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Everything posted by Sazda

  1. too many hunters! Also: Since Duckmarker went half-random last week, he is already 476 ilvl with 3/6 vaults normal (get him in)
  2. GREAT! THIS is a good start to what i was asking for here: http://www.atremains...2-raid-tonight/ Do you mind updating this post as more suggestions come in? Here are a few: SHA OF ANGER Do this once a week. It is somewhat like "the new Baradin Hold". It grants powerful gear items if you are lucky. Pikachu got 496 pants on his first kill (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/item/85376). WHICH REPUTATION DAILIES TO DO? Do all of the Golden Lotus dailies each day (in the level 90 zone), 2 hubs each day - the second one alternates location. You want to get to revered as quick as possible, as that unlocks dailies with shado-pan and others that have great gear for you later. You can also do the Klaxxis right away in Dread Wastes. They have good gear at honored and a great chest at revered. There are others - but it will take you to get to Golden Lotus revered first. HEROICS Check your class forums for a list of what items to get in which heroic dungeon (if there is no such post -> CREATE IT). It doesn't take that long and helps everyone else playing and gearing that class. Keep a personal list that you constantly update. You can sort it by dungeon/items to figure out which dungeons are the most beneficial for you to run in order t get the most important gear upgrade. I stopped random queueing after a while and only queued for the most beneficial dungeons to have the biggest chances on gear upgrades. The VP that I miss this way I can get elsewhere. SCENARIOS You are doing scenarios for FUN, VP, GOLD and the lucky 463 gear drop here and there. I actually found two gear drops there that are better than the heroic 463 stuff I had already. Especially good are scenarios for VP grind. You always have instant queues, they are very quick and award half the VP of a whole heroic run. I would bet my left foot that this is a faster way to grind VP than doing heroics - and it is also sooooooooooo much more fun.
  3. i know very well what happened and why we wiped - tank swapping was not the only problem... guildies watching the stream kept saying that there are soooo many guys staying in the void zones way to often. I understand the stacking strategy makes sense for aoe healers... but healing is not the only reason to stack up. If everyone in a group follows one guy (the one marked star in the video), you can do what necro mentioned: not care about the chains at all within the ranged group. Chains were a big killer for us as well. And even if that means that everyone sometimes gets a tick of the void zone as opposed to only a few people, it is faaaaar more beneficial to take that extra healing, but avoid all the other problems that come up with not stacking. Also: I am really not a fan of the 4 tank idea... it takes a dps away from us (and we already do not have good dps) and it is absolutely not needed. Figuring out a tank rotation with taunts etc really cannot be that difficult.
  4. THAT actually looks like a strategy... not like whatever we did.... unfortunately we will likely never have that level of concentration (look at that stacking during the whole fight!!!) :-( http://www.twitch.tv/jcarter123/b/334251905 here is the recording of our whole raid night in comparison^^ (it hurts)
  5. I understand the concern, but hiding dkp numbers will not "solve" this. People will still talk to one another. If a item for a specific class comes up (as example), one of two things will happen: 1) People collaborate and give the item to one person for a minimum price 2) People will bid as much as they possibly want to spend no matter if DKP is hidden or not (may it only be to increase the prize for the person that will end up getting it). But as the rules say, you do not pay what you bid. You pay "one over" the 2nd best bid - making this statement pretty much void. Basically, hidden dkp promotes some kind of "black market" if you will where people start whispering to one another about bids on items that can come up from the next boss. Yes, they will also do it of dkp is know for everyone - but at least it is a more fair game. (i acknowledge that we are both using the argument "more fair" for our different points of view) In the end: whatever... i will be fine with either way, just voicing my opinion here
  6. no need to apologize for anything and it certainly was not your fault that raid started late last night... we have a million officers for a reason.
