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Everything posted by playbyplay

  1. Tourin, i wanted to bump your quote into the currently active thread, i think the 11 people is something we should definitely look into... on the topic of heals offspec as dps, im currently gearing up my WW set for dps, only need a few more upgrades so i know i wont top meters but i wont just be dead weight in someones backpack lol. Lyshani, mind posting ppls class/spec by their names in the top post so we have an idea of what we're working with a bit easier? and welcome to the 10 man zaub!
  2. I second Tourin's idea... not sure if there will be many, but any 2 heal fights i believe ill be going Windwalker for them, which would also add another melee... plus if we dont have any plate dps we can gear our tank's offspecs pretty quickly so they can still pull their weight when they've gotta dps. Ill look into WoL and getting it set up. ive never used it before either, but it can be a good tool to use to see where improvements can be made when we run into walls. I may not have it ready this week tho... crazy busy with school for a while.
  3. hey, what do we need to do to get a WOL up and running for the 10 man?
  4. Playbyplay, available for all raid times, 600 LW, leveling engineering atm as well. could be convinced to level cooking /sigh...
  5. just to put it at the bottom in case ppl just look at the last post. plate dps would only be in competition with the plate tanks, so none really for dps gear, and the holy pally would have no competition what-so-ever on gear, other than trinks/weps. Resto sham is pretty much the same as the hpally, but slightly less ideal for comp (i believe). btw, idk if ive EVER seen a raid group actually looking for plate dps... so many retadins/warrs/DK's...
  6. To put in my input i'd recommend pretty much just a low drama /roll system, where how big of an upgrade is at least considered. Especially when running with (hopefully) the same 10 people each week, there shouldnt be much drama about loot. I would recommend not having the tank or raid leader also responsible for loot tho... they should be focused on pulling the next trash etc to keep up the flow of the raid instead of sitting for 5 minutes after each boss distributing loot
  7. Mistweaver heals here! oooooohhhh... heres a question... we gonna be using the same DKP system as the main 25? or have y'all discussed loots yet?
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