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Posts posted by Ftfk

  1. We used to have a bench to rotate people out who could not do mechanics when raid sized was fixed. We did this even as recent as our attempts into mythic Highmaul. With flex size we no longer need to have a bench because we can bring as many people as we can down content with. Trimming the group essentially has the same functionality as subbing out players in the fixed raid size, it allows us to optimize our group for the highest chance at success. While we may not be sitting a person to replace with another guildie it has the same desired effect because it lowers our overall raid dps (which is what happens when we swap in/out players for other players) and the bosses health becomes less to offset.

    Personally I only ever would want to sit/swap/trim when mechanics are being failed. Concentrated burn phases are a mechanic, and that is why I personally advocated for trimming on Maidens attempts and Blast furnace. For maidens, we were falling behind on dps and getting overwhelmed by turrets. For blast furnace last week, I personally felt that with our full group we were not capable of burning elementalists repeatedly and that is why I pushed for trim.

    I don't expect people to do perfect or near perfect sim dps. To be honest, a lot of our strategies probably don't allow for it. I also don't expect everyone's dps to be even, I personally will not be able to match hunter DPS. What I do expect is that people give themselves the tools that we need from them as an individual to accomplish the needs of the raid group as a whole. You might have to use different talents on a fight or you might have to switch specs for a fight. It might be an inconvenience, but by doing this you help everyone.

  2. Did an awful lot of reading here to get caught up.


    What I am for:

    Sitting people who cannot perform mechanics constantly

    Why? - We can't consistently battle rez the same people. Battle rez's need to be saved for odd bits of misfortune, not because someone cannot avoid avoidable damage regularly. When people die repeatedly, it is essentially we are fighting a man down. With flex, I think that lowering raid size in this situation makes sense since we are already having to cope with the loss.


    What I am against:

    Sitting people for bad dps

    Why? - I think that is a sticky slope to travel. There a lot of factors that are difficult to take into account. Maybe the person is doing a specific mechanic for us (imperitor branded mages for instance). Maybe they have a hardware issue. Maybe they are trying a new spec. Maybe they are behind gear wise, missing tier bonus, or missing critical trinket or something.

    When I suggest people get sat for dps issues, I am looking for outliers - people that are doing 7-10k dps behind where the average of our raid is.

    Exceptions to this: If we are hitting an enrage timer, falling behind on adds, or not meeting DPS checks. Then I think it is completely necessary to sit people


    Bottom line:

    A dead DPS is usually going to do less overall damage to the boss than a player who stays alive the whole time and does sub-optimal dps.

  3. Kinda bummed out reading a lot of the animosity and underhandedness that has gone on in this post.


    Theres 8 rules Snugg brought up, but really there is only 3 really core ideas - 1.) Show up on time, 2.) Show up prepared, and 3.) Don't be a dick.


    Showing up on time

    We are a team. Growing up I did a lot of team sports, part of being part of a team is showing up for team events. If you are not able to field a full team at the start of a match because or tardiness, you are starting yourself off at a disadvantage. If you have to continue to play man down because of absence, you will always fall short of your goals.

    Sure it sucks to lose your spot on a team because of factors outside of your control, but it also sucks for the other 19 members on you team when they are waiting around because we a short a healer or a tank or a dps.


    Showing up prepared

    Going back to the whole sports thing. Part of playings sports is understanding the rules and showing up with the right equipment to play the game. If someone shows up without their shoes to a soccer match it is going to dramatically effect how they are able to play the game. If they show up to play without knowing the rules, maybe they will just pick the ball up with their hands or kick the ball into the wrong goal. Enchants and gems are like our soccer cletes when it comes to raiding, if you show up without these things you are dramatically effecting (negatively) how you are able to play the game.  Boss strategies are the rules of all the raid encounters we do. When people break rules in sports, players are removed from the competition and the remaining team is put at a disadvantage. This is no different than failing mechanics and causing the easily avoidable death of yourself or other because you did not come to the raid knowing the rules for the boss encounter. You don't show up to game day expecting to learn how to play football and you shouldn't come to raid not having at least a general idea of what the mechanics are.


    Not being a dick

    I figured this one was kind of self explanatory. We tried a more laid back approach and that got us no where. Now we have to take the much less fun approach.


    I'll leave you with a quote to think about:

    "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock


    Even with all this sports talk, I am still a nerd at heart. The officers are not trying to be mean, or to single anyone out. We aren't going to remove people cause they aren't min/maxing. We aren't trying to remove people we have beef with. What we are doing is trying to resolve issues that are brought up week after week.

  4. Just tired of being stuck on the sidelines while my raid team, yes MY raid that i built in SoO, fall apart. You are all way better then you have been acting over the last few months


    Technically I hold jordan responsible for the people that were recruited from normal garry kill through heroic malk when you returned.

  5. Slag Works

    Oregorger - 2 Phase fight




    Blackrock Spines (Phase 1 Only)
    InstantBlackrock Spines grow from Oregorger's back, allowing him to launch a Blackrock Barrage.


