Raids


    Player versus Player


    Blue Posts
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
    I just logged in, and to my surprise, there is a level 90 boost on my character select screen...What is it from? Should I be worried about some sort of account compromise? I have the authenticator and everything. A few weeks ago I purchased a level 100 boost for a warlock. I looked through my transaction history, and there aren't any random purchases. Is this a bug? A random gift from Blizz?

    It looks like we're running a process that is switching the level 90 boosts that used to be bound only to the WoW license to make them Blizzard Battle.net wide. So some of you likely had a level 90 boost from a secondary WoW license that is now available for use on any of your WoW licenses on that account. For those currently missing boosts, the process is still running, they should show back up. Once the process completed we'll see how everything looks.

    hotsIcon.png Heroes of the Storm - Maiev Shadowsong Spotlight
    Blizzard recently revealed Maiev Shadowsong as the next hero in Heroes of the Storm.


    View the full article

  5. Join Us for a Live Developer Q&A Tuesday – 1/30
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Join us live on Twitch Tuesday, January 30, as we sit down with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas for our next live developer Q&A where he’ll be answering your World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth questions.

    Feel free to submit questions by posting in this forum thread or via Twitter using the hashtag #WarcraftQA.

    We’re really looking forward to getting the chance to dive in and answer as much as we can, so we hope to see you Tuesday at 21:00 CET!

    Battle for Azeroth - Collector's Edition Rewards
    The Collector's Edition rewards that came up in the hype thread back in September 2017 were finally added to the Battle.Net API for Patch 7.3.5.

    inv_dressedhorse.jpg inv_babytortollan.jpg inv_armoredraptor.jpg

    • Collector's Edition: Seabraid Stallion - Owner of the Battle for Azeroth Collector's Edition Seabraid Stallion mount (A)
    • Collector's Edition: Gilded Ravasaur - Owner of the Battle for Azeroth Collector's Edition Gilded Ravasaur mount (H)
    • Collector's Edition: Tottle - Owner of the Battle for Azeroth Collector's Edition pet, Tottle

    View the full article

  6. wowmini.png Developer Watercooler - Battle for Azeroth Class Design Overview

    Patch 7.3.5 Hotfixes - January 24
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

    Dungeons and Raids


    • The portals to Deepholm can now be used by level 82 players, as intended.

    View the full article

  7. Developer Watercooler - Battle for Azeroth Class Design Overview
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    The development of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth is well underway, and we want to share some insights into our philosophies and approach to class design for the expansion. While the launch of Legion brought lots of change to all of Warcraft’s classes, Battle for Azeroth will more closely resemble the example set by Legion’s patch content: targeted iteration based on player feedback and data.

    The intro cinematic of Battle for Azeroth revealed at BlizzCon 2017 has an underlying theme that resonates deeply with the class design team: “Remember what makes us strong.” With that in mind, our goals for the next expansion are to promote what makes each class unique, focus on making group gameplay the best that it can be, and continue our efforts to improve combat visuals and effects. While we believe some specializations will need substantial iteration to achieve these goals, others will not, and our target is greater stability across the board.

    Class Uniqueness and Utility
    One area we’re trying to focus on across all classes is to better emphasize what makes each class unique and provide greater distinction among their various capabilities, especially when it comes to utility—tools that fall outside of core role functions like damage, healing, or mitigation. Part of what makes you feel excitement and pride in your class is pulling off a heroic moment and feeling the appreciation of your group when individually contributing to a shared success. That feeling is eroded when so many classes bring similar abilities, and you feel you’re rarely providing something distinctive. More differentiation in this area will create situations where another class can do something that you can’t, but you will similarly bring tools to the table that your allies lack.

    That contrast causes members of a team to be more dependent on each other to succeed, and encourages different group compositions to approach encounters in different ways.

    Pursuing this goal will likely involve adding some new abilities (or re-adding previously removed abilities) to give classes a more unique signature where needed. It will also likely involve reining in the availability of certain utility types, especially those that are so widespread that they rarely provide meaningful contrast between classes. As a notable example, Area of Effect (AoE) stuns, some of most powerful utility that exists, are so abundant that most groups have at least one or two. As a result, decision-making around that tool is often less about when it would be best used, and more about avoiding overlap with other AoE stuns. Not only does this sometimes drown out the importance of other crowd control in dungeons, but it means that a class bringing an AoE stun to a group is not the major strategy-defining asset that it should be. Our goal is that whatever powerful kind of utility a class brings, it’s something that group will be happy to have added to their toolbox as they approach a challenge.

    The goal of contrast between the abilities of different specializations is not limited to utility. We’re also looking at different specializations’ strengths and weaknesses in their “main role”—damage dealing (or DPS), healing, or tanking—and making sure everyone has something to get excited about and an opportunity to shine. Some DPS specializations are “bursty,” doing fast damage; some live for attrition, wearing away their target. Some specializations prefer to isolate and drill into a single threat, while others revel in blowing up huge packs of monsters. Much of this plays out naturally due to the varying sets of damaging abilities, but we are working more intently than in the past to ensure an appropriate variety and spread of DPS strengths and weaknesses. Likewise, healers and tanks should have a bit more identity through their unique healing and mitigation profiles.

    Another part of this approach involves working with our content design teams to collaborate on a world where quests, dungeons, and raids create opportunities for all different types of class strengths to shine. If we’re arming classes with distinct tools that provide powerful answers to different situations, it’s important that the game’s content provides a broad array of challenges that play into those different tools.

    Talent System Refinements
    The overall talent system will remain largely unchanged, but we will be refining our approach. One of the major challenges in setting up talent rows is that they serve two conflicting desires: choices within a row should be meaningfully varied, but also should not feel like they are simply a test of which is best in a particular setting.

    If a row has three similar area-damage talents, your decision can feel like it boils down to a complex math problem. If a row mixes area-damage and single-target talents, you’ll likely feel you should change talents to suit the content you’re doing, which also rarely feels like a choice. The most successful talent rows are those with options that have a generally consistent role in your toolkit, but have very different delivery and mechanics, allowing players to thoughtfully customize their identity and complexity.

    One other lesson we’ve already begun implementing in Legion patches is being careful with the effect that talents have on “pacing”—how frequently you get to press your buttons, and how often you generate resources and cooldowns. Of course, many talents affect the pacing of a rotation, and this will continue to be the case, as these are some of the talents with the most noticeable and fun feel to them. But if you have access to multiple talents that slow down or speed up your rotation, players can end up outside the bounds of what feels good to play (for example, by being resource starved or flooded). As we review talents going forward, we will try to avoid this by having strong resource-generating talents compete with each other, and better limiting the pacing change allowable from any single talent.

    Artifacts Here and Gone
    One particular challenge for the class design team throughout Legion was handling the introduction and eventual removal of Artifacts. The idea was exciting: design a large set of bonuses with the intention that they would be contained within an expansion, allowing us to make them flashier, more complex, and more numerous than we’d been able to in a specialization’s permanent set of core abilities. But the process of parting with Artifacts produces a complex set of decisions about how to adjust the base classes to play well in their absence.

