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Everything posted by jesseh

  1. Idk what I've done to offend you so much. I don't really care, realistically your going to ostracise yourself and wont be my issue. some of the deaths are from unfortunate mishaps from KS because in truth I can't be combat in half the fights and be able to do anything. So I'm playing new specs and trying to learn it so get off my ass. if you want to be an elitist jackass maybe you should find a new raid group. ATR is a Casual raiding guild, were its designed to be fun and yeah we push progression but its not worth it if your going to be sucking the fun out of the raid environment.
  2. you should get over yourself. And pointing fingers while saying your not pointing fingers is still pointing fingers
  3. fatboss did full maidens and blackhand watch is up boys n girls
  4. the iron maidens fight looks like a cluster fuck btw wheres the rest of the fights?
  5. bad things are happening to good people and my amusement with this game is getting frustrating, after waiting all day for servers a patch came through and now im forced to reinstall hopefully itll be done sooner then later
  6. scouts is starting this week on Tuesday so i'll be about a half hour late every Tuesday probably until WoD comes out (cause i like money but wow more) sorry for the inconvenience
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