    Blackrock Barrage (Phase 1 Only)
    Unlimited range
    InstantLaunches Blackrock Spines, inflicting 43706 to 48294 Physical damage to all enemies.


    Acid Torrent (Phase 1 Only)
    100 yd range
    Sprays a cone of acid at a ranged target, inflicting 212500 Physical damage to the closest target and increases the damage Acid Torrent deals by 212500 for 20 sec. All other targets take 212500 Nature damage reduced by the closest target's total damage mitigation.


    Retched Blackrock (Phase 1 Only)
    Unlimited range
    Regurgitates Blackrock Ore at a target, leaving a pool of acid that inflicts Nature damage every 1.5 sec.


    Explosive Shard (Phase 1 Only)
    25 yd range
    Launches an explosive shard, inflicting 85500 to 94500 Physical damage and knocking back enemies in the area. After 3 sec, the shard explodes, dealing 190000 to 210000 Fire damage and stunning nearby enemies.


    Rolling Fury (Phase 2 Only)
    Unlimited range
    Becomes a rolling juggernaut, inflicting 136000 to 150000 Physical damage and knocking down anyone in the way.


    Earthshaking Collision (Phase 2 Only)
    200 yd range
    Shakes the earth, inflicting 23800 to 26300 Nature damage to all players.


    Hunger Drive (Phase 2 Only)
    Unlimited range
    The longer Oregorger remains in Feeding Frenzy, the more furious he grows, increasing damage inflicted by Earthshaking Collision by 5% per application. Stacks 100 times.



    Phase 1 (Boss starts at 100 mana and goes toward 0. At 0 he switches to phase 2)

    Range (Healers and DPS) - Stack at range to help cross healing. Move as raid as Retched Blackrock is cast. Acid torrent will do significant damage to tank. If boss has blackrock spines buff, range dps must be prepared to interrupt casts of blackrock barrage

    Melee DPS - Stand on sides of the boss. It is critical that you do not get in between the range and the boss. Boss will cast explosive shards on melee players. Stack loose to avoid initial hit and run away from targeted player to avoid follow up damage. When blackrock spines buff is active, be prepared to interrupt casts of blackrock barrage

    Tanks - One tank will tank Oregorger facing away from the raid, while the offtank will be between the boss and range group. The offtank will be soaking the initial hit of acid torrent and it is critical that you have some form of damage mitigation up since that will determine the amount of damage going out to the rest of the raid. Tanks switch at 1 stack of acid torrent.


    Phase 2 (Stays in phase 2 until getting back to 100 mana)

    Everyone - Boss will start rolling around his room. Anyone hit by rolling fury will take a lot of single target damage and be stunned. As a raid we have to split up, locate and dps crates in the room  to release blackrock ore for oregorger to eat. Oregorger will gain 10 mana every time he eats ore, so we have to do this a total of 10 times to get Oregorger to transition back to phase 1. We want phase 2 to be as short as possible since we are not able to throw a lot of dps at boss during this phase.


    Gruul (Single phase, single target fight. Shares common abilities from TBC bossfight)




    Petrifying Slam

    0.75 sec cast, 15 sec CD

    Knocks players in a random direction and begins the process of petrification.

    Players turn to stone over time, eventually shattered by Gruul's mighty roar, causing players to inflict 39000 to 41000 Nature damage to all allies within 8 yards.


    Inferno Strike

    100 Mana, 2 sec cast

    Gruul slashes at his primary target, inflicting 522112 to 548888 Physical damage and increasing damage taken by subsequent Inferno Strikes by 20% per application. This burning slash will also inflict 522112 to 548888 Fire damage split evenly amongst additional enemies in front of the caster, burning them for 20000 Fire damage every 3 seconds.


    Overhead Smash

    4.5 sec cast

    Slams the ground inflicting 243697 to 256303 Nature damage to all enemies in a line in front of the caster.


    Destructive Rampage


    Gruul, blinded with rage, increases his haste by 50% and repeatedly  slams the ground in fury.


    Overwhelming Blows


    Inflicts 182692 to 192308 Physical damage to enemies within 10 yards. Also increases damage taken from Overwhelming blows by 10% per application.


    Cave In


    The ceiling cracks and crumbles, caving in over players for 43898 to 46102 Physical damage every second.



    Melee, Ranged, and healers - Stack in 2 groups on either side of boss. As group avoid Cave Ins and overhead smash. During destructive rampage boss will do 4 overhead smashes in a row. Run out of the group if you get hit by petrify. Whichever group is sharing inferno slice damage will take massive damage.

    Tanks - Tanks have to face Gruul at 1 of the 2 stack groups during inferno strike. Heroic may have to target same group twice in a row. Taunt switch occurs at 2-3 stacks of inferno strike initially and then after overwhelming strikes falls off. Save damage mitigation for overwhelming strike. Dodge overhead smash.



