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Everything posted by MMO-Champion

  1. Lore Loose Ends: The Tale of Lyndon's Brother Ghost of Christmas Present - A Special Winter Holiday Card Design Competition Feast of Winter Veil 2017 The Feast of Winter Veil is upon us again! Snowglobes have been added to Orgrimmar, Ironforge, and Dalaran! While inside, you have the holiday gnome/goblin transformation and are able to fly Hearthstation is new this year, with no source listed yet. It may be in the gift for this year. Glowing Gift is also new this year, with no listed source. Globe Yeti spawns in the snow globes. Don't Play With That In The House is rewarded from opening this year's gift and getting Toy Weapon Set and Toy Weapon Set. Finely-Tailored Red Holiday Hat is dropped by Talixae Flamewreath in Court of Stars Finely-Tailored Green Holiday Hat is dropped by Illysanna Ravencrest (Black Rook Hold) and King Deepbeard (Eye of Azshara) The Abominable Greench now scales with your level, so you can do the quest on a non max level character Greatfather Winter spawned hourly last year near 50, 79 at the top of the mountain in Highmountain, rode down, and granted 500 Order Resources to anyone along the way. New Winter's Veil music was added in Patch 7.1 Don't forget to do the followup to You're a Mean One..., as it rewards Smokywood Pastures Special Gift, which has a small chance to contain Winter's Grasp or Flames of Ragnaros. The Garrison related Winter Veil activities are still around, so check those out if you missed them in the past. Lightsabers Return to Azeroth A recent hotfix gives many of the Orgrimmar and Stormwind guards red and blue lightsabers, or as close as you can get in WoW! WoW Alpha Update A entry for version of wow_alpha was added to the launcher. This is probably just another step towards a beta next year. Originally Posted by MMO-Champion "wow_alpha": { "deprecated": false, "instructions_product": "NGDP", "instructions_url": "http:\/\/{REGION_CODE}.patch.battle.net:1119\/wowdev", "locale_specific_uid": false, "locales": [ "enUS" ], "requires_sso_token": false, "run_64_bit_only": true, "sso_launch_argument": "-launcherlogin" }, This Week in WoW History We're taking a look back at old MMO-Champion posts and World of Warcraft news that occurred during this time in previous years. War Games The start of Arena Season 9 brought the War Games feature to WoW. This new Arena and Battleground mode is a custom game which allows players to battle it out against another group. During these skirmishes no achievements, rankings, or stats are recorder, because they are meant to just be a fun feature allowing players to challenge and fight against each other. Perhaps the most common format to rise is the 5v5 1v1s, where two teams of five people take turns dueling until there is only one team standing. Blizzard World of Color The 2011 Blizzard holiday party was hosted at California Adventure, and the company delivered a special surprise. A Blizzard themed light show featured clips from Starcraft II, Diablo III, and World of Warcraft. Each show had a small comic bit followed by a trailer projected on the famous World of Color water fountain. Reaper of Souls Closed beta for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls opened, allowing players to opt into beta testing through their Battle.Net page for a chance at an invite. This was the first expansion pack for Diablo III, which was revealed at Gamescom in 2013. Highmaul Mythic Race Imperator Mar’gok managed to live 5 days before being defeated by Paragon. Highmaul was the first Mythic raid to feature the new 20 man raid size. Going into future raids, and expansions this raid size became standard for Mythic raiding, along with Mythic only phases on last bosse. Imperator Mar’gok’s secret phase brought back Cho’gall, who was defeated in the Bastion of Twilight during the Cataclysm. Legion PvP Overhaul Legion brought numerous changes to the PvP system, in an attempt to make it feel more rewarding. The most notable change was the addition of Honor Levels and Honor Talents. This new talent tree can be unlocked through doing PvP content that rewards Honor. These talents are only usable in PvP combat, however after unlocking all of them players could still advance their Honor Level to gain additional Prestige Levels unlocking cosmetic rewards. Along with the new system, two new arena maps were also introduced into the map pool. View the full article
  2. Weapon Rogue: The Legendary Kingsbane's Influence on a Powerful Class Antorus, the Burning Throne Progression Exorsus has also managed to clear Antorus! Patch 7.2.3 Hotfixes - December 14 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Classes Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) [Hotfix in testing] Tame Beast will no longer trigger trinket procs, such as Caged Horror. Dungeons and Raids Throne of Thunder Jin’rokh the Breaker Resolved an issue that caused Jin'rokh's Focused Lightning to move faster than intended. Antorus, The Burning Throne Hounds of Sargeras Resolved an issue that could cause Consuming Sphere to inflict periodic damage more rapidly than intended. Items Pantheon's Blessing will now stack. PTR Development Notes Build 25700 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker) This week, we’ve implemented a new build that primarily brings bugfixes to the PTR. Our biggest focus for testing remains the new level 1-100 zone and dungeon scaling we’re introducing with 7.3.5. This is an extensive change to how loot, quests, and creatures work in the open world, so we continue to look for as much feedback as we can get about how things are working out. Thank you so much for all of the feedback you’ve provided so far on leveling in Azeroth. We hope you keep the feedback coming, and we’d like to ask you to especially focus some of your testing on the questlines in these specific zones: Blade's Edge Mountains Duskwood Hellfire Peninsula Icecrown Kun-Lai Summit Nagrand Storm Peaks Terokkar Forest Vashj'ir Wetlands Feedback on the difficulty, pacing, and most importantly, any bugs you might find while completing quests in the above zones would be most helpful. Please post your level scaling feedback here. We now have Ulduar Timewalking available for testing, and it should be available for the next four days or so. Please post Ulduar Timewalking feedback here. Also, a heads up—We’re planning a scheduled playtest of the new Seething Shore PvP Battleground. Get ready to Play With The Blues on the PTR on Tuesday, December 19 from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. PST. The Seething Shore is a 10v10 race to gather Azerite on an island near Silithus, and we hope you’ll be able to join us there and test it thoroughly on Tuesday. As always, thank you very much for participating in the PTR! Blue Posts Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment Method World First Kill Congrats to Method! It's been interesting watching everyone compete for the World First, and It's awesome to see Method pull through. We will be watching for the World Second and World Third, so good luck to everyone else going for the kill! Boss got nerfed cause they suck, nothing new to see here. The boss hasn't been touched In the last couple of days besides some minor bug fixes, so all the latest attempts have definitely been legitimately difficult, but good try! Efficiency has nothing todo with it, its like saying the todays Warriors are a better basketball team than the 90's Bulls, its still a video game where you move and press 1,2,3,4, this isnt nuclear enginnering, not taking away the current players skills, but one cannot say people werent skilled ages ago if they still spent nearly 15+ hours a day playing a game I can guarantee you with all the money in the known universe that people are better raiders today than from Vanilla. 100%. Professional raiding as well as raid design have evolved a ton since those days, they are hardly comparable at this point imo. Ragnaros took 120 days, this is easy in comparison People also didn’t play 24/h a day 7 days. Week on rotating shifts trying everything in their power to get it. Or have PTR research, or datamining, or have multiple characters for any scenario of mechanical differences. The list goes on. Higher end raiders while a very fraction of a percent are far more skilled in how they approach fights than they were during Vanilla and even Burning Crusade encounters. If you dropped a fight like Argus during something like Vanilla with no previous history of encounters or the tools that higher end raiders have now, I think you'd see him live for quite a long time. Okay, we care why? More people should care. The world first races are fun to follow for a number of reasons. If you're (general you, I mean) one of those people who is salty about raiding in general, then by all means stay away; but for someone who knows even the slightest bit about how raiding works, following along with the MMO-Champion mythic progression thread for each raid is by turns fascinating and hilarious. Fascinating because I will never see mythic progression, just like I won't ever play professional football, but I can read the commentary of the various hardcore raiders that contribute to that thread just like I can watch pro ball. Hilarious because sometimes there's more bickering and drama in these extreme high-end raiding guilds than you see in any RP guild. It's just that, entertainment. However, it's not some peoples cup of tea and that's fine. I personally get super excited about it and love to talk about the race around the office. We even watch some of players that stream it, the rare few that is. It's also a sense of pride, being a player that used to participate in this, seeing it continue through all of the new raid tiers we add. Even though I'm not a hardcore raider in any sense, I always notice that people on the forums get triggered badly whenever impressive PVE or PVP accomplishments are mentioned in anyway. Some people get mad seeing things they haven't accomplished like this. We'd have a few more raiders if they weren't so busy posting angrily on the forums about other player's accomplishments. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Tame Beast and Trinket Procs Your feedback has been heard, and we agree. We're working on a hotfix that should prevent Tame Beast from triggering trinket procs. Good luck finding what you seek! (Official Forums) Overwatch Winter Wonderland Event The Overwatch Winter Wonderland event is live! FinalBossTV #158 - Mythic Raiding Discussion This week FinalBossTV talked to Preheat (Limit), Canya (Method) & Bloo (Big Dumb Guild) about the Mythic race. HeroStorm - Episode 33 Lunarhahahaha! Another episode of HeroStorm has been released! View the full article
  3. Method - Mythic Antorus the Burning Throne World First Antorus the Burning Throne has been cleared on Mythic difficulty by Method. They just recently killed Mythic Argus. View the full article
  4. Patch 7.3.5 - Build 25678 A new build is on the way to the PTR! Keep checking back as we update our notes. Trial of Style has replaced some of the old themes in preparetion for Season 2. New Trial of Style decorations and Season 2 Trial of Style sets have been added. More Postmaster strings have been added. The game now banks XP after you hit the trial cap and grants it when you purchase the game. Profession leveling has been streamlined: Several reagents no longer exist: Greater Astral Essence, Lesser Astral Essence, Greater Mystic Essence, Lesser Mystic Essence, Greater Nether Essence, Lesser Nether Essence, Nexus Crystal, Large Glimmering Shard, Small Glimmering Shard, Soul Dust, Vision Dust, Small Glowing Shard, Large Glowing Shard, Dream Dust, Small Radiant Shard, Large Radiant Shard Illusion Dust is now Light Illusion Dust Rich Illusion Dust has been added Gallywix Model Update Gallywix got a new cane topper and ring! Profession Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Professions Alchemy Greater Arcane Protection Potion Alchemy. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Dream Dust, Dreamfoil, Crystal Vial. Rich Illusion Dust x 4, Dreamfoil, Crystal Vial. Blacksmithing Sageblade Blacksmithing. 15 sec cast. Reagents: Arcanite Bar x 12, Nexus Crystal x 2 Large Brilliant Shard x 6, Flask of Supreme Power x 2, Enchanted Leather x 4. Tools: Blacksmith Hammer. Enchanting Advanced Herbalism Permanently enchant gloves to increase Herbalism skill by 5. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Vision Dust x 3 Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Sungrass x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Advanced Mining Permanently enchant gloves to increase Mining skill by 5. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Vision Dust x 3 Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Truesilver Bar x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Agility Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Agility by 1,286. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 8 6, Essence of Air x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Agility Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 272. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Nether Essence, Vision Greater Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Nether Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Argent Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Illusion Dust x 4, Lesser Rich Illusion Dust x 4, Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Essence of Water x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Defense Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small Glowing Shard, Soul Brilliant Shard, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Demonslaying Permanently enchant a melee weapon to have a chance of stunning and doing additional damage against demons. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Small Radiant Shard, Dream Large Brilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Elixir of Demonslaying. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Dodge Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600 Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Nether Essence, Dream Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Enchanted Leather Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Rugged Leather, Lesser Eternal Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Enchanted Thorium Bar Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Thorium Bar, Dream Rich Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Exceptional Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 4,757. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Arcane Dust x 8, Major Healing Potion x 4, Large Brilliant Shard x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 10, Major Healing Potion x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Fiery Weapon Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often strike for 1,600 additional Fire damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Small Radiant Large Brilliant Shard x 4, Essence of Fire. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Fire Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase Fire spell power by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small Prismatic Shard x 2, Large Brilliant Shard x 10, Essence of Fire x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Fishing Permanently enchant gloves to increase Fishing skill by 80. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Dust Light Illusion Dust x 2, Blackmouth Oil x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Frost Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase Frost spell power by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small Prismatic Shard x 3, Large Brilliant Shard x 10, Essence of Water x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Agility Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Eternal Essence x 2 Greater Eternal Essence x 3, Rich, Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Eternal Essence x 2 Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Wildvine x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Defense Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 1,784. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 340 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Radiant Shard x 2, Dream Brilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Intellect Permanently enchant bracers to increase Intellect by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Greater Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 1,529. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Eternal Essence x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Mystic Wand Creates a greater mystic wand. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Star Wood, Greater Mystic Essence, Vision Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Dream Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Dream Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Dream Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 204. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 2 4, Rich, Illusion Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Dream Dust x 2, Greater Nether Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Strength Permanently enchant gloves to increase Strength by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Eternal Essence x 4 Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Rich, Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 221 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Radiant Shard x 2, Greater Nether Brilliant Shard x 2, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Nether Essence x 3, Vision Greater Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Versatility Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Nether Essence, Dream Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Healing Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase spell power by 357. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small Prismatic Shard x 3, Large Brilliant Shard x 8, Righteous Orb. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Healing Power Permanently enchant bracers to increase spell power by 391. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 2, Illusion Dust x 4, Lesser Eternal Essence x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 4, Rich Illusion Dust x 5, Greater Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 1,274. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 4, Lesser Astral Light Illusion Dust x 4, Lesser Eternal Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Herbalism Permanently enchant gloves to increase Herbalism skill by 2. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Soul Light Illusion Dust, Kingsblood x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Icy Chill Permanently enchant a melee weapon to often chill the target, reducing their movement and attack speed. Has a reduced effect for players above level 60. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Small Large Brilliant Shard x 4, Essence of Water, Essence of Air, Icecap. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 255 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Dust x 4, Large Glowing Light Illusion Dust x 4, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Intellect Permanently enchant bracers to increase Intellect by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Nether Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Absorption Permanently enchant chest armor so it has a 5% chance per hit of giving you 1,288 points of damage absorption. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 2, Greater Astral Essence, Large Glimmering Light Illusion Dust x 2, Lesser Eternal Essence, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Accuracy Permanently enchant boots to increase crit by 68. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Dust x 4, Lesser Nether Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 4, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Dust, Lesser Mystic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Light Illusion Dust, Lesser Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Agility Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Nether Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Beastslayer Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase damage to beasts by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Mystic Essence Eternal Essence x 4, Large Fang x 2, Small Glowing Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Dodge Permanently enchant bracers to increase dodge by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Mystic Essence, Soul Eternal Essence x 4, Light Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Elemental Slayer Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase damage to elementals by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Mystic Essence, Elemental Earth, Small Glowing Eternal Essence x 4, Elemental Earth, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 170 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Dust x 3, Large Glimmering Light Illusion Dust x 3, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Intellect Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Intellect by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Magic Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Intellect Permanently enchant bracers to increase Intellect by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Astral Lesser Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Mana Oil Creates Lesser Mana Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Dream Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Purple Lotus x 2, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Mystic Wand Creates a lesser mystic wand. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Star Wood, Lesser Mystic Essence, Soul Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Parry Permanently enchant a shield to increase parry by 280. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence x 2, Vision Dust x 2, Large Glowing Lesser Eternal Essence x 5, Light Illusion Dust x 3, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Protection Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 102. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 6, Small Glimmering Light Illusion Dust x 6, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Protection Permanently enchant a shield to increase armor by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Astral Essence, Strange Dust, Small Glimmering Eternal Essence, Light Illusion Dust, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Light Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Mystic Essence, Soul Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 112. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence x 2, Vision Dust x 2, Large Glowing Lesser Eternal Essence x 5, Light Illusion Dust x 4, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Light Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 102 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Dust x 2, Large Glimmering Light Illusion Dust x 2, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Versatility by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Astral Essence, Strange Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Eternal Essence, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant boots to increase Versatility by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence, Lesser Mystic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Eternal Essence x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Astral Essence x 2, Strange Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Astral Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Wizard Oil Creates Lesser Wizard Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Vision Dust x 3 Light Illusion Dust x 5, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Major Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 5,131. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small Brilliant Shard x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Large Brilliant Shard x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Major Intellect Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Intellect by 476. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Large Brilliant Shard x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Major Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 5,148. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Illusion Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Major Versatility Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to increase Versatility by 476. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Large Brilliant Shard x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 1,019. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Astral Essence, Lesser Astral Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Eternal Essence x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Mighty Intellect Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Intellect by 1,121. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 6, Greater Eternal Essence x 5, Illusion Dust x 20. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 16. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Mighty Versatility Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Versatility by 1,019. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 6, Greater Eternal Essence x 4, Rich Illusion Dust x 12. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Mining Permanently enchant gloves to increase Mining skill by 2. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Soul Dust Light Illusion Dust x 2, Iron Ore x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Agility Permanently enchant a cloak to increase Agility by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Astral Eternal Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Agility Permanently enchant boots to increase Agility by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 6, Lesser Astral Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Haste Permanently enchant gloves to increase haste by 306. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Radiant Brilliant Shard x 2, Wildvine x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 102 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 4, Small Glimmering Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 170. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Magic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Mana Oil Creates Minor Mana Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Soul Light Illusion Dust x 3, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Speed Permanently enchant boots to increase movement speed by 8%. Does not stack with other passive movement speed bonuses. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Small Radiant Shard, Aquamarine, Lesser Nether Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Large Brilliant Shard x 2, Aquamarine, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Light Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Astral Essence, Strange Eternal Essence, Light Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 51. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Astral Essence, Soul Dust, Large Glimmering Lesser Eternal Essence x 2, Light Illusion Dust, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Minor Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 51 additional point of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Strange Dust x 2, Greater Magic Essence, Small Glimmering Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 4, Greater Magic Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Riding Skill Permanently enchant gloves to increase mount speed by 2%. Must be level 70 or lower to gain this benefit. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Large Radiant Shard x 2, Dream Brilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Shadow Power Permanently enchant gloves to increase shadow spell power by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Small Prismatic Shard x 3, Large Brilliant Shard x 10, Essence of Undeath x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Skinning Permanently enchant gloves to increase Skinning skill by 5. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Vision Dust Light Illusion Dust x 4, Green Whelp Scale x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Smoking Heart of the Mountain Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Essence of Fire x 3, Small Brilliant Shard x 3. Large Brilliant Shard x 3. Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Soul Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Light Illusion Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Stamina Permanently enchant a shield to increase Stamina by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Stamina Permanently enchant boots to increase Stamina by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Stats Permanently enchant chest armor to increase all stats by 153. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Radiant Shard, Dream Dust x 3, Greater Nether Brilliant Shard x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Strength Permanently enchant gloves to increase Strength by 272. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Nether Essence x 2, Vision Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Greater Eternal Essence x 2, Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Light Illusion Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 170 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence x 2, Large Glowing Lesser Eternal Essence x 5, Small Brilliant Shard. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Defense Permanently enchant a cloak to increase armor by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Illusion Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 5. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Health Permanently enchant chest armor to increase health by 2,548. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Vision Dust x 6. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Impact Permanently enchant a two-handed melee weapon to do 476 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 4, Rich Illusion Dust x 10. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Mana Permanently enchant chest armor to increase mana by 2,073. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Nether Essence, Lesser Nether Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Stamina Permanently enchant bracers to increase Stamina by 476. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Illusion Dust x 10. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Rich Illusion Dust x 8. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Strength Permanently enchant bracers to increase Strength by 459. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Rich Illusion Dust x 6, Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Striking Permanently enchant a melee weapon to do 255 additional points of damage. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Large Brilliant Shard x 2 4, Greater Eternal Essence x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Superior Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Eternal Essence x 3, Dream Greater Eternal Essence x 3, Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Versatility Permanently enchant bracers to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Lesser Mystic Essence. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Eternal Essence x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Versatility Permanently enchant boots to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Versatility Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility by 255. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence, Vision Dust. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Lesser Eternal Essence x 4, Light Illusion Dust x 3. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Vitality Permanently enchant a shield to increase Versatility and Stamina by 510. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Eternal Essence, x 3, Rich Illusion Dust x 4. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Winter's Might Permanently enchant a melee weapon to increase Frost spell power by 340. Cannot be applied to items higher than level 600. Enchanting. Instant. Reagents: Greater Mystic Essence x 3, Vision Dust x 3, Large Glowing Lesser Eternal Essence x 5, Light Illusion Dust x 2, Small Brilliant Shard, Dragon's Teeth x 2. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Wizard Oil Creates Wizard Oil. Enchanting. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Rich: Illusion Dust x 3, Firebloom x 2, Crystal Vial. Tools: Runed Copper Rod. Jewelcrafting Figurine - Jade Owl Jewelcrafting. 5 sec cast. Reagents: Jade x 4, Truesilver Bar x 2, Vision Light Illusion Dust x 4, Mithril Filigree x 4. Tools: Jeweler's Kit. Moonsoul Crown Jewelcrafting. 5 sec cast. Reagents: Lesser Moonstone x 3, Small Lustrous Pearl x 3, Soul Light Illusion Dust x 4, Silver Bar x 4, Mana Potion x 2. Tools: Jeweler's Kit. Opal Necklace of Impact Jewelcrafting. 10 sec cast. Reagents: Large Opal x 2, Thorium Setting x 2, Truesilver Bar x 4, Large Radiant Brilliant Shard x 2, Mithril Filigree x 2. Tools: Jeweler's Kit. Mining Enchanted Thorium Bar Mining. 1.5 sec cast. Reagents: Thorium Bar, Dream Dust x 3. Rich Illusion Dust x 3. Tailoring Enchanted Mageweave Pouch Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Mageweave x 4, Vision Rich Illusion Dust x 4, Heavy Silken Thread x 2. Enchanted Runecloth Bag Tailoring. 10 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 5, Greater Eternal Essence x 2, Rune Thread x 2. 3, Rune Thread x 2. Wizardweave Leggings Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 4, Dream Dust, Rune Thread. Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Rune Thread. Wizardweave Robe Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 8, Dream Dust x 2, Rune Thread. Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Rune Thread. Wizardweave Turban Tailoring. 3.5 sec cast. Reagents: Bolt of Runecloth x 6, Dream Dust x 4, Star Ruby, Rune Thread. Rich Illusion Dust x 3, Star Ruby, Rune Thread. Spell Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Companions Silithid Mini-Tank Name changed from "Unevolved Silithid Grub" to "Silithid Mini-Tank". Item Set Bonuses Item - Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 2P Bonus Eye Beam damage increased by 30%. 40%. Item - Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 4P Bonus When Eye Beam finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by 15% for 8 sec. 25% for 8 sec. Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Blackout Kick Kick with a blast of Chi energy, dealing [ 469.7% of AP ] Physical damage. 1 3 Chi. Melee range. Instant. 3 sec cooldown. Windwalker Blackout Kick (New) Blackout Kick costs 1 fewer Chi. Monk - Windwalker Spec. Blackout Kick (New) Blackout Kick costs 1 fewer Chi. Monk - Windwalker Spec. Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Discipline Discipline Priest Discipline Priest core passive Increases damage/healing of Shadow Word: Pain by 30% 53%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Shadow Word: Pain by 30% 53%. Increases buff duration of Shadow Word: Pain by 0. Priest - Discipline Spec. Warrior (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Arms Mortal Strike (New) Mortal Strike's damage is increased by 60%. Warrior - Arms Spec. Mortal Strike A vicious strike that deals [ 0.633 * 439% of weapon damage or 0.024 * Level * 439% of weapon damage + 0.511 * 439% of weapon damage or 439% of weapon damage 274% of weapon damage;] Physical damage and reduces the effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. Warrior - Arms Spec. 200 Rage. Melee range. Instant. Slam Slams an opponent, causing (305% 190% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Warrior - Arms Spec. 200 Rage. Melee range. Instant. Slam (New) Slam's damage is increased by 60%. Warrior - Arms Spec. Achievement Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Legion Quests Post Haste Name changed from "Priority Mail" to "Post Haste". Sort 30 letters within 60 seconds in the Postmaster's Office. Pet Reward: Mailemental. 5 points. Priority Mail (New) Sort 30 partially addressed letters within 60 seconds in the Postmaster's Office. Title Reward: Postmaster. 5 points. The Total Package Find the Postmaster in Dalaran and lend him your aid. Title Reward: Courier. 5 points. 5 points. Seething Shore Player vs. Player A Good Start Collect 100,000 Azerite in Seething Shore.20 points. Blood and Sand Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit.10 points. Claim Jumper Within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore, collect a Rich Azerite deposit.10 points. Death from Above Slay an enemy within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore.10 points. Master of Seething Shore Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below.25 points. Seething Shore Domination Capture Capture Rich Azerite each of the following locations in Seething Shore:20 points. Seething Shore Perfection Win Seething Shore with a score of 3000 to 0. 1500 to 0. 20 points. Seething Shore Veteran Complete 100 victories in Seething Shore.15 points. Seething Shore Victory Win Seething Shore.10 points. Artifact Powers Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 51) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 18,751 for 10 sec. Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 52) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 18,752 for 10 sec. Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 53) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 18,753 for 10 sec. All the ranks in between.... Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 98) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 51,000 for 10 sec. Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 99) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 52,000 for 10 sec. Concordance of the Legionfall (Rank 100) (New) Your abilities have a chance to trigger Concordance of the Legionfall, increasing your primary stat by 53,000 for 10 sec. Misc Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Adventure Journal Quests Dalaran - Area: Northrend > Crystalsong Forest > Dalaran. Description: "Visit the magical floating city of Dalaran in the skies above Crystal Song Forest. " Quest #39210. Crystalsong Forest." Quest #39210. Barber Shop Styles Nightborne Hair (Female) - Highborn (New) Hair (Female) - Regal (New) Hair (Female) - Simple Elegance (New) Hair (Female) - Topknot (New) Hair (Female) - Vim (New) Hair (Female) - Vogue (New) Hair (Male) - Aristocrat (New) Hair (Male) - Bald and Beautiful (New) Hair (Male) - Cascade (New) Hair (Male) - Masquerade (New) Hair (Male) - Noble (New) Hair (Male) - Patrician (New) Hair (Male) - Vigor (New) Highmountain Tauren Hair (Female) - Feathered (New) Hair (Female) - Flourish (New) Hair (Female) - Natural (New) Hair (Female) - Practical (New) Hair (Female) - Subtle (New) Hair (Male) - Bull Rush (New) Hair (Male) - Confident (New) Hair (Male) - Dauntless (New) Hair (Male) - Wide Load (New) Hair (Male) - Young Buck (New) Void Elf Hair (Female) - Awoken (New) Hair (Female) - Consuming Shadows (New) Hair (Female) - Controlled Chaos (New) Hair (Female) - Elegance (New) Hair (Female) - Falling Tears (New) Hair (Female) - Melancholy (New) Hair (Female) - Pensive (New) Hair (Female) - Scandal (New) Hair (Female) - Unleashed (New) Hair (Female) - Wicked (New) Hair (Male) - Agony (New) Hair (Male) - Brooding (New) Hair (Male) - Dark Tides (New) Hair (Male) - Devoid (New) Hair (Male) - Flayer (New) Hair (Male) - Foehawk (New) Hair (Male) - Gentle Sadness (New) Hair (Male) - Restraint (New) Hair (Male) - Suffusion (New) Hair (Male) - Transience (New) Hair (Male) - Unkempt (New) Hair (Male) - Widowmaker (New) Lightforged Draenei Hair (Female) - Adventurer (New) Hair (Female) - Bouffant (New) Hair (Female) - Chic (New) Hair (Female) - Fashion Forward (New) Hair (Female) - Graceful (New) Hair (Female) - Mac'Aree Dreams (New) Hair (Female) - Slicked (New) Hair (Male) - Brusque (New) Hair (Male) - Cascade (New) Hair (Male) - Long Tail (New) Hair (Male) - Marsuul Tail (New) Hair (Male) - Swooping Tail (New) Hair (Male) - Valiant (New) Battle Masters Seething Shore - Resource Race. Level: 45-110. Players: 5-10. Rated players: 10. Map: Seething Shore. Character Titles Postmaster %s - Name changed from "Courier %s" to "Postmaster %s". LFG Dungeons Dungeons Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Alliance only. Map: Fate's Veil Telogrus Rift Scenario. Level 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Map Areas Seething Shore Seething Shore - Music: PVP_BattleGrounds. Music: Zone_735_PVP_SeethingShoreWalk. Seething Shore > Bonfire (New) Seething Shore > Crash Site (New) Seething Shore > Overlook (New) Seething Shore > Plunge (New) Seething Shore > Ridge (New) Seething Shore > Ruins (New) Seething Shore > Shipwreck (New) Seething Shore > Tar Pits (New) Seething Shore > Temple (New) Seething Shore > Tide Pools (New) Seething Shore > Tower (New) Seething Shore > Uncharted Territory (New) Seething Shore > Waterfall (New) Telogrus Rift Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Telogrus Rift Scenario Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Transport: Azerite BG - Alliance Airship Alliance Airship (New) Map Difficulties Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Telogrus Rift Scenario - Normal Scenario - Name changed from "Fate's Veil Scenario - Normal Scenario" to "Telogrus Rift Scenario - Normal Scenario". Maps Legion Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Telogrus Rift Scenario - Name changed from "Fate's Veil Scenario" to "Telogrus Rift Scenario". Scenarios Telogrus Rift Step 01: Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Step 01: Fate's Veil" to "Step 01: Telogrus Rift". World Safe Locations Argus Argus - Krokuun Vindicaar (New) Telogrus Rift Scenario Telogrus Rift - Name changed from "Fate's Veil" to "Telogrus Rift". Unknown Quest - Vashj'ir (Intro: Player Ride Tentacle) Safe Loc - GJC (New) String Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion CHARACTER_SELECT_PADLOCK_DROP_DOWN_USE_BOOST (New) - Use %s ENTER_WORLD_UNLOCK_REVOKED_CHARACTER_UPGRADE (New) - Unlock HOLIDAY_TRANSMOG_THEME_06 - Theme: Fire and Ice Theme: Spook-tacular! HOLIDAY_TRANSMOG_THEME_09 - Theme: Primal Style Zen HOLIDAY_TRANSMOG_THEME_10 - Theme: Heroes of Azeroth Theme: Magical Modelling PETTAME_ELITE_TOOHIGHLEVEL (New) - Elite creature is too high level for you to tame POSTMASTER_BEGIN (New) - Sort! POSTMASTER_LETTER_ALLERIANSTRONGHOLD_MYTHIC (New) - Allerian Stronghold POSTMASTER_LETTER_ALTAROFSHATAR_MYTHIC (New) - Altar of Sha'tar POSTMASTER_LETTER_AREA52_MYTHIC (New) - Area 52 POSTMASTER_LETTER_ARGENTSTAND_MYTHIC (New) - The Argent Stand POSTMASTER_LETTER_ASHENVALE_MYTHIC (New) - Astranaar POSTMASTER_LETTER_AZUREWINGREPOSE_MYTHIC (New) - Azurewing Repose POSTMASTER_LETTER_BARRENS_MYTHIC (New) - The Crossroads POSTMASTER_LETTER_BRADENSBROOK_MYTHIC (New) - Bradensbrook POSTMASTER_LETTER_CAMPONEQWAH_MYTHIC (New) - Camp Oneqwah POSTMASTER_LETTER_CENARIONREFUGE_MYTHIC (New) - Cenarion Refuge POSTMASTER_LETTER_CONQUESTHOLD_MYTHIC (New) - Conquest Hold POSTMASTER_LETTER_COSMOWRENCH_MYTHIC (New) - Cosmowrench POSTMASTER_LETTER_DARKSHORE_MYTHIC (New) - Lor'danel POSTMASTER_LETTER_DAWNSBLOSSOM_MYTHIC (New) - Dawn's Blossom POSTMASTER_LETTER_DELIVERANCEPOINT_MYTHIC (New) - Deliverance Point POSTMASTER_LETTER_DUNMOROGH_MYTHIC (New) - Kharanos POSTMASTER_LETTER_ELWYNNFOREST_MYTHIC (New) - Goldshire POSTMASTER_LETTER_FELWOOD_MYTHIC (New) - Whisperwind Grove POSTMASTER_LETTER_FERALAS_MYTHIC (New) - Feathermoon Stronghold POSTMASTER_LETTER_FROSTHOLD_MYTHIC (New) - Frosthold POSTMASTER_LETTER_GARADAR_MYTHIC (New) - Garadar POSTMASTER_LETTER_GHOSTLANDS_MYTHIC (New) - Tranquillien POSTMASTER_LETTER_GREYWATCH_MYTHIC (New) - Greywatch POSTMASTER_LETTER_HALFHILL_MYTHIC (New) - Halfhill POSTMASTER_LETTER_HILLSBRADFOOTHILLS_MYTHIC (New) - Tarren Mill POSTMASTER_LETTER_HINTERLANDS_MYTHIC (New) - Aerie Peak POSTMASTER_LETTER_HONORHOLD_MYTHIC (New) - Honor Hold POSTMASTER_LETTER_HYJAL_MYTHIC (New) - Nordrassil POSTMASTER_LETTER_KAMAGUA_MYTHIC (New) - Kamagua POSTMASTER_LETTER_KLAXXIVESS_MYTHIC (New) - Klaxxi'vess POSTMASTER_LETTER_LIONSLANDING_MYTHIC (New) - Lion's Landing POSTMASTER_LETTER_LONGYING_MYTHIC (New) - Longying Outpost POSTMASTER_LETTER_LORLATHIL_MYTHIC (New) - Lorlathil POSTMASTER_LETTER_MEREDIL_MYTHIC (New) - Meredil POSTMASTER_LETTER_MOAKI_MYTHIC (New) - Moa'ki Harbor POSTMASTER_LETTER_MOONGLADE_MYTHIC (New) - Nighthaven POSTMASTER_LETTER_NESINGWARY_SHOLAZAR_MYTHIC (New) - Nesingwary Base Camp POSTMASTER_LETTER_ONEKEG_MYTHIC (New) - One Keg POSTMASTER_LETTER_SHACKLESDEN_MYTHIC (New) - Shackle's Den POSTMASTER_LETTER_SKYHORN_MYTHIC (New) - Skyhorn POSTMASTER_LETTER_SOGGYSGAMBLE_MYTHIC (New) - Soggy's Gamble POSTMASTER_LETTER_STRANGLETHORNVALE_MYTHIC (New) - Booty Bay POSTMASTER_LETTER_SWAMPOFSORROWS_MYTHIC (New) - Stonard POSTMASTER_LETTER_SYLVANAAR_MYTHIC (New) - Sylvanaar POSTMASTER_LETTER_TANARIS_MYTHIC (New) - Gadgetzan POSTMASTER_LETTER_THRALLMAR_MYTHIC (New) - Thrallmar POSTMASTER_LETTER_THUNDERCLEFT_MYTHIC (New) - Thunder Cleft POSTMASTER_LETTER_THUNDERTOTEM_MYTHIC (New) - Thunder Totem POSTMASTER_LETTER_TIANMONASTERY_MYTHIC (New) - Tian Monastery POSTMASTER_LETTER_TIRISFALGLADES_MYTHIC (New) - Brill POSTMASTER_LETTER_ULDUM_MYTHIC (New) - Ramkahen POSTMASTER_LETTER_VALDISDALL_MYTHIC (New) - Valdisdall POSTMASTER_LETTER_VALIANCEKEEP_MYTHIC (New) - Valiance Keep POSTMASTER_LETTER_WARSONGHOLD_MYTHIC (New) - Warsong Hold POSTMASTER_LETTER_WESTFALL_MYTHIC (New) - Sentinel Hill POSTMASTER_LETTER_WETLANDS_MYTHIC (New) - Menethil Harbor POSTMASTER_LETTER_WINTERSPRING_MYTHIC (New) - Everlook POSTMASTER_LETTER_WYRMREST_MYTHIC (New) - Wyrmrest Temple POSTMASTER_LETTER_ZABRAJIN_MYTHIC (New) - Zabra'jin POSTMASTER_LETTER_ZOUCHINVILLAGE_MYTHIC (New) - Zouchin Village STORE_MICRO_BUTTON_ALERT_TRIAL_CAP_REACHED (New) - Buy the game to level past level 20. TRANSMOG_APPEARANCE_USABLE_HOLIDAY (New) - This appearance is only usable during holiday: %s. TRIAL_CAP_BANKED_LEVELS_TOOLTIP (New) - You have earned XP that exceeds your level cap. Buy the game to apply your banked XP and gain %d levels. TRIAL_CAP_BANKED_XP_TOOLTIP (New) - You have earned XP that exceeds your level cap. Buy the game to apply your banked XP. View the full article
  6. Antorus, the Burning Throne Progression There are now 18 guilds in the running for world first! Antoran High Command Mines Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment We, among many other guilds, are experiencing mines, that have been up for some time, self-detonating at the same time causing wipes. Could you clarify if this is intended or a bug? Having 8/9 mines explode because people are doing well is crushing This is intended. After a period of time, mines on Antoran High Command detonate on their own. In a recent hotfix, we added a warning visual that shows when a mine is about to explode. (WarcraftDevs) Patch 7.3.2 Hotfixes - December 12 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Classes Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Vengeance Demon Hunters now correctly generate Pain when damaged by certain abilities. Dungeons and Raids Seat of the Triumvirate Players may now complete "Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge" while in a raid group. Antorus, The Burning Throne Corrected an issue where raids that queued for LFR difficulty could fail to get loot. Garothi Worldbreaker The damage reduction from Apocalypse Drive and from a Druid’s Earthwarden can now activate during the Garothi Worldbreaker encounter. Hounds of Sargeras Resolved an issue that could cause multiple tank-specialization characters to gain Shadowtouched (or Flametouched) simultaneously. Portal Keeper Hasabel Traversing any of the portals within Portal Keeper Hasabel's arena no longer removes your Well Fed buff. Varimathras [WITH SERVER RESTARTS IN EACH REGION] Varimathras' health lowered by 10% in Mythic difficulty. [WITH SERVER RESTARTS IN EACH REGION] Necrotic Embrace will no longer miss players who are under the effects of Aspect of the Turtle or Cloak of Shadows. View the full article
  7. Antorus, the Burning Throne Progression There are now 18 guilds in the running for world first! Patch 7.3.2 Hotfixes - December 12 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Classes Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Vengeance Demon Hunters now correctly generate Pain when damaged by certain abilities. Dungeons and Raids Seat of the Triumvirate Players may now complete "Seat of the Triumvirate: The Crest of Knowledge" while in a raid group. Antorus, The Burning Throne Corrected an issue where raids that queued for LFR difficulty could fail to get loot. Garothi Worldbreaker The damage reduction from Apocalypse Drive and from a Druid’s Earthwarden can now activate during the Garothi Worldbreaker encounter. Hounds of Sargeras Resolved an issue that could cause multiple tank-specialization characters to gain Shadowtouched (or Flametouched) simultaneously. Portal Keeper Hasabel Traversing any of the portals within Portal Keeper Hasabel's arena no longer removes your Well Fed buff. Varimathras [WITH SERVER RESTARTS IN EACH REGION] Varimathras' health lowered by 10% in Mythic difficulty. [WITH SERVER RESTARTS IN EACH REGION] Necrotic Embrace will no longer miss players who are under the effects of Aspect of the Turtle or Cloak of Shadows. View the full article
  8. Hotfixes & Challenge Rift 25 Missing Daily Quests? Try Changing Hearthstone's Game Language Greater Invasion Boss - Sotanathor Sotanathor is up this week, rewarding item level 930 loot! World Boss - Flotsam Flotsam is up this week, giving shamans a chance to obtain The Warmace of Shirvallah. Weekly Bonus Event - Arena Skirmishes Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Sharpen your swords and reinforce your boards, because you’re called to the PvP Arena for the hectic mayhem of Skirmishes. This Week: Arena Skirmishes All week, from anywhere in Azeroth, open the Group Finder (default hotkey: i), select the Player vs. Player tab on the bottom of the window, and then under Arena Battles, choose either 2v2 or 3v3 and JOIN BATTLE. You’ll be matched up with teammates and provided with opponents to kill in the Arena. Look for the following all week long: Archmage Timear near Violet Hold in Dalaran has a quest for you. Quest requirement: Win 10 Arena PvP Skirmishes Reward: A PvP loot box Passive buff: +50% honor gains from Skirmishes If you’ve been looking to make some Honor gains, this is the week to do it! PvP Brawl - Gravity Lapse Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Defy the law of gravity in this week’s PvP Brawl: Gravity Lapse! Every other week, a new PvP Brawl will be available to players looking for something just a little different. Each Brawl will offer a variety of modes, rules, and scenic changes to the usual Battleground gameplay, and you’ll find them in the Group Finder tool (hotkey “I”) in the Player vs. Player tab. Just like Random Battlegrounds, you’ll receive a reward for achieving victory. Here are just a few of the Brawls you can look forward to: Gravity Lapse Gravity getting you down? Step into the Eye of the Storm and be prepared for a whole new en-lighten-ing experience. Every minute, players on the battlefield will find themselves launched into the air, only to gently fall toward the ground again in a perpetual aerial ballet as they try to accrue enough resources to take the win home for their team. View the full article
  9. Hotfixes & Challenge Rift 25 Missing Daily Quests? Try Changing Hearthstone's Game Language Greater Invasion Boss - Sotanathor Sotanathor is up this week, rewarding item level 930 loot! World Boss - Flotsam Flotsam is up this week, giving shamans a chance to obtain The Warmace of Shirvallah. Weekly Bonus Event - Arena Skirmishes Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Sharpen your swords and reinforce your boards, because you’re called to the PvP Arena for the hectic mayhem of Skirmishes. This Week: Arena Skirmishes All week, from anywhere in Azeroth, open the Group Finder (default hotkey: i), select the Player vs. Player tab on the bottom of the window, and then under Arena Battles, choose either 2v2 or 3v3 and JOIN BATTLE. You’ll be matched up with teammates and provided with opponents to kill in the Arena. Look for the following all week long: Archmage Timear near Violet Hold in Dalaran has a quest for you. Quest requirement: Win 10 Arena PvP Skirmishes Reward: A PvP loot box Passive buff: +50% honor gains from Skirmishes If you’ve been looking to make some Honor gains, this is the week to do it! PvP Brawl - Gravity Lapse Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Defy the law of gravity in this week’s PvP Brawl: Gravity Lapse! Every other week, a new PvP Brawl will be available to players looking for something just a little different. Each Brawl will offer a variety of modes, rules, and scenic changes to the usual Battleground gameplay, and you’ll find them in the Group Finder tool (hotkey “I”) in the Player vs. Player tab. Just like Random Battlegrounds, you’ll receive a reward for achieving victory. Here are just a few of the Brawls you can look forward to: Gravity Lapse Gravity getting you down? Step into the Eye of the Storm and be prepared for a whole new en-lighten-ing experience. Every minute, players on the battlefield will find themselves launched into the air, only to gently fall toward the ground again in a perpetual aerial ballet as they try to accrue enough resources to take the win home for their team. View the full article