    The largest issue is where the pacing of a spec’s rotation was heavily affected by Artifacts. In that case, removing the Artifact may result in a rotation that’s too slow, or has too much open time where the core buttons aren’t available. In the process of reviewing and updating each specialization for Battle for Azeroth, we want to make sure all of them are paced appropriately after the removal of Artifacts. In some cases, we may do things like increase resource generation or reduce cooldowns to fill in some of the newly opened space.

    For traits that go beyond simple numerical changes and have their own identity—such as active abilities or the powerful and noticeable procs—we are on the lookout across all specs for a small selection of traits that are worth turning into permanent parts of a class. The bar is high for a trait to become permanent. It’s an intended part of the experience of a system like Artifacts that the bonuses are layered on top of the core functionality of your class. You get to explore those bonuses thoroughly, but eventually move on from them. That leaves space in the permanent classes for new special bonuses from other systems in the future, as we’ll soon be exploring with Azerite Armor. That said, various specs will likely see one or two familiar traits from Artifacts showing up in their talent trees in Battle for Azeroth.

    These are the broad philosophies that are guiding our design in Battle for Azeroth, and we were deliberately light on sharing specific examples of change, which are still in a state of flux at this stage. We welcome a community discussion on the principles we’ve outlined, and look forward to delving into detailed and specific changes as we move forward with our beta testing in the near future.

    View the full article

  8. wowmini.png Recruit-A-Friend Changes Feedback

    Patch 7.3.5 Hotfixes - January 23
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

    • NPCs should again make sounds when you click on them.
    • Your character’s sounds should again be more audible than other players’ sounds, especially in dungeons and raids.


    Class Halls
    • Fixed a bug that sometimes inflated the Order Resources amount required for a mission.

    Dungeons and Raids
    • Addressed numerous issues with area effects misbehaving in encounters.
      • Developers’ notes: The underlying issue here is complex, but we believe we’ve tracked down the likely cause. Please let us know if you continue to experience issues with erroneously-triggered area effects.

    • Lost Mail now properly spawns in a random location near one of several Dalaran mailboxes.
    • "Korok the Colossus" can now be turned in to Deathguard Podrig in the Sepulcher if Forward Commander Onslaught has been slain.
    • "Good News... and Bad News" can now be accepted from Matoclaw if abandoned.
    • Players level 91 and higher can now start the questline that unlocks Jade Forest by speaking with Nazgrim (Horde) or Admiral Jes-tereth (Alliance).
    • Boss enemies for "The Air Stands Still" have had their health reduced, and the NPCs that help you fight them have had their damage increased.
    • The missing Slumberblooms have returned for "Slumberbloom".

    View the full article

  9. wowmini.png Sotanathor, Ana-Mouz, Burning Crusade Timewalking, Deepwind Dunk Brawl

    Recruit-A-Friend Changes Feedback
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Thanks for the feedback and thoughts so far.

    The Refer-A-Friend system is intended as an option for players who want to invite a friend to play WoW with them and experience the game together. When it was first introduced, we gave it a hefty bonus to experience gain as a way for both players to reach endgame content as quickly as possible.

    Nowadays, purchasing the latest WoW expansion includes a free character boost, so the need to rush your friend to max level is no longer there; you can jump into the latest content with your friend right away. This meant that the only players who were using the Refer-A-Friend system in its intended way – leveling alongside their friend – were those who had decided that they wanted to experience that content together. We realized that, for those players, the 300% XP bonus was a disservice; we were cutting that shared experience short by making them finish it far too quickly.

    Now, we certainly recognize that the majority of people using the Refer-A-Friend system before these changes were doing so in order to level alts quickly. If anything, we take that as a strong indication that the system needed to change: the best method to level a character in WoW shouldn’t be “buy a new copy of the game, put it on a separate account, send it a Refer-A-Friend invite, level a new character, and then transfer that character to your primary account when you’re finished.” That’s messy, at best.

    That said, we’re certainly taking the feedback about the rate of leveling alts into account as we move forward with the game’s development. We’ve been happy with the changes so far, but if leveling is too slow, we’d rather address that in the game itself than have Refer-A-Friend be some kind of bizarre workaround to an outstanding issue.

    View the full article

  10. d3.png Bone Ringer Re-Enabled & Challenge Rift 31

    hearthstoneIcon.png Deathwing Needs a Friendwing - Phase 2 Voting! Class Creation Competition

    Greater Invasion Boss - Sotanathor
    Sotanathor is up this week, rewarding item level 930 loot!


    World Boss - Ana-Mouz
    Ana-Mouz is up as this week's Broken Isles world boss.


    Weekly Event - Burning Crusade Timewalking
    Burning Crusade Timewalking is back this week. Don't forget to check out Black Temple Timewalking during the event!

    timewalkingMount01.jpg timewalkingMount02.jpg timewalkingMount03.jpg

    PvP Brawls - Deepwind Dunk
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Can you even dunk? If you want to win this brawl, you’re going to need to work on your skills because Dunkball has come to Pandaria. You’ll race to claim balls from the map’s center, or northern, or southern mines, take them to your enemy’s base, and then go for a magnificent long range shot or go all in for the dunk.

    View the full article

  11. wowmini.png Changes to Recruit-A-Friend - Now Live

    Patch 7.3.5 Hotfixes - January 22
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

    • Addressed a graphical error with characters who have markings such as tattoos.
    • Uuna will now react to her surroundings when taken to Suramar, for both Horde and Alliance characters.


    Dungeons and Raids
    • Deepholm
      • Fixed a bug where Aeonaxx would fail to drop loot.
    • Return to Karazhan
      • Attumen should once again properly respect tank threat for his Mounted Strike and Stamp attacks while astride Midnight.
    • Shadowfang Keep
      • Some enemies will now properly benefit from damage scaling when attacked by high-level players, in Normal difficulty.
    • Vault of the Wardens
      • Fel Furies that spawn in the Mythic Tirathon Saltheril encounter will no longer evade.

    Mounts and Pets
    • Fixed a bug that caused custom pet names to sometimes partially disappear.
    • Mailing the Vicious War Fox will no longer cause it to become the other faction's War Fox.

    • Skinning
      • Noxious Whelps can again be skinned for Green Whelp Scales.

    • The Dragonblight quest "An End and a Beginning" can now be completed normally.
    • The Huge Boulder for the Redridge quest "Saving Foreman Oslow" has been returned.

    January 19 - Build 28675

    • Addressed tuning issues with enemy health in leveling content.
    • Fixed framerate and client performance issues on mid- and lower-capacity hardware, especially when coupled with the use of certain addons.
    • Fixed an Archaeology bug preventing players from being able to survey in appropriate locations.
    • Restored a large number of missing transmogrification items to Collections.

