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Everything posted by kansir

  1. I our ass backwards group is what makes CMs so much fun lol
  2. Well let me just insert my foot into my mouth and we're good.
  3. Don't worry mort mom and dad are staying together for kids :)
  4. Mmm that's just what someone who skipped raid to play fallout would say But seriously hats off to ya!
  5. http://www.wowhead.com/news=249746/6-2-3-ptr-build-20691-spell-changes-and-more-warlords-season-2-ending-soon-6-2-3 Inc DK buff maybe?!
  6. kansir


    I hope all is well! Don't worry we'll try and save some heroic archimonde wipes for you but no promises
  7. Now we just need to get heroic archimonde on farm so we can sell mount
  8. I'm surprised that, that's not a real thing in Japan.
  9. I've done enough googleing in my day to know Japan already has sex robots... maybe new job?!
  10. I was originally going to post this in officer chat to get there feed back but i didn't. So day 1 I've already caught flak for power tripping, calling people out, removing fun from the raid, and being "that guy". I'm sure this is normal to some extent. I also understand i drove the raid a little hard last night and even burnt the clutch a few times. I've never ran a raid consistently before but thankfully hindsight is 20/20 and i don't like making the same mistake twice. I must say we had good momentum but two of our boss fight kills were udder shit. Mort, I'm sorry i called you out the way i did during the mannoroth fight. Next time I'll PM and I'll try not to sound like an inconsiderate asshole. We don't need to nit pick of what happened but in short I was wrong. Piki, you know the fights and you know what to do. I need to not call you out and trust you got you. There are other people who called me out im PMs or in healer chat. You are right in regards to my driving last night. I felt like i had something to prove and wanted to show the raid that everything we've done so far is farm content(minus mannoroth) and we can 1/2 shot it. One of our consist problems is trash. We wipe on the same spots every week and i wanted to change that (yes we wiped on trash going to up soccer mom). Call me out if i'm wrong on this one but trash went MUCH smoother and much quicker. Trash after soccer mom 1 shot. That stupid pack of 5 dogs and it's dad (bash's favorite trash) 1 shot/bash didn't die). I also learned real quick calling stuff out on some fights is a lot harder depending on your if your melee/ranged and I will rely on other people more for that and i know who is better at what fight. Now I don't want this to turn into a giant thread of everyone hate kansir at once. I know where and how i messed up in order to "get results". Please give me at least till next weeks raid before you pick up pitch forks and torches
  11. Don't do it Summa! First they're going to tell you we just need you to dps one fight. Two weeks later you wake up a full time dps twitching for a little healing action. Once full blown healing withdraw sets in you're forced to do alt runs just to a little healing action.
  12. fyi watering your electrics doesn't cause them to grow
  13. No one, not even you has ever requested a dota tournament. I play with myself enough I dont need people watching lol
  14. Not only have i finished my enhance set i've also finished my resto set thanks to doing these runs each week. Hell I'm 1 trinket away from have an ele set!
  15. Muhahahaha! I believe i know what caused this but im going to need a priests help next week to test this next
  16. kansir

    Alt-Run OP

    I see A team right there
  17. Next week (15th and 16th) i'll be on boat and wont be able to raid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7yfISlGLNU
  18. Xul wasn't bad. First attempt we got him down to 34% and third was 5%. Now the last attempt we got him down to sriracha%! Aint that right right @Phobia haha
  19. Congrats on real life achievements! But as a raider this makes me sad
  20. Looks like melee survived last nights raid lol
  21. Only two pictures of me that's not bad considering i died at least 15+ times. I also noticed that all the pictures are of melee... healers where is the love!
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