  10. The HearthPwn Kobolds & Catacombs Community Compendium Antorus, the Burning Throne Progression There are now 9 guilds in the running for world first at 10/11. Mythic Argus the Unmaker still has yet to be taken down. Allied Race Intro Text - Highmountain Tauren Patch 7.3.5 adds some dialogue lines for the Highmountain Tauren Allied Race intro. Summoned to the Embassy Players are summoned to the embassy to choose between the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne as the first Allied Race to pursue. Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Nathanos Blightcaller - The Dark Lady instructs you to meet me in Orgrimmar. Nathanos Blightcaller - Information has come to light crucial to the interests of the Horde. It is imperative we remain a step ahead of our rivals. Nathanos Blightcaller - Meet me outside Grommash Hold. Keep this quiet... or the consequences will be swift and severe. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - You have observed our operations in Silithus. Clearly the Alliance is doing everything in its power to undermine our efforts. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - The Horde's selfless leadership in the war against the Legion has left our ranks depleted. Our enemies slaver at the thought of stealing what is ours. We will not let them. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - I've authorized the building of an embassy in Orgrimmar. From it, we will win others to our cause. Meet me there at once. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Leaders of the Horde, I summoned you here--along with one of our greatest champions--because our enemies are gathering their strength. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - The Alliance is scouring the far corners of Azeroth in search of every advantage against us. We must do the same. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - War is coming. We need fresh blood added to the ranks of the Horde. What say you? Baine Bloodhoof - Warchief, the tauren of Highmountain fought boldly alongside us in our campaign against the Burning Legion, just as our ancestors did long ago. Baine Bloodhoof - I have invited their leaders to a great feast in Mulgore. This could be a chance to bring them to our side. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - A simple people, but strong. They would be a boon on the battlefield. Lady Liadrin -I too have a suggestion, Warchief. The sin'dorei have maintained diplomatic ties with the nightborne since we helped liberate Suramar from the Legion. Lady Liadrin -The regent lord and I agree that our kingdoms have much in common. We believe the nightborne would make valuable allies. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Even without the Nightwell, Suramar holds vast arcane resources. A most useful arrow added to my quiver. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Each option would have its uses. I believe (player) knows both these peoples. Which potential ally do you suggest we pursue first? Highmountain Chosen Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Chieftain Bloodhoof, have our champion join you for your feast in Thunder Bluff. By the time dessert is served, I want their oath of loyalty to the Horde. Baine Bloodhoof - It shall be so, Warchief. Thunder Bluff Feast Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Baine Bloodhoof - Thank you for coming, Mayla. It is my honor to welcome you to Mulgore. Mayla Highmountain - Your invitation was most kind, Baine. It is time for our two peoples to renew our bonds of kinship. Baine Bloodhoof - It is of kinship that I wish to speak. I hope that-- Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I should never... have left... the mountain... Mayla Highmountain - Ebonhorn! What dark force grips you? Baine Bloodhoof - I know this power all too well. Champion! We need your help! Mayla Highmountain - I must get Ebonhorn back to Highmountain at once! Baine Bloodhoof - Until we discover what's behind this attack, Mulgore will never be safe. I will come with you, Mayla. Let us face this darkness together. Defending Thunder Bluff Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Uul'gyneth - Destroy them! They must not hinder my return! Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Mayla... the pools... Mayla Highmountain - I understand, my friend. Baine, I must get Ebonhorn back to Highmountain. Baine Bloodhoof - Very well. We will drive this Old God filth from Thunder Bluff. Baine Bloodhoof - Your masters will not take my city, monster! Baine Bloodhoof - We will drive your shadow from Mulgore! Baine Bloodhoof - Hahahaha! It feels good to swing my mace again! Baine Bloodhoof - Thunder Bluff will be free of you! Baine Bloodhoof - Go back to the void that spawned you! Baine Bloodhoof - Go to Highmountain and aid Mayla, champion. I will join you soon. Baine Bloodhoof - I must be certain the Old Gods' minions are driven from Mulgore. Saving Spiritwalker Ebonhorn Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mayla Highmountain - The waters have soothed Ebonhorn, but I fear he is slipping away. Mayla Highmountain - Ebonhorn is not well. We must find a way to bring him back from the brink. Speak with Spiritwalker Graysky. I believe he can help. Mayla Highmountain - I will remain here while Graysky aids you. Pray that restoring the wards will mend Ebonhorn's mind. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - The whispers... they have stopped. Thank you, champion, Graysky. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - My mind is my own again. Return to Thunder Totem, champion. Let us gather strength for what is to come. Baine Bloodhoof - Champion! Graysky told me of your courage. Uul'gyneth Backstory Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mayla Highmountain - But our work is not done yet. Ebonhorn, we must know what this Darkness wants. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Follow me, champion. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Long ago, the Old Gods sought to lay claim to Highmountain. Their campaign was led by a terrible general... Uul'gyneth the Darkness. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Huln gathered heroes from among the tribes to stand together. They fought against Uul'gyneth's servants, the Necrodark... but the forces of shadow were too great to overcome. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - So Huln devised another plan. Wards were placed to lock away the Old Gods' influence. Though the general survived, Uul'gyneth's essence was trapped. Mayla Highmountain - So the Necrodark have been lurking in the shadows, waiting to call forth their master. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Indeed. And when I left the mountain to visit Mulgore, the wards weakened just enough to let the Darkness take hold. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - The last ward was placed at Highmountain Summit. That is where we must go. Just as Huln stood with his allies, so we must band together. Uul'gyneth - Yes... come! Your strength will become ours, child of darkness! Baine Bloodhoof - Child of... What does he mean? Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I... cannot say. Mayla, you and I must go on ahead. Baine, you and our champion gather the others and meet us at the summit. Uul'gyneth Battle Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Uul'gyneth - This mountain belongs to us, mortals. You will soon become vessels for this world's true power! Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - These heroes do not stand alone. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Together, we will banish your darkness! Uul'gyneth - You will serve us, dragon, just as Neltharion did! Your kind always bends to the whispers. Mayla Highmountain - I cannot let the Darkness possess my father's body! Baine Bloodhoof - Mayla! We must stand together! Uul'gyneth - Serve your true masters, drogbar! Your defiance means death! Uul'gyneth - The Skyhorn shall serve my masters! You will become the shadow that darkens the skies! Uul'gyneth - The Legion was nothing compared to our power! Surrender! Uul'gyneth - You have failed! The Darkness rises... and Highmountain shall fall! Uul'gyneth - The wards have weakened! He will be ours! Uul'gyneth Defeated Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I am free from the Old Gods' grip. Thank you, my friends. Baine Bloodhoof - I did not realize that I had invited a dragon to feast with us at Thunder Bluff. Had I known, I might have set a bigger table! Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Only Mayla and our champion knew my secret before. Now I entrust it to you as well, chieftain. Baine Bloodhoof - I see no reason for anyone else to know, spiritwalker. Let it be a matter kept... between friends. Mayla Highmountain - Today was very nearly a dark day for Azeroth. Mayla Highmountain - Had Uul'gyneth's plan succeeded, we all would have been made into servants of the Old Gods... including Ebonhorn. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I shudder at the thought, Mayla. Without the swift action of Baine and this champion, all would have been lost. Mayla Highmountain - Baine Bloodhoof, you have demonstrated courage, honor, and loyalty. I believe it is time for your people and mine to renew our bonds of kinship. Mayla Highmountain - If you will have us, the tauren of Highmountain would be proud to join your Horde. Baine Bloodhoof - The Horde will be honored to welcome you! Let us travel to Orgrimmar and share the good news with our Warchief. Highmountain Tauren Join the Horde Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Baine Bloodhoof - Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, I present Chieftain Mayla Highmountain. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - What have you to say, chieftain? Mayla Highmountain - Warchief, the strength and courage of the Horde has been demonstrated by Baine Bloodhoof, as well as your champion. Mayla Highmountain - From this day forth, Highmountain vows to stand with you against all foes. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - I accept your oath of loyalty. The Horde offers its protection... and expects your obedience. Baine Bloodhoof - For the Horde! Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - For the Horde! Mayla Highmountain - For the Horde! Highmountain Tauren Player Intro Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mayla Highmountain - For many ages, our people have called the Broken Isles home. We know little about the Azeroth that exists beyond our shores. Mayla Highmountain - It is time we changed that. Mayla Highmountain - Today you begin a new journey. You will be our voice in the lands beyond the mountain. Mayla Highmountain - Go to Orgrimmar. Meet our new allies and learn what it is they care about... what they fight for. Mayla Highmountain - Stay true to who you are. And should you ever miss your home, know that Highmountain is here for you. Always. Dark Leagcy Comics #611 DLC #611 has been released! View the full article
  11. The HearthPwn Kobolds & Catacombs Community Compendium Antorus, the Burning Throne Progression There are now 9 guilds in the running for world first at 10/11. Mythic Argus the Unmaker still has yet to be taken down. Allied Race Intro Text - Highmountain Tauren Patch 7.3.5 adds some dialogue lines for the Highmountain Tauren Allied Race intro. Summoned to the Embassy Players are summoned to the embassy to choose between the Highmountain Tauren and Nightborne as the first Allied Race to pursue. Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Nathanos Blightcaller - The Dark Lady instructs you to meet me in Orgrimmar. Nathanos Blightcaller - Information has come to light crucial to the interests of the Horde. It is imperative we remain a step ahead of our rivals. Nathanos Blightcaller - Meet me outside Grommash Hold. Keep this quiet... or the consequences will be swift and severe. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - You have observed our operations in Silithus. Clearly the Alliance is doing everything in its power to undermine our efforts. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - The Horde's selfless leadership in the war against the Legion has left our ranks depleted. Our enemies slaver at the thought of stealing what is ours. We will not let them. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - I've authorized the building of an embassy in Orgrimmar. From it, we will win others to our cause. Meet me there at once. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Leaders of the Horde, I summoned you here--along with one of our greatest champions--because our enemies are gathering their strength. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - The Alliance is scouring the far corners of Azeroth in search of every advantage against us. We must do the same. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - War is coming. We need fresh blood added to the ranks of the Horde. What say you? Baine Bloodhoof - Warchief, the tauren of Highmountain fought boldly alongside us in our campaign against the Burning Legion, just as our ancestors did long ago. Baine Bloodhoof - I have invited their leaders to a great feast in Mulgore. This could be a chance to bring them to our side. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - A simple people, but strong. They would be a boon on the battlefield. Lady Liadrin -I too have a suggestion, Warchief. The sin'dorei have maintained diplomatic ties with the nightborne since we helped liberate Suramar from the Legion. Lady Liadrin -The regent lord and I agree that our kingdoms have much in common. We believe the nightborne would make valuable allies. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Even without the Nightwell, Suramar holds vast arcane resources. A most useful arrow added to my quiver. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Each option would have its uses. I believe (player) knows both these peoples. Which potential ally do you suggest we pursue first? Highmountain Chosen Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - Chieftain Bloodhoof, have our champion join you for your feast in Thunder Bluff. By the time dessert is served, I want their oath of loyalty to the Horde. Baine Bloodhoof - It shall be so, Warchief. Thunder Bluff Feast Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Baine Bloodhoof - Thank you for coming, Mayla. It is my honor to welcome you to Mulgore. Mayla Highmountain - Your invitation was most kind, Baine. It is time for our two peoples to renew our bonds of kinship. Baine Bloodhoof - It is of kinship that I wish to speak. I hope that-- Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I should never... have left... the mountain... Mayla Highmountain - Ebonhorn! What dark force grips you? Baine Bloodhoof - I know this power all too well. Champion! We need your help! Mayla Highmountain - I must get Ebonhorn back to Highmountain at once! Baine Bloodhoof - Until we discover what's behind this attack, Mulgore will never be safe. I will come with you, Mayla. Let us face this darkness together. Defending Thunder Bluff Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Uul'gyneth - Destroy them! They must not hinder my return! Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Mayla... the pools... Mayla Highmountain - I understand, my friend. Baine, I must get Ebonhorn back to Highmountain. Baine Bloodhoof - Very well. We will drive this Old God filth from Thunder Bluff. Baine Bloodhoof - Your masters will not take my city, monster! Baine Bloodhoof - We will drive your shadow from Mulgore! Baine Bloodhoof - Hahahaha! It feels good to swing my mace again! Baine Bloodhoof - Thunder Bluff will be free of you! Baine Bloodhoof - Go back to the void that spawned you! Baine Bloodhoof - Go to Highmountain and aid Mayla, champion. I will join you soon. Baine Bloodhoof - I must be certain the Old Gods' minions are driven from Mulgore. Saving Spiritwalker Ebonhorn Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mayla Highmountain - The waters have soothed Ebonhorn, but I fear he is slipping away. Mayla Highmountain - Ebonhorn is not well. We must find a way to bring him back from the brink. Speak with Spiritwalker Graysky. I believe he can help. Mayla Highmountain - I will remain here while Graysky aids you. Pray that restoring the wards will mend Ebonhorn's mind. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - The whispers... they have stopped. Thank you, champion, Graysky. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - My mind is my own again. Return to Thunder Totem, champion. Let us gather strength for what is to come. Baine Bloodhoof - Champion! Graysky told me of your courage. Uul'gyneth Backstory Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mayla Highmountain - But our work is not done yet. Ebonhorn, we must know what this Darkness wants. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Follow me, champion. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Long ago, the Old Gods sought to lay claim to Highmountain. Their campaign was led by a terrible general... Uul'gyneth the Darkness. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Huln gathered heroes from among the tribes to stand together. They fought against Uul'gyneth's servants, the Necrodark... but the forces of shadow were too great to overcome. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - So Huln devised another plan. Wards were placed to lock away the Old Gods' influence. Though the general survived, Uul'gyneth's essence was trapped. Mayla Highmountain - So the Necrodark have been lurking in the shadows, waiting to call forth their master. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Indeed. And when I left the mountain to visit Mulgore, the wards weakened just enough to let the Darkness take hold. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - The last ward was placed at Highmountain Summit. That is where we must go. Just as Huln stood with his allies, so we must band together. Uul'gyneth - Yes... come! Your strength will become ours, child of darkness! Baine Bloodhoof - Child of... What does he mean? Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I... cannot say. Mayla, you and I must go on ahead. Baine, you and our champion gather the others and meet us at the summit. Uul'gyneth Battle Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Uul'gyneth - This mountain belongs to us, mortals. You will soon become vessels for this world's true power! Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - These heroes do not stand alone. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Together, we will banish your darkness! Uul'gyneth - You will serve us, dragon, just as Neltharion did! Your kind always bends to the whispers. Mayla Highmountain - I cannot let the Darkness possess my father's body! Baine Bloodhoof - Mayla! We must stand together! Uul'gyneth - Serve your true masters, drogbar! Your defiance means death! Uul'gyneth - The Skyhorn shall serve my masters! You will become the shadow that darkens the skies! Uul'gyneth - The Legion was nothing compared to our power! Surrender! Uul'gyneth - You have failed! The Darkness rises... and Highmountain shall fall! Uul'gyneth - The wards have weakened! He will be ours! Uul'gyneth Defeated Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I am free from the Old Gods' grip. Thank you, my friends. Baine Bloodhoof - I did not realize that I had invited a dragon to feast with us at Thunder Bluff. Had I known, I might have set a bigger table! Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - Only Mayla and our champion knew my secret before. Now I entrust it to you as well, chieftain. Baine Bloodhoof - I see no reason for anyone else to know, spiritwalker. Let it be a matter kept... between friends. Mayla Highmountain - Today was very nearly a dark day for Azeroth. Mayla Highmountain - Had Uul'gyneth's plan succeeded, we all would have been made into servants of the Old Gods... including Ebonhorn. Spiritwalker Ebonhorn - I shudder at the thought, Mayla. Without the swift action of Baine and this champion, all would have been lost. Mayla Highmountain - Baine Bloodhoof, you have demonstrated courage, honor, and loyalty. I believe it is time for your people and mine to renew our bonds of kinship. Mayla Highmountain - If you will have us, the tauren of Highmountain would be proud to join your Horde. Baine Bloodhoof - The Horde will be honored to welcome you! Let us travel to Orgrimmar and share the good news with our Warchief. Highmountain Tauren Join the Horde Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Baine Bloodhoof - Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner, I present Chieftain Mayla Highmountain. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - What have you to say, chieftain? Mayla Highmountain - Warchief, the strength and courage of the Horde has been demonstrated by Baine Bloodhoof, as well as your champion. Mayla Highmountain - From this day forth, Highmountain vows to stand with you against all foes. Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - I accept your oath of loyalty. The Horde offers its protection... and expects your obedience. Baine Bloodhoof - For the Horde! Lady Sylvanas Windrunner - For the Horde! Mayla Highmountain - For the Horde! Highmountain Tauren Player Intro Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mayla Highmountain - For many ages, our people have called the Broken Isles home. We know little about the Azeroth that exists beyond our shores. Mayla Highmountain - It is time we changed that. Mayla Highmountain - Today you begin a new journey. You will be our voice in the lands beyond the mountain. Mayla Highmountain - Go to Orgrimmar. Meet our new allies and learn what it is they care about... what they fight for. Mayla Highmountain - Stay true to who you are. And should you ever miss your home, know that Highmountain is here for you. Always. Dark Leagcy Comics #611 DLC #611 has been released! View the full article
  12. Celestalon Moves to Hearthstone Team Originally Posted by Celestalon (Blue Tracker) Classes, systems, spreadsheets, the occasional obscure questline... These have been the primary focus of my life for years now. I cannot thank the WoW community enough, for your passion, your friendship, the laughs, the excitement, for being able to do something I love. It has been an honor. But the time has come for me to adventure elsewhere within Azeroth, and tackle a different challenge... Cards! I'll see you soon, Hearthstone fans! View the full article
  13. Challenge Rift - Week 24 Five Kobolds Launch Decks from the Pros to Try Antorus, the Burning Throne Progression The race is on in Mythic Antorus with two guilds at 10/11. Method is also doing coverage of the race! Mythic Coven of Shivarra Kill Video Limit has released a kill video for Mythic Coven of Shivarra. Patch 7.3.5 Hotfixes - December 6 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Classes Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Havoc Fixed an issue where Nemesis was applying at half duration against some creatures. Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Restoration The Bearmantle Battlegear 2-piece set bonus healing effect Dreamer now correctly interacts with Flourish and the Essence of G'Hanir. Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Arms The Juggernaut Battlegear 2-piece set bonus now properly activates if the Artifact ability Warbringer applies Colossus Smash to any targets. Player versus Player Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Grimoire of Service summons can no longer be cast while silenced. Demonology Call Felhunter is now in the Shadow school (was incorrectly in Physical school). Blue Posts Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Taeshalach And Scythe of the Unmaker If your class can equip the respective weapon, you'll have a chance of earning it from Agrammar and Argus respectively. It doesn't matter what your loot specialization or active class specialization is at the time. Blue Tweets Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment arena ladders are only updating every 3-4 hours.....they use to update instantly...any plans for a fix? This was a deliberate change to stop abuse that could come from monitoring real-time queue activity. (WarcraftDevs) This Week in WoW History We're taking a look back at old MMO-Champion posts and World of Warcraft news that occurred during this time in previous years. Cataclysm Live The third expansion of WoW hit the live servers in 2010, bringing new raids, dungeons, zones, professions, and races to the game. The new raids were Blackwing Descent, Bastion of Twilight, Throne of Thunder, along with Baradin Hold, which was the raid which had a chance at rewarding players with some PvP loot as well. This expansion brought five leveling zones, and two introductory zones for the new races. PvP lovers got to enjoy Tol Barad, the new outdoor PvP zone, along with two new battlegrounds, Twin Peaks, and Battle for Gilneas. Heroic Dragon Soul The race is on! With the opening of Heroic Dragon Soul, guilds set off to kill Deathwing and claim the World 1st title. However, the introduction of LFR brought an unforeseen exploitable bug which some guilds took advantage of. A few of the top guilds, most notably Paragon, were banned for exploiting this buff preventing them from progressing Heroic until their suspension was over. Cinder Kitten In 2012 the newest addition to the Pet Store was the Cinder Kitten. As always, during the holiday season Blizzard donated 100% of the adoption fee to the American Red to help with the Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. This battle pet has Rare quality stats and is part of the Elemental family. Black Market Auction House Items Patch 5.1 brought a few new items to the BMAH, with the addition of the Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King, which turned the wearer into Sig Nicious on use. For players who missed out on their Ulduar and Naxxramas Glory achievements, the Reins of the Plagued Proto-Drake and Reins of the Rusted-Proto Drake were added as well. Warcraft Movie Cast Legendary sent out two tweets in 2013, revealing the cast and production date of the new Warcraft movie. Roles were not announced quite yet, but Ben Foster, Travis Fimmel, Paula Patton, Toby Kebbell, and Rob Kazinsky would star in the new movie. Production was scheduled to begin in Vancouver, during January 2014. Alliance Chopper Warlords of Draenor brought the newest gold-sink mount, with the addition of the Alliance Chopper. This mount is purchasable in Stormwind for 100,000 gold. The community had mixed reactions to this addition, especially because of its very high price, compared to other mounts. American Red Cross Bundle In 2014, Argi the Inter-goat-lactic pet and the Grinning Reaver mounts were added to the Blizzard Store. All proceeds from pet purchases directly benefited the American Red Cross to help with Ebola relief efforts in Africa. The pet and mount was also sold in a bundle, with discounted price, with the full price of the pet still going to charity. Micro Holidays Call of the Scarab and Kirin Tor Tavern Crawl were discovered on the PTR, along with the announcement of many other Micro-Holidays. These new events only lasted a short time, and celebrate small things we love in the game. Currently there are eight micro-holidays in the game, such as the Hatching of the Hippogryphs, Un’goro Madness, Volunteer Guard Day, and the Thousand Boat Bash. Ronda Rousey and Vin Diesel are WoW Friends During her appearance on The Tonight Show, Ronda talked a little about her adventures in WoW. While working on the production of Fast 7, she became friends with Vin Diesel and they played WoW together as a Druid and a Hunter. Hearthstone's Kobolds and Catacombs Expansion Released Today Kobolds and Catacombs released today. Check out Hearthpwn's guide! View the full article