    View the full article

  12. Changes to Recruit-A-Friend - Now Live
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    In Patch 7.3.5, we made significant changes to the level 1–100 experience to ensure players can better enjoy the stories, quest lines, and zones they want to at their own pace. Because of this, we are adjusting the XP bonus on the Recruit-A-Friend (RAF) program to ensure it reflects the updated pacing of the game as new players level their characters and explore Azeroth.

    Dynamic Leveling in Patch 7.3.5
    As you may have heard, Patch 7.3.5 significantly overhauled the level-up experience in World of Warcraft so that zones from 1–100 will dynamically scale to your character’s level. Why? Over the years, we’ve made multiple changes to adjust the leveling curve—and as a result, the pace of characters’ progress has become significantly out of sync with the content. Players often out-level areas long before they’ve had a chance to complete key stories and quest lines, leading to a less-than-ideal experience.

    With this significant update to pacing, the existing Recruit-A-Friend program would no longer provide the best experience for players new to World of Warcraft. Even with scaling zones, triple-speed leveling would mean new players going into dungeons could find themselves overwhelmed by multiple new abilities gained over the course of a single instance run, and might still outpace storylines that help the world make sense and make players feel like they’re part of it—and we want new players to feel at home in Azeroth.

    To align the Recruit-A-Friend XP bonus with the upcoming leveling changes, we have reduced the XP boost gained from the Recruit-A-Friend program when playing with a linked friend down from 200% (300% XP vs. base XP) to 50%* (150% XP vs. base XP). We are making these changes to ensure the XP boost doesn’t upset game balance and undermine the experience, while still giving a significant XP bonus to you and a friend as a thank-you for being part of the Recruit-A-Friend program.

    Recruit-A-Friend Changes in Full
    • The XP boost has been reduced from 200% bonus to 50% bonus*, effective today, January 22, 2018.
    • If you’re already actively participating in the program, fear not! If you either sent or received an invite before the change went into effect today, once the invite is accepted you and your friend will still receive triple XP* (200% XP bonus) until the link between your accounts expires (90 days from the date the new recruit’s account was first created). Please note: RAF invites expire after seven days.
    • Heirloom gear XP bonuses will no longer stack with the RAF boost (i.e., the maximum XP boost you will see from today onwards is 50%). If you were already on the program, Heirloom gear will still stack.
    • All other rewards are unchanged and yours to enjoy:
      • Summon your friend once every 30 minutes.
      • 10% bonus reputation from kills that grant reputation.*
      • Level granting: for every two levels your friend gains while the accounts are linked, they can grant one level to one of your characters.
      • Recruiter rewards, including game time and epic mounts.

    *For a full list of the rewards and the in-game criteria for receiving them, visit our RAF In-Game Bonuses page.

    View the full article

  13. d3.png Lore Loose Ends: Kormac's Torment

    hearthstoneIcon.png The Legendary Level of Token Appreciation Card Design Competition

    Call of the Scarab Micro-Holiday
    The Call of the Scarab holiday event remembers the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj world event from Vanilla. This event is an Alliance vs Horde showdown, with the victorious faction flying their faction banner for the next year.

    This year you will need to talk to Zidormi in Silithus to see the old version if you have killed Argus and can see the Wound in the World.

    The Call of the Scarab quest will send you to Silithus so that you know where the vendor and world quests are. From there you can complete quests and defeat bosses to earn Commendations for your faction. Whichever faction has the most Commendations at the end of the event wins.

    Cultist Camps

    World Quests
    There are several world quests associated with this event, all rewarding Commendations that contribute to your faction's total.

    Material Turn-In Quests
    These materials can be turned in to the NPCs near the banners to earn Commendations (Field Marshal Snowfall / Senior Sergeant Kai'jin).

    Mini-Boss Quests
    These quests are started by items dropped from the Wind Stone and Greater Wind Stone bosses at the Cultist Camps.

    These mounts only last for a few days and are bag slot items much like the Magic Broom from the Hallow's End Event.

    AQblue2.jpg AQred2.jpg

    Level Type Name Cost
    1 Quest inv_jewelry_ring_17.jpg Twilight Cultist Ring of Lordship 1000 x Abyssal Crest
    1 Quest inv_jewelry_amulet_06.jpg Twilight Cultist Medallion of Station 250 x Abyssal Crest
    1 Mount inv_misc_qirajicrystal_02.jpg Ruby Qiraji Resonating Crystal 1 x Abyssal Crest
    1 Mount inv_misc_qirajicrystal_04.jpg Sapphire Qiraji Resonating Crystal 1 x Abyssal Crest

    cots01.jpg cots02.jpg cots03.jpg

    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    *1/21- The Call of the Scarab Micro-Holiday is now live. Players who have completed Antorus, the Burning Throne and who are in a different phase can speak to Rhonormu near the gong to enter the correct event phase.

    On January 23, 2006, a bloody war was triggered by a simple sound: the banging of a gong. No rallying fanfare, no bloodthirsty yell; just an eerie silence. Those long, uneasy seconds of dread. The calm before the storm.

    Standing shoulder-to-shoulder before the Scarab Wall, no one could have predicted what would happen—an epic ten-hour battle that claimed the lives of thousands of Azeroth’s bravest—or fully comprehended the effect it would have.

    Action First, Faction Second
    That’s not to say the battle at the gates of Ahn’Qiraj came as a surprise. When the menace of C’Thun turned into an urgent threat, leaders across the world pored over plans and forged unlikely connections as pressure mounted. Both factions knew war was coming and personal glory was a hubris no-one could risk. Any notion that one army could defeat General Rajaxx and his colossal battalion was soon abandoned as fantasy.

    It was a unique time: scattered armies with varying allegiances were thrown together and faction pride was put aside. Let’s be clear: the battle at Ahn’Qiraj was won purely on the principle “united we stand, divided we fall.”

    Warmongering vs. Gold Hungering
    This uneasy alliance was not without its critics. Some showed their disapproval by shunning the war effort altogether, but others expressed opposition through acts of aggression. Rogue elements on both sides, unwilling to stomach this perceived betrayal of their faction, did not sit idle. Just as neutral auction houses became a tool for factions to share resources, they also became virtual battlegrounds. Crucial resources were picked up for next-to-nothing and sold on for personal gain. As with all wars, those who profit aren’t always the brave.

    The sheer scale of that war effort is almost unimaginable when we live in a time of extended storage and fast mail. But back then, backpacks and cloth stacks were smaller. Getting precious resources gathered, sorted, and sent took many hours. And it took several weeks to source bandages, food, and equipment—resources that were in high demand and would soon dwindle.

    The Importance of Remembrance
    There are parallels with current events that are impossible to ignore: once more, we Azerothians stand united against the Burning Legion as they wreak havoc across the Broken Isles. We attempt to put aside a complex, bitter history in order to defeat a common enemy. We eye each other suspiciously, even as we fight side by side.

