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Posts posted by Roqwell

  1. Every time one of you dickheads decides they want to run around doing nonsense when a wipe is called...




    Every fucking time I feign... assholes...


    (You should just die fast anyway so we can pull again sooner.)

    • Like 3
  2. I may be leaving early anywhere from 1 hour early to a half hour early to possibly not very early at all. Wanted to make the post to tell you guys anyway that I'm unsure when I'd be leaving early Thursday.


    The reason being is that I will be done with my finals and heading home that night because it is the best night for my folks to come get me (not allowed a car on campus of course). Although that is also good news because then I will be in an internet stable house and not this shitstorm of a campus.

    • Like 1
  3. I've mulled it over a lot and I want to raid this week but I can't.


    I don't know what mindset my goddamned professors are in.. but this isn't the final week of classes. Next week is. Yet, some of them have decided to make everything due this week and I'm frightfully behind, therefore, I really can't raid this week.


    The biggest thing being my theatre capstone this Friday evening.... which I have yet to complete the piece or memorize/practice it.

  4. There is a certain willing suspension of disbelief that is healthy to have in a raiding environment. Some nights we do end up killing a boss with a strategy that isn't the most used or most successful with a raid composition that isn't the most ideal that may not have some of our best players.


    However, even if it leads to disappointment among some, we cannot charge in every night believing the impossible will happen. In this particular instance, with a fight that makes it very easy for the melee to die in groups and hit mind control because of their required close proximity, ranged is a necessity. If the raid night starts with the composition being heavily in the melee, the chances of success plummet. Some people would be willing to spend four hours wiping to the same boss, but many people will get burned out in one night.


    Like Ftfk said, we need ranged. We have needed ranged for a while. Not calling people out on this, but we have had a lot of people switch from ranged to melee this expansion so our numbers in the outfield have dwindled further. Some fights it's not a problem, other fights it's a huge problem and we cannot progress that far as a guild without a health balance of ranged/melee.

  5. I agree that it isn't a huge issue at the moment, but could easily become one as things move along and people become more heated from not having one or others constantly getting them.


    Last night gave me the impression that it could easily escalate in coming weeks and I'd rather it be nipped in the bud before then. Some individuals proved to not let things go or continue yelling and if it wasn't the end of the raid night, that could have evolved into the officers having to give them warnings or even remove them from raid.


    But again.. it didn't.. because raid was ending so pretty much all conversations ended.



    We all get them. Or not. Or we have three. Or we got two in one night. At the very least, we see people get them. How should we act when legendaries come into play?


    • What should I do if I get one?

    Be happy, be grateful, equip it and have fun but don't gloat. Rubbing it in the faces of other people who don't have one is rude and sparks fights.


    • But I don't like the one I got...

    It's rare (and so far I haven't seen an example in our group) that a legendary is so poorly itemized that it would be better to keep what you have. Equip them and use them because even if it only benefits your survivabiliy, that means there is a higher chance you won't die. Thus, it does improve your DPS/Heals/Tanking because you can't do shit when you're dead.


    • I want to get a second one!

    If you already have one but you want a second one, that's okay to want it but don't endlessly talk about wanting one. Some people don't even have one yet despite playing countless hours in raids and Mythic + dungeons. Frankly, constantly complaining about your legendary being "terrible" or wanting a second one that's actually "good" is excessively rude, obnoxious, and the raiding environment is not the appropriate place to whine that your shiny golden legendary isn't that shiny.


    • Everyone keeps getting them and I don't have any! How come they got two in one night?!

    It's okay to be jealous you don't have one yet, that's normal to want something you don't have, but don't let it consume you and turn you into an asshole. Don't yell at people to getting legendaries because it helps the raid team and therefore helps you advance further in the raids. Don't yell in teamspeak, period. Don't make people feel bad for getting a legendary and don't endlessly harp about how pathetic your item level is because it doesn't have a legendary boosting it.


    • But I don't have one.

    Eventually you will. Quit whining or the officers will have to punish you for causing a disturbance during raid. If you want to make a post on the forums to openly bitch about your bad luck and how great others are, go ahead, just don't attack anyone and keep the whining out of raid.



    I can only imagine how incredibly frustrating this would be to endure it for the full raid night. I'm only present for the last hour of most raids and even I am beginning to tire of this behavior... Maybe the officers won't agree with every point I made, but at the very least there needs to be some guidelines with legendaries because they are becoming a source of argument when they should just be a source of happiness that the raid team and people are getting such sweet loot.


    I'm not talking about specific people here, I'm actually talking about a fair portion of the raid team. Most people are being civil about them and a little idle chatter regarding them is fine, but others complain and keep complaining, which causes disturbances in the raid environment, and that is just plain unacceptable.

    • Like 3
  7. Here is the full calendar for the show which will continue to effect my raiding attendance until November:


    October 26: Off-book. Full run. Probably won't make it back in time.

    October 27: Speed through. May be back at 9:15 depending on how long it takes.


    November 2: We have a guest choreographer. Running Act lll. May be back at 9:30 depending what our guest will have us do.

    November 3: We have a guest choreographer. Full run. May get back at 9:30 depending on if we go over or not..


    November 9: Dress rehearsal. May get back at 10:30 but not guaranteed.

    November 10: Opening night. May get back at 10:30 but not guaranteed.


    November 16: Show day. I will not be getting back to my dorm until 11:00 if everyone leaves quickly.

    November 17: Show day. I will not be getting back to my dorm until 11:00 if everyone leaves quickly.

  8. On 7/29/2016 at 0:23 PM, Lyntha said:

    You guys are crazy, all three hunter specs are really fun to play.  I like the complexity of Survival.  Definitely seems like there will be a high skill cap there.  Hunter will also be the only class in the game that can switch from ranged dps to melee dps with only changing a weapon.


