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Everything posted by playbyplay

  1. from the patch notes: "All healing spells which cost mana have had their mana cost increased by 10%." so apparently this doesnt include jab? and WTF surging wasnt already outrageous as it was? i think it was so the crit change isnt completely OP, because tbh, i never ran low on mana unless i was just dpsing to dick around/push certain phases faster... if anything, a blanket 10% more is stupid because it makes the expensive heals exponentially more expensive than cheaper ones... 16,000(?) mana for SCK would go to 17,600, (1,600 more), whereas expel harm 7,500 mana goes up to 8,250 (750 more)... so our out of reach, expensive heals hit us even harder, yet the cheap, common heals, are insignificantly higher (when balanced out with crit-manatee change)... maybe they trying to make our 2pc worth getting? lol
  2. WTB you moar spirit if you're ooming that fast! LOL @ "manatee" and i agree about ascension... that extra chi slot will be nice w/o chi brew so you can pile it up, pop TFT then uplift x2 for quick burst combined with RM refresh/spread. somewhere i read that Chibrew on CD is slightly more mp5 that ascension will be, simply from the free stack of tea... so yeah, if you dont use it on CD then its gonna be ascension all the way... kinda stoked to try everything out tomorrow... all that said, good luck with 25m HoF, with all the heavy healing requirements and bursts, its gonna be tough with the huge reduction in throughput if you have more than 1-2 monks healing... ohyeah, forgot a key nerf... 10% mana cost increase on everything... to kinda counter-balance the crit change to mana tea... so maybe with those two, combined with ascension, mana will feel roughly equivalent to how it does now...
  3. Just wanted to make a small list of some of my ideas on the changes... but a full list is easily found on MMO-champ list of nerfs summarized: 25% reductions on RM, CW, CB RM spreads twice instead of thrice (HUGE nerf to uplift in 25m) ...i forget the rest, if theres more... buffs tho- 50% extra haste from gear in serpent stance RM ticks every 2 seconds instead of 3 (relevant cause it spreads faster, and changes haste cap) only need 1 stack of TP for full 30% arpen debuff Crit gives a chance to gen an extra mana tea stack Soothing mist / Crackling jade lightening mana costs reduced, and chi gen increased from 25-35% my thoughts as a 10m MW the changes to RM mean no more blindly blanketing 8-9 consistent ppls with RM for uplifts, so TFT is now much more useful and should be thought out for phases like F&V etc etc... ticks faster so new haste caps of 150 and 3148(?) according to Elitist jerks... 150 is insanely low to achieve so imo its best to get that 11th tick at the second haste cap then reforging to crit for throughput as well as regen from extra mana tea stacks. The nerf to chi burst is to keep it balanced with the uplift nerf for 25m. i believe its RM on 8 or more then uplift wins, but anything under that Chi burst wins... almost irrelevant for 10m healing tho, due to the fact that 8 ppl are RARELY stacked up tightly, even when supposed to... Nerf to chi wave kinda doesnt make sense as it was mostly a tank heal in 10m with pretty good throughput, so idk if that was in attempts to push tank healing specifically into a soothing mists rotation or just to tone down the lvl30 talent heals... shouldnt matter much in 25s, as chi burst is still the winner when anyone is clumped. bummer for tank heals in 10m on 2 heal fights tho... change to TP is mostly a quality of life bonus for fistweaving, and also gives no excuse for not being up for the entirety of Xuen, if talented, for bonus to eminence heals... Ascension change- 15% more mana plus a free chi slot and 15% more regen for WW/BrM... changes the amount of mana regen from mana tea for more MP5... imo, still not worth the clutch burst provided by chi brew, or the entire stack of mana tea generated from using Chi brew... overall regen will depend on fight length and how often Chi brew is on CD. Change to haste combined with buffs to soothing mists (increased chi gen chance, and decreased mana cost) makes it a comparable chi generator, and with enough haste, on par with Jab... mostly a buff to ranged mistweaving and a definite increase to tank heals. still not as consistent chi gen as jab, but definitely in the right direction for improving our complete lack of ability to tank heal. Also, this is one of the few of our heals directly effected by haste, so its still not worth it to stack haste above any of the previously mentioned caps unless your job is straight tank heals, which, if so, kick your raid leader for assigning you that! theres quite a bit more feedback etc i could give, but my class is almost out so im out of time. if you want a more professional opinion on the changes, Affinity from Blood Legion posted a really good recap vid where he goes over all the changes so ill post it here below. EJ- MW discussion
  4. alrighty... got some good news and some bad news... perfection just hit 90, xferred and joined the guild... bad news is his dad just had open heart surgery and he will be taking care of him for the next few (2) weeks on raid nights... so he's here and ready, just cant start right away. more good news tho, wreckx pugged in to a 10m led by necro and got some phat loots and should be well ready to dps for us this week... if khelendros decides to wake up for raid time! and as usual progression kinda stalls during the holiday season due to family time and traveling etc... so lets just keep going as we can, and try to focus hardcore during the 6 hours we have each week to down bosses... i'd like to see a 6/6 MV soon and a push deep into hof... and on a final note... this may not even need to be brought up yet but w/e... the new semester may be bringing diff schedules to ppl so it may be a good idea to start opening the conversation to what raid nights are gonna look like next year... i, for one, wont be able to do wednesdays due to a stupid night lab >.< but it did open up tuesdays so theres that... anyways i hope everyone had an awesome and restful thanksgiving, and hopefully we can get back on track next week! to watch while we wait to get in some tries on him this week... idk if i agree with EVERYTHING the guy says, but its a good example of how critical each point of dps is on this fight... want this bitch down!