    We would do well, in these dark times, to remember the courage and spirit of those who were there at the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj. We must have long memories if we’re to make quick work of the demon forces we now face.

    From January 21–23 we ask that you join us as we remember the fallen and celebrate the victory. All of Azeroth are invited to a special holiday, ‘Call of the Scarab,’ where we will gather to perform acts of remembrance and share our factions’ pride.

    Patch 7.3.5 - Broadcast Text
    Patch 7.3.5 added some new interesting broadcast text.

    Auction House Dance Party
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    They may come from Highmountain, but they sure can get low. It's the Highmountain tauren!
    The moose is loose! Highmountain tauren, GO!
    Adventurers by day, dancers by night... borne. It's time to cheer for the nightborne!
    An illusion!? Nope... it's just the dancing nightborne!
    Just because you're an avatar of darkness doesn't mean you can't get funky. Hit it, void elves!
    Get down with your bad self, void elf!
    Turn off the disco ball and these lightforged draenei will still light up the stage!
    The lightforged draenei came here to dance and kill demons. And we're all out of demons!

    Trial of Style
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Frighten the fashion out of us with your creepiest costumes. Oooh... I'm getting chills already!
    Pandarian fashion just SCREAMS harmoniousness. Show us your inner peace!
    Show us your sparkles with your most wizardly wear! And don't forget the enchantments!

    Azerite / Seething Shore
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    When mixed with natural gas, liquid Azerite can harden quickly making it easy for us to obtain. Keep your eyes peeled down below for unstable activity on the surface. With these tremors happening recently... its bound to spout out of cracks or fissures you find.
    We've observed strong geothermal energy readings around this uncharted island.
    Azerite, for sure!

    This island is ripe with thermal activity. After a geyser plumes, azerite is sure to spill out of the fissures. This has got to be worth a fortune!

    Yeah? Whaddya want?
    Hey! Mind yah business!
    I ain't got time for this. Spit it out already!
    Time is money!
    Hand over all of the azerite you've pocketed!
    I ain't gonna let you take my azerite!
    I stole it fair and square! It's mine!
    Oohh... Now you're gonna pay!
    You're messin wit' the wrong goblin, bub!
    It's mine! MINE!
    Ow! Enough! You can keep it!
    I give up! Here, take it!
    I give, I give!!
    Mercy! Here take it, I didn't want it anyway!
    Uncle! Take all of it! I don't want it anymore!

    The Horde has gathered over 1200 Azerite and is near victory!
    The Alliance has gathered over 1200 Azerite and is near victory!

    It isn't often one gets the opportunity to study a new mineral! Who knows what mysteries the azerite holds!

    Void Elves
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    What do you know of Telogrus?
    This is a very old place. Broken by rage, yet sculpted by the threads of fate.
    There is much to be learned here. I believe I might linger a while.

    Remember, control demands sacrifice. Power never comes without a price. You risk losing those closest to you in order to save them.
    This is the bargain we have made.
    < Alleria looks away. >

    With Alleria's teaching, we can avoid the fate suffered by those on Mac'Aree.

    We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.
    A path long denied to us is open at last.

    The voices never stop. They push, they bully, they plead. They will not relent, not even for a moment.
    But you are stronger than the voices. You can glean their secrets and draw upon their strength.

    We need no longer fear exile for the pursuit of knowledge.
    A path long denied to us is open at last.
    Be wary of unstable void rifts and their spawn. This place is not entirely safe.

    Pristine void energy is soaked into this space... Magnificent.
    The Voidstorm is growing. It might even consume the big island entirely.
    Unchecked void energies ravage the other islands. It remains too dangerous to navigate.

    The void energy released when the ethereals attacked left the other islands unstable. No one is allowed beyond this point.
    The last people who ventured beyond this space were consumed by the shadows.

    One portal, coming up!
    You have learned basic control. Mastery, however, can only be attained through practical application.

    Calm yourself and it will pass.
    Your emotions expose weakness. The Void will exploit that if you let it.
    Remain in control of your thoughts. The void cannot sway that which is immutable.
    What are you waiting for? Concentrate and banish this creature!

    Although broken and scattered, this rift holds many secrets. It will teach us much about the nature of the shadows.

    Studying this rift has value, but we cannot neglect our duty.
    Azeroth must be defended. Our place is out there, fighting for our world.
    The power that flows through us is a weapon. And weapons must be wielded.

    Locus-Walker is an intriguing fellow.
    Alleria seems to trust him... to a point.
    I think we can learn much from him, so long as we remain wary of his true intentions.

    Void Elves - Cathedral of Light
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Oh! Hello there... fellow member of the Alliance. I mean no disrespect, but... I'm just not entirely sure the cathedral is the most... appropriate place for... for... For someone who indulges such... unique proclivities.
    The Light does not treat with the Void, elf. You should leave this place.
    This place is not meant for you.
    I can sense the shadow in you. Though it is diminished in the presence of the Light.
    Thank you, but I do not require your aid.
    Have you come to supplicate yourself before the Light? If you are here to speak with Archbishop Benedictus, I am sorry to inform you that he has left on a mission.
    I will help in whatever way I can, but I suggest you do not linger too long here.
    I commend your dedication. However, I fear you walk a dangerous path. You would best serve the Alliance away from the cathedral.
    Tread carefully, $c. Lady Alleria's name will only carry you so far.
    Perhaps is it as Alleria Windrunner says, and the whispers of shadow can be controlled. Be on your guard, friend, and may the Ligh--Hrm. Well... May fortune favor you.

    Lightforged Draenei - Cathedral of Light
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Greetings, Lightforged! Know that you are always welcome here in the Cathedral of Light.
    To have given yourself wholly to the Light... you are an example to us all.
    You will always have steadfast allies here.

    May the Light ever guide you, $n.

    Silithus Flight Paths
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    I need a flight to Southwind Village.
    These goblins are so busy with their extraction equipment that they haven't set up a proper flight station.
    < Urok grumbles and kicks the dirt. >
    If you're lookin' for a flight outta this place, you're on your own.
    I guess if the world's ending I might be able to figure somethin' out...

    Looking for a lift? Going someplace special I hope!
    I need a flight to Staghelm Point.
    All our attention is focused on foiling the Horde's efforts. We can't spare resources to make this flight network fully functional.
    If you need to fly away from this wretched desert, you'll have to manage it yourself.
    Should you be facing a dire emergency, I suppose I could cobble together resources for a single flight...

    Lightforged Warframe
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    These machines are fantastic! How could they operate with no anomalies or chance of failure?
    Oh, excuse me. Did you need something?
    We have learned much from our fight against the Legion. In truth, these warframes are the culmination of many years of research.
    If you wish, I can train you to craft similar devices.

    Non-magical devices are for mana-starved whelps, they said. Non-magical devices serve no purpose, they said.
    Orgrimmar practically runs on such creations!
    Time for me to show those palanquin-addled wretches back home the perfection of machinery!

