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ATR Associate
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Everything posted by kansir

  1. I knew it was a good idea to let infertil die
  2. yeah the invite for the new gmail account. Already signed in and set up at home and work. Awaiting more instructions
  3. I know my VPN account password so i could bring work home with me and have all the passwords muhaha
  4. I was going to finish my work from home but i don' think i can multi task that well. Spamming flame shock while watching a loading bars sounds hard.
  5. Not sure if i'm going to be able to make raid this week. If i am able to make it i should be there around 9ish.
  6. Why is there no dps meter in this video!? Everyone needs to see who really won!
  7. I thought @Gromn was hiding in the closet?
  8. @Mastric that was a good idea. I @Kansir may be the first @asshole to capitalize of this great new way to spam people. @Mortelinnor, you hear that people can on spam you ten times.
  9. So wait does @Mortelinnor get multiple alerts if i put multiple @Mortelinnor 's in the same message? Cause @Mortelinnor doesn't deserve that that would be mean to @Mortelinnor and someone shouldn't do that. Don't you think so @Mortelinnor
  10. kansir

    EPGP Reset

    Do we still have access to the google doc that was tracking everyone's attendance?
  11. kansir

    Blackhand Down

    Mythosaur is 100% correct haha What is this game you speak of...
  12. On progression nights why not make 10pm (or any other time) the cut off point. Still award EPGP to those get sat. But starting at 10 or 9:50 people who have had low performance or who aren't optimal for the boss get sat.
  13. Exactly, who cares about farm bosses really. I personally don't but I do have a trinket slot that cares lol
  14. Yeah I'm with the guy above me. Most people in the raid know why we're wiping on progression bosses we just don't say anything. And the argument everyone has to see/learn the fight shouldn't really apply after attempt 7 maybe 10. Mistakes happen but at some point a players lack of ability shouldn't be qualified as a mistake anymore. I don't care about carrying someone for farm bosses cause at this point one or two shots and the boss is dead time to move on.
  15. Congrats on new job!! They're going to make me become melee dps for sure now
  16. haha i'm mooning the camera
  17. I meant last night we downed him right after snug left for work.
  18. Next your going to say you were there last night snug. This picture is a forgery!
  19. I know this post is focused on the rules and whats going on. I have a very open view of the whole thing. But I just want to point out some reason why I enjoy raiding with EVERYONE. I really enjoy making and handing out as many potions/flasks as possible. It gives me a feeling of worth (now I know as a healer I do being some level of importance to raid). My record for pots/flasks handed out in one night is close to 300! Comic release! There are so many characters in the raid it really makes for some great laughs. Lastly, the challenge. You people are always talking about fighting dragon... I just want to see the dragon! Yes, I've read this entire post and have been keeping up with it all day and this was the only 2 cents I had.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgk-lA12FBk
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