  7. Iron man timer, did not know about this before - great. Now we just have to agree on a official raid start time, stick with it and enforce to start it on time... meaning: making sure an officer starts the raid invite prior to that timer start. A bad example would be yesterday (or many days last raid tier), but let's say it was a special case since its the first raid and us not knowing who can even raid at all etc. I think your idea about alts v mains is the best one could come up with. You are grabbing somewhat random numbers in your example above. We will just have to agree to disagree here I believe. I like 5% more simply due to the fact that we won't even have enough gear drop for everyone to win something even if they bid max DKP on every item. It just does not seem fair that these people should lose their DKP. Anyways - either way will work somehow... pick whatever number you guys feel most comfortable with. Last but not least: Have you guys considered publishing the total DKP list instead of hiding it? What are your pros and cons for that idea?
  8. thanks bash - i know you guys try to be fair to everyone... just see what other people think. I got another question though: This is not mentioned above... do DKP work per player or per character? There are players here who habe multiple chars and sometimes are asked to bring another char to fill a specific role. Do these chars have their own DKP or does each player have a pool of DKP for all his toons? Either solution seems a little unfair in some way... wondering what you guys think about it.
  9. i could level my druid to 90 and see how i like it.... dps/heal/tank?
  10. I do not hate it... i just am not a fan and prefer other systems way above this one.
  11. Well, to begin with I need to say that I have never used a silent DKP system before... so there is that. It might end up being just fine. If I could pick, I would not make it silent and publish a list of the current DKP of every raid member after every raid. The way the system is now, it seems very much like loot distribution is almost random. Everyone is forced to bid on pretty much the next upgrade item that comes up, because of the very high 10% decay every week. If you dont bid - AND if you dont win (which will happen to most people anyways) - you lose your DKP. Yes, loot might be distributed more evenly - but on top of that: also much more randomly. Say we would have done this for DS and our strongest players are waiting for the heroic vial to drop. They could chose to do so in another DKP system... here, pretty much any member who has barely been in the guild for a few weeks has a big chance of getting that item. Besides all that: I STRONGLY encourage starting the DKP timer at 7.30pm SHARP. If people join the raid after 7.30pm, they will only get a % of the DKP. With 2 raid nights, we need to make sure people are online on time and ready to raid. We cannot allow anymore that raids start on average one full hour late like last raid tier. Please take this into consideration.
  12. may i say that i am absolutely NOT a fan of this system?
  13. one thing i just learned last night: Do the dire brew thingy in the dungeon finder window (drop down box)... that thing hands out some nice 470 trinket. http://www.icy-veins.com/brewfest-2012-wow Other than that - get your hands on a good weapon. Alternatively, there is this group event at the temple of the white tiger in Kun Lai that gives out decent raid starter weapons. Also: Go through all the reputation factions (you do not need any rep with them anymore for JP gear) and replace your sub-450 gear with free 450 items.
  14. Anything us non-officers can do to prepare for the raid? I feel like there should have been a post here since a good while with stuff like: "what gear to get from reputation stuff, dungeons etc?", "what reputation to farm?", "which boss guide to read in order to prepare for the first raid?", "What flasks/food etc. to get?" and similar stuff.
  15. Yes... you can thank me in game with any gold contribution you seem appropriate (or if you are a hot girl, any sexual favours will do the trick as well). Listed by Item, then name of dungeon (short form), name of boss (short form) and stats on the item. Stats abbrev.: Ha, Hi, Cr, Ma, Ex (you can figure it out) Heads Setting Sun - 3rd boss "Ri'mok" - 659 Agi (+180 socket bonus), Cr/Ma Mogu'Shan - 1st boss "Trial" - same stats as above Necklaces Scarlett Halls - 2nd boss "Koegler" - 501 Agi, Hi/Ex Niuzao - 1st boss "Jin'bak" - 501 Agi, Cr/Ha Shoulders SP-Monastry - 4th boss "Zhu" - 588 Agi, Cr/Ha Backs Jade-Serpent - 1st boss "Mari" - 501 Agi, Cr/Ma Niuzao - 3rd boss "Pa'valak" - 501 Agi, Hi/Cr Chests Sp-Monastry - 1st boss "Gu" - 819 Agi (+60), Hi/Cr Niuzao - 4th boss "Ner'o" - 819 Agi )+60), Ex/Ma Wrists SP-Monastry - 3rd boss "Sha" - 501 Agi, Cr/Ex Mogushan P. - 3rd boss "Xin" - 501 Agi, Hi/Ha Hands Jade Serpent - 4th boss "Sha" - 668 Agi, Cr/Ha Niuzao - 2nd boss "Vo'jak" - 668 Agi, Ex/Ma Waists Scarlett Halls - 2nd boss "Koegler" - 