    Nightborne in Suramar
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    The Legion nearly took everything from us... while I blindly trusted Elisande.
    I am relieved that Suramar is back in our hands.
    I suppose I should thank you.
    < Anarys dips his head slightly at you. >
    I stood by and watched as Elisande led us astray. I was wrong... about everything.

    Vigilant Quoram
    The Vigilant Quoram has a few lines.
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Oh, you made it.
    Why have you returned?
    It is designed to kill you.
    I imagine it is quite painful.
    I am told power comes from unlikely places.
    For now.
    I am afraid I cannot allow that.

    Twilight Hammer Cultists
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    This drink is green! Why is it green?
    There are no heroes in oblivion!
    None shall oppose the Twilight's Hammer!
    We are the harbingers of destruction!
    Cry for help... none shall answer you!
    The twilight is upon you!
    None shall withstand the power of our master!
    I am your destruction!
    You will kneel before our master!

    Goblin Workers
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    I used to be a famous pirate! They dig me up, hand me this tophat, then tell me I have to greet all of you newcomers with a smile on my face...
    Do you have any idea how much it hurts to try to crack a smile? This is ridiculous!
    I really hated this tophat at first. What does a guy have to do for a good tricorne? But I must say... this fits real nicely on my skull.

    Sure hope the boss knows what he's doin'.
    Ain't easy ta meet my quota with that giant sword loomin' overhead!
    You're in the world savin' business, ain't ya? Maybe you should get ta work!
    Should be earnin' hazard pay for this!

    Psst... Yeah, you, $r. Hey, can you put in a bad word for me with the Warchief? I need to get fired. Being a jerk to everyone isn't working!
    What do I have to do to get myself out of this job? I try to leave, some orc picks me up and plops me right back down here.

    Downsized? I'm already about as downsized as you can get!
    Boss Mida says I'm bein' discharged. The only things that oughta be discharged are guns and explosives!
    I've been downwardly promoted.
    We're here as part of a "workforce adjustment."
    I used to have a cushy office job in Orgrimmar.
    My position has been eliminated... feels like early retirement.

    Ambassador Blackguard Survey
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    We have a forsaken ambassador, which makes sense given our Warchief, of course.
    But I can't help asking myself, "What has it cost us?"
    If you have a moment, can you please tell me of your experience with Ambassador Blackguard?

    Thank you for taking my survey, $n.I shall present the petition after I have enough signatures. Good day to you, $r.
    He was rude and blatantly offensive.
    His appearance was off-putting.
    He should be replaced immediately!

    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    Oh, goodness me! Did you slip?
    Best be careful close to the edge, $n.
    Did you fall, or was that a graceful jump designed to look like a clumsy fall?
    Watch your step! I can't do this all day! Actually, I suppose I can.
    Are you conducting some kind of dangerous experiment? I like it!
    If you're going to fall to your death, do it somewher else.
    Mind the gap.

    Dark Legacy Comics #617
    DLC #617 has been released.


    View the full article

  14. Upcoming Extended Maintenance
    Both the US and EU are having eight hour maintenance again this week.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    us-en.png We will be performing scheduled maintenance beginning on Friday, January 19th, 7:00 AM (PST) and we expect the service to be available again at approximately 3:00 PM (PST). During this time the game will be unavailable for play.

    gb-en.png We will be performing scheduled maintenance beginning on Saturday, January 20th, 02:00 AM (CET) and we expect the service to be available again at approximately 10:00 (CET). During this time the game will be unavailable for play.

    Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25875
    Another little build went out to the PTR today. Mimiron's Head is back in the dungeon Journal and NPC health changes are in.

    NPC Health Changes
    The previously mentioned fix for Mists of Pandaria and Warlords bosses is in this build:

    Mists of Pandaria
    • Raid boss health reduced by 32% compared to live. Immerseus (Normal 10) now has 4.05 million health compared to 5.95 million on live.
    • Level 90 NPC health reduced by 51% (at Player Level 100)
    • Level 90 NPC health reduced by 32% (at Player Level 90)

    Warlords of Draenor
    • Raid boss health reduced by 42% compared to live.
    • Level 90 NPC health reduced by 7% (at Player Level 90)
    • Level 95 NPC health reduced by 9% (at Player Level 95)
    • Level 98 NPC health reduced by 22% (at Player Level 98)
    • Level 99 NPC health reduced by 33% (at Player Level 99)
    • Level 100 NPC health reduced by 42% (at Player Level 100)
    • Level 100 NPC health reduced by 59% (at Player Level 110)

    String Changes
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    • BACKPACK_AUTHENTICATOR_EXTRA_SLOTS_ADDED - You gained 4 backpack slots for having an Authenticator attached to your account. and SMS Protect attached to your account.

    hotsIcon.png Heroes of the Storm - MechaStorm
    Blizzard released a promotional video for the Mecha skins and bundles.

    View the full article

  15. d3.png PTR Server Slam

    hearthstoneIcon.png Hall of Champions is This Week's Brawl!

    Patch 7.3.5 - S.E.L.F.I.E Filters
    Patch 7.3.5 adds new filters to the S.E.L.F.I.E. Camera MkII. If you don't already have it, you can head to Stormwind / Orgrimmar and pick up the Light Camera Action quest.

    selfieArgus.jpg firefilter.jpg iccfilter.jpg selfieSha.jpg twilightfilter.jpg

    Patch 7.3.5 Hotfixes - January 17
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

    Dungeons and Raids
    • Gnomeregan
      • Electrocutioner 6000 again drops Electrocutioner Leg for Hunters.
    • Trial of the Champion
      • All bosses again properly drop Champion's Seals.

    • Many quest items that had incorrectly high level requirements have been adjusted.

    World Quests
    • Fixed issues preventing Naz'ak and Ana-Mouz from dropping loot for players who have previously killed them.

    • Significantly increased the Spinal Dust drop rate on the Ghostlands quest “Spinal Dust”.
    • Arluin has returned to Suramar and is again willing to speak with outsiders. He was just having a bad day.

    Mists and Warlords Raid Boss Health - Future Hotfix
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Older Boss Raid Difficulty with 7.3.5 Scaling
    As many players have noticed, changes to how creature health is determined in Patch 7.3.5 had a meaningful impact on some older raid content. This has been particularly noticeable in Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria raids. We’ve been discussing this topic constantly since the first threads popped up after the patch.

    We want to be clear: our intention was never to greatly increase the difficulty of soloing old raid content for transmog or mount runs, but a side effect of the creature health tuning we did for leveling players. We’re currently working on a fix that will significantly reduce the health of Warlords and Mists raid bosses.

    Thank you for all of your feedback and discussion on this issue. We’re sorry for the frustration, and we’re working to have you all back in there beating down those old raid bosses as soon as possible (hopefully before the weekend).