  14. Patch 10.0: Kobolds Flavor Text, New Quests, Kobolds Brawl, 5 Card Backs, Datamined Info Hearthstone - Azeroth is Burning Card Back Hearthstone added a new card back in today's patch and it is in the same category as the Warlords of Draenor Collector's Edition card back. It is listed as being acquired from a special promotion. You can see the rest of the patch notes on Hearthpwn. View the full article
  15. Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25632 Another build is on the way to the PTR! New Achievements Originally Posted by MMO-Champion The Total Package - Find the Postmaster in Dalaran and lend him your aid. Title Reward: Courier Wetlands Quests - Complete the Wetlands storylines listed below. Duskwood Quests - Complete the Duskwood storylines listed below. Priority Mail - Sort 30 letters in the Postmaster's Office. Pet Reward: Mailemental New Strings Originally Posted by MMO-Champion SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_LABEL - New in Patch 7.3.5! SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_RIGHT_TITLE - Scaling World SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_RIGHT_DESC - Many more zones now scale with your level. You decide where you want to quest. SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_FEATURE1_TITLE - Timewalking: Ulduar SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_FEATURE1_DESC - Revisit Ulduar during Wrath of the Lich King timewalking events. SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_FEATURE2_TITLE - Legion: Epilogue SPLASH_LEGION_NEW_7_3_5_FEATURE2_DESC - Will the price of victory be the very lifeblood of Azeroth? UNITNAME_SUMMON_TITLE35 - %s's Assistant CHALLENGE_MODE_KEYSTONE_HYPERLINK - Keystone: %s (%d) CHARACTER_UPGRADE_FLOW_CHAR_SPEC_CURRENT - (Current Specialization) New Mail Template Originally Posted by MMO-Champion $n, In your absence, things at the office have gone quite awry. There is mail everywhere - and I do mean everywhere! Katy and I will never sort all of this in a timely manner without your aid. I am afraid I must ask you to return to the office at once. We have a job to do. - The Postmaster View the full article
  16. Patch 7.3.2 Hotfixes - December 5 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Classes Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Shadow Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain damage reduced by 12%. All other abilities increased by 3%. Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Outlaw All damage abilities increased by 4%. Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Affliction Corruption and Agony damage reduced 6% Unstable Affliction damage reduced 4% Dungeons and Raids Antorus, the Burning Throne Coven of Shivarra Corrected an issue that caused the health of Torments to not properly scale with raid size. Eonar the Life-Binder Players who are disconnected during the Eonar encounter will have access to Surge of Life once they reconnect. Argus the Unmaker Cheat Death and similar effects will not reset their cooldowns when you die during the final phase of the Argus the Unmaker encounter. Boss Health increased by 10% on Normal and Heroic difficulties Soulbomb and Soulburst now deal periodic damage more rapidly Edge of Obliteration damage increased by 50% Constellar elemental vulnerabilities reduced from +200% to +100% damage taken Items Carafe of Searing Light now correctly shares a short cooldown with other "Use" trinkets. Convergence of Fates primary stat increased by 13%. Effect reduced to 3 seconds of cooldown reduction (was 4 seconds). Developers’ notes: This change is aimed at changing how Convergence of Fate scales with item level – or rather, how it doesn’t. For some specializations, the cooldown reduction effect is so powerful that the item level of the trinket is all but irrelevant. We’re shifting more of the item’s power to primary stat and less in the base proc to cause the trinket’s scaling with item level to be more similar to other trinkets in Legion. Forgefiend's Fabricator damage increased by 25%. Garothi Feedback Conduit Haste amount increased by 10%. Gorshalach's Legacy damage increased by 25%. Highfather's Machination healing amount increased by 10%. Ishkar's Felshield Emitter Emitter absorb amount increased by 10%. Prototype Personnel Decimator damage increased by 10%. Minimum damage when targets are 20 yards from the impact point increased to 50% of max damage (was 20%). Seeping Scourgewing damage increased by 10%. Shadow-Singed Fang stat bonuses increased by 20%. Sheath of Asara damage increased by 20%. Tarratus Keystone healing increased by 10%. Terminus Signaling Beacon damage increased by 15%. Vitality Resonator Intellect increased by 10%. Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Havoc Felreaper Vestments 2-piece bonus changed to 40% Eye Beam damage (was 30% Eye Beam damage). Felreaper Vestments 4-piece haste bonus changed to 25% (was 15%). Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Balance Stormheart Raiment 4-piece – Starsurge and Starfall now increase your Haste by 2% (was 3%), stacking up to 4 times (was 5). Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Beast Mastery Serpentstalker Guise 4-piece – Kill Command now reduces the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds). Marksmanship Serpentstalker Guise 4-piece – Marked Shot now has a 50% chance (was 30%) to fire an extra Marked shot at up to 3 additional targets. Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Brewmaster Chi-Ji’s Battle Gear 4-piece – Dodging an attack now reduces the remaining cooldown of Breath of Fire by 2.0 seconds (was 1.0 seconds). Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Assassination Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel 4-piece – Your Deadly or Wound Poison critical strike now generate 3 Energy (was 2 Energy). Subtlety Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel 4-piece – Backstab and Shadowstrike now have a 4% chance (was 3%) to grant Shadow Gestures. Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Affliction Diabolic Raiment 4-piece – Spending a Soul Shard now has a chance to grant you 10% Haste (was 15%). Grim Inquisitor’s Regalia 4-piece – Unstable Affliction and Seed of Corruption now increase the damage targets take from your Agony and Corruption by 15% (was 10%). Demonology Grim Inquisitor’s Regalia 4-piece – Demonic Empowerment now causes your Dreadstalkers to immediately cast another Dreadbite with 75% increased damage (was 50%). Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Arms Titanic Onslaught Armor 4-piece – The amount of bonus Mortal Strike damage events has been reduced to 2 during Bladestorm (was 3), and 1 during Ravager (was 2). Player versus Player Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Shadow PvP Template Intellect increased by 2%. Mind Blast damage increased by 5% in PvP situations. Mind Flay damage increased by 15% in PvP situations. Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Affliction PvP Template Versatility increased by 25%. Antorus - Mythic and LFR Wing 1 Open This Week Antorus, the Burning Throne Mythic difficulty and LFR Wing 1 open this week! Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Antorus Raid Release Schedule November 28: Normal and Heroic difficulties December 5: Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder wing 1 December 19: Raid Finder wing 2 January 2: Raid Finder wing 3 January 16: Raid Finder wing 4 Greater Invasion - Matron Folnuna Matron Folnuna is up this week! World Boss - Shar'thos The Sleeping Corruption is up this week, so you can head to Val'sharah to kill Shar'thos. Warriors can loot the piece of the Fury Warrior hidden artifact appearance. Bonus Event - Cataclysm Timewalking Cataclysm Timewalking is back this week. The weekly quest from Archmage Timear rewards a Accolade of Victory, Seal of Broken Fate, and Cache of Antoran Treasures. The cache can contain tier set pieces. You can find Kiatke in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Her unique items include Tosselwrench's Mega-Accurate Simulation Viewfinder and Gurboggle's Gleaming Bauble. Don't forget to keep working towards Reins of the Eclipse Dragonhawk and Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger! Reins of the Infinite Timereaver can also drop from any Timewalking dungeon boss. View the full article
  17. Antorus the Burning Throne Raid Finder Wing 1 and Mythic Difficulties Raid Finder Wing 1 and Mythic difficulty opened this week! Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Antorus Raid Release Schedule November 28: Normal and Heroic difficulties December 5: Mythic difficulty and Raid Finder wing 1 December 19: Raid Finder wing 2 January 2: Raid Finder wing 3 January 16: Raid Finder wing 4 Greater Invasion - Matron Folnuna Matron Folnuna is up this week! World Boss - Shar'thos The Sleeping Corruption is up this week, so you can head to Val'sharah to kill Shar'thos. Warriors can loot the piece of the Fury Warrior hidden artifact appearance. Bonus Event - Cataclysm Timewalking Cataclysm Timewalking is back this week. The weekly quest from Archmage Timear rewards a Accolade of Victory, Seal of Broken Fate, and Cache of Antoran Treasures. The cache can contain tier set pieces. You can find Kiatke in Stormwind and Orgrimmar. Her unique items include Tosselwrench's Mega-Accurate Simulation Viewfinder and Gurboggle's Gleaming Bauble. Don't forget to keep working towards Reins of the Eclipse Dragonhawk and Bridle of the Ironbound Wraithcharger! Reins of the Infinite Timereaver can also drop from any Timewalking dungeon boss. View the full article
  18. Kobolds is Handing Out Freebies - Which Legendary Weapon Are You Hoping For? Achievement Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Battle Pet Battles Aquatic Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Aquatic pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Beast Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Beast pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Critter Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Critter pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Dragonkin Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Dragonkin pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Elemental Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Elemental pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Family Brawler (New) Complete the following achievements. Reward: Master Trainer's Tabard. 10 points. Account Wide. Flying Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Flying pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Humanoid Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Humanoid pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Magic Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Magic pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Mechanical Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Mechanical pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Undead Brawler (New) Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Undead pets. 5 points. Account Wide. Cataclysm Quests Coming Down the Mountain Complete 115 quests in Mount Hyjal. 10 points. Complete the Mount Hyjal storylines listed below. 10 points. Deep into Deepholm Complete 110 quests in Deepholm. 10 points. Complete the Deepholm storylines listed below. 10 points. Sinking into Vashj'ir Complete 130 quests in Vashj'ir. 10 points. Complete the Vashj'ir storylines listed below. 10 points. Sinking into Vashj'ir Complete 130 quests in Vashj'ir. 10 points. Complete the Vashj'ir storylines listed below. 10 points. Dungeons & Raids Glory of the Ulduar Raider (New) Complete the Ulduar raid achievements listed below. Mount Rewards: Rusted Proto-Drake and Ironbound Proto-Drake. 25 points. Account Wide. Eastern Kingdoms Quests Arathi Highlands Quests Complete 18 quests in Arathi Highlands. 10 points. Complete the Arathi Highlands storylines listed below. 10 points. Badlands Quests Complete 35 quests in Badlands. 10 points. Complete the Badlands storylines listed below. 10 points. Blasted Lands Quests Complete 35 quests in Blasted Lands. 10 points. Complete the Blasted Lands storylines listed below. 10 points. Burning Steppes Quests Complete 40 quests in Burning Steppes. 10 points. Complete the Burning Steppes storylines listed below. 10 points. Cape of Stranglethorn Quests Complete 60 quests in the Cape of Stranglethorn. 10 points. Complete the Cape of Stranglethorn storylines listed below. 10 points. Eastern Plaguelands Quests Complete 70 quests in Eastern Plaguelands. 10 points. Complete the Eastern Plaguelands storylines listed below. 10 points. Ghostlands Quests Complete 50 quests in Ghostlands. 10 points. Complete the Ghostlands storylines listed below. 10 points. Hillsbrad Foothills Quests Complete 50 quests in Hillsbrad Foothills. 10 points. Complete the Hillsbrad Foothills storylines listed below. 10 points. Hinterlands Quests Complete 30 quests in the Hinterlands. 10 points. Complete the Hinterlands storylines listed below. 10 points. Loch Modan and Wetlands Quests Complete 85 total quests in Loch Modan and Wetlands. 10 points. Complete the Loch Modan and Wetlands storylines listed below. 10 points. Northern Stranglethorn Quests Complete 50 quests in Northern Stranglethorn. 10 points. Complete the Northern Stranglethorn storylines listed below. 10 points. Redridge Mountains Quests Complete 40 quests in Redridge Mountains. 10 points. Complete the Redridge Mountains storylines listed below. 10 points. Searing Gorge Quests Complete 35 quests in Searing Gorge. 10 points. Complete the Searing Gorge storylines listed below. 10 points. Silverpine Forest Quests Complete 55 quests in Silverpine Forest. 10 points. Complete the Silverpine Forest storylines listed below. 10 points. Swamp of Sorrows Quests Complete 25 quests in Swamp of Sorrows. 10 points. Complete the Swamp of Sorrows storylines listed below. 10 points. Western Plaguelands Quests Complete 45 quests in Western Plaguelands. 10 points. Complete the Western Plaguelands storylines listed below. 10 points. Westfall and Duskwood Quests Complete 80 total quests in Westfall and Duskwood. 10 points. Complete the Westfall and Duskwood storylines listed below. 10 points. General Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren (New) Complete the quest below. Reward: Highmountain Tauren Race Unlocked. Account Wide. Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei (New) Complete the quest below. Reward: Lightforged Draenei Race Unlocked. Account Wide. Allied Races: Nightborne (New) Complete the quest below. Reward: Nightborne Race Unlocked. Account Wide. Allied Races: Void Elf (New) Complete the quest below. Reward: Void Elf Race Unlocked. Account Wide. Heritage of Highmountain (New) Earn level 110 on a newly created Highmountain Tauren character. Reward: Highmountain Tauren Heritage Armor. Account Wide. Heritage of the Lightforged (New) Earn level 110 on a newly created Lightforged Draenei character. Reward: Lightforged Draenei Heritage Armor. Account Wide. Heritage of the Nightborne (New) Earn level 110 on a newly created Nightborne character. Reward: Nightborne Heritage Armor. Account Wide. Heritage of the Void (New) Earn level 110 on a newly created Void Elf character. Reward: Void Elf Heritage Armor. Account Wide. Honor Player vs. Player Prestige 26 (New) Reach Prestige Level 26. 10 points. Prestige 27 (New) Reach Prestige Level 27. 10 points. Prestige 28 (New) Reach Prestige Level 28. 10 points. Prestige 29 (New) Reach Prestige Level 29. 10 points. Kalimdor Quests Ashenvale Quests Complete 70 quests in Ashenvale. 10 points. Complete the Ashenvale storylines listed below. 10 points. Ashenvale Quests Complete 62 quests in Ashenvale. 10 points. Complete the Ashenvale storylines listed below. 10 points. Azshara Quests Complete 100 quests in Azshara. 10 points. Complete the Azshara storylines listed below. 10 points. Bloodmyst Isle Quests Complete 60 quests in Bloodmyst Isle. 10 points. Complete the Bloodmyst Isle storylines listed below. 10 points. Darkshore Quests Complete 90 quests in Darkshore. 10 points. Complete the Darkshore storylines listed below. 10 points. Desolace Quests Complete 55 quests in Desolace. 10 points. Complete the Desolace storylines listed below. 10 points. Dustwallow Marsh Quests Complete 60 quests in Dustwallow Marsh. 10 points. Complete the Dustwallow Marsh storylines listed below. 10 points. Dustwallow Marsh Quests Complete 48 quests in Dustwallow Marsh. 10 points. Complete the Dustwallow Marsh storylines listed below. 10 points. Felwood Quests Complete 55 quests in Felwood. 10 points. Complete the Felwood storylines listed below. 10 points. Feralas Quests Complete 45 quests in Feralas. 10 points. Complete the Feralas storylines listed below. 10 points. Feralas Quests Complete 40 quests in Feralas. 10 points. Complete the Feralas storylines listed below. 10 points. Northern Barrens Quests Complete 70 quests in Northern Barrens. 10 points. Complete the Northern Barrens storylines listed below. 10 points. Silithus Quests Complete 19 quests in Silithus. 10 points. Complete the Silithus storylines listed below. 10 points. Southern Barrens Quests Complete 40 quests in Southern Barrens. 10 points. Complete the Southern Barrens storylines listed below. 10 points. Southern Barrens Quests Complete 50 quests in Southern Barrens. 10 points. Complete the Southern Barrens storylines listed below. 10 points. Stonetalon Mountains Quests Complete 40 quests in Stonetalon Mountains. 10 points. Complete the Stonetalon Mountains storylines listed below. 10 points. Stonetalon Mountains Quests Complete 55 quests in Stonetalon Mountains. 10 points. Complete the Stonetalon Mountains storylines listed below. 10 points. Tanaris Quests Complete 40 quests in Tanaris. 10 points. Complete the Tanaris storylines listed below. 10 points. Thousand Needles Quests Complete 60 quests in Thousand Needles. 10 points. Complete the Thousand Needles storylines listed below. 10 points. Un'Goro Crater Quests Complete 41 quests in Un'Goro Crater. 10 points. Complete the Un'Goro Crater storylines listed below. 10 points. Winterspring Quests Complete 58 quests in Winterspring. 10 points. Complete the Winterspring storylines listed below. 10 points. Legacy A Quick Shave (10 player) Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 10-player mode. 10 points. A Quick Shave (25 player) Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once in 25-player mode. 10 points. Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (10 player) Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale's Flame Breath in 10-player mode. 10 points. Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (25 player) Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale's Flame Breath in 25-player mode. 10 points. Legion Player vs. Player Demonic Elite (New) Reach 2000 in any Rated PvP Bracket during Legion Season 7 10 points. Reputation Highmountain Tribe (New) Earn Exalted status with the Highmountain Tribe. 5 points. Legion Raid Dungeons & Raids The World Revolves Around Me Defeat Kin-garoth Defeat Kin'garoth with 9 Diabolic Bombs active in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points. Lich King Raid Dungeons & Raids A Quick Shave (New) Defeat Razorscale in Ulduar without allowing her to fly into the air more than once. 10 points. Alone in the Darkness (New) Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar without the assistance of any Keepers. 10 points. But I'm On Your Side (New) Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar while under the effect of an Iron Boot Flask. 10 points. Can't Do That While Stunned (New) Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to damage anyone with Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl. 10 points. Cheese the Freeze (New) Defeat Hodir in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze. 10 points. Con-speed-atory (New) Defeat Freya in Ulduar within 20 minutes of the first creature killed in the Conservatory of Life. 10 points. Crazy Cat Lady (New) Defeat Auriaya in Ulduar without destroying her Sanctum Sentries. 10 points. Deforestation (New) While fighting Freya in Ulduar, defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers, and 2 Snaplashers within 10 seconds. 10 points. Disarmed (New) Destroy both of Kologarn's arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in Ulduar. 10 points. Don't Stand in the Lightning (New) Defeat Thorim in Ulduar without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge. 10 points. Drive Me Crazy (New) Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar without any raid member going insane. 10 points. Dwarfageddon (New) Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10 seconds in the Iron Concourse at the entrance to Ulduar. 10 points. Firefighter (New) Defeat Mimiron in Ulduar after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism. 10 points. Getting Back to Nature (New) Defeat Freya in Ulduar while she is affected by at least 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature. 10 points. Getting Cold in Here (New) Defeat Hodir in Ulduar without any raid member ever gaining more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold. 10 points. Heartbreaker (New) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar after destroying his heart. 10 points. He's Not Getting Any Older (New) Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar within 7 minutes. 10 points. Hot Pocket (New) Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in Ulduar. 10 points. I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (New) Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive. 10 points. I Choose You, Steelbreaker (New) Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar with Steelbreaker as the last member alive. 10 points. I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (New) Defeat the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive. 10 points. I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (New) Defeat Hodir in Ulduar before he shatters his Rare Cache of Winter. 10 points. I Have the Coolest Friends (New) Defeat Hodir in Ulduar without letting any of the frozen adventurers perish. 10 points. I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (New) Defeat General Vezax in Ulduar after defeating the Saronite Animus. 10 points. If Looks Could Kill (New) Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams. 10 points. I'll Take You All On (New) When fighting Thorim in Ulduar, participate in killing the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus. 10 points. In His House He Waits Dreaming (New) Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron's mind in Ulduar. 10 points. Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (New) Defeat 25 Dark Rune Guardian Dwarves with Razorscale's Flame Breath in Ulduar. 10 points. Kiss and Make Up (New) /Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you. 10 points. Knock on Wood (New) Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving at least 1 Elder alive. 10 points. Knock, Knock on Wood (New) Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving at least 2 Elders alive. 10 points. Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (New) Defeat Freya in Ulduar while leaving all 3 Elders alive. 10 points. Lose Your Illusion (New) Defeat Thorim in Ulduar while Sif is present. 10 points. Lumberjacked (New) Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch, and Elder Stonebark in Ulduar within 15 seconds of each other. 10 points. Must Deconstruct Faster (New) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar in under 205 seconds. 10 points. Nerf Engineering (New) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar without allowing him to recover any health from XS-013 Scrapbots. 10 points. Nerf Gravity Bombs (New) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar without any raid member dying from a Gravity Bomb. 10 points. Nerf Scrapbots (New) While facing XT-002 Deconstructor in Ulduar, using XE-321 Boombots to defeat 20 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds. 10 points. Nine Lives (New) Defeat the Feral Defender and then defeat Auriaya in Ulduar. 10 points. Not-So-Friendly Fire (New) While fighting Mimiron in Ulduar, cause him to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike. 10 points. Nuked from Orbit (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar with at least 3 Orbital Defense Systems active. 10 points. Observed (New) Defeat Algalon the Observer in Ulduar. Title Rewards: Starcaller and The Astral Walker. 10 points. One Light in the Darkness (New) Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers. 10 points. Orbital Bombardment (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar with at least 1 Orbital Defense System active. 10 points. Orbital Devastation (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar with at least 2 Orbital Defense Systems active. 10 points. Orbit-uary (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar with all 4 Orbital Defense Systems active. 10 points. Rubble and Roll (New) Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar after causing at least 25 Rubble creatures to spawn. 10 points. Set Up Us the Bomb (New) Defeat Mimiron in Ulduar without anyone in the raid being hit by the following: 10 points. Shadowdodger (New) Defeat General Vezax in Ulduar without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash. 10 points. Shattered (New) Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in Ulduar after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds. 10 points. Shutout (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar without causing a System Shutdown. 10 points. Siffed (New) While fighting Thorim in Ulduar, force him into the arena before Sif departs. 10 points. Staying Buffed All Winter (New) While fighting Hodir in Ulduar, benefit from Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight simultaneously. 