  5. yeah named it All That Rem 10m... here is a link (should we sticky a forum thread that has links for each WoL for the diff raid groups so ppl can navigate to em from here easier?)
  6. yeah for sure man! itll be easier for your guys and our guys to not get confusded lol
  7. i may have our last spot we keep having to sub around wanting to xfer... its that guy ive been working on for a while, hes thinking of bringing over his dk to round out our melee and fill the plate dps niche in the raid... i know we've got a set 4 dps with glitter/evening kinda subbing in and out and around... so whatever you guys think, he was about to quit, and i told him to fill out an app for the guild... hes a great player and super chill so i know he'll fit in the group well... yeah, he just apped
  8. ima be here tonight, but the wife invited company for dinner, so theres a chance i could be a little late... just wanted to give a heads up
  9. ignore top post, unholy got me in... here is the link to the actual guild WoL site
  10. id be game for a tuesday farm bosses night or something to keep the gear flow coming!
  11. wanted to add that i think i found us a perma 3rd healer... an old buddy of mine from wotlk days wants to get back into raiding so he's leveling out his resto druid (not the most complimentary class for our setup but w/e)... he's always been an insane healer, so i know if he puts the time into leveling and gearing out he'd be a good addition to the team... he said he'll server change thurs when he gets paid and also said he'll be 90 and grinding dungeons by the weekend... so if all that happens, we may actually not have to feel like scrubs and spend the first part of the raid trying to fill it out... aaaaaaaaaand another point i forgot about, next week is thanksgiving so ima not be able to raid wed or thu... so do try and fill the spot if you can, but idk if everyone wants to try and raid on a holiday or not... maybe we'll talk about it in this week's run http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/arthas/Pèrfèction/advanced is his armory if anyone feels the need to do a little stalking/recon... rofl
  12. so if anyone in our 10m other than me and khel frequent the site, go read tourin's post above me, and do everyone a favor and watch a few youtube vids on elegon... he truly forces everyone to min/max way more than any normal mode fight ive done in the past... everyone's gotta be totally on top of their game, know when exactly to blow CD's and nuke the boss, and when to dps adds, when to move, when to dps pillars, which pillars to dps... etc etc... one guild had a strat to nuke the pillars down to 10% then blow em all up at the same time to minimize add damage before going back to p1... also the adds need to be slowed, cc'd and kited down instead of tanked... they hit like trucks... im stoked to get some work in on him this week, but we all have to do our parts to maximize our ability on this fight if we want to sim him die... like literally i watched a vid where a guild wiped 5 times on the enrage with only 1m hp left, so they realized their tanks and heals needed to push out a bit more boss damage, heals upped their dps by a collective 3m, and they beat enrage by 10 secs... just to give an example of how crazy tight this boss is gonna be...
  13. yeah im thinking we had 3-4 adds each time in p1? lol... gonna be a long uphill climb!
  14. http://www.worldoflogs.com/guilds/235758/ logs are up for thursday raid... check em out, check rotations, see where you can haz pull moar dps! and if anyone is wondering, i had to create a new guild for the 10m cause no one added me to the main guild... but i guess its easier to know which is us this way
  15. yeah, unholy hasnt added me to the guild yet so i created a 10m alt version of the guild... but i couldnt get it to function properly last night... so if i get home in time to figure it out tonight it should be up, if not, ill have it figured out for next week. @snugg, do you recommend 2 healing spirit kings as well, or is that a 3 heal fight? only reason is the fact that we always have to ghetto rig a 3rd heals (aka nemesis's 460ilvl alt priest like last night)... we'll see what happens when ppl log in tonight tho. and tyvm for the protips for monk healing gara'jal... worked like a charm
  16. WOOOOT! big thanks to nemesis for filling out our healer spot last night too! so happy to see numbers getting higher each weak, bosses are dying faster, didnt come close to a 4th draw flame (for the first time!)... read up on some spirit kings and elegon for tonight!