    Uuna Pet Quest Item Drop Rate
    Uunas Doll has a low drop rate from The Many-Faced Devourer on Argus. It is the first piece in the puzzle to get Uuna and was recently hotfixed to drop more often.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    drop rate for Uuna needs to be buffed! i want to get in on the secret findings!
    Good news! A hotfix has been deployed that significantly increases the drop rate of Uunas Doll. Join the secret hunt to save Uuna! (Muffinus)

    Mobile/Web Auction House Disabled in 7.3.5
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker)
    With the release of Patch 7.3.5, we’ve had to disable the web and mobile versions of the Auction House, including the Auction House API used by certain third-party sites and addons.

    We’re working to re-enable it as quickly as possible.

    Patch 7.3.5 Known Issues
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    We've identified the issue that caused some transmog appearances—such as the unique shoulders obtained from Xavius and Garrosh—to be removed from players’ collections. We have a pending resolution that will restore these appearances automatically. (WarcraftDevs)

    The Assassination Rogue trait "Poison Knives" was disabled last night after discovering an issue that caused it to deal more damage than intended. We're working to resolve this issue and re-enable the trait as soon as possible. (WarcraftDevs)

    We are continuing to investigate issues with performance in raids and are working to isolate and address them as quickly as possible. This is a top priority for us. (WarcraftDevs)

    We have noticed a spike of interest in our SMS Protect and Authenticator services due to our offer of 4 extra bag slots for participating players. Please note that it may take up to 30 minutes for the bag slots to unlock after these security features are added to your account, and that it may be necessary to log out and back in once this time has passed. (Support)

    Mimron's Head
    Looks like this is just a visual bug with the dungeon journal. Mimiron's Head can still drop from Yogg with no keepers assisting you!

    Lich King Encounter
    Looks like this one is already identified and the team is working on it! No ETA currently. (Official Forums)

    Achievement Points Missing
    Some players may have noticed a drop in achievement points after patch 7.3.5. This is not considered a bug, several achievements associated with Ulduar have been converted into Legacy, which no longer count for progress.

    Scaling Bug - Heroic and Normal Dungeon NPC Health
    Dungeon bosses and trash have noticeably less health in Heroic difficulty compared to Normal difficulty.

    Burning Crusade

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    Wrath of the Lich King

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    Mists of Pandaria

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    Warlords of Draenor

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    This does not seem to affect raid bosses as the health pools increased from normal to heroic upon testing.

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    Overwatch League Draws More than 10 Million Viewers
    The first week of the Overwatch League managed to get over 10 million viewers!
    Originally Posted by Overwatch League (Blue Tracker)

    Newly announced Twitch distribution deal drives an average audience per minute of 408,000 for the opening day broadcast
    IRVINE, Calif.—January 17, 2018—The Overwatch League roared to life last week at the Blizzard Arena Los Angeles, with four days of intense competition between all 12 teams of the world’s first major global city-based professional esports league.

    Buoyed by a newly announced two-year deal with Twitch, the Overwatch League’s exclusive worldwide[1] third-party digital broadcast partner, opening day drew an impressive average audience per minute of 408,000, and 280,000 for the week. More than 10 million viewers tuned in over the four-day period via Twitch, MLG, and Chinese streaming partners ZhanQi TV, NetEase CC, and Panda TV—not to mention the countless additional viewers at watch parties worldwide. On Twitch and MLG alone, the peak concurrent online audience of 437,000 hit during the highly anticipated day-one matchup between Dallas Fuel and Seoul Dynasty. In addition, tickets to Blizzard Arena Los Angeles were sold out for the entirety of opening week.

    “We’re thrilled by the overwhelming response to the Overwatch League’s opening week of play,” said Pete Vlastelica, president and CEO of Major League Gaming (MLG). “But this is only the beginning. With more than 35 million Overwatch® players, the Overwatch League has the potential to become one of the most-watched leagues—of any kind—in the world.”

    “Since we announced Overwatch League at BlizzCon 2016, we’ve been eagerly awaiting the day when the global competitive Overwatch community could come together under one banner,” said Nate Nanzer, Overwatch League commissioner. “Opening week was that coming-out party—for the fans, both in-person at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles and tuned in by the millions all over the world, and for the players, whose love for the game came through crystal clear.”

    “We had high expectations for the inaugural broadcast of the Overwatch League on Twitch, given our platform’s passionate fanbase for Overwatch," said Kevin Lin, COO of Twitch. "They really put on an amazing show and fans showed up en masse to support and celebrate Overwatch. Based on the response from the community, Overwatch League is off to a great start and we look forward to watching how the season progresses. This league demonstrates the power and potential of esports, and we’re thrilled to continue expanding our partnership with Blizzard.”

    Viewers can tune in to catch all the action on Twitch, www.mlg.com, the MLG app (on iOS and Android), www.overwatchleague.com, and the Overwatch League app, which launched last week for iOS and Android. Blizzard gamers also can get easy access to the Overwatch League via a new Overwatch League tab in the Blizzard Battle.net desktop app.

    The first season of the Overwatch League runs until June, with playoffs and finals scheduled for July. For the inaugural season, all regular-season games will take place at Blizzard Arena Los Angeles, a state-of-the-art live-event venue in Burbank, California, custom-renovated for Blizzard Entertainment esports events. Fans can purchase tickets to attend matches, which will be played each Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. A full schedule and information about ticket sales can be found at www.overwatchleague.com.

    About the Overwatch League™

    The Overwatch League™ is the first major global professional esports league with city-based teams across Asia, Europe, and North America. Overwatch® was created by globally acclaimed publisher Blizzard Entertainment (a division of Activision Blizzard—Nasdaq: ATVI), whose iconic franchises have helped lay the foundations and push the boundaries of professional esports over the last 15 years. The latest addition to Blizzard’s stable of twenty-one #1 games,[2] Overwatch was built from the ground up for online competition, with memorable characters and fast-paced action designed for the most engaging gameplay and spectator experiences. To learn more about the Overwatch League, visit www.overwatchleague.com.

    © 2018 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. OVERWATCH, OVERWATCH LEAGUE, BLIZZARD and BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT are trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. MAJOR LEAGUE GAMING is a trademark of Major League Gaming Corp.

    [1] Not including China.

    [2] Sales and/or downloads, based on internal company records and reports from key distribution partners

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  16. wowmini.png Patch 7.3.5 - Alliance and Horde Epilogue Cinematics

    Black Qiraji War Tank
    Muffinus let players know that the Black Qiraji War Tank is a reward for players that already had the Scarab Lord title.

    While you can no longer obtain this mount, you can get the Red and Blue version temporarily from the Call of the Scarab micro-holiday.



    Upgrade Your Account Security and Get a Backpack Upgrade
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    We take account security seriously, and we know you do, too. So, when you add Blizzard SMS Protect to your account along with either the Blizzard Authenticator (physical or mobile app), you’ll gain four extra bag slots—account-wide—in each character’s main backpack. You’ll be able to hold a little more stuff as you adventure through Azeroth, and keep that stuff safer from scoundrels and thieves.