10 points. Stokin' the Furnace (New) Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in Ulduar in under 4 minutes. 10 points. Supermassive (New) Defeat Algalon the Observer in Ulduar after closing 3 Black Holes within 10 seconds. 10 points. Take Out Those Turrets (New) Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret in Ulduar. 10 points. The Antechamber of Ulduar (New) Defeat the bosses of the Antechamber area of Ulduar. 10 points. The Descent into Madness (New) Defeat the bosses of the Descent into Madness area of Ulduar. 10 points. The Keepers of Ulduar (New) Defeat the Keeper bosses of Ulduar. 10 points. The Secrets of Ulduar (New) Defeat every boss in Ulduar. 25 points. Account Wide. The Siege of Ulduar (New) Defeat the bosses of the Siege area of Ulduar. 10 points. They're Coming Out of the Walls (New) While rescuing Sara from Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, defeat 9 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds. 10 points. Three Car Garage (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar while in each of the following vehicles. 10 points. Three Lights in the Darkness (New) Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar with the assistance of three or fewer Keepers. 10 points. Two Lights in the Darkness (New) Defeat Yogg-Saron in Ulduar with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers. 10 points. Unbroken (New) Defeat Flame Leviathan in Ulduar on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle. 10 points. Who Needs Bloodlust? (New) Defeat Thorim in Ulduar while under the effect of Aura of Celerity. 10 points. With Open Arms (New) Defeat Kologarn in Ulduar without destroying either of his arms. 10 points. Northrend Quests Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle Complete 85 quests in Grizzly Hills. 10 points. Complete the Grizzly Hills storylines listed below. 10 points. Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle Complete 75 quests in Grizzly Hills. 10 points. Complete the Grizzly Hills storylines listed below. 10 points. Icecrown: The Final Goal Complete 140 quests in Icecrown. 10 points. Complete the Icecrown storylines listed below. 10 points. Into the Basin Complete 75 quests in Sholazar Basin. 10 points. Complete the Sholazar Basin storylines listed below. 10 points. I've Toured the Fjord Complete 105 quests in Howling Fjord. 10 points. Complete the Howling Fjord storylines listed below. 10 points. I've Toured the Fjord Complete 130 quests in Howling Fjord. 10 points. Complete the Howling Fjord storylines listed below. 10 points. Might of Dragonblight Complete 115 quests in Dragonblight. 10 points. Complete the Dragonblight storylines listed below. 10 points. Might of Dragonblight Complete 130 quests in Dragonblight. 10 points. Complete the Dragonblight storylines listed below. 10 points. Nothing Boring About Borean Complete 130 quests in Borean Tundra. 10 points. Complete the Borean Tundra storylines listed below. 10 points. Nothing Boring About Borean Complete 150 quests in Borean Tundra. 10 points. Complete the Borean Tundra storylines listed below. 10 points. The Empire of Zul'Drak Complete 100 quests in Zul'Drak. 10 points. Complete the Zul'Drak storylines listed below. 10 points. The Summit of Storm Peaks Complete 100 quests in Storm Peaks. 10 points. Complete the Storm Peaks storylines listed below. 10 points. Outland Quests Into the Nether Complete 120 quests in Netherstorm. 10 points. Complete the Netherstorm storylines listed below. 10 points. Mysteries of the Marsh Complete 52 quests in Zangarmarsh. 10 points. Complete the Zangarmarsh storylines listed below. 10 points. Nagrand Slam Complete 85 quests in Nagrand. 10 points. Complete the Nagrand storylines listed below. 10 points. Nagrand Slam Complete 75 quests in Nagrand. 10 points. Complete the Nagrand storylines listed below. 10 points. On the Blade's Edge Complete 86 quests in Blade's Edge Mountains. 10 points. Complete the Blade's Edge Mountains storylines listed below. 10 points. Shadow of the Betrayer Complete 90 quests in Shadowmoon Valley. 10 points. Complete the Shadowmoon Valley storylines listed below. 10 points. Terror of Terokkar Complete 63 quests in Terokkar Forest. 10 points. Complete the Terokkar Forest storylines listed below. 10 points. Terror of Terokkar Complete 68 quests in Terokkar Forest. 10 points. Complete the Terokkar Forest storylines listed below. 10 points. To Hellfire and Back Complete 76 quests in Hellfire Peninsula. 10 points. Complete the Hellfire Peninsula storylines listed below. 10 points. To Hellfire and Back Complete 84 quests in Hellfire Peninsula. 10 points. Complete the Hellfire Peninsula storylines listed below. 10 points. Player vs. Player Demonic Combatant (New) Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Legion Season 7. Reward: Vicious Saddle. Demonic Combatant (New) Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Legion Season 7. Reward: Vicious Saddle. Feats of Strength Challenger: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 35% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Challenger. Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 10% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Defender of the Alliance. Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 10% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Defender of the Horde. Demonic Gladiator: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 0.1% of the arena ladder (requires 150 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Demonic Gladiator. Duelist: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 3% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Duelist. Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Guardian of the Alliance. Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Guardian of the Horde. Hero of the Alliance: Demonic (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Hero of the Horde: Demonic (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Rival: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 10% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Rival. Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 35% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Soldier of the Alliance. Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 7 (New) End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 35% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Soldier of the Horde. Raids Feats of Strength Herald of the Titans Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode at level 80 without anyone in the raid wearing any equipment with an item level higher than is available in 10-player Ulduar weapons, shields, or off-hand items higher than Item Level 232, or any other pieces of armor higher than Item Level 226. Title Reward: Herald of the Titans. Legacy Alone in the Darkness (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 10-player mode. 10 points. Alone in the Darkness (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron without the assistance of any Keepers in 25-player mode. 10 points. But I'm On Your Side (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron while under the effect of an Iron Boot Flask in 10-player mode. 10 points. But I'm On Your Side (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron while under the effect of an Iron Boot Flask in 25-player mode. 10 points. Can't Do That While Stunned (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to damage anyone with Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl in 10-player mode. 10 points. Can't Do That While Stunned (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to damage anyone with Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl in 25-player mode. 10 points. Cheese the Freeze (10 player) Defeat Hodir without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze in 10-player mode. 10 points. Cheese the Freeze (25 player) Defeat Hodir without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze in 25-player mode. 10 points. Con-speed-atory (10 player) Defeat Freya within 20 minutes of the first creature you kill in the Conservatory of Life in 10-player mode. 10 points. Con-speed-atory (25 player) Defeat Freya within 20 minutes of the first creature you kill in the Conservatory of Life in 25-player mode. 10 points. Crazy Cat Lady (10 player) Defeat Auriaya without destroying her Sanctum Sentries in 10-player mode. 10 points. Crazy Cat Lady (25 player) Defeat Auriaya without destroying her Sanctum Sentries in 25-player mode. 10 points. Deforestation (10 player) Defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers and 2 Snaplashers within 10 seconds in 10-player mode. 10 points. Deforestation (25 player) Defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers and 2 Snaplashers within 10 seconds in 25-player mode. 10 points. Disarmed (10 player) Destroy both of Kologarn's arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in 10-player mode. 10 points. Disarmed (25 player) Destroy both of Kologarn's arms and then Kologarn himself within 12 seconds in 25-player mode. 10 points. Don't Stand in the Lightning (10 player) Defeat Thorim without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge in 10-player mode. 10 points. Don't Stand in the Lightning (25 player) Defeat Thorim without any raid member being struck by Lightning Charge in 25-player mode. 10 points. Drive Me Crazy (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane in 10-player mode. 10 points. Drive Me Crazy (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane in 25-player mode. 10 points. Dwarfageddon (10 player) Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10 seconds on the Ulduar gauntlet in 10-player mode. 10 points. Dwarfageddon (25 player) Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10 seconds on the Ulduar gauntlet in 25-player mode. 10 points. Firefighter (10 player) Defeat Mimiron after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism in 10-player mode. 10 points. Firefighter (25 player) Defeat Mimiron after activating his Self-Destruct mechanism in 25-player mode. 10 points. Getting Back to Nature (10 player) Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 10-player mode. 10 points. Getting Back to Nature (25 player) Defeat Freya while she is affected by 25 stacks of Attuned to Nature in 25-player mode. 10 points. Getting Cold in Here (10 player) Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 10-player mode. 10 points. Getting Cold in Here (25 player) Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 2 stacks of Biting Cold in 25-player mode. 10 points. Glory of the Ulduar Raider (10 player) Complete the 10-player raid achievements listed below. Reward: Rusted Proto-Drake. 25 points. Account Wide. Account Wide. Glory of the Ulduar Raider (25 player) Complete the 25-player raid achievements listed below. Reward: Ironbound Proto-Drake. 25 points. Account Wide. Account Wide. Heartbreaker (10 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart in 10-player mode. 10 points. Heartbreaker (25 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart in 25-player mode. 10 points. He's Not Getting Any Older (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 10-player mode. 10 points. He's Not Getting Any Older (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron within 7 minutes in 25-player mode. 10 points. Hot Pocket (10 player) Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in 10-player mode. 10 points. Hot Pocket (25 player) Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's Slag Pot in 25-player mode. 10 points. I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 10-player mode. 10 points. I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive in 25-player mode. 10 points. I Choose You, Steelbreaker (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 10-player mode. 10 points. I Choose You, Steelbreaker (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Steelbreaker as the last member alive in 25-player mode. 10 points. I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (10 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive in 10-player mode. 10 points. I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (25 player) Defeat the Assembly of Iron with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive in 25-player mode. 10 points. I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (10 player) Defeat Hodir before he shatters his rare cache in 10-player mode. 10 points. I Could Say That This Cache Was Rare (25 player) Defeat Hodir before he shatters his rare cache in 25-player mode. 10 points. I Have the Coolest Friends (10 player) Defeat Hodir without any friendly NPC dying in 10-player mode. 10 points. I Have the Coolest Friends (25 player) Defeat Hodir without any friendly NPC dying in 25-player mode. 10 points. I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (10 player) Defeat General Vezax after defeating the Saronite Animus in 10-player mode. 10 points. I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (25 player) Defeat General Vezax after defeating the Saronite Animus in 25-player mode. 10 points. If Looks Could Kill (10 player) Defeat Kologarn without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams in 10-player mode. 10 points. If Looks Could Kill (25 player) Defeat Kologarn without any raid member being hit by Focused Eyebeams in 25-player mode. 10 points. I'll Take You All On (10 player) Defeat Thorim, the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus in 10-player mode. 10 points. I'll Take You All On (25 player) Defeat Thorim, the Ancient Rune Giant and the Runic Colossus in 25-player mode. 10 points. In His House He Waits Dreaming (10 player) Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron's mind in 10-player mode. 10 points. In His House He Waits Dreaming (25 player) Experience all 3 visions of Yogg-Saron's mind in 25-player mode. 10 points. Kiss and Make Up (10 player) /Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you in 10-player mode. 10 points. Kiss and Make Up (25 player) /Kiss Sara in Ulduar while she is angry with you in 25-player mode. 10 points. Knock on Wood (10 player) Defeat Freya while leaving at least 1 Elder alive in 10-player mode. 10 points. Knock on Wood (25 player) Defeat Freya while leaving at least 1 Elder alive in 25-player mode. 10 points. Knock, Knock on Wood (10 player) Defeat Freya while leaving at least 2 Elders alive in 10-player mode. 10 points. Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player) Defeat Freya while leaving at least 2 Elders alive in 25-player mode. 10 points. Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (10 player) Defeat Freya while leaving all 3 Elders alive in 10-player mode. 10 points. Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood (25 player) Defeat Freya while leaving all 3 Elders alive in 25-player mode. 10 points. Lose Your Illusion (10 player) Defeat Thorim while Sif is present in 10-player mode. 10 points. Lose Your Illusion (25 player) Defeat Thorim while Sif is present in 25-player mode. 10 points. Lumberjacked (10 player) Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch and Elder Stonebark within 15 seconds of each other in 10-player mode. 10 points. Lumberjacked (25 player) Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch and Elder Stonebark within 15 seconds of each other in 25-player mode. 10 points. Must Deconstruct Faster (10 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in 205 seconds in 10-player mode. 10 points. Must Deconstruct Faster (25 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in 205 seconds in 25-player mode. 10 points. Nerf Engineering (10 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without him recovering any health from XS-013 in 10-player mode. 10 points. Nerf Engineering (25 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without him recovering any health from XS-013 Scrapbots in 25-player mode. 10 points. Nerf Gravity Bombs (10 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without any raid member dying from a Gravity Bomb in 10-player mode. 10 points. Nerf Gravity Bombs (25 player) Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without any raid member dying from a Gravity Bomb in 25-player mode. 10 points. Nerf Scrapbots (10 player) Defeat 20 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds using XE-321 Boombots in 10-player mode. 10 points. Nerf Scrapbots (25 player) Defeat 20 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds using XE-321 Boombots in 25-player mode. 10 points. Nine Lives (10 player) Defeat the Feral Defender while defeating Auriaya in 10-player mode. 10 points. Nine Lives (25 player) Defeat the Feral Defender while defeating Auriaya in 25-player mode. 10 points. Not-So-Friendly Fire (10 player) Force Mimiron to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike in 10-player mode. 10 points. Not-So-Friendly Fire (25 player) Force Mimiron to kill an Assault Bot with a Rocket Strike in 25-player mode. 10 points. Nuked from Orbit (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with at least 3 Orbital Defense Systems active in 10-player mode. 10 points. Nuked from Orbit (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with 3 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode. 10 points. Observed (10 player) Defeat Algalon the Observer in 10-player mode. Title Reward: Starcaller. 10 points. Observed (25 player) Defeat Algalon the Observer in 25-player mode. Title Reward: The Astral Walker. 10 points. One Light in the Darkness (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode. 10 points. One Light in the Darkness (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of one or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode. 10 points. Orbital Bombardment (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with at least 1 Orbital Defense System active in 10-player mode. 10 points. Orbital Bombardment (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with 1 Orbital Defense System active in 25-player mode. 10 points. Orbital Devastation (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with at least 2 Orbital Defense Systems active in 10-player mode. 10 points. Orbital Devastation (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with 2 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode. 10 points. Orbit-uary (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with all 4 Orbital Defense Systems active in 10-player mode. 10 points. Orbit-uary (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan with 4 Orbital Defense Systems active in 25-player mode. 10 points. Rubble and Roll (10 player) Defeat Kologarn after causing at least 25 Rubble creatures to spawn in 10-player mode. 10 points. Rubble and Roll (25 player) Defeat Kologarn after causing at least 25 Rubble creatures to spawn in 25-player mode. 10 points. Set Up Us the Bomb (10 player) Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by the following in 10-player mode. 10 points. Set Up Us the Bomb (25 player) Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by the following in 25-player mode. 10 points. Shadowdodger (10 player) Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash in 10-player mode. 10 points. Shadowdodger (25 player) Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash in 25-player mode. 10 points. Shattered (10 player) Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds in 10-player mode. 10 points. Shattered (25 player) Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master after shattering 2 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds in 25-player mode. 10 points. Shutout (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a System Shutdown in 10-player mode. 10 points. Shutout (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a System Shutdown in 25-player mode. 10 points. Siffed (10 player) Force Thorim to enter the arena while Sif is present in 10-player mode. 10 points. Siffed (25 player) Force Thorim to enter the arena while Sif is present in 25-player mode. 10 points. Staying Buffed All Winter (10 player) Possess the effects of Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight at the same time in 10-player mode. 10 points. Staying Buffed All Winter (25 player) Possess the effects of Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight at the same time in 25-player mode. 10 points. Stokin' the Furnace (10 player) Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in 4 minutes in 10-player mode. 10 points. Stokin' the Furnace (25 player) Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in 4 minutes in 25-player mode. 10 points. Supermassive (10 player) Defeat Algalon the Observer after closing 3 Black Holes within 10 seconds in 10-player mode. 10 points. Supermassive (25 player) Defeat Algalon the Observer after closing 3 Black Holes within 10 seconds in 25-player mode. 10 points. Take Out Those Turrets (10 player) Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret in 10-player mode. 10 points. Take Out Those Turrets (25 player) Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret in 25-player mode. 10 points. The Antechamber of Ulduar (10 player) Defeat the bosses of The Antechamber area of Ulduar in 10-player mode. 10 points. The Antechamber of Ulduar (25 player) Defeat the bosses of The Antechamber area of Ulduar in 25-player mode. 10 points. The Descent into Madness (10 player) Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar in 10-player mode. 10 points. The Descent into Madness (25 player) Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar in 25-player mode. 10 points. The Keepers of Ulduar (10 player) Defeat the Keeper bosses of Ulduar in 10-player mode. 10 points. The Keepers of Ulduar (25 player) Defeat the Keeper bosses of Ulduar in 25-player mode. 10 points. The Secrets of Ulduar (10 player) Defeat every boss in Ulduar in 10-player mode. 25 points. Account Wide. Account Wide. The Secrets of Ulduar (25 player) Defeat every boss in Ulduar in 25-player mode. 25 points. Account Wide. Account Wide. The Siege of Ulduar (10 player) Defeat the bosses of The Siege area of Ulduar in 10-player mode. 10 points. The Siege of Ulduar (25 player) Defeat the bosses of The Siege area of Ulduar in 25-player mode. 10 points. They're Coming Out of the Walls (10 player) Defeat 9 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds in 10-player mode. 10 points. They're Coming Out of the Walls (25 player) Defeat 9 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds in 25-player mode. 10 points. Three Car Garage (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan while in each of the following vehicles in 10-player mode. 10 points. Three Car Garage (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan while in each of the following vehicles in 25-player mode. 10 points. Three Lights in the Darkness (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of three or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode. 10 points. Three Lights in the Darkness (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of three or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode. 10 points. Two Lights in the Darkness (10 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers in 10-player mode. 10 points. Two Lights in the Darkness (25 player) Defeat Yogg-Saron with the assistance of two or fewer Keepers in 25-player mode. 10 points. Unbroken (10 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle in 10-player mode. 10 points. Unbroken (25 player) Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle in 25-player mode. 10 points. Who Needs Bloodlust? (10 player) Defeat Thorim while under the effect of Aura of Celerity in 10-player mode. 10 points. Who Needs Bloodlust? (25 player) Defeat Thorim while under the effect of Aura of Celerity in 25-player mode. 10 points. With Open Arms (10 player) Defeat Kologarn without destroying either of his arms in 10-player mode. 10 points. With Open Arms (25 player) Defeat Kologarn without destroying either of his arms in 25-player mode. 10 points. Seething Shore Player vs. Player A Good Start (New) Collect 100,000 Azerite in Seething Shore. Blood and Sand (New) Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit. Claim Jumper (New) Within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore, collect a Rich Azerite deposit. Death from Above (New) Slay an enemy within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore. Master of Seething Shore (New) Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below. Seething Shore Domination (New) Capture each of the following locations in Seething Shore: Seething Shore Perfection (New) Win Seething Shore with a score of 3000 to 0. Seething Shore Veteran (New) Complete 100 victories in Seething Shore. Seething Shore Victory (New) Win Seething Shore. Spell Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Mounts Black Qiraji War Tank (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Black Qiraji War Tank. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Blue Qiraji War Tank (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Blue Qiraji War Tank. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Highmountain Thunderhoof (New) Summons and dismisses your Highmountain Thunderhoof. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Lightforged Felcrusher (New) Summons and dismisses your Lightforged Felcrusher. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Nightborne Manasaber (New) Summons and dismisses your Nightborne Manasaber. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Purple Qiraji War Tank (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Purple Qiraji War Tank. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Red Qiraji War Tank (New) Summons and dismisses a rideable Red Qiraji War Tank. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Starcursed Voidstrider (New) Summons and dismisses your Starcursed Voidstrider. Account wide. 1.5 sec cast. Companions Mailemental (New) Right Click to summon and dismiss this companion. Instant. Item Set Bonuses Item - Death Knight T21 Frost 4P Bonus When you deal Frost damage, you have a chance to release a barrage of icy spikes at your target dealing [ 3.000 * 420% 210% of weapon damage ] Frost damage. Approximately 2 procs per minute. Item - Death Knight T21 Unholy 2P Bonus Death Coil causes the target to take an additional 25% 35% of the direct damage dealt over 4 sec. Item - Demon Hunter T21 Havoc 4P Bonus When Eye Beam finishes fully channeling, your Haste is increased by 40% for 8 sec. 15% for 8 sec. Item - Druid T21 Balance 4P Bonus When you cast Starsurge or Starfall, the damage of your Moonfire and Sunfire spells is increased by 10% for 6 sec. 20% for 6 sec. Item - Hunter T21 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus When you use Kill Command, the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild is reduced by 2.0 sec. 1.5 sec. Item - Hunter T21 Survival 2P Bonus Flanking Strike has a 50% chance to increase the critical strike chance of your next Raptor Strike by 100% and the critical strike damage of Raptor Strike by 50% 100% within the next 20 sec. Item - Mage T21 Arcane 2P Bonus Each Arcane Charge you spend increases your damage dealt by 4% for 8 sec. 2% for 8 sec. Item - Mage T21 Arcane 4P Bonus When you generate an Arcane Charge, you have a 8% 10% chance to increase your haste by 20% for 6 sec. 15% for 6 sec. Item - Mage T21 Fire 4P Bonus Combustion also increases your critical strike damage by 12% for 14 sec. 10% for 14 sec. Item - Mage T21 Frost 2P Bonus Each successive ice bolt of a cast of Flurry deals 25% more damage. 