    Blast Furnance - 3 Phase Fight




    Blast (All phases, frequency determined by heat level)

    100 Energy


    The Blast Furnace periodically unleashes a burst of heat upon the whole room. All players suffer 104225 to 121127 Fire damage.


    Bomb (Phase 1 only)

    2 sec cast, 15 sec CD

    The caster attaches bombs to random enemies.  After 15 sec the bombs will detonate.


    Drop Lit Bombs (Phase 1 only)

    The caster drops their sack of bombs. The force of dropping to the ground causes them all to arm; they will explode shortly after being picked up. If all the bombs are taken out of the sack, the sack will dissappear. Otherwise the sack will explode after 15 sec.


    Repair (Phase 1 only)

    1 sec cast, 30 sec CD

    The caster attempts to repair a nearby Heat Regulator for 3% of its maximum health.


    Defense (Phase 1 only)


    The caster provides protection for their nearby allies, preventing nearly all damage


    Deafening Roar (Phase 1 only)

    2 sec cast

    The caster shouts with all their might inflicting 0 Physical damage to all enemies in front of them.


    Rupture (Phase 1 only)

    2 sec cast

    The ground beneath the target's feet rips open, revealing pyroclastic flows that inflict 40000 Fire damage to all players in the vicinity every second.


    Pyroclasm (Phase 1 only)

    2.5 sec cast

    The caster hurls a massive glob of pyrotcalstic sludge at a random target for 65140 to 75705 Fire damage


    Hot Blooded (Phase 1 only)


    Foreman Feldspar's very presence burns his enemies with Fire damage.


    Melt Armor (Phase 1 only)


    The caster lashes forward with their molten gauntlets, inflicting 39775 to 46225 Fire damage and melting the victim's armor.
    Further instances of this attack received within 30 sec inflict 30% more damage.


    Damage Shield (Phase 2 only)


    The caster raises a shield of elemental forces, making them immune to all damage.


    Fixate (Phase 2 only)


    The caster selects a target to fixate on


    Shields Down (Phase 2 only)


    The caster's Damage Shield has fallen off, leaving them vulnerable to damage.

    After 15 sec the caster will restore their Damage Shield


    Volatile Fire (Phase 2 only)


    Afflicts random enemies with a seed of Volatile Fire that will explode after 8 sec. When the seed explodes, it inflicts 91443 Fire damage to all enemies within 8 yards of the explosion.

    Burn (Phase 2 only)

    2 sec cast

    The caster inflicts 39084 to 45423 Fire damage to their current target.


    Cauterize Wounds (Phase 2 only)

    3 sec cast

    The caster seals the target's wounds with flames, cauterizing them and healing the target for 20% of their maximum health.

    Players healed in this way are healed for 1/10th this value.


    Cooling Down (Phase 2 and 3)


    When the Heart of the Mountain exists the Blast Furnace it loses heat




    The caster heats the floor under a random enemy. Players entering the affected area suffer 50000 Fire damage every second.




    The Fury becomes Superheated and will blast the entire room very frequently



    Phase 1

    Everyone - Split group into 2. Each tank picks up one security guard and one engineer.  Feldspar will be tanked be picked up by main tank. Interrupt repair cast by engineers. Kill order is Operators > Engineers> Feldspar>Security Guards

    Tanks - Move adds out of defensive zone created by guards. If too many rupture zones are on the ground or if you have too many melt armor stacks you might need to tank swap feldspar.

    DPS and Healers - If targeted by bomb, run the bomb toward a regulator. Melee will have to pick up sack of bombs dropped by killing engineer and run the bombs to the regulator. Move out of rupture zones.


    Phase 2

    Boss emerges from furnace but has a damage shield on him given by 4 elementalists. Elementalists also have shields that will have to be destroyed by killing elementals on top of them.

    Tanks - Tank guards and Firecallers away from current burn target. Interrupt cauterize wounds and lava burst as much as possible.

    DPS and Healers - Tanks take a lot of damage so they will need dedicated healers. If fixated, kite elemental to our current kill target. If targeted by volatile fire, GTFO the raid.

    DPS burn down elementalist once shield is exposed. Make sure to dispell or interrupt cauterize wounds and dispell reactivate earth shield on our burn target. Shadow priest will dominate mind one guard and use him to assist in burning down elemental.


    Phase 3

    Burn down adds left over from phase 2. Lust at start of this phase

    Tanks - Taunt switch at 3 stacks of heat. Avoid melt patches

    DPS - Loosely spread, avoid melt patches

    Healers - Loosely spread, avoid melt patches. Blast will happen every 5 sec in this phase. Critical that you enter phase 3 with as much mana and cooldowns as possible.




    Black Forge

    Flamebender Ka'graz

    Work in progress

    Hans'gar and Franzok

    Work In progress


    Work In progress


    Iron Assembly

    Beastlord Darmac

    Work In progress

    Operator Thogar

    Work In progress

    Iron Maidens

    Work In progress


    Blackhands Crucible


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