    What Is Blizzard SMS Protect?
    Blizzard SMS Protect lets you perform certain account actions from your mobile phone (such as removing your Authenticator), and can be set up to provide you with account activity notifications. All you need is a supported text-enabled cell phone to get started.

    What can SMS Protect do for you?

    • Unlock your Blizzard account
    • Remove a damaged or lost Blizzard Authenticator
    • Recover your account name
    • Reset your password

    In addition, you can turn on alerts to have text messages sent directly to your phone notifying you of certain kinds of account activity, like password changes and security feature additions or removals.

    These text messages are an easy way to help protect your account from unauthorized access and changes.

    Remember, you can further safeguard your account by never sharing your password, using unique passwords on each site you visit, and staying aware of potential email and phishing scams.

    For more information on Blizzard SMS Protect and a link to set it up, visit the FAQ.

    Learn more about what you can do to help safeguard your account by reviewing our security checklist.

    Where Can I Get the Blizzard Authenticator?
    Don’t have an Authenticator on your account? Download the free Blizzard Authenticator mobile app for iOS or Android, or purchase a physical Blizzard Authenticator from the Blizzard Gear Store. Visit the Blizzard Authenticator article for more information, or head to the setup page to get started after you’ve downloaded the app.

    As an additional bonus, when you add an Authenticator to your account, you’ll find the always feisty and fiery Core Hound Pup in-game pet waiting for you.

    View the full article

  17. wowmini.png Patch 7.3.5 Live Now

    Antorus - LFR Wing 4 Opens This Week
    Antorus, the Burning Throne LFR Wing 4 opens this week!

    WoW Antorus, the Burning Throne Boss Strategies and Loot List

    Argus the Unmaker Guide - WoW Antorus, the Burning Throne Boss Strategies and Loot List

    Greater Invasion - Matron Folnuna
    Matron Folnuna is up this week!


    World Boss - Na'zak the Fiend
    Na'zak the Fiend is up this week. If you are an alchemist without Recipe: Potion of Prolonged Power he is the source for this recipe.


    Weekly Bonus Event - Pet Battles
    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    An extra weekly quest and rewards are here— the Pet Battles bonus event is underway!

    This Week
    All week, get out there and fight with your mighty minions. When the time comes to take on other players, open your Pet Journal and hit the “Find Battle” button to be matched up with an opponent whose team is competitive with yours.

    Look for the following all week long:

    View the full article

  18. Patch 7.3.5 Live this Week
    Patch 7.3.5 brings old world leveling scaling, Ulduar Timewalking, Silithus quests, legendary tokens, the Seething Shore Battleground and more!

    Allied Races are not going live this week! Much of the data for them is in the patch, so we may see them later as a pre-order bonus.

    Official Notes
    The official notes have been released.


    Legendary Item Changes
    You can now turn in 1000 x Wakening Essence for Purified Titan Essence and 300 for Awoken Titan Essence.

    Wakening Essence reward sources now reward roughly 6x more than they did in Patch 7.3.2. For example, your first daily heroic dungeon now rewards 30, up from 5.


    Mythic Plus Battle Resurrections
    Combat resurrections in Mythic+ dungeons will now function similarly to the way they currently do in raids.


    • Combat resurrections start with 1 charge for the group and gain a new charge every 10 minutes.
    • Raise Ally, Rebirth, Soulstone and Hunter battle resurrections all share the same charges.
    • You can accumulate a total of 5 charges at a time, however, it would take 40 minutes to reach this point.

    New Battleground - Seething Shore
    Seething Shore will become available as the story in Silithus unfolds. This new battleground takes place in Silithus and features the Horde and Alliance descending upon the wound that Sargeras put in Azeroth to fight over Azerite bubbling to the surface.


    Zone Scaling and XP Changes
    Every zone through Draenor now use the level scaling system introduced in Legion. All corresponding dungeons and the rewards therein now scale. XP required to level has been adjusted as well.

    LevelsDraenorv2.jpg LevelsEasternKingdomsv2.jpg LevelsKalimdorv2.jpg
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    NPC Health Changes
    Along with all of the leveling and XP changes, the health of NPCs (including bosses in old raids) have been increased.

    • Vanilla - 288% increase @ lvl 63. 25% at lvl 10, 119% @ lvl 20, 183% @ lvl 30, 222% @ lvl 40, 263% @ lvl 50
    • Burning Crusade - 261% increase @ lvl 73, 310% @ lvl 65
    • Wrath of the Lich King - 237% increase @ lvl 83, 291% @ lvl 75
    • Cataclysm - 185% increase @ lvl 88, 228% @ lvl 85
    • Mists of Pandaria - 341% @ lvl 93
    • Warlords - 92% increase @ lvl 103
    • Legion - Same

    Flying Changes During Leveling
    Expert Riding now unlocks the ability to fly in all zones prior to Draenor.

    The following requirements have been removed from the game:

    Draenor Pathfinder and Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two still need to be completed to unlock flying.

    Legion Epilogue - Silithus: The Wound
    Players who have defeated Argus in Antorus will be able to continue the Legion story quest chain into Silithus. Look for this new questline upon logging in.

    Ogmot the Mad is a new rare elite ogre in Silithus that drops Ogmot's Dream Journal. This journal contains 10 pages that detail the events of a nameless person who deals with the whispers of the Old Gods. See the full post for more details.

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    Ulduar Timewalking
    Ulduar Timewalking will be available when the Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking week rolls around on February 18, 2018.
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    A long-forgotten evil has awakened once more. Travel back in time with 10-30 other adventurers to cleanse Ulduar of Yogg-Saron’s evil influence. While you journey through this memorable Wrath of the Lich King raid, your character will be scaled to player level 80.

    Your fate is sealed. The end of days is finally upon you and ALL who inhabit this miserable little seedling. Uulwi ifis halahs gag erh'ongg w'ssh.

    Achievement Changes
    Check out the full list of achievement changes.

    • All existing 10-player and 25-player Ulduar Achievements have been moved to the Legacy -> Raids tab.
    • Anyone who earned either the 10- or 25-player versions of the Ulduar Achievements should receive the new Achievement upon logging in.
    • The new Glory of the Ulduar Raider Achievement should now award both the Rusted Proto-Drake and the Ironbound Proto-Drake mounts.
    • Old achievements that required you to complete a number of quests in a zone have been changed to require you to complete the story quests instead.
    • Allied Race achievements, more Prestige achievements, Legion Season 7, Seething Shore, New Pet Battle PvP achievements and were added.


    Increased Bag Space
    Attaching an authenticator to your account will increase the size of your initial backpack by 4 slots.


