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Everything posted by jesseh

  1. i think its pretty bullshit that yarn or moku have 4 piece and have been around for like a month.. especially yarn getting the helm first day hes in off a roll like how is that fair? besides think about how much easier things will be with out healers keeping us up better? i think its better to get everyone atleast 4 piece then we can focus on progression more. or officers need to give a better time frame vs. "oh this is the plan now". i understand that a fair amount of it is de'ed but rnjesus isn't kind.
  2. i think we should do it for another week or two because it would still help those who still need stuff. rng has not been kind this raid. but i also think you're not wrong about skipping i think it gives us so leeway on wipes. but we should atleast get summa 4 piece before its fair to say were done with everything
  3. scouts is starting up so ill be on at like 8 every Tuesday, in my absence kansir can be the ring bearer, exept for this week because hes on a boat. so i leave it to ... Roqwell? i figure of all that people with it shes least likely to fuck everything up. now to cry myself to sleep as i am forced to pug achri every week. side note spiderman thread
  4. i thought cute was engaged to jello shot
  5. going to pick up a keyboard at 7 should be back in time but might also be a little late idk yet
  6. jesseh

    HFC ALT Runs

    yeah im down wouldnt mind doing BRF and getting some tier pieces to make out put a bit better but you know
  7. how much are the glass mugs? and do i need to pay in advance or are you paying for the order and we pay you at the party?
  8. brother got called into work so everyone's lest favourite rouge will be on a half hour late (ish)
  9. im outa time on my account and dont know when ill get paid but ill be around when i do
  10. i question things sometimes
  11. going on an adventure for a while idk how long it will be but probably wont be here for raid i love you all, murder some iron bitches
  12. so assuming that the servers are stable and raid is still on I might be late and on about 8 10 ish my brother (who usually covers the first half hour on tuesdays) has a lot of tests and stuff coming up so he might not have time to help me out so ill be on asap when i get home from scouts... Hail Hydra
  13. jesseh

    GROMN 2/17/16

    yeah but why isnt it battle bots?
  14. Spotted the non-american thats the joke
  15. way to ruin the moment kansir
  17. i should be properly enchanted besides my OH mostly because im waiting on a better dagger other then that idk what i'd be missing
  18. jesseh

    GROMN 2/17/16

    rather disappointed this isnt battle bots
  19. kromog seems fun and i think is about on point with operator assuming theres not a train full of adds for pika to cleave for days
  20. Tbear i know you did but its not you who needs to offer the apology. Regardless of is something should or should not had been said it was and that's something to be taken up between the officers and him. more so the ones who said it (whoever it was)
  21. 1st off.. damn it tbear making me laugh n stuff 2nd off i think the biggest issue with what's going on with will is there wasn't context to why or how some of his comments were racist remarks. at least to my understanding, I had a long conversation with him after raid last night and this was brought up a few times. I don't really recall a time when he's said racist things off hand or even looking back. I think that if you're going to accuse someone of something like this it is very important to have your argument ready to which I was told there wasn't. mind you I did not hear what was said in the talk but I know what I was told. I don't think that this should be publicized but I think that it was a damaging comment and without irrefutable proof an apology is owed.
  22. Roqwell your not wrong in that, and I'm aware I don't always perform, but he has had an issue with me for a few weeks now making off the cuff remarks about everything I do wrong, more then that like everything is my fault. Instead of being man enough to come to me and talk it out he chooses to piss around talk to officers and continually call me shit at every turn.
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