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Posts posted by Ftfk

  1. People with alts that are 560+ and could probably do this: Bash, edge, Tbear, Jaylog, and myself. My tank alt always gets saved to dark shamans and nazgrim unless someone else steps up. Also, originally mythic was supposed to be non-server cross? Not sure if this hold true for SOO?

  2. I think our 10 man Klaxxi kill was a 10minute fight. We killed mythic in 5mins and some change. Garrosh strat is basically the same as you would if you pugged it, with the exception of phase 4.

  3. you guys ready for everyone to come out of nowhere and ask for a spot? People want the prize at the end, but don't like to work for it.

    We have had problems filling the raid. Even when it was a 10 man. Last week it was comprised by approx 15-20% casual or former raiders. Had to ask non raiders or people burnt out to fill in. This week I had to ask held, mort, and Varlash to come just so we could fill it out. I doubt we will have problems now
  4. As some of you know, I am going to be in Canada (if they let me across the border) 9-14 through 9-20 for work. I was just informed today that in addition to being present to observe and assist in secret vehicle build 630am to 3pm, I may also be working select hours during the evening testing vehicles in the dark.


    Bottom line. I don't have any idea what hours I am working next week in Canada, but I will try to make it if I can.

  5. I found out this morning that the supplier visit I was supposed to leave for today got postponed to tomorrow. I will be missing the 9th now instead of the 10th (travel + might have scored up some Detroit Tigers Tickets from my bro). We will have 2 tanks on Wednesday the 10th.


    Dogon 2014

  6. Come have a beer in windsor with me =D


    I will be driving through Windsor on my way to Barrie on Sunday 9/14. That is if your border police let me through. Bending over backwards to get a work permit.

  7. I will be in Detroit at a supplier build before my big Canada trip. My stay will be 8-10th, and I will for sure not be able to raid on the 10th since I will be driving back (5-6 hour drive on top of 8 hour work day FTL.) Good luck.

  8. Yeah. Ideally first week would be clear to and make attempts on siegecrafter. And then every week thereafter would be extending 10m lockout. I don't even think we would need our best dps to clear the instance, but we would need probably 13 people who are sound mechanically and a good assortment of raid CDs. Raid CD management (and buffs for that matter) are even more critical in 10m encounter and strats since there are less of them to go around. With attendance how it has been it is really tough to determine when this could take place. Really been either too few or too many lately.

  9. I would avoid putting too much work into it. 6.0 haste and crit will be primary stats. Deathcoil used in place of rune strike. I only did a few dungeons and had to completely change my bars.


    DK is very strong so far though as far as I can tell, although the only tank class I have seen have problems is druid.

  10. While it has been public knowledge that I will be missing the guild party due to me getting married and going on my honeymoon, I will also be missing that raid week as well since I will still be on said honeymoon.

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