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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. But for power? Now I'm imagining a goat body with your head on it and it's plotting to take over the world. And it's cackling maniacally. Now that would be a power-hungry roqwell goat. It's times like these that I wish I had any artistic ability whatsoever so I could just draw it.
  2. You probably deserved it
  3. D3 on console feels a lot like gauntlet. It has a much more action-packed gameplay feel to it. It's also just a lot of fun to play with buddies on a couch. D3 on computers feels more like a "Chase the carrot" type of game. You are always trying to get better gear, better sets, progress a little higher in grifts, etc. It is a lot of fun though, would recommend. Also, you guys can think what you want. I'm honest in what I tell you guys and lay things out there. if you don't believe me, nothing I say will convince you otherwise.
  4. That's an impossible statement. You cannot ascertain that I am not playing WoW to play WoW. You can ascertain that I am not playing Live WoW and playing BC but correlation =/= causation. Correlating me playing BC and not playing live WoW doesn't mean that me playing BC is the cause of me not playing WoW. Believing that correlation equals causation however, is in my opinion dumb. Since you would have to believe that correlation = causation to make the assumption, that assumption is indeed dumb (At least according to what I believe is dumb). I've been programming a lot lately. I think it's changing the way I think.
  5. Go ahead and spam refresh that page tonight, you won't see me on. Because I have stuff to do. Not like it matters anyways. If I do decide to take a break, I may indeed sometimes play WoW BC during ATR raid times. That doesn't mean that I quit to play BC. You guys are either being dumb or trying to troll me.
  6. Haha not lost in time. See my attendance post. Regarding the topic at hand. We have to evaluate it as a progression thing roqwell. Heroic Archimonde is very difficult and we could use all the help we can get from gear. That means making sure that we are as prepared as possible and have the items that people need to perform at their best. This mainly comprises of tier tokens, weapons and trinkets but just warforged/gemmed pieces of loot also help us out. It makes more sense to farm the gear now when we have resets rather than to get Archimonde and think "oh man, we really need more gear. I really wish that we had been farming gear for the past 8 weeks. Well now we're 8 weeks behind!". With that being said, I think that the number of people who still need gear from the first 6 bosses is low enough that we could probably only do them once every 2-3 weeks. I think that dropping them completely is a bad idea given how difficult heroic archi is and considering that people do still need gear. Edit: I think the biggest problem is the length of time a lot of these bosses take. Trash isn't too awful for the most part (Though there is a lot) but the bosses themselves take so freaking long, even the easy ones. Blizz really needs to cut it down to something more manageable.
  7. Hey guys, I need to take a week off to take care of some things and do some thinking on whether or not I want to take an extended break from WoW. I find myself not enjoying playing WoW and haven't been for months. It's not hard for anyone to notice that I literally log in for raid and that's all. I love this guild and the players and that's the only thing that's kept me coming for the last 3-4 months. My biggest qualm is that I want to do stuff with you guys, but stuff that I actually, you know, enjoy. I'd love to play GTA, D3 etc. But I find myself busy on most nights that aren't raid nights. I'd rather do stuff with you guys on off nights and schedule RL things during raid nights. I just don't have a ton of free time on most weeks for extended gaming periods and would like to spend it with you guys doing something I enjoy rather than doing something that's boring to me. I had a TON of fun in this xpac prior to HFC. I'd say the fun started waning in BRF but it was still enjoyable. HFC the raid is fine but there's literally nothing else keeping the game fun other than raiding, and we've already been raiding the same bosses for three months now with no end in sight because the end will be when legion comes out. I'm not sure if the pros outweigh the cons of taking a break so give me a week or two to think about it, alright? Cutting off comments of quitting live to play BC - That's silly, it's fun but not nearly as fun as playing with you guys. It holds my interest right now but I'll probably be sick of it in a few weeks. I also have no plans of doing scheduled raiding on the server. If I'm doing scheduled, organized raiding, it's gonna be with you guys and gals. You also have my apology for not posing this prior to raid yesterday. My bad.