  17. so... going forward, where are we at? we seem to be in the same situation we were in the first week ie: lacking a fulltime 3rd healer, and ranged dps... are those the only two we currently need? only reason im asking is for progression's sake, it would be good to have at least the same 8+ core every week, and we seem to almost be there... if im not mistaken so far every raid has seen a turnout of: Khelendros, -Rshaman Aweburn -Mage Rugburn -Protadin Infertil -Spriesty Playbyplay -MWMonk Tychondrus -Huntarr Evadd -Beartank kinda/sorta eveningbark -Feralcat ...for a total of 2 tanks, 2 heals, 3/4 dps im probably forgetting someone cause im exhausted, and ill probably regret writing this in the am, cause i just had a brutally shitty shift at work but.... 7.5 consistent raiders is not nearly enough to push progression, especially with the apparent difficulty of Gara'jal 10m, not even to mention elegon or the HoF raid just released... so WTF am i saying? i guess what im asking is... what is our current status? are we still actively seeking out recruits for heals and a dps? or we looking for a few dps? Please, let me know anything I can do to help fill these spots, and if theres anything i can do to help get things rolling out more smoothly. yeah, this week blew cause we literally ran into an impossible progression fight on wed (fail login servers)... But come thursday, we still didnt get pulling till 10ish, mostly because of our need for more members... so i guess i'm just answering my own question by highlighting our need for recruiting, so i guess what my actual question is, what EXACTLY do we need so we can nail down a set of 10 solid raiders with 90%+ attendance so we can push into the content further than 2 bosses, and how can i help? aaaaaaaaaaaand /endrant PS!!!! HUGE THANKS to Seihei, Maurs, and the other names i do not remember at this hour, for helping us fill out our 10 man!!! on a positive note, I'm SUPER happy to be raiding at all again, and SUPER stoked about the potential we have with our core group! and even if all we down this patch is 2 bosses, but we have a damn good time doing it, thats all that matters to me! i just see the potential we have if we can get started on time and with a consistent group, and am drooling at the thought of how pro we can make this 10m!
  18. good post! sorry if the 10 man took any progression away from 25 man, and ironically we're both looking for the same roles to fill out the roster... i would also like to post about the rumor ive heard of maurs joining the 10 man crew due to it meshing better with his schedule? i havent heard anything decisive either way, so i figured id mention it because you spoke of him being a key asset to the 25m, which idk if im cool with "stealing" ppl, hindering the 25m progress... /discuss? ...then again i guess this all may be a moot point if he got totally wrecked from Sandy...
  19. yeah i have like 25 vacation hours i could have used if i'd have known, but i missed the hour minimum by less than 9... so basically one shift... /LF new job! PST! lol
  20. I may not be able to make the raid tonight, ive been studying my ass off for two tests i have tomorrow, then just found out that starbucks cut my family's benefits off completely... which is rough considering my wife and i have a 7 month old and not much money considering that im a full time student, and she works part time... basically all that said, im not sure if i'll have the ability to raid tonight depending on the fragile emotional state of my wife at the moment, and the enormity of my exams tomorrow. I will do everything i can to get on to raid, but RL>wow in this circumstance, i hope you guys understand!
  21. khel=lyshani's new resto shaman main btw i totally agree about being ready before the raid... and once we finally iron out a set roster we wont have to spend the first 30 mins + looking for a healer or dps... also... what class should we look for in creating a "bench" to have a backup just in case? and to put it at the bottom... LF 1 HPally, 1 ranged dps (as far as armor classes, we have 2 cloth, 1 agi mail, 1 int/spi mail, 2 agi leather, 1 plate, 1 int/spi leather... what am i missing?)
  22. did we ever find out last night if eveningbark will be running with us regularly or if that was a bit of a fluke? aka, are we still recruiting for a hpally? on another note: awesome night! glad we finally started to mesh pretty well and actually got a kill! im very happy with the progress, and the good/chill attitudes everyone seemed to have. hopefully we can get started closer to on time to get more actual raiding in MV instead of raiding trade for a pug lol! for tonight: Feng seems to be a bit less challenging as far as mechanics go, albeit more unforgiving, so im hoping we get him and some shots at gara'jal tonight as well, so read up if you havent!
  23. awesome thanks! ...wanted to check our raid comp for the necessary buffs and debuffs etc... looks like we'll be pretty much good to go regardless of which class of healer we bring in.
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