668 Agi, Ha/Ma Setting Sun - 2nd boss "Ga'dok" - 668 Agi, Cr/Ex Legs StormstBr. - 2nd boss "Hoptallus" - 819 Agi, Hi/Cr Scarlett Monastry - 1st boss "Thal." - 819 Agi, Ex/Ma Feet Setting Sun - 4th boss "Raigonn" - 588 Agi (+60), Hi/Cr Sholomance - 2nd boss "Rattle." - 588 Agi (+60), Ha/Ma Rings Setting Sun - 1st boss "Kip" - 501 Agi, Cr/Ma Jade Serpent - 3rd boss "Liu" - 501 Agi, Cr/Ex SP-Monastry - 4th boss "Zhu" - 501 Agi ,Hi/Ha Trinkets Scholomance - 4th boss "Darkmaster" - Crit 847, some chance on a crit to gain 3386 Agi for 25s Scarlett Monastry - 3rd boss "White" - Hit 847, on use 4232 Agi for 15s (90s cd) Jade Serpent - 2nd boss "Stonestep" - 847 Agi, some chance on 3386 Haste Weapons - all of them grant 3285.x DPS and 899 Agility with different extra stats listed below Niuzao - 3rd boss "Pa'valak" - Bow - Hi/Cr Scarlett Halls - 1st boss "Braun" - Crossbow - Cr/Ha StormstBr. - 3rd boss "Zhu" - Gun - Hi/Ma Jade Serpent - 3rd boss "Liu" - Gun - Cr/Ha Let me know if there are any mistakes are missing items that I need toadd to the list. All the info gathered from: http://www.wowhead.c...ungeon-journals Sazda
  16. i am not thinking ahead, i already am level 90 on a more serious note: some of these achievements can be done now already or while leveling^^
  17. I would be willing to organize this a bit and put out a schedule of what to do in which order. I am talking about working on all the new guild achievements that MoP brought to us. I would certainly love to do my part to match these as first guild on the server and us way on the top in g-achievement points if people are up for it. I do not only mean dungeon and raid achievements, but everything else as well... for example realm first guild level 30, 150k dailies, 100 scenarios, all heroic achievements, profession as well as reputation stuff^^ Is there any interest from you guys to organize this a bit and work on it together or would you rather just "have it happen as it happens"?
  18. 361 ilvl - do some heroics and definitely do LFR!!!
  19. if this is all we plan for tuesday, i suggest we do some of these on heroic for possible item upgrades and shared boss loot being heroic
  20. Morchok - Don't Stand Too Close To Me who needs this: Thundere Strategy / Tips: Straight forward - might even be easier on heroic. Everyone walk in pre-defined directions to avoid being too close to one another during black blood - nothing tough about this. Zonozz - Ping Pong Champion who needs this: Snugglebunny Strategy / Tips: Bounce it 10 times, done. Yorsah'j - Taste The Rainbow who needs this: Sazda, Jlogg (both need Red+Green) Strategy / Tips: Nothing special about it - get the right combo, done. Hagara - Holding Hands who needs it: everyone Strategy / Tips: - this is a little bit more tricky, because you cannot just clump up in a big pile and chain, it will likely miss some people - not completing the chain. - you want to chain in a normal way form conductor 1 to 2 to 3 - and then it must be form conductor 3 to 4 for the achievement (not from 1 to 4) according to comments on wowhead - after chaining to the 3rd conductor, have everyone stand in an arc from conductor 3 to 4 (except the first two people that will start the lightning) with only 1 person within 10 feet to your left and 1 person within 10 feet to your right. Once everyone is in place, those first 2 people run into the chain and start the lightning which should then jump nicely from person to person - achievement is earned right away if done correctly, not after boss is down Ultraxion - Minutes To Midnight who needs it: everyone Strategy / Tips: - easy achievement: everyone can get hit by Hour of Twilight max once - INCLUDING tanks- - we likely won't have more than 4 or 5 hours (if not only 3 on normal) - so all we need is to have ninja, sazda, lamps and anyone else who can solo-take an hour do just that once while all others press their button - keep in mind that hour cast on normal mode is super long and do not press the button right when the cast starts Blackhorn - Deck Defender who needs it: everyone Strategy / Tips: - barrages never split damage between raiders and deck, so as long as one person is in every barrage, the achievement is not failed - priority kill the drakes first, cause they are responsible for creating barrages - do not have everyone run into Onslaught, leave a few people out to catch Barrages that hit at the same time as Onslaught - achievement is awarded after boss kill (an add-on to track when this achievement is failed is highly recommended) Spine - Maybe He'll get Dizzy who needs it: Lampray Strategy / Tips: - easiest way to do it: Land on Spine and do the roll sequence before you blow any plate off, done. Madness - Chromatic Champion who needs it: Iammoot Strategy / Tips: Start Nozdormu first, nothing else to it.
  21. Sazda