  8. Last week we had a ton of conq drop off of bosses (Finally). A few bosses dropped multiple conq pieces. It was very helpful and there's a big change from last week to this week. We are probably ready to start skipping the first 6 bosses or at least only do them once every 2-3 weeks.
  9. So the last week has been spent hitting 70 then doing Sunwell dailies (Epic shield and necklace for hitting exalted) and slowly knocking out dungeons and dungeon attunements. We got the arcatraz key and did an arcatraz run. We did durnholde to get attuned to Black Morass then did a BM run. We did the Shattered Halls key questline but found that we couldn't 2-man Fel Reaver so called it quits on that quest chain. I have tried to do a bunch of normal MGT runs and only succeeded a few times. The second boss is a huge gear/idiot check so it's hard to find a group capable of succeeding. So far at 70, it has been a BLAST. It was totally worth the time and money to get back to what it felt like at the start of BC! Next up is finishing up Sunwell rep, finishing the karazhan attunement then trying to get into a Karazhan run.
  10. No more experiencing a new issue every week?
  11. Thanks Mastric. Jeez, can Nerita catch a break with her computer?
  12. What the heck happened with your computer now
  13. Since when has Mokou been holy? This is too weird, don't like. Also, we are no longer farming most of the normal fights but we can get you in for the easier heroic fights and for normal mannoroth. The more people, the more gear we get. So show up for raid nights and we'll see about getting you in.
  14. This is exactly why ATR has so many casual players and so many people at the guild party who don't play any more. Real Life stuff happens, you can't avoid it. We (The guild) will still be here. We'll fit you in when you can be on. Congrats and have fun!
  15. Yeah, it's not often we see the healers chopping up each other
  16. +1 for excellent use of minute.
  17. Day 3: I take the plunge to being a retadin. I cannot go any longer with doing terrible damage AND having no form of mana restoration. Things instantly start to die twice as fast and since I'm not tanking raid mobs, my survivability is still fine. Me and my destro lock buddy destroy most mobs in 5 seconds or so now. We quickly finish up Hellfire Penninsula around the start of level 63. We are almost to revered with Honor Hold. For anyone who doesn't remember the reps in BC, it was EXTREMELY important that you hit honored with all of the dungeon factions so that you get the keys which allow you access into the heroic dungeons. The (Arguably) best way to do this was to just prioritize quest hubs that had those reps. We head into Zangarmarsh and do only the quests around Telredor and the Cenarion Expedition outpost. This takes us to around 64 and we hit honored with Cenarion Expedition. We head to Terrokar and prioritize Lower City quest hubs but it's a bit more difficult because so many Lower City quests are long chains that require you to go back and forth to Shattrath City which is crazy inefficient for leveling. We do what we can and hit level 65 or 66. We decide to pay another $3 or so and level up to 68. That brings me up to where I'm at now. We now have the Karazhan Attunement quest chain and can start knocking out the dungeons needed as well as any leveling dungeons to get those sweet quest rewards and that sweet quest XP. That should carry us into 70. Is anyone else interested in trying this out? Because you totally should.