15% more damage. Item - Mage T21 Frost 4P Bonus When you consume Brain Freeze, the damage of your next Ice Lance is increased by 25%. 20%. Item - Monk T19 Windwalker 2P Bonus Reduces the cooldown on Rising Sun Kick by 2 sec. 1 sec. Item - Monk T20 Windwalker 2P Bonus When Fists of Fury ends, the critical strike chance of Rising Sun Kick is increased by 65% for 5 sec. 30% for 5 sec. Item - Monk T21 Brewmaster 4P Bonus When you dodge an attack, you have a 100% chance to reset the Every time you dodge an attack, the remaining cooldown of Breath of Fire.is reduced by 1.0 sec. Item - Monk T21 Windwalker 2P Bonus When you gain the Blackout Kick! effect, the damage of your next Blackout Kick is increased by 150%. 175%. Item - Paladin T21 Retribution 2P Bonus Judgment damage increased by 60%. 40%. Item - Priest T21 Shadow 4P Bonus Each stack of Void Form increases the critical strike chance of Mind Flay, Void Bolt, and Mind Blast by 1%. 0.5%. Item - Rogue T21 Assassination 2P Bonus When you use Envenom, your Deadly and Wound poisons have 15% 35% increased chance to critically strike for 6 sec. Item - Rogue T21 Assassination 4P Bonus When your Deadly or Wound poisons critically strike the target, you have a 100% chance to gain 4 Energy. 2 Energy. Item - Rogue T21 Outlaw 2P Bonus Extra attacks from Saber Slash increase the damage of your next Run Through by 5% 15%, stacking up to 4 times. Item - Rogue T21 Outlaw 4P Bonus Run Through has a 12% 16% chance to grant you a Roll the Bones combat enhancement buff you do not already have for 10 sec. Item - Rogue T21 Subtlety 4P Bonus Backstab and Shadowstrike have a 5% 3% chance to grant you Shadow Gestures, causing your next finishing move to refund 100% of Combo Points spent when used. Item - Shaman T21 Enhancement 2P Bonus Casting Stormstrike has a 15% 30% chance to increase the damage of your next Rockbiter by 100%. Item - Shaman T21 Enhancement 4P Bonus Rockbiter causes the target to take 10% 15% increased Fire, Frost, and Nature damage from your attacks for 4.5 sec. Item - Warlock T21 Affliction 4P Bonus When you cast Unstable Affliction or Seed of Corruption, all targets within 60 yards suffering from your Agony take 10% increased damage from your Corruption and Agony for 6 sec. 8 sec. Item - Warlock T21 Destruction 2P Bonus Chaos Bolt increases the critical strike chance of Incinerate on the target by 20% for 8 sec. 40% for 8 sec. Item - Warrior T21 Arms 2P Bonus When you use Colossus Smash, your critical damage is increased by 10% for 8 sec. 7% for 8 sec. Item - Warrior T21 Arms 4P Bonus Mortal Strike increases the damage and critical strike chance of your next Whirlwind or Slam by 15% 12%, stacking up to 3 times. Item - Warrior T21 Fury 2P Bonus Rampage causes the target to bleed for an additional 30% 18% of the direct damage dealt to the target over 4 sec Item - Warrior T21 Fury 4P Bonus When you activate Battle Cry, the damage of Rampage is increased by 75% for 8 sec. 25% for 8 sec. Demon Hunter (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Vengeance Demonic Wards Your tattoos reduce all damage taken by 20%, and increase your Stamina by 55% 65% and your Armor by 75%. Demon Hunter - Vengeance Spec. Monk (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Talents Serenity (Brewmaster) While in this state, you deal 40% increased damage and healing, and all Chi consumers are free and have 50% reduced cooldown. cool down 100% more quickly. Serenity (Windwalker, Mistweaver) While in this state, you deal 40% increased damage and healing, and all Chi consumers are free and have 50% reduced cooldown. cool down 100% more quickly. Windwalker Windwalker Monk Increases damage/healing of Blackout Kick, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm by 9% 25%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Blackout Kick, Chi Wave, Crackling Jade Lightning, Crosswinds, Eye of the Tiger, Fists of Fury, Flying Serpent Kick, Rising Sun Kick, Rushing Jade Wind, Spinning Crane Kick, Strike of the Windlord, Tiger Palm by 9% 25%. Decreases cooldown of Blackout Kick and Blackout Strike by 100%. Increases effect #2 value of Tiger Palm by 2. Increases damage/healing of Blackout Kick, Blackout Strike, Rising Sun Kick, Tiger Palm by 26%. Increases damage/healing of Chi Wave, Refreshing Jade Wind, Rushing Jade Wind by 22%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Eye of the Tiger by 22%. Monk - Windwalker Spec. Paladin (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Crusader Strike Holy: Strike the target for [ 0.029 * Level * 290% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 290% of weapon damage or 290% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Maximum 2 charges. Protection: Strike the target for [ 0.029 * Level * 290% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 290% of weapon damage or 290% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Retribution: Strike the target for [ 0.029 * Level * 290% of weapon damage + 0.429 * 290% of weapon damage or 290% of weapon damage ] Physical damage. Maximum 2 charges. |cFFFFFFFFGenerates 1 Holy Power. Melee range. Instant. Protection Guarded by the Light Increases your total Stamina by 30% 40% and your block chance by 50%. Reduces the chance you will be critically hit by melee attacks by 0%. Your spell power is now equal to 100% of your attack power, and you no longer benefit from other sources of spell power. Grants 6% of your maximum mana every 5 sec. Paladin - Protection Spec. Priest (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Talents Shadow Crash Hurl a bolt of slow-moving Shadow energy at the destination, dealing [ 800% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all targets within 8 yards. Generates 15 20 Insanity. Shadow Priest - Level 100 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown. 20 sec cooldown. Discipline & Shadow Shadow Word: Pain (Discipline, Holy) A word of darkness that causes [ 1 + 38% 36.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional [ 9 + 38% 36.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow) A word of darkness that causes [ 1 + 38% 36.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage instantly, and an additional [ 9 + 38% 36.5% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 18 sec. Holy Prayer of Healing A powerful prayer that heals the target and the 4 nearest allies within 40 yards for [ 250% of Spell Power ]. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Can't be cast in Shadowform. Limited to 5 targets. Priest - Holy Spec. 4.5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2 sec cast. Shadow Mind Sear When Mind Flay deals damage, if the target is afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain, it deals [ 40% [ 60% of Spell Power ] damage to all nearby targets. Generates 1 Insanity per target hit. Priest - Shadow Spec. Vampiric Touch A touch of darkness that causes [ 8 + 71% 68.16% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 24 sec, and heals the Priest for 50% of damage dealt. If Vampiric Touch is dispelled, the dispeller flees in Horror for 3 sec. Generates 6 Insanity. Priest - Shadow Spec. 40 yd range. 1.5 sec cast. Void Eruption Releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, activating Voidform and causing [ 1 + 150% 1,200% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to all enemies afflicted by your Shadow Word: Pain or Vampiric Touch. During Voidform, this ability is replaced by Void Bolt. Requires [ 1% of C ] Insanity to activate. Priest - Shadow Spec. All Shadow Orbs. 2 sec cast. 1.5 sec cooldown. Rogue (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) PvP Talents Flying Daggers Fan of Knives' radius is increased by 100% 50% and deals 150% more damage when it strikes 3 or more targets. Assassination Rogue - Tier 5 PvP Talent. Assassination Sinister Strike An instant strike that causes (360% 208% of weapon damage) Physical damage. Awards 1 combo points. Rogue - Assassination Spec. 40 Energy. Melee range. Instant. Shaman (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) Enhancement Enhancement Shaman Increases damage/healing of Crash Lightning, Earthen Spike, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windsong, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand by 10% 13%. Increases periodic damage/healing of Crash Lightning, Earthen Spike, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windsong, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand by 10% 13%. Increases damage/healing of Crash Lightning, Earthen Spike, Flametongue, Flametongue Attack, Frostbrand, Fury of Air, Lava Lash, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Shield, Rockbiter, Stormstrike, Stormstrike Off-Hand, Sundering, Windfury Attack, Windsong, Windstrike, Windstrike Off-Hand by 10. Shaman - Enhancement Spec. 13. Shaman - Enhancement Spec. Warlock (Forums, Talent Calculator, PvP Talent Calculator, Artifact Calculator) PvP Talents Cremation Your Incinerate automatically applies Immolate, and Conflagrate deals an additional 5% 3% of the target's maximum health in Fire damage if the target is affected by your Immolate. Destruction Warlock - Tier 4 PvP Talent. Racials Orc Blood Fury Increases your melee attack power by 2,243 and your spell power by 2,243. Lasts for 15 sec. Orc Racial. Instant. 2 min cooldown. Blood Fury Increases attack power by 2,243. Lasts for 15 sec. Orc Racial. Instant. 2 min cooldown. Blood Fury Increases your spell power by 2,243. Lasts for 15 sec. Orc Racial. Instant. 2 min cooldown. Professions Cooking Cooking Fire Builds a campfire that increases the spirits versatility of those nearby by 4 and allows cooking. Cooking. 3 yd range. 2 sec cast. 5 min cooldown. Riding Artisan Riding You can now learn to ride fast flying mounts from your riding trainer. Riding. ride flying mounts at a faster speed. Riding. Expert Riding You can now learn to ride flying mounts from your riding trainer. Riding. ride flying mounts. Riding. String Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion _JKL_TEST (New) - _JKL_TEST ARGUS_RAID_DEATH_TITAN_ENERGY (New) - Titanic Essence ARGUS_RAID_ENGINEER (New) - Fel Energy ARGUS_RAID_LIFE_GIVING_ROOTS (New) - Life-giving Roots ARGUS_RAID-ENGINEER_BOSS-FIRE_ENERGY (New) - Burning Embers BACKPACK_AUTHENTICATOR_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION (New) - Gain 4 extra backpack slots by attaching an Authenticator to your account.|n|nThe Blizzard Authenticator is a free, easy-to-use service that protects your account from intruders.|n|nClick "Activate" to launch the Authenticator setup website. BACKPACK_AUTHENTICATOR_EXTRA_SLOTS_ADDED (New) - You gained 4 backpack slots for having an Authenticator attached to your account. BACKPACK_AUTHENTICATOR_FULL_INVENTORY (New) - Your inventory is full. Make room in your bags to receive any missing items. BACKPACK_AUTHENTICATOR_INCREASE_SIZE (New) - Increase Backpack Size BINDING_HEADER_COMMENTATORMISC (New) - Misc BINDING_NAME_TOGGLE_NAMEPLATE_SIZE (New) - Toggle Nameplate Size BLIZZ_DISCLAIMER - Copyright 2004-2017 2018 Blizzard Entertainment. All Rights Reserved. BLIZZARD_STORE_BUNDLE_TOOLTIP_HEADER (New) - \n\n|cffffffffIncludes:|r\n BLIZZARD_STORE_BUNDLE_TOOLTIP_OWNED_DELIVERABLE (New) - |cff777777-%s (owned)|r\n BLIZZARD_STORE_BUNDLE_TOOLTIP_UNOWNED_DELIVERABLE (New) - -%s\n BLIZZARD_STORE_CURRENCY_FORMAT_AUD - $%s AUD %s BLIZZARD_STORE_CURRENCY_FORMAT_CAD - CAD $%s %s BLIZZARD_STORE_CURRENCY_FORMAT_NZD - NZD $%s %s BLIZZARD_STORE_VAS_RACE_CHANGE_TITLE (New) - %s can be race changed to: BLIZZARD_STORE_VAS_RACE_CHANGE_TOOLTIP_LINE (New) - - %s BLIZZARD_STORE_VAS_RACE_CHANGE_TOOLTIP_LINE_ALLIED_RACE (New) - - %s* BLIZZARD_STORE_VAS_RACE_CHANGE_VIEW_AVAILABLE_RACES (New) - (view available races) BOOST_TOKEN_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION (New) - Boost a character to level %s BOOST_TOKEN_TOOLTIP_TITLE (New) - Level %s Boost BROKENSHORE_BUILDING_COMMANDCENTER (New) - Command Center BROKENSHORE_BUILDING_MAGETOWER (New) - Mage Tower BROKENSHORE_BUILDING_NETHERDISRUPTOR (New) - Nether Disruptor CHARACTER_SELECT_INFO_TRIAL_BOOST_LOCKED_TOOLTIP_TEXT - Apply a Level 100 Character Boost to unlock this character. %s to unlock this character. CHARACTER_SELECT_REVOKED_BOOST_TOKEN_LOCKED_TOOLTIP_TEXT - There was a problem with the previously applied Character Boost.\n\nApply another Level 100 Character Boost to unlock this character. a %s to unlock this character. CHARACTER_UPGRADE_POPUP_BOOST_EXISTING_CHARACTER_TOOLTIP - Apply your Level 100 Boost to an existing character %s to an existing character DK_BRUTE_BOSSNAME (New) - Men'krog ERR_BG_PLAYER_JOINED_SS - |Hplayer:%s|h[%s]|h has joined the battle. ERR_GLYPH_TARGET_NOT_AVAILABLE (New) - The target spell is currently overwritten by a talent or other ability. ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_FAIL - Your group has joined a battleground queue, but you are not eligible. ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_S - Your group has joined the queue for %s. ERR_QUEST_ALREADY_ON - You are already on that quest. ERR_QUEST_FAILED_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY - You don't have enough money for that quest. ERR_QUEST_NEED_PREREQS - You don't meet the requirements for that quest. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ALREADY_DONE_S - %s has completed that quest. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_DIFFERENT_SERVER_DAILY_S - %s is not eligible for that quest today. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_INVALID_S - %s is not eligible for that quest. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_NOT_ALLOWED_S - That quest cannot be shared. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_NOT_DAILY_S - That quest cannot be shared today. ERR_QUEST_PUSH_ONQUEST_S - %s is already on that quest. EXPANSION_FILTER_TEXT (New) - Expansion ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_CIRCLE3 (New) - orange ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_CROSS3 (New) - red ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_DIAMOND3 (New) - purple ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_MOON3 (New) - silver ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_SKULL3 (New) - white ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_SQUARE3 (New) - blue ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_STAR3 (New) - gold ICON_TAG_RAID_TARGET_TRIANGLE3 (New) - green MAXIMILLIAN_ARTIFACTACQUISITION (New) - Excaliberto! NIGHTMARE_RAID_XAVIUS_NIGHTMARE_CORRUPTION (New) - Nightmare Corruption PARAGON_REPUTATION_TOOLTIP_TEXT_LOW_LEVEL (New) - Too low level to earn paragon with this faction. PET_JOURNAL_FILTER_USABLE_ONLY (New) - Usable Only POSTMASTER_LETTER_ALLERIANSTRONGHOLD (New) - Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest POSTMASTER_LETTER_ALTAROFSHATAR (New) - Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley POSTMASTER_LETTER_AREA52 (New) - Area 52, Netherstorm POSTMASTER_LETTER_ARGENTSTAND (New) - The Argent Stand, Zul'Drak POSTMASTER_LETTER_ASHENVALE (New) - Astranaar, Ashenvale POSTMASTER_LETTER_AZUREWINGREPOSE (New) - Azurewing Repose, Azsuna POSTMASTER_LETTER_BARRENS (New) - The Crossroads, Northern Barrens POSTMASTER_LETTER_BRADENSBROOK (New) - Bradensbrook, Val'sharah POSTMASTER_LETTER_CAMPONEQWAH (New) - Camp Oneqwah, Grizzly Hills POSTMASTER_LETTER_CENARIONREFUGE (New) - Cenarion Refuge, Zangarmarsh POSTMASTER_LETTER_CONQUESTHOLD (New) - Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills POSTMASTER_LETTER_COSMOWRENCH (New) - Cosmowrench, Netherstorm POSTMASTER_LETTER_DARKSHORE (New) - Lor'danel, Darkshore POSTMASTER_LETTER_DAWNSBLOSSOM (New) - Dawn's Blossom, Jade Forest POSTMASTER_LETTER_DELIVERANCEPOINT (New) - Deliverance Point, Broken Shore POSTMASTER_LETTER_DUNMOROGH (New) - Kharanos, Dun Morogh POSTMASTER_LETTER_ELWYNNFOREST (New) - Goldshire, Elwynn Forest POSTMASTER_LETTER_FELWOOD (New) - Whisperwind Grove, Felwood POSTMASTER_LETTER_FERALAS (New) - Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas POSTMASTER_LETTER_FROSTHOLD (New) - Frosthold, Storm Peaks POSTMASTER_LETTER_GARADAR (New) - Garadar, Nagrand POSTMASTER_LETTER_GHOSTLANDS (New) - Tranquillien, Ghostlands POSTMASTER_LETTER_GREYWATCH (New) - Greywatch, Stormheim POSTMASTER_LETTER_HALFHILL (New) - Halfhill, Valley of the Four Winds POSTMASTER_LETTER_HILLSBRADFOOTHILLS (New) - Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad Foothills POSTMASTER_LETTER_HINTERLANDS (New) - Aerie Peak, Hinterlands POSTMASTER_LETTER_HONORHOLD (New) - Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula POSTMASTER_LETTER_HYJAL (New) - Nordrassil, Mount Hyjal POSTMASTER_LETTER_KAMAGUA (New) - Kamagua, Howling Fjord POSTMASTER_LETTER_KLAXXIVESS (New) - Klaxxi'vess, Dread Wastes POSTMASTER_LETTER_LIONSLANDING (New) - Lion's Landing, Krasarang Wilds POSTMASTER_LETTER_LONGYING (New) - Longying Outpost, Townlong Steppes POSTMASTER_LETTER_LORLATHIL (New) - Lorlathil, Val'sharah POSTMASTER_LETTER_MEREDIL (New) - Meredil, Suramar POSTMASTER_LETTER_MOAKI (New) - Moa'ki Harbor, Dragonblight POSTMASTER_LETTER_MOONGLADE (New) - Nighthaven, Moonglade POSTMASTER_LETTER_NESINGWARY_SHOLAZAR (New) - Nesingwary Base Camp, Sholazar Basin POSTMASTER_LETTER_ONEKEG (New) - One Keg, Kun-Lai Summit POSTMASTER_LETTER_SHACKLESDEN (New) - Shackle's Den, Azsuna POSTMASTER_LETTER_SKYHORN (New) - Skyhorn, Highmountain POSTMASTER_LETTER_SOGGYSGAMBLE (New) - Soggy's Gamble, Dread Wastes POSTMASTER_LETTER_STRANGLETHORNVALE (New) - Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale POSTMASTER_LETTER_SWAMPOFSORROWS (New) - Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows POSTMASTER_LETTER_SYLVANAAR (New) - Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains POSTMASTER_LETTER_TANARIS (New) - Gadgetzan, Tanaris POSTMASTER_LETTER_THRALLMAR (New) - Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula POSTMASTER_LETTER_THUNDERCLEFT (New) - Thunder Cleft, Krasarang Wilds POSTMASTER_LETTER_THUNDERTOTEM (New) - Thunder Totem, Highmountain POSTMASTER_LETTER_TIANMONASTERY (New) - Tian Monastery, Jade Forest POSTMASTER_LETTER_TIRISFALGLADES (New) - Brill, Tirisfal Glades POSTMASTER_LETTER_ULDUM (New) - Ramkahen, Uldum POSTMASTER_LETTER_VALDISDALL (New) - Valdisdall, Stormheim POSTMASTER_LETTER_VALIANCEKEEP (New) - Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra POSTMASTER_LETTER_WARSONGHOLD (New) - Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra POSTMASTER_LETTER_WESTFALL (New) - Sentinel Hill, Westfall POSTMASTER_LETTER_WETLANDS (New) - Menethil Harbor, Wetlands POSTMASTER_LETTER_WINTERSPRING (New) - Everlook, Winterspring POSTMASTER_LETTER_WYRMREST (New) - Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight POSTMASTER_LETTER_ZABRAJIN (New) - Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh POSTMASTER_LETTER_ZOUCHINVILLAGE (New) - Zouchin Village, Kun-Lai Summit RACE_INFO_HIGHMOUNTAINTAUREN (New) - Descended from Huln, brave hero of the War of the Ancients, the Highmountain tauren honor the spirits of earth, river, and sky. Though the Legion invaded their lands and sowed seeds of distrust between them, the tribes of Highmountain stand united once more. At long last they are ready to venture beyond their sacred mountain and stand beside their kin from Kalimdor, lending their nobility and strength to the mighty Horde. RACE_INFO_HIGHMOUNTAINTAUREN_FEMALE (New) - Descended from Huln, brave hero of the War of the Ancients, the Highmountain tauren honor the spirits of earth, river, and sky. Though the Legion invaded their lands and sowed seeds of distrust between them, the tribes of Highmountain stand united once more. At long last they are ready to venture beyond their sacred mountain and stand beside their kin from Kalimdor, lending their nobility and strength to the mighty Horde. RACE_INFO_LIGHTFORGEDDRAENEI (New) - For untold millennia, the Army of the Light waged war against the Burning Legion throughout the Twisting Nether. The draenei most committed to their long crusade would undergo a ritual to become Lightforged, infusing their bodies with the very essence of the Holy Light. After finally achieving victory on Argus, the Lightforged have undertaken a new mission: protecting Azeroth from rising threats and helping the Alliance push back against Horde aggression. RACE_INFO_LIGHTFORGEDDRAENEI_FEMALE (New) - For untold millennia, the Army of the Light waged war against the Burning Legion throughout the Twisting Nether. The draenei most committed to their long crusade would undergo a ritual to become Lightforged, infusing their bodies with the very essence of the Holy Light. After finally achieving victory on Argus, the Lightforged have undertaken a new mission: protecting Azeroth from rising threats and helping the Alliance push back against Horde aggression. RACE_INFO_NIGHTBORNE (New) - Isolated behind a protective barrier for ten-thousand years, the elves of Suramar grew increasingly dependent upon the arcane magic of the Nightwell. To protect this font of power, the leaders of the nightborne struck a bargain with the Burning Legion that plunged their kingdom into civil war. After fighting for freedom from their demonic masters, the nightborne seek allies to help them reclaim their place in the world. RACE_INFO_NIGHTBORNE_FEMALE (New) - Isolated behind a protective barrier for ten-thousand years, the elves of Suramar grew increasingly dependent upon the arcane magic of the Nightwell. To protect this font of power, the leaders of the nightborne struck a bargain with the Burning Legion that plunged their kingdom into civil war. After fighting for freedom from their demonic masters, the nightborne seek allies to help them reclaim their place in the world. RACE_INFO_VOIDELF (New) - Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. Most who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow's whispers. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria has vowed to train these void elves to control the shadows within them and pledge their newfound powers to the Alliance. RACE_INFO_VOIDELF_FEMALE (New) - Many have sought to harness the corruptive magic of the Void. Most who tried have fallen into madness. Determined to use this power for the good of Azeroth, Alleria Windrunner is the first mortal to succeed at defying the shadow's whispers. Coming to the aid of a group of her kin who nearly gave in to the darkness, Alleria has vowed to train these void elves to control the shadows within them and pledge their newfound powers to the Alliance. SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_355 (New) - You have not obtained any background filters. SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_356 (New) - There is nothing interesting posted here right now. SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_357 (New) - Paragon Reputation is not available until a higher level. SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_358 (New) - Uuna is missing. STORE_CATEGORY_VETERAN_DISABLED_TOOLTIP (New) - Unavailable to Veteran accounts TOMB_RAID_DRAGON_INFERNAL (New) - Fel Energy VISITABLE_URL41 (New) - https://nydus.battle.net/App/%s/clie...argetRegion=%s Misc Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Battle Masters Seething Shore (New) - King of the Hill. Level: 45-110. Players: 5-10. Rated players: 10. Map: Seething Shore. Silithus BG (DO NOT USE) (New) - Domination. Level: 45-110. Players: 8-15. Rated players: 10. Map: Silithus BG. Character Titles Demonic Gladiator %s (New) Currency Types Miscellaneous Trial of Style Token - Earned by participating in the Trial of Style. Can be exchanged for transmoggable gear in Dalaran. Max Quantity: 200. most major cities. Max Quantity: 200. Group Finder Activities Raids Antorus, the Burning Throne (Mythic) (New) - 20 players. Level 110. Map: Antorus, the Burning Throne. Difficulty: Mythic. Tomb of Sargeras (Mythic) (New) - 20 players. Level 110. Map: Tomb of Sargeras. Difficulty: Mythic. Holidays Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the final section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Seat of the Pantheon. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the Antorus, the Burning Throne: Forbidden Descent. Antorus, the Burning Throne (New) Antorus, the Burning Throne (New) Antorus, the Burning Throne (New) Antorus, the Burning Throne (New) Antorus, the Burning Throne (New) Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the Antorus, the Burning Throne: Forbidden Descent. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the final section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Seat of the Pantheon. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the third section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Hope's End. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the Antorus, the Burning Throne: Forbidden Descent. Antorus, the Burning Throne (New) Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the Antorus, the Burning Throne: Forbidden Descent. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Name changed from "Unknown" to "Antorus, the Burning Throne". Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the third section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Hope's End. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the final section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Seat of the Pantheon. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the final section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Seat of the Pantheon. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the third section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Hope's End. Antorus, the Burning Throne - Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of the third section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Hope's End. Timewalking Dungeon Event - While this event is active, players level 81 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player's natural level.During Wrath Timewalking, you may assemble a raid group of between 10 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. Timewalking Dungeon Event - While this event is active, players level 81 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player's natural level.During Wrath Timewalking, you may assemble a raid group of between 10 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. Timewalking Dungeon Event - While this event is active, players level 81 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player's natural level.During Wrath Timewalking, you may assemble a raid group of between 10 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. Timewalking Dungeon Event - While this event is active, players level 81 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player's natural level.During Wrath Timewalking, you may assemble a raid group of between 10 and 30 players, travel to Dalaran in Northrend, and speak with Vormu to access a Timewalking version of the Ulduar raid. LFG Dungeons Dungeons A Dark Place (New) - Save Uuna. Map: A Dark Place. Level 1-255. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom - Map: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. Level 71 61-80. Suggested level: 75. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. All In - Sabotage the Nightflow Conduit. Map: The Arcway - Suramar Scenario. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Assault on Shaol'mara - Assault the troll town of Shaol'mara to gain a foothold on the Isle of the Thunder King. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Assault on Zeb'tula - Assault the troll town of Zeb'tula to gain a foothold on the Isle of the Thunder King. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Auchenai Crypts - Map: Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts. Level 63-72 80. Suggested level: 66. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Auchindoun - Map: Auchindoun. Level 94-99 100. Suggested level: 96. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Azjol-Nerub - Map: Azjol-Nerub. Level 70 60-80. Suggested level: 74. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Black Rook Hold - Map: Black Rook Hold. Level 110. Suggested level: 100 110. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Blackfathom Deeps - Map: Blackfathom Deeps. Level 20-30 60. Suggested level: 24. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Blackrock Caverns - Map: Blackrock Caverns. Level 80-85 90. Suggested level: 81. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Blackrock Depths - Detention Block - Map: Blackrock Depths. Level 47-57 60. Suggested level: 51. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Blackrock Depths - Upper City - Map: Blackrock Depths. Level 51-61 60. Suggested level: 55. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Blood Furnace - Map: Hellfire Citadel: The Blood Furnace. Level 59-68 80. Suggested level: 62. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Bloodmaul Slag Mines - Map: Bloodmaul Slag Mines. Level 90-95 100. Suggested level: 91. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Celestial Tournament - Defeat the greatest tamers of Pandaria. Map: Celestial Tournament. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Deadmines - Map: Deadmines. Level 15-21 60. Suggested level: 16. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Deadmines: Pet Edition - Defeat the mysterious creatures that have taken residence in the Deadmines. Map: Deadmines. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Dire Maul - Capital Gardens - Map: Dire Maul. Level 39-49 60. Suggested level: 43. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Dire Maul - Gordok Commons - Map: Dire Maul. Level 42-52 60. Suggested level: 46. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Dire Maul - Warpwood Quarter - Map: Dire Maul. Level 36-46 60. Suggested level: 40. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Drak'Tharon Keep - Map: Drak'Tharon Keep. Level 72 62-80. Suggested level: 75. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Fate's Veil (New) - Alliance only. Map: Fate's Veil Scenario. Level 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Finding the Secret Ingredient - Work with Sungshin Ironpaw to discover the secret ingredient of the Lin family's Secret Ingredient Soup. Map: Halfhill Scenario. Level 90-999 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Forge of Aeons (New) - Alliance only. Map: Forge of Aeons. Level 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Gate of the Setting Sun - Map: Gate of the Setting Sun. Level 88 83-90. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Gnomeregan - Map: Gnomeregan. Level 24-34 60. Suggested level: 28. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Greater Invasion Point: Inquisitor Meto - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-40 damage. Greater Invasion Point: Matron Folnuna - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-40 damage. Greater Invasion Point: Mistress Alluradel - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-40 damage. Greater Invasion Point: Occularus - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-40 damage. Greater Invasion Point: Pit Lord Vilemus - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-40 damage. Greater Invasion Point: Sotanathor - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-40 damage. Greymane's Gambit - Alliance only. Map: The Maw of Nashal. Level 98-255 0. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage. Grim Batol - Map: Grim Batol. Level 84-85 90. Suggested level: 84. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Gundrak - Map: Gundrak. Level 74 64-80. Suggested level: 78. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Halls of Lightning - Map: Halls of Lightning. Level 77 67-80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Halls of Origination - Map: Halls of Origination. Level 84-85 80. Suggested level: 85. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Halls of Reflection - Map: Halls of Reflection. Level 70 80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Halls of Stone - Map: Halls of Stone. Level 75 65-80. Suggested level: 78. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Hellfire Ramparts - Map: Hellfire Citadel: Ramparts. Level 58-67 80. Suggested level: 61. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Invasion Point: Aurinor - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-10 damage. Invasion Point: Bonich - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-10 damage. Invasion Point: Cen'gar - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 10 damage. Invasion Point: Naigtal - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-10 damage. Invasion Point: Rekindling - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-10 damage. Invasion Point: Sangua - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-10 damage. Invasion Point: Val - Map: Invasion Points. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-10 damage. Iron Docks - Map: Iron Docks. Level 92-96 100. Suggested level: 93. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Lost City of the Tol'vir - Map: Lost City of the Tol'vir. Level 84-85 90. Suggested level: 84. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Lower Blackrock Spire - Map: Lower Blackrock Spire. Level 55-65 60. Suggested level: 58. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Magisters' Terrace - Map: Magister's Terrace. Level 68-75 80. Suggested level: 68. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Mana-Tombs - Map: Auchindoun: Mana-Tombs. Level 62-71 80. Suggested level: 65. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Maraudon - Earth Song Falls - Map: Maraudon. Level 34-44 60. Suggested level: 38. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Maraudon - Foulspore Cavern - Map: Maraudon. Level 32-42 60. Suggested level: 36. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Maraudon - The Wicked Grotto - Map: Maraudon. Level 30-40 60. Suggested level: 34. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Mogu'shan Palace - Map: Mogu'shan Palace. Level 87 82-90. Suggested level: 88. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Noodle Time - Work with Sungshin Ironpaw to discover the secret ingredient of the Lin family's Secret Ingredient Soup. Map: Halfhill Scenario. Level 90-999 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Opening of the Dark Portal - Map: Opening of the Dark Portal. Level 68-75 80. Suggested level: 70. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Pit of Saron - Map: Pit of Saron. Level 70 80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Ragefire Chasm - Map: Ragefire Chasm. Level 15-21 60. Suggested level: 16. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Random Burning Crusade Dungeon - Level 59-68 80. Suggested level: 65. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Random Cataclysm Dungeon - Level 80-85 90. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Random Classic Dungeon - Level 15-58 60. Suggested level: 55. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Random Lich King Dungeon - Level 69-79 Level 59-80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Random Mists of Pandaria Dungeon - Level 85-89 Level 80-90. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Razorfen Downs - Map: Razorfen Downs. Level 40-50 35-60. Suggested level: 44. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Razorfen Kraul - Map: Razorfen Kraul. Level 30-40 60. Suggested level: 34. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Scarlet Halls - Map: Scarlet Halls. Level 26-36 60. Suggested level: 30. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Scarlet Monastery - Map: Scarlet Monastery. Level 28-38 60. Suggested level: 32. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Scholomance - Map: Scholomance. Level 38-48 60. Suggested level: 42. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Sethekk Halls - Map: Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls. Level 65-73 80. Suggested level: 68. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Shado-Pan Monastery - Map: Shado-Pan Monastery. Level 87 82-90. Suggested level: 88. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Shadow Labyrinth - Map: Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth. Level 67-75 80. Suggested level: 70. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Shadowfang Keep - Map: Shadowfang Keep. Level 16-26 17-60. Suggested level: 20. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Shattered Halls - Map: Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls. Level 67-75 80. Suggested level: 70. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Siege of Niuzao Temple - Map: Siege of Niuzao Temple. Level 88 83-90. Suggested level: 89. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Slave Pens - Map: Coilfang: The Slave Pens. Level 60-69 80. Suggested level: 63. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Stormsea Landing - Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Stormstout Brewery - Map: Stormstout Brewery. Level 85 80-90. Suggested level: 86. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Stormwind Stockade - Map: Stormwind Stockade. Level 20-30 60. Suggested level: 24. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Stratholme - Main Gate - Map: Stratholme. Level 42-52 60. Suggested level: 46. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Stratholme - Service Entrance - Map: Stratholme. Level 46-56 60. Suggested level: 50. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Tear Down This Wall! - Horde only. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Tear Down This Wall! - Alliance only. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Temple of the Jade Serpent - Map: Temple of the Jade Serpent. Level 85 80-90. Suggested level: 86. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Arcatraz - Map: Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz. Level 68-75 80. Suggested level: 70. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Battle for Broken Shore - Map: Broken Shore Scenario. Level 98-255 0. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 20 damage. The Botanica - Map: Tempest Keep: The Botanica. Level 67-75 80. Suggested level: 70. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Collapse - Fight alongside your army of withered and make your way into the Collapse. Map: The Collapse - Suramar Scenario. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. The Culling of Stratholme - Map: The Culling of Stratholme. Level 78 68-80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Defense of Netherlight Temple - Defend Netherlight Temple against Lord Balnazzar's invasion. Map: Netherlight Temple. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. The Defense of Netherlight Temple - Defend Netherlight Temple against Lord Balnazzar's invasion. Map: Netherlight Temple. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. The Escape from Durnholde - Map: The Escape from Durnholde. Level 64-73 80. Suggested level: 67. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Fall of Shan Bu - It is time to take down Shan Bu and cripple the Thunder King's forces. Alliance only. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. The Fall of Shan Bu - It is time to take down Shan Bu and cripple the Thunder King's forces. Horde only. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. The Forge of Souls - Map: The Forge of Souls. Level 70 80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Frozen Throne (New) - Someone has forgotten to loot something of incredible importance from the Lich King. Map: Icecrown Citadel. Level 98-110. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage. The Mechanar - Map: Tempest Keep: The Mechanar. Level 67-75 80. Suggested level: 68. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Nexus - Map: The Nexus. Level 69-79 59-80. Suggested level: 73. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Nightborne (New) - Horde only. Map: Suramar. Level 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. The Oculus - Map: The Oculus. Level 77 67-80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Splintered Fleet - Horde only. Map: The Maw of Nashal. Level 98-255 0. Suggested level: 100. Roles: 1 damage. The Steamvault - Map: Coilfang: The Steamvault. Level 67-75 80. Suggested level: 70. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Stonecore - Map: The Stonecore. Level 81-85 90. Suggested level: 83. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Sunken Vault - Claim a gift from the Titans deep beneath the waves. Map: The Maelstrom. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. The Sunwell (New) - Horde only. Map: The Sunwell. Level 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. The Thunder Forge - Work with Wrathion to discover the secrets of the Lightning Forge. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. The Vortex Pinnacle - Map: The Vortex Pinnacle. Level 81-85 90. Suggested level: 83. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Throne of the Tides - Map: Throne of the Tides. Level 80-85 90. Suggested level: 81. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. To the Skies! - Horde only. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. To the Skies! - Alliance only. Map: Mogu Island Progression Events. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Trial of the Champion - Map: Trial of the Champion. Level 78 68-80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Troves of the Thunder King - Loot as much as you can before the Thunder King's forces arrive. Map: Mogu Island Loot Room. Level 90-255 0. Suggested level: 90. Roles: 1 damage. Uldaman - Map: Uldaman. Level 35-45 40-60. Suggested level: 39. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Underbog - Map: Coilfang: The Underbog. Level 61-70 80. Suggested level: 64. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Utgarde Keep - Map: Utgarde Keep. Level 68-78 58-80. Suggested level: 72. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Utgarde Pinnacle - Map: Utgarde Pinnacle. Level 77 67-80. Suggested level: 80. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Vault of the Wardens - Map: Vault of the Wardens. Level 110. Suggested level: 100 110. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Violet Hold - Map: Violet Hold. Level 73 63-80. Suggested level: 76. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Wailing Caverns - Map: Wailing Caverns. Level 15-25 17-60. Suggested level: 19. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Wailing Critters - Defeat the deviate critters that have overtaken the Wailing Caverns. Map: Wailing Caverns. Level 110-255 0. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 damage. Zul'Farrak - Map: Zul'Farrak. Level 44-54 60. Suggested level: 48. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Events Coren Direbrew - Defeat the jealous Coren Direbrew to stop his incessant attacks upon the Brewfest festivities. Map: Blackrock Depths. Level 46 20-110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Crown Chemical Co. - Defeat the insidious undead apothecaries of the Crown Chemical Co. before they unleash their newest, horrific plague. Map: Shadowfang Keep. Level 16 20-110. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Frost Lord Ahune - Defeat Ahune, the Frost Lord, before he fully manifests in Azeroth and puts an end to Summer forever. Map: Coilfang: The Slave Pens. Level 60 20-110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. The Headless Horseman - Defeat the mad Headless Horseman before he burns down every last settlement in Azeroth. Map: Scarlet Monastery. Level 23 20-110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1 tank/1 healer/3 damage. Timewalking Raid: Ulduar (New) - Map: Ulduar. Level 81-110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 8-30 damage. Mail Templates #423 (New) - $n, It is through your actions and heroism that the mail continues to flow successfully throughout Azeroth and beyond. However, I must come clean - I have not been completely honest with you. The events which first brought you here were orchestrated - I knew you were the only one that could save the post office from an undue end. I cannot rely on you forever - the mail must be able to operate without your aid. I must ask you to help me orchestrate once more to guide more into these stamped halls to give me aid. Take the attached message and send it to someone you deem worthy to carry the torch forward. I trust you to the end. - The Postmaster Map Areas A Dark Place A Dark Place - Name changed from "Alcaz Island" to "A Dark Place". A Dark Place (New) - Music: Zone-IcecrownDungeon. Broken Isles Allied - Highmountain Tauren Unlock (New) Allied - Lightforged Draenei Unlock (New) Allied - Nightborne Unlock (New) Allied - Orgrimmar (New) Allied - Stormwind (New) Allied - Void Elf Unlock (New) Highmountain > Maw of N'Zoth (New) Suramar > Suramar City (New) - Music: Zone-70-SuramarCity-Magnificent-Walk. Fate's Veil Fate's Veil (New) Fate's Veil Scenario Fate's Veil (New) Forge of Aeons Forge of Aeons (New) Kalimdor Orgrimmar > Orgrimmar Embassy (New) Silithus > Hive'Ashi (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Silithus > Hive'Regal (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Silithus > Hive'Zora (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Silithus > Southwind Village (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Silithus > Staghelm Point (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Silithus > The Crystal Vale (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Silithus > Twilight Outpost (New) - Music: Zone-Silithus. Pandaria Vale of Eternal Blossoms (New) - Music: Zone-50-VEB-ValeofEternalBlossom-GeneralWalk. Seething Shore Seething Shore (New) - Music: PVP_BattleGrounds. Silithus BG Silithus Brawl (New) - Music: PVP_BattleGrounds. Silvermoon City Silvermoon City (New) - Music: Zone-Silvermoon. The Sunwell The Sunwell (New) The Vindicaar The Vindicaar (New) Unknown Shadow of Azeroth (New) - Music: Zone-Forest. Stormwind City > Stormwind Embassy (New) Map Difficulties A Dark Place - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 1. BL - Test Map (New) - Max players: 5. Blackrock Depths - 5 Player Event (New) - Max players: 5. Coilfang: The Slave Pens - 5 Player Event (New) - Max players: 5. Fate's Veil (New) Fate's Veil Scenario - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 1. Forge of Aeons - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 1. Maw of N'Zoth (New) - Max players: 5. Orgrimmar Embassy (New) - Max players: 5. Scarlet Monastery - 5 Player Event (New) - Max players: 5. Seething Shore (New) Shadow of Azeroth (New) - Max players: 5. ShwayderLand (New) Silithus BG (New) Silithus Phase (New) Silvermoon City - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 1. Stormwind Embassy (New) - Max players: 5. Suramar - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 5. The Sunwell - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 1. The Vindicaar (New) - Max players: 5. The Vindicaar (New) - Max players: 5. Transport: Azerite BG - Alliance Airship (New) - Max players: 5. Transport: Azerite BG - Horde Gunship (New) - Max players: 5. Ulduar - 33 (New) - Max players: 30. Ulduar - Normal Raid (New) - Max players: 30. Unused (DELETE ME) - Normal Scenario (New) - Max players: 1. Maps Legion A Dark Place - Name changed from "(UNUSED) Scenario: Alcaz Island" to "A Dark Place". Time is always 0:00am. BL - Test Map (New) Fate's Veil (New) Fate's Veil Scenario - Name changed from "Pandemonium" to "Fate's Veil Scenario". Maw of N'Zoth (New) Orgrimmar Embassy (New) Seething Shore (New) - Description: "Large quantities of Azerite has been discovered off the coast of Feralas in a forgotten unexplored island now known as the Seething Shore." ShwayderLand (New) Silithus BG (New) - Description: "This battleground takes place in the Valley of the Four Winds Gold Rush is a 15 vs 15 resource battle" Silithus Phase (New) Stormwind Embassy (New) Suramar (New) The Sunwell (New) - Max players: 25. The Vindicaar (New) The Vindicaar (New) Transport: Azerite BG - Alliance Airship (New) Transport: Azerite BG - Horde Gunship (New) Unused (DELETE ME) - Name changed from "unused" to "Unused (DELETE ME)". Vanilla Forge of Aeons (New) Shadow of Azeroth (New) Silvermoon City (New) Mounts Ground Mounts Black Qiraji War Tank (New) - Ground Mount. Black Qiraji War Tank. "The Qiraji War Tank has only been seen recently during the Call of the Scarab, could this hint at a resurfacing of the deadly creatures?" Source: Legacy Blue Qiraji War Tank (New) - Ground Mount. Blue Qiraji War Tank. "The Qiraji War Tank has only been seen recently during the Call of the Scarab, could this hint at a resurfacing of the deadly creatures?" Source: World Event: Call of the Scarab Highmountain Thunderhoof (New) - Ground Mount. Highmountain Thunderhoof. "I'm a moose riding a moose, your argument is invalid." Source: PH Lightforged Felcrusher (New) - Ground Mount. Lightforged Felcrusher. "A long-time companion of the Draenei, the elekk are stalwart and sturdy steeds capable of standing up to the impending darkness without fear." Source: PH Nightborne Manasaber (New) - Ground Mount. Nightborne Manasaber. "Night elves have always had an affinity for the great cats that prowl their lands, and the Nightborne are no exception." Source: PH Red Qiraji War Tank (New) - Ground Mount. Red Qiraji War Tank. "The Qiraji War Tank has only been seen recently during the Call of the Scarab, could this hint at a resurfacing of the deadly creatures?" Source: World Event: Call of the Scarab Starcursed Voidstrider (New) - Ground Mount. Starcursed Voidstrider. "Those that follow the void tend to prefer the companionship of a steed without form or substance." Source: PH Scenarios Fate's Veil Step 01: Fate's Veil (New) - Speak with Umbric. Step 02: A Walk in Shadow (New) - Walk with Umbric and Alleria. Step 03: Revelations (New) - Use the void portal. Step 04: The Void (New) - Repel the void. Step 05: The Rift (New) - Use the void portal. Step 06: A Force Approaches (New) - Close the rift. Step 07: Nhr'ghesh of the Void (New) - Defeat Nhr'ghesh. Step 08: The Forge of Durzaan (New) - Use the void portal. Step 09: Power of the Voidforge (New) - Shut down the voidforges. Step 10: Stop the Transformation (New) - Defeat the Nether-Prince. Forge of Aeons Step 01: The Cave (New) - The cave howls. The only way is forward. Step 02: Unwelcome Reminder (New) - The draenei house shimmers into existence. A figment of the imagination? Step 03: Empathy (New) - Echoes of the past, or a twist of emotion? There is no kindness here. Step 04: Sorrow (New) - The swamp stinks of malevolence and anguish. Step 05: Comfort (New) - Even in the most hopeless situations, there is respite. Step 06: The Serpent (New) - Perhaps there is no relief? Step 07: Refuge (New) - Perhaps retreating deeper is the only way to feel safe... Step 08: Delving (New) - A distraction, that what must be what is needed. Step 09: Furious (New) - It is unfair! Nothing is ever what it seems! Step 10: Shadows (New) - Enemies in every shadow! How can the darkness be stopped? Step 11: In Hiding (New) - Is the only way through this to remain hidden? Alone? Step 12: Out of Sight (New) - This is a good place to hide. Safe. Secure. Away from everyone. Everything. Step 13: Possibilities (New) - No. It won't stop. The only way is to soldier on. To defeat the fear, the frustration. Step 14: Dark Offer (New) - Is there an easier way? Perhaps power is all that is needed... Strength. To become that fear. Step 15: Descent (New) - Impossible! Purity. Abstinence. It is an offer that cannot be accepted. Step 16: Aspects (New) - Kindness and courage are not the only truths. What of fear? What of frustration? Step 17: Demise (New) - Is this where it all leads? To the very edge of obliteration? Suramar Step 01: Hi (New) - Hello The Sunwell Step 01: Anar'alah Belore (New) - A meeting of elves. Step 02: Anu Belore Dela'na (New) - A Walk to Remember. Step 03: Shindu Fallah Na! (New) - Defeat the void attackers. Step 04: Belono Sil'aru (New) - Defeat the Darkener. Step 05: Ama Noral'arkhana (New) - Close the void rift. Step 06: Shorel'aran (New) - Leave the Sunwell. Skills 0 Racial - Highmountain Tauren (New) - Racial - Highmountain Tauren Racial - Lightforged Draenei (New) - Racial - Lightforged Draenei Racial - Nightborne (New) - Racial - Nightborne Racial - Void Elf (New) - Racial - Void Elf World Map Areas Forge of Aeons Forge of Aeons (New) Seething Shore Seething Shore (New) Silithus BG Silithus Brawl (New) The Vindicaar The Vindicaar (New) World Safe Locations A Dark Place 7.3.5 - Uuna Scenario (New) Fate's Veil Scenario Fate's Veil (New) Void Elf Unlock Scenario Entrance (New) Forge of Aeons 7.3.5 Lightforged Draenei - Unlock Scenario - Start (New) Forge of Aeons (New) Icecrown Citadel 7.0 Postmaster - Raid Recovery - The Frozen Throne - GJC (New) Seething Shore Azerite BG - Graveyard 2, Alliance (New) Azerite BG - Graveyard 2, Horde (New) Azerite BG - Graveyard Airship, Alliance (New) Azerite BG - Graveyard Airship, Horde (New) Azerite BG - Graveyard, Alliance (New) Azerite BG - Graveyard, Horde (New) Silithus BG Silithus BG - Alliance Start (New) Silithus BG - Horde Start (New) Silithus: The Wound Silithus The Wound Horde (New) Silithus, Valor's Rest the Wound (New) Suramar Nightborne Unlock Scenario Entrance (New) The Sunwell The Sunwell (New) The Sunwell - Scenario Start (New) View the full article