    H Madness

    you are a hunter FORUM WHORE fixed it^^
  22. Sazda

    H Madness

    you are a hunter
  23. Sazda

    H Madness

    this is the hunter forum - doubt (m)any of the other guys read it
  24. Sazda

    H Madness

    I have only had one night of attempts on this kid so far and I know for a fact that I can improve my performance by a lot. Here is what I learned so far: - The fight is pretty much the same compared to LFR and Normal mode (besides the usual HP and damage increase by the boss) - The biggest noticeable difference is the Parasite that randomly spawns on people and is ALWAYS the priority target. If it is on you, you need to know where to drop it before you get it. Deterrence will help mitigating a lot of incoming damage here - just pop it about 3 seconds before the parasite will drop. - Another difference comes from how we handle the Bloods on each platform: They seem to have too much HP for our raid dps to burn them down right after they spawn and before they regenerate. The goal here should be following for us hunters: Make sure you are at full focus (!!!) when the bloods regenerate for the first time and THEN blow em up. What often seemed to happen is that some people blow everything they got into the bloods - which ends up being just short of killing them and then they regenerate to full HP - leaving us hunters completely out of focus and causing another regenerate. If we would all just focus our burst into one phase - we would easily get them down each time. And keep in mind: Parasite is the priority target over the AOE DPS boost on the bloods! - As a hunter you might be asked to soak an Impale on each platform. There is not a lot to it: You simply stand in melee range to the Corruption and hit Feign Death once the impale is on you. There is no need to stay down for more than 1-2 seconds, the Impale seems to fall off immediately from what I can tell so far. Two important things here: 1) Do not forget to DPS the parasite that is usually out around the same time Impale is about to hit 2) Even when in melee range, you can still DPS the corruption without range issues (just like on Yorsah'j). - Black Arrow and Explosion Trap. Here we go into the tiny details that will push your DPS considerably higher than the DPS of other hunters not working with this: 1) You pretty much need a healthy mix of BA and ET during this fight to maximize your DPS depending on the different situations. 2) Obviously you never want to put a BA on to a target that will die before that BA runs out = direct loss in DPS from the BA as well as less LnL procs. 3) Technically it makes sense to use ET over BA every single time more than one target will be effected by it. Here are the situations where this is of most use: A) Every single time the bloods spawn you want to have ET up and ready. When a player correctly drops a Parasite either within the circle very close to the claw (so both are effected by the trap) or if it is dropped close to the corruption. I usually try to have BA running on the bosses claw while DPSing whatever else there is to DPS. Here are some no-go actions: - Never put a BA on a bolt - Never put a BA on a Parasite (always use ET on last platform for LnL procs even if single target) - Never put BA on a Corruption that will die before BA runs out A) However, make sure to cast BA/ET on something else in this case (target /focus macros help a great bunch) so you do not have any downtime... in the end you never want to delay a BA/ET cast by more than a few seconds (which really only should happen right before platform switches) - Pretty much the same rules apply for Serpent Sting (SS) - in most cases you are better off using that GCD for another shot DPS cooldowns: - After reading a few guides and testing it out by myself the best way seems to be to use your CDs once on the second platform Corruption (I usually pop I right around the time the bolt comes out) and once on the 4th platform for the Parasite. It is definitely not the best way to boost DPS, but it will surely help the raid in the best way possible. Glyph: If you feel like you can abandon one of your glyph slots, you might wanna try Glyph of Ice Trap. This will increase the radius of your trap by a little and help a lot on the very last platform to slow down the adds trying to reach the boss. We have yet to get to that stage, so we still have to determine how useful it will be. If more then one hunter is in the raid: Let's chain our traps so adds are slowed the entire way from spawn to destination. That is all for now - feel free to add your own observations, ask questions or anything else that will help you/us to become a better factor for our raid on this fight.
  25. you ment july not june i suppose? so no guild party for you
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