  18. Day 2: I spend two hours looking up prot pally information from BC. Thank you wayback machine for storing ancient Elitist Jerks forum posts! Satisfied with my talent selections, I travel to the Blasted Lands which takes another 30 minutes or so. I walk through the dark portal. I'm back in outlands! I pick up all of the bread-crumb quests then group up with my also-naked warlock buddy. It's time to quest! Two of us should be fine! We start off on the first quest. I quickly find out that consecrate costs 1/4th of my base mana and my mana regeneration is about 99% dependent on getting healed and restoring mana through spiritual attunement. I also quickly find out that I can only kill one mob (With my buddy helping) before I have to eat and drink. Whatever, let's do it. Three hours later, I have 5 pieces of green gear. I have pretty good survivability (At least compared to my lock buddy) but my threat is terrible unless I spend mana and drink constantly. This is taking forever. I buckle under the pressure and spend 50g on level 40-60 AH greens. Luckily, the server has a functioning economy and auction house. I now have a full set of [crappy] gear. I have no problems surviving but my mana management isn't much better. We decide to do Hellfire Ramparts. I find that the LFG tool actually works and there are a bunch of people looking for a group. I invite a shammy healer to group and he immediately tells me to invite two other people. Sure thing shammy buddy! We head into the instance and I quickly find out that the DPS the shammy invited is naked except for a staff and the warrior is a tank. We spend two packs fighting for threat before me and my lock buddy leave. We make a new group with me picking who we invite and the run goes well. The DPS let me LOS pull packs and wait until they are in my consecrate before DPSing. The healer communicates with me fine. All of the boss mobs work exactly as I remember. There is one issue with the wolf-rider mobs. Instead of dismounting and separating into two mobs, they kind of just stand there for 10 seconds not doing anything and then just forget about dismounting and attack me while mounting. Are these mobs even supposed to dismount? I can't remember, it's been so long. We wipe once on the last boss. I forget that dungeons are actually hard. After tweaking some things, we kill the boss. During the run, I still have to drink constantly due to not taking enough damage to restore mana through spiritual attunement.
  19. Day 1: Made a new character! The prot pally returns! Started questing in the draenei starting area. I quickly remember that paladin dpsing at level 1 in BC was limited to auto-attacking. I can now look at porn and play wow at the same tim once again! I hit level 2 and am already bored of auto-attacking. I go to the website control panel to level my character to 60. It won't let me until I hit level 10 . After what feels like an eternity, I hit lvl 10. I check played time and it was actually only an hour or so. I go to the website and see that it costs ~5 euros to level to 60 or ~15 euro to get to level 60 with a full set of tier 1 gear for leveling along with bags and gold. I proclaim that I will be fine and cheap out and just level to 60 with nothing else. I am now a level 60 paladin who can only equip one-handed and two-handed maces and has 5/300 weapon skill in those. I also have four pieces of white gear equipped. I am otherwise naked. I am also still in the draenei starting area. I am broke and have no bags. I did not think this through. It takes me 2 hours to run to Stormwind and train my weapon skills (With a loan from my buddy) and train my spells (With a MUCH bigger loan from my buddy). After 8 hours of leveling weapon skills (No kidding), I am ready to go to outland! To be continued...
  20. Definitely against ToS but I don't think that Blizzard cares too much since they are never going to do a BC server. I May have tried it out tonight and was blown away by how close it is to classic blizz servers. Apparently, this server has been running since 2008 and has been actively developed since then so pretty much everything works now. There's also an active community with a ton of people who do pug runs, 5-mans etc. There's even a working arena ladder with an active arena scene. Anybody else interested in trying it? I may be playing prot pally and my buddy may be playing lock. We could use a healer buddy
  21. Some early servers had the world data loaded but nothing actually... worked. So much stuff is done server-side and nobody ever got direct access to blizzard's data so it all had to be re-engineered by hand. This server has apparently been running for years and they make regular updates to it and even have a GM team to help out players. They claim that all of the raids and dungeons are scripted and work. I'm kind of excited to try it out. Their financial model is to have the server free but you can pay for stuff with micro-transactions. For example, if I do play on this server, there's no way in hell I'm going to level from 1-60. That was a nightmare that I don't want to re-live. I'm not sure how much they charge to level from 1-60 but I think it's like $5.
  22. My buddy keeps begging me to join a BC private server called Excalibur WoW that's apparently the best BC server out there. Anyone ever hear of it? I'm considering playing again to relive the glory days of farming Karazhan for gear.
  23. Melee stand in fire a lot I guess. Also, one of the pictures was of me. Because I'm awesome.
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