    Druid Lunarwing Flight Form Sit Animation
    The Druid Lunarwing flight form now has a sitting animation! You can see the Night Elf, Tauren, Troll, and Worgen versions of the animation in the modelviewer.

    druidsit1.jpg druidsit2.jpg druidsit3.jpg

    Profession Leveling
    Profession leveling has been streamlined:

    Faction Leader Model Updates
    Gallywix got a new Azerite cane topper and ring! You can see the old model on the right in the image below.


    BBloodhoof.jpg Nath.jpg SFang.jpg

    New Icons and UI Elements



    New Loading Screen


    New Maps

    AzeriteBG.jpg LightforgedDraeneiSwamp.jpg SilithusBrawl.jpg
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    Patch 7.3.5 - New Music and VO
    Patch 7.3.5 adds some new music and VO. Be sure to check out the Allied Race VO as well.


    Call of the Scarab Temporary Mounts
    Several new Silithid mounts are available for the Call of the Scarab micro holiday! These mounts only last for a few days and are bag slot items much like the Magic Broom from the Hallow's End Event.

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    New Racial Icons at Character Creation Screen
    The icons on the character creation menu have all received face lifts!

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    New Command Boards
    The command boards in Orgrimmar and Stormwind have received visual upgrades on top of a new UI. They use the same menu now that we used to choose our artifact weapons and your options change as you level up. You also get a small picture and a brief description of the zone and what the story will contain.

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    Alliance Embassy
    An embassy for Allied Races has been added to Stormwind. Allied Races cannot be unlocked yet, but you can see the requirements to unlock them inside.

    Lightforged Draenei Requirements

    Void Elves Requirements

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    Horde Embassy
    An embassy for Allied Races has been added to Orgrimmar. Allied Races cannot be unlocked yet, but you can see the requirements to unlock them inside.

    Highmountain Tauren Requirements

    The Nightborne Requirements

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    The Nighthold Updates
    The uninstanced version of the Nighthold has seen some changes, becoming more of a small faction hub. Both Alliance and Horde can visit as of now. There are teleport stations that lead to Dalaran and Orgrimmar usable by the Horde as well as all of your favorite characters from the Suramar campaign, such as Thalyssra and Theryn. Pandaren monks have also arrived to teach the Nightborne the ways of the imonks.gif Monk class.

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    Thunder Totem Updates
    While most of the Bloodtotem tribe became corrupted by the Legion, the few who did not have now sought refuge at Thunder Totem. On top of this, Pandaren monks have arrived to teach the Highmountain Tauren the ways of the imonks.gif Monk class.

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    Hardware Deprecation Warnings
    DirectX 9 support will be dropped in the future.
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
    • Warning: Your current graphics API will not be supported in future versions of World of Warcraft, which will require DirectX 11 or Metal.
    • Warning: Your current system will not be supported in future versions of World of Warcraft which will require a 64-bit operating system.
    • Warning: Your graphics card will not be supported in future versions of World of Warcraft, which will require a Shader Model 5 3 capable graphics card or better.

    String Changes and Misc Changes
    Allied Race and many other strings were added in this patch.


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  19. Patch 7.3.5 Releases January 16, 2018
    Blizzard has confirmed that Patch 7.3.5 will be launching tomorrow!

    Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
    Patch 7.3.5 Coming January 16
    Patch 7.3.5 is coming January 16, and adds several new features and updates, including Ulduar Timewalking; the revamped leveling experience featuring scaling zones throughout Azeroth, Outland, and Draenor; and more. Players who have completed the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid can continue the story beyond the events on Argus and experience the tumultuous aftermath on Azeroth with a new quest line. Read the complete patch notes to learn more.

    Before you hop into the game, make sure you’ve secured your account with the Blizzard Authenticator or Blizzard Mobile Authenticator, along with Blizzard SMS Protect. You’ll unlock an additional four backpack slots for each character on your account once you’ve secured it with both.


    View the full article

  20. d3.png Overwatch League Causing Lag in Diablo 3

    hearthstoneIcon.png Deathwing Needs a Friendwing - Vote for Phase II Challenges!

    Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25848
    The latest PTR build flagged the client as a Release Candidate.


    Patch 7.3.5 - Artifact Instability
    Patch 7.3.5 adds the send off for our Artifact weapons. A recent PTR build added some visual effects of the instability that results from the send off.

    A recent build also changed how the Artifact Power numbers increase or decrease once your Artifact is unstable. Now your Artifact will increase in (displayed) Artifact Power until February 2nd, then the total Artifact Power displayed will decrease until March 2nd. On March 19 it will begin to increase very very rapidly.


    This Week in WoW History
    We're taking a look back at old MMO-Champion posts and World of Warcraft news that occurred during this time in previous years.

    Mists of Pandaria: Pet Battles
    Pet Battles were added in Mists of Pandaria and are still around today. This new content allowed players to collect battle pets and face off against other players, trainers or battle pets. The initial design had some features such as certain pets only spawning under very specific conditions (i.e - time of day or weather). The basics of the system were a level 25 cap with 6 total abilities.


    Spell Animations in Patch 5.2
    Warlocks, Rogues and Monks got updated spell animations on this PTR build. The spells that were updated were Nimble Brew, Ring of Peace, Hit and Run, Marked for Death and Blood Fear. Some of these abilities, such as Ring of Peace, have been updated in later patches as well.


    Swift Windsteed
    The newest addition to the Blizzard Store was the Swift Windsteed, which is the Pandaria themed mount floating on a cloud. As with all store mounts, this one scales with riding skill and is available to all characters on the account that purchase it.


    Chinese Gaming Theme Park
    China opened a theme park which featured a variety of gaming titles. In 2013, a Reddit user shared some pictures from their trip to the park, which had a few Warcraft and Starcraft features.


    Patch 6.1
    The first content patch of Warlords of Draenor brought small updates to a variety of systems as well as Twitter functionality within World of Warcraft. After the new character models were implemented, there were a few complaints which got fixed during this update. We also saw the addition of the Heirloom tab to make it easier to navigate and create heirlooms on alt characters. The Death Recap panel also got a small upgrade which made it easier to figure out what killed you during combat.


    Patch 7.1.5
    The first major balance patch of Legion brought a large number of changes to the game. The most important was the increase of secondary stats on jewelry. Secondary stat amounts on jewelry were increased to make them have a larger overall impact on stats since jewelry doesn't have primary stats. This patch also brought two new pieces of content with the addition of Mists of Pandaria Timewalking and the return of the Brawler’s guild. Hunter traps and the Mage Barriers also got new animations to better fit the specs.


    hotsIcon.png Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes
    A new patch released for Heroes of the Storm on January 9th, 2018. Highlights include the introduction of Blaze, the new hero from Starcraft!


    overwatchmini.png Overwatch League
    Overwatch released a new patch on January 9th to go along with the start of the first stage of Season One for the Overwatch League going on now through January 13th. The patch includes new skins for each hero with color schemes coordinating with the different competing teams.

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