  19. Patch 7.3.5 - Artifact Weapon Ending, World Changes, Command Boards, New Racial Icons Class Adjustments With December 5th Maintenance Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Starting tomorrow, December 5, with maintenance in each region, we're planning the following class tuning: Classes Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Shadow Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain damage reduced by 12%. All other abilities increased by 3%. Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Outlaw All damage abilities increased by 4%. Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Affliction Corruption and Agony damage reduced 6% Unstable Affliction damage reduced 4% Items Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Balance Stormheart Raiment 4-piece – Starsurge and Starfall now increase your Haste by 2% (was 3%), stacking up to 4 times (was 5). Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Beast MasterySerpentstalker Guise 4-piece – Kill Command now reduces the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 2.5 seconds (was 1.5 seconds). Marksmanship Serpentstalker Guise 4-piece – Marked Shot now has a 50% chance (was 30%) to fire an extra Marked shot at up to 3 additional targets. Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Brewmaster Chi-Ji’s Battle Gear 4-piece – Dodging an attack now reduces the remaining cooldown of Breath of Fire by 2.0 seconds (was 1.0 seconds). Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Assassination Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel 4-piece – Your Deadly or Wound Poison critical strike now generate 3 Energy (was 2 Energy). Subtlety Regalia of the Dashing Scoundrel 4-piece – Backstab and Shadowstrike now have a 4% chance (was 3%) to grant Shadow Gestures. Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Affliction Diabolic Raiment 4-piece – Spending a Soul Shard now has a chance to grant you 10% Haste (was 15%). Grim Inquisitor’s Regalia 4-piece – Unstable Affliction and Seed of Corruption now increase the damage targets take from your Agony and Corruption by 15% (was 10%). Demonology Grim Inquisitor’s Regalia 4-piece – Demonic Empowerment now causes your Dreadstalkers to immediately cast another Dreadbite with 75% increased damage (was 50%). Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Arms Titanic Onslaught Armor 4-piece – The amount of bonus Mortal Strike damage events has been reduced to 2 during Bladestorm (was 3), and 1 during Ravager (was 2). As always, we're keeping a very close eye on performance across all specs. Thank you very much for your feedback! Terms of Service Violations in Antorus Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) As you’ve seen over the course of Legion, we’ve been consistently increasing our actions taken against Terms of Service violations used to give an unfair advantage in raid and dungeon content. These violations include selling raid clears for real money, sharing accounts between members of the same raid team, and similar behaviors prohibited under the ToS. With Mythic Antorus about to open and the world first race ready to begin, we felt it was important to give a reminder of our stance on these issues, as well as a warning that we will be actively monitoring and taking action against those who participate in such behavior to gain an early progression advantage in Mythic Antorus. We’re excited to see how our top players progress through Mythic Antorus in the weeks to come, and want to ensure that the experience is as fair as possible for everyone participating. Please keep this in mind as you begin to work your way through the Burning Throne, and best of luck! View the full article
  20. New Warrior Legendary Weapon Reveal: Woecleaver Patch 7.3.5 - Artifact Weapon Ending During Blizzcon, Blizzard hinted that our artifact weapons were going to get a proper send-off and not continue into the next expansion. We have been able to find hints of just how this will play out. The following dialogue contains spoilers! Magni Bronzebeard: The sword of Sargeras is poisonin' the very lifeblood of the world. The only vessels capable o' containin' that kind o' power... are the mighty weapons you wield. Raise them up as one.... draw out the corruption from the Dark Titan's blade! Together, champions! For Azeroth! Patch 7.3.5 - The Nighthold The uninstanced version of the Nighthold has seen some changes on the PTR, becoming more of a small faction hub. Both Alliance and Horde can visit as of now. There are teleport stations that lead to Dalaran and Orgrimmar usable by the Horde as well as all of your favorite characters from the Suramar campaign, such as Thalyssra and Theryn. Pandaren monks have also arrived to teach the Nightborne the ways of the Monk class. Patch 7.3.5 -Thunder Totem While most of the Bloodtotem tribe became corrupted by the Legion, the few who did not have now sought refuge at Thunder Totem. On top of this, Pandaren monks have arrived to teach the Highmountain Tauren the ways of the Monk class. Patch 7.3.5 - Antorus Instanced Vindicaar Not much is changed between the raid instance version of the Vindicaar and the one you visit daily. All of the champions involved in the campaign (except Illidan) are now standing together and have new dialogue to address their thoughts now that the Legion is finally defeated. There is also a fully functional Netherlight Crucible that can be teleported to and used during the raid once you can skip to Argus and defeat him first. The skybox has also been updated to show the vastness of space and some void infected planets. Patch 7.3.5 - New Command Boards The command boards in Orgrimmar and Stormwind have received visual upgrades on top of a new UI. They use the same menu now that we used to choose our artifact weapons to pursue and your options change as you level up. You also get a small picture and a brief description of the zone and what the story will contain. Patch 7.3.5 - Silithus The area around the sword in Silithus has also been changed. Azerite nodes have appeared, Horde and Allinace areas have been added, and the ground is no longer red. Silithus - Live Patch 7.3.5 - New Racial Icons at Character Creation Screen The icons on the character creation menu have all received face lifts! View the full article
  21. Taking a Deeper Look into Murlocadin - An Aggressive Fishy Surprise of the Light Patch 7.3.2 Hotfixes - December 1 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Classes Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Frost Fixed an issue where the Runebound Regalia 4-piece bonus, Arctic Blast, would sometimes only benefit part of an Ice Lance cast when using the talent Splitting Ice. Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator) Windwalker Reapplying Mark of the Crane to a target will now properly increase Spinning Crane Kick's damage. Dungeons and Raids Antorus, the Burning Throne Argus the Unmaker Fixed a bug that caused Argus the Unmaker to stop casting Soulbomb during the final phase of the encounter. Fixed a bug that prevented some players from being successfully resurrected after dying during the encounter. Items [With Server Restart] Insignia of the Grand Army now displays item level 1000. Fixed a bug that briefly prevented players collecting Pristine Argunite while in a raid group. UI [With Server Restart] Crafted Legendary items should no longer display an item level of 1060. Blizzard Holiday Activity 2017-2018 Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Hey all! Another year has flown by, and now the heroes of Azeroth are rushing from their footholds on Argus into Antorus to bring an end to the Burning Legion. But back on Azeroth, the seasons are changing and Winter Veil is nearly here. Those old Azerothian traditions of good cheer and high spirits are starting to captivate us as we move into a colder time of year; a season where we gather together around the hearth with those who we hold closest to us - our family, friends, and colleagues. In the same spirit, winter is nearly upon us here at Blizzard, and with it we wanted to share some notes on what you can expect from us over the next month and into the new year, especially during the holidays. There will be less Blizzard employee activity across most World of Warcraft forums, especially normal Community Manager activity in General Discussion. There will be reduced activity on World of Warcraft's social media platforms. Customer Support staff will still be hard at work during the holidays - if you need to contact Customer Support for any reason, you will be able to do so through the Blizzard Support site. Please take note that there will still be Support staff monitoring the forums and assisting with moderation, and our Customer Support forums will remain active through the holiday season! I'd like to remind you, and I think it's an important note, that discussions will still be monitored throughout the holidays, so please continue to share your feedback and take part in discussions while we're away! As always, we’d like to thank everyone for their understanding as many of us step away from our keyboards and take time to travel and visit with our loved ones. We look forward to returning after the holidays in 2018, for what looks to be an epic year for World of Warcraft. From all of us here at Blizzard Entertainment: Happy holidays, happy New Year, and we will see you in 2018! Inside Azeroth - December Edition Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums) Put on your dancing shoes. This month is about to get merry and ends with a fantastical light show over the cities of Azeroth! Antorus, the Burning Throne The Horde and Alliance continue to push further into Sargeras’ seat of power in Antorus, the Burning Throne Raid dungeon as both Mythic and Raid Finder difficulties become available. Mythic and Raid Finder Wing One Opens - December 5 Mythic difficulty of Antorus, the Burning Throne awaits the boldest of adventurers, and players may now use the Raid Finder to access the first section of the raid: Light’s Breach. Raid Finder Wing 2 Opens - December 19 Players may now use the Raid Finder to access the second section of Antorus, the Burning Throne: Forbidden Descent. View the complete release schedule in our preview blog. Holidays ‘Tis the season for delightful delicacies and treats and a grand end to another year in Azeroth with a night full of color and celebration. Feast of Winter Veil* - December 16–January 2 Greatfather Winter is visiting the cities of Ironforge and Orgrimmar, courtesy of Smokywood Pastures. And throughout Azeroth, it is the season to be jolly! Fireworks Celebration - December 31–1 Azeroth celebrates! Each racial capital holds fireworks shows every hour, all night long! Timewalking Step back in time and visit the dungeons of Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria with two Timewalking events this month. Cataclysm Timewalking - December 5–12 While this event is active, players level 86 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Cataclysm expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s regular level. Mists of Pandaria Timewalking - December 26–January 2 While this event is active, players level 91 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. While Timewalking, bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s regular level. PvP Events Dust off your battle gear and ready yourself to scramble in Warsong Gulch and have gravity (or the lack thereof) send your feet flying in this month’s Brawls. But first, you’ll be able to head into the Arena to take part in some skirmishes and hone your skills against some of the most challenging foes there are in Azeroth–other players. Arena Skirmish Bonus Event - December 12-19 While this event is active, Arena Skirmishes will award Honor at an increased rate. Will you answer the call to battle? PvP Brawl: Gravity Lapse - December 12–19 Gravity getting you down? Step into the Eye of the Storm and be prepared for an en-lighten-ing experience. Every minute, players on the battlefield will find themselves launched into the air, only to gently fall toward the ground once more in a perpetual aerial ballet as they try to accrue enough resources to take the win home for their team. PvP Brawl: Warsong Scramble - December 26–January 2 Warsong Gulch has always been the scene of an epic capture-the-flag battle, but what happens when you can capture your enemy’s flag without having your own at your base? Find out when you step into this PvP Brawl! We’ve also added a few more power-ups to the field of battle to stir things up a bit. To win, your team must be the first to capture five flags. Quest Events Get out into the world, meet interesting new people, and sway them with your heroic deeds to earn their favor and fabulous rewards. World Quest Bonus Event - December 19-26 While this event is active, completing Broken Isles and Argus World Quests awards bonus reputation with the appropriate faction. Each Month Take a trip to the greatest of great (and only) faires in Azeroth. It has all the best food, and items, and games. You won't want to miss a moment! But if you do, don't worry, it will be back again next month. Darkmoon Faire - December 3—9 Meet Silas Darkmoon and his troupe, play games that test mind and nerve, and behold exotic sights from the four corners of Azeroth…and beyond! Promotions and Events Adopt Shadow the Fox Lost on Argus and overtaken by darkness, this playful fox can shrug off the void just being by your side. Your new companion can use its cunning to shift its way through Shadow and Light directly into your heart and home. Adopt between now and December 31, 2017 and 100% of the adoption fee will go to support disaster relief efforts for those affected by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, flooding in South Asia, and countless other crises. Once you have the in-game pet, you’ll want to cuddle up to the real thing! The Shadow plush features a light-up rune and poseable ears, and comes in a collector’s box to keep Shadow safe. Between November 9, 2017 and December 31, 2017, sales of the plush will help support the American Red Cross and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies—visit Shadow’s page on the Blizzard Gear Store for more information. *Shamelessly brought to you by Smokywood Pastures fine purveyors of Graccu’s Mincemeat Fruitcake—Timelessly Preserved! Antorus Minimalist Raid Guide Vetaro has updated his minimalist guide to Antorus, the Burning Throne! This Week in WoW History We're taking a look back at old MMO-Champion posts and World of Warcraft news that occurred during Nov 26 - Dec 2 in previous years. Product Slate Leak In late 2010 a Product Slate was leaked from Blizzard containing planned projects up to 2015. At the time of the leak, this document was already about 8 months old, which allowed us to connect some of their products that came out during the year the document. Estimated release dates for the next two WoW expansions (X4 and X5), along with the new MMOFPS game Titan were among the most important dates. Looking back now, Titan was scrapped and replaced with the Overwatch project, and the WoW movie date was much later, but this gave everyone an idea of what the company was working on at the time. Patch 4.3: Hour of Twilight The last content patch of Cataclysm brought a lot of new content into the game. The new raid introduced was Dragon Soul, where heroes fought to defeat Deathwing, the cause of the Cataclysm. The introduction of this new raid also brought us Raid Finder, which became the lowest difficulty and allowing players to queue for it through an automated system. The new raid was also accompanied by three new dungeons, Well of Eternity, Hour of Twilight, and End Time. This content patch also added the Legendary Daggers, new mounts, Void Storage, new companion pets, and Transmogrification. Darkmoon Faire Updated Patch 5.1 made a few changes to the Darkmoon Faire. The Darkmoon Carousel replaced an Under Construction tent, and riding it gave players a buff which increased Experience and Reputation gains by 10%. Daily pet battle quests were also added here, with a chance at rewarding players with two new battle pets. Darkmoon Prize Tickets can now also be used to purchase the Swift Forest Strider and three companions. Ghostcrawler Leaves Blizzard Greg Street, known in the gaming community as Ghostcrawler announced that he will be leaving Blizzard to pursue another opportunity. His tweets famously became the beloved "Ghostcrawler Tweets" on MMO-Champion, and continued long after he left the company. He is currently employed by Riot Games. Highmaul and Tier 17 The first raid of Warlords of Draenor was only 7 bosses long, which is about typical of beginning of expansion raids. This short raid ended with the defeat of Imperator Mar'gok which featured an interesting mythic only phase that was unknown until the top guilds defeated him. During this week the Tier sets for Blackrock Foundry were also featured, showing off a few iconic sets which were very well designed for the second raid of the expansion. Artifact Weapon Preview During the Beta stages of Legion, a series of posts previewed the artifact weapons which would be unlocked by each of the classes in the new expansion. Artifact Weapons were the biggest change introduced in Legion, bringing with them the Artifact power system. Secondary Stats and Artifact Knowledge in Legion This rework made secondary stats less impactful, to ensure that an item level upgrade meant an output increase in general. This patch also brought a much needed catch-up mechanic for players with alts. Artifact Research Compendium could be purchased and sent to alts to increase their Artifact Knowledge level. Make-A-Wish The yearly charity companion in 2015 was Brightpaw the Mana Kitty, and during the 2016 holiday season Mischief was added to the collection. These pets are purchasable in the Battle.net Shop, and the adoption fee goes to the Make-A-Wish foundation, who are focused on granting wishes to children in life threatening medical conditions. If you want to embrace your charitable nature while also getting a cool in-game pet, this is the way to go. Dark Leagcy Comics #610 DLC #610 has been released! View the full article
  22. Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25600 Patch 7.3.5 - Allied Race Silly, Flirt, and Other VO The Flirt, Silly, and parts of the other Allied Race VO are in this build! View the full article
  23. Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25600 Lightforged Draenei The Lightforged Draenei are a new Alliance Allied Race coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Racials Light's Judgement - Call down a strike of Holy energy dealing 5,150 Holy damage to enemies within 5 yards after 3 sec. 40 yd range, 2.5 min cooldown. Forge of Light - Summon a forge of light, enabling Blacksmithing. Blacksmithing skill increased by 10. Demonbane - Experience gains from killing demons increased by 20%. Holy Resistance - Reduce Holy damage taken by 1%. Final Verdict - When you die the Light avenges you, dealing 1,162 Holy damage to enemies within 8 yards and healing allies for 1,383. Dressing Room Backdrop Racial Mount - Lightforged Felcrusher A long-time companion of the Draenei, the elekk are stalwart and sturdy steeds capable of standing up to the impending darkness without fear. Dark Iron Dwarves The Dark Iron Dwarves are a new Alliance Allied Race coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Racials Dungeon Delver Fireblood Forged in Flames Mass Production Mole Machine Void Elves The Void Elves are a new Alliance Allied Race coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Racials Chill of Night Entropic Embrace Ethereal Connection Preternatural Calm Spatial Rift - Most likely the blink mentioned in dev interviews. Dressing Room Backdrop Racial Mount - Starcursed Voidstrider Those that follow the void tend to prefer the companionship of a steed without form or substance. Highmountain Tauren The Highmountain Tauren are a new Horde Allied Race coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Racials Rugged Tenacity - Reduces damage taken by 330 Pride of Ironhorn - Mining skill increased by 15 and allows you to mine faster Mountaineer - Increases your Versatility by 1%. Bull Rush - Charges forward for 1 sec, knocking enemies down for 1.5 sec. 2 minute cooldown. Waste Not, Want Not - You have a chance to loot additional meat and fish Dressing Room Backdrop Racial Mount - Highmountain Thunderhoof I'm a moose riding a moose, your argument is invalid. Forms and Totems Nightborne The Nightborne are a new Horde Allied Race coming in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Racials Ancient History Arcane Affinity Cantrips Dispell Illusions Magical Resistance Masquerade Dressing Room Backdrop Racial Mount - Nightborne Manasaber Night elves have always had an affinity for the great cats that prowl their lands, and the Nightborne are no exception. View the full article
  24. Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25600 Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25600 Achievement Changes A rough list of achievement changes in Patch 7.3.5 can be found below: Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Misc Many Loremaster achievements have been changed to require completion of story chapters rather than a number of quests. Many Ulduar achievements have been moved to Feat of Strength, with a new non 10/25 player version replacing them. General Allied Races: Highmountain Tauren - Complete the quest below. Reward: Highmountain Tauren Race Unlocked Allied Races: Lightforged Draenei - Complete the quest below. Reward: Lightforged Draenei Race Unlocked Allied Races: Nightborne - Complete the quest below. Reward: Nightborne Race Unlocked Allied Races: Void Elf - Complete the quest below. Reward: Void Elf Race Unlocked Heritage of Highmountain - Earn level 110 on a newly created Highmountain Tauren character. Reward: Highmountain Tauren Heritage Armor Heritage of the Lightforged - Earn level 110 on a newly created Lightforged Draenei character. Reward: Lightforged Draenei Heritage Armor Heritage of the Nightborne - Earn level 110 on a newly created Nightborne character. Reward: Nightborne Heritage Armor Heritage of the Void - Earn level 110 on a newly created Void Elf character. Reward: Void Elf Heritage Armor Player vs. Player Demonic Combatant - Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Legion Season 7. Reward: Vicious Saddle Demonic Combatant - Win 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in Legion Season 7. Reward: Vicious Saddle Dungeons & Raids Glory of the Ulduar Raider - Complete the Ulduar raid achievements listed below. Mount Rewards: Reins of the Rusted Proto-Drake and Reins of the Ironbound Proto-Drake Battle Aquatic Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Aquatic pets. Beast Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Beast pets. Critter Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Critter pets. Dragonkin Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Dragonkin pets. Elemental Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Elemental pets. Family Brawler - Complete the following achievements. Reward: Master Trainer's Tabard Flying Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Flying pets. Humanoid Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Humanoid pets. Magic Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Magic pets. Mechanical Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Mechanical pets. Undead Brawler - Win 10 PvP pet battles through Find Battle with a full team of level 25 Undead pets. Legion Raid The World Revolves Around Me - Defeat Kin'garoth with 9 Diabolic Bombs active in Antorus, the Burning Throne on Normal difficulty or higher. Legion Highmountain Tribe - Earn Exalted status with the Highmountain Tribe. Demonic Elite - Reach 2000 in any Rated PvP Bracket during Legion Season 7 Honor Prestige 26 - Reach Prestige Level 26. Prestige 27 - Reach Prestige Level 27. Prestige 28 - Reach Prestige Level 28. Prestige 29 - Reach Prestige Level 29. Player vs. Player Challenger: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 35% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Challenger Defender of the Alliance: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 10% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Defender of the Alliance Defender of the Horde: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 10% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Defender of the Horde Demonic Gladiator: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 0.1% of the arena ladder (requires 150 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Demonic Gladiator Duelist: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 3% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Duelist Guardian of the Alliance: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Guardian of the Alliance Guardian of the Horde: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 3% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Guardian of the Horde Hero of the Alliance: Demonic - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Hero of the Horde: Demonic - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 0.5% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Rival: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 10% of the arena ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Rival Soldier of the Alliance: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 35% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Soldier of the Alliance Soldier of the Horde: Legion Season 7 - End Legion PvP season 7 in the top 35% of the rated battleground ladder (requires 50 games won your current faction in Legion Season 7). Title Reward: Soldier of the Horde Seething Shore A Good Start - Collect 100,000 Azerite in Seething Shore. Blood and Sand - Slay 50 enemies near a Rich Azerite deposit. Claim Jumper - Within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore, collect a Rich Azerite deposit. Death from Above - Slay an enemy within 30 seconds of landing on Seething Shore. Master of Seething Shore - Complete the Seething Shore achievements listed below. Seething Shore Domination - Capture each of the following locations in Seething Shore: Seething Shore Perfection - Win Seething Shore with a score of 3000 to 0. Seething Shore Veteran - Complete 100 victories in Seething Shore. Seething Shore Victory - Win Seething Shore. View the full article
  25. Patch 7.3.5 PTR - Build 25600 Notes are in progress, but there are some file format changes, so it may be a little while. While you wait, take a look at this new building that appeared in Stormwind on the map. Embassies were added in the BlizzCon demo build, so it is possible that this is what the building is. View the full article
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