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Everything posted by Lyntha

  1. Unholy is in Ohio, Ghost in WV, I'm in Pittsburgh PA. Every year Moot flies to my house then we carpool up because it's much cheaper than him flying to Buffalo. Moot isn't going this year due to scheduling conflicts so you guys are more than welcome to fly/bus up to Pittsburgh and carpool with me if it's cheaper or more convenient. My house is pretty much always open to friends and guildies and I have a guest room equipped with multiple beds for that very purpose. Regarding funding: We have in the past crowdsourced some funds to get certain people to the party. I think we've helped Moot and Bash in the past. I think that Unholy set everything up for us in the past, so PM him. Once he has a donation fund set up, the rest of us can donate a little bit each to help you guys out.
  2. That's odd. Most people rate BC as top expac and WOTLK as one of the worst.
  3. Is anyone gonna be pissed if people wear last year's shirts? I really want a glass mug Are you on venmo?
  4. I think that WoD is thus far the best expansion yet. A lot of the guys who played during BC have extremely fond memories of it because it was such an improvement over vanilla WoW but WoD added the best and most new content yet.
  5. This is why he prefers them: Salvage Yard - Pretty much mandatory. You get items for completing garrison missions. The items are great, but mostly important because they give you a LOT of follower upgrade items. Your followers start at ilvl 600 and you need to up all of them (20 or 25 depending on your buildings) to lvl 675. It's gonna take a while even with a salvage yard but a salvage yard makes it bearable. Inn - Lets you recruit followers once a week. You also get a daily dungeon quest which is also nice. When you recruit followers, you can recruit followers that ONLY have certain things you're looking for. Need a follower to counter an ability? Inn's your spot. We end up mostly using the inn for recruiting followers that have rare abilities such as "Epic mount" (Halves mission completion time and stacks) or the resource gain abilities (Like how Mastric was able to get 4000g from one mission) Barracks - A double threat! Firstly, it ups the number of followers you can have active at once from 20 to 25. This alone is great. It also lets you use one of your followers with the "Bodyguard" ability to tag along with you and be a companion while you quest or whatever. There are several different bodyguards you can use. Playing a tank class? Pick a DPS bodyguard and they do surprisingly good damage. Playing a ranged dps? Pick a tank bodyguard to keep things away from you! Etc. Storehouse - There's not too many good Small building options so this one is just convenient. This let you have a bank, guild bank, transmog and void storage access all in your base. Trading Post - Lets you trade one resource for another which helps for gathering professions but more importantly, it lets you trade in resources for garrison resources (Via work orders). This is a GREAT way to get Garrison resources quickly. One that bash didn't mention but should be on the list: War Mill - Lets you trade in iron horde war scraps for follower upgrade items as a daily quest (Which you'll need) as well as use garrison resources for creating follower upgrade items. Check out this guide: http://www.icy-veins.com/wow/garrison-complete-guide
  6. It was already great from the get-go. Then it started spinning. My sides are in orbit. Enjoy the vacation guys!
  7. The guild party is invite only because Gump and Jess have the right to deny people who they can tell are going to be disrespectful or do stuff that they shouldn't. You're fine I'm sure so if you are interested in going, let Gump and Jess know. As mastric said, we put everything up on facebook. PM one of us with your facebook info and we'll add you. Sent from my COMPUTER using AKEYBOARD
  8. You need to spooky it up
  9. DPS. We are covered on healing and not looking to recruit a tank unless they're able to step in immediately. It's hard to impossible to gear up a tank while you're progressing.
  10. What she said is correct.
  11. Where's the 2spooky mask?
  12. It didn't make sense for us to waste time on normal BRF because of the ilvl difference. Most of the gear we would have gotten in BRF normal was 665 (They later updated it to 670) due to us having mostly heroic highmaul gear which was 670. BRF: We are at ~670. Normal Drops 665. Heroic Drops 680. So we did Heroic. HFC: We are at ~690. Normal Drops 690 - 705. They basically fixed the awkward scaling from last tier. We will progress slower if we do nothing but normals but the later normal modes do have upgrades for us. I am with Bash on what we do. We go in and try the bosses on heroic. Once we hit a boss that takes us longer than an hour or so, we can switch to normal and work through normals then start chipping away at earlier heroic bosses once we get some more gear.
  13. He told me that their warrior tank is always on and their second tank wouldn't be 100% but would be on most of the time. He also said that their disc priest is 100% and a beast who pulls like 70k on some fights. I figured you guys would call me if I was needed and made sure to be available.
  14. WE WERE MISSING A VITAL PART OF THE RAID, A MONK TANK. TANKING WAS LITERALLY THE ONLY ISSUE LAST NIGHT. SO AFTER NOT MUCH PROGRESS, WE CALLED THE RAID AND BOTH RAGE AND ATR WENT ON BREAK. THANKS SNUGG. I was told by Mort that Rage had two tanks and an excellent disc priest so I probably wouldn't be needed. I was literally just sitting at home not doing anything of significance. I didn't want to show up and force out someone better just because I was an officer. Half the raid has my phone number. If you would have called me, I would have hopped on. If you need me to tank, I'll be on. Like always.
  15. Lyntha

    Blackhand Down

    So wrong he got it right. Sounds like the ATR way.
  16. Lyntha

    Blackhand Down

    Me and Kansir got it right! I blame the rest of you!
  17. Lyntha

    Blackhand Down

    This guy is hard
  18. $80 per raid seems worth it.
  19. Who are the two dudes all the way on the left and the guy all the way to the right? Only faces I don't recognize.
  20. Everyone's favorite Rouge eh?
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