    Not saying they're bad. SV is the most fun I've had in a spec in a long time and MM has some great new abilities to it.


    Looking by the number though, they are both shit. SV even more so than MM. At least with MM there are a few fights (based on the released numbers from some guilds in beta) where it's a tad better than BM, but there isn't really any fight that can make SV look good. Honestly, think it would only be good for PVP/Solo questing due to the high survivability of it (it is "survival" afterall). 


    By comparison to the other two, BM is my least favorite to play and always has. Doesn't mean it ain't fun too, just shitty by comparison.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Phobia said:

    Since changes to my work schedule will not allow me to continue raid leader for ATR with my current schedule, here is the purposed change to the days for you to vote on. Please tell us honestly what days would work best for you. Majority will rule in deciding what days to raid.


    I thought it was changes to your blood pressure that were keeping you from raid leading in Legion.

    • Like 2
  10. I only ever see one hunter (me) or a lot of hunters (4-5). There isn't much in-between.


    I'm finally back from Ireland, been there for almost a month. I'm still game for being hunter in Legion because I won't play anything else. Only other thing I enjoy is being a bearbutt tank but my scheduling would never make me a viable tank for the raid time.


    Far as the change to raiding time goes that works fine for me. The day doesn't affect me because if I have theatre I won't be doing anything any evening no matter the day. Plus, my brother has been bugging me to raid with his guild because... I don't know... he wants to have someone he can yell at without feeling bad? They do Tues/Thurs/Sun so I could raid with them some Tuesday and keep up in gear through the rest of the hunters we have shooting along here.


    Also.. far as theatre goes.. I have a position as stage manager in the Fall and again in the Spring. So when I get those schedules I'll let you guys know my availability. Believe me if I could do both at the same time I would in a heartbeat but going into my senior year of college I'm nervous about not having enough experience to get anything and have to move back with my parents and be jobless and blegh.... adulting sucks when you're in the transition between a fairly stable student life and a fairly stable adult job life. The purgatory between them is scheduling hell.

  11. Good News/Bad News.

    Good news: no rehearsal tonight. Someone else booked our rehearsal space.

    Bad news: Internet is terrible.

    I love raiding, I want to raid, but this internet is really pissing me off to an extent I can't properly describe. Any YouTube videos I watch have to be at the lowest quality or just above, yet still take two times their length to load. Getting on my commonly frequented websites like this one, my email, etc., take 2-3 minutes to load and there's a decent chance they just won't. The internet still randomly flickers off. The worst time to even be online, also, is at night from around 6:30-Midnight because fuck my raiding life. I haven't left my garrison in two weeks and even when by some miracle I am on (which I've only managed about three times).. it's followed by a D/C or two after 5 minutes and at best all I can do is send off followers then give-up and grab some booze from my fridge I'm not even allowed to have on campus because we're all supposedly irresponsible children who don't know the meaning of moderation and have no reason to want to drink despite having a fucked up schedule that makes us skip lunch or work overtime or stay awake until three in the fucking morning just to finish homework because we still have to go days without sleep living off coffee and trips to sob in the bathroom but be called lazy and disappointing by our own fucking professors..

    .... I'm just really angry because the internet situation at my college is completely out of my control. There is literally nothing I can do but wait and hope some cunt-breathed roadkill actually fixes it.

    Also a little stressed but... yeah..... I'll post when the internet improves to the point I feel like I can raid. Otherwise, I'll likely D/C every single pull and with Mythic I don't want to be detrimental to progression and certainly don't want to be carried and cause the raid trouble.

    I just have to... wait.

    I am guaranteed raiding on Spring Break though. Cause then I'll be home where my brother treats the internet like his precious child.


  12. Being honest.. I don't want there to be more than 3 hunters including me (despite how inconsistent my attendance is because of college and theatre).

    They're a class that's helpful across the board, but only so much. Too much of any class isn't great unless they are multi-spec'd (like druid/pally), but even then there reaches a limit. Also, if you end up being a huntard I will yell at you more than I ever have at Pikachu because I don't tolerate dumb-fucker hunters.

  13. Oh. Also. If I can't be on at all this coming week, this is why:

    "Dear Berea Community,

    First of all, I want to apologize for the internet outage we have seen on campus since Fri.  Starting from today (sat), the network connectivity is sporadic at best, and most of time non-existent.  We had dispatched staff to campus today and restarted all our equipment (without success), but I just heard from our internet provider that there is a massive fire in Lexington which took out a lot of power to the area, and damaged pretty much all the networking company fibers in the network operations center (NOC) in that area.  Windstream, our provider, is also part of that NOC.  They have no estimate as to when the fire will be out, power restored, and fiber repaired.  The overal internet outage is impacting our email, Moodle, wireless, and all other services that require external connectivity.

    At this time, we can not be sure when we will be back.  We will continue to hear from the provider as they progress.  Our ticket is fully escalated since we have been experiencing issues for a while.  I will provide you with information as we get them.

    Again, we are very sorry that the Berea campus is being impacted so negatively.  IS&S, in consultation with the Administrative Committee, will strive to look for a longer term solution once our services are restored."

    Can't raid, Lexington is on fire.

  14. I learned about this half an hour ago... but I've been cast as Dian Black in one of my college's upcoming plays "Escape From Happiness."

    Our first read through is this Wednesday at 7:00PM. I could possibly hop on after because I don't think it will go on too long. I'm also fairly certain I will get the schedule too so I'll know for sure what days I will and will not be able to raid.

    I doubt this will be as time consuming as being a Stage Manager. Dian Black is a fairly 'medium' role. Unless the stars align and the calendar says I'll never be able to come to raid, I should be on here and there.



    Jan 26/27: I'm out this week. Regardless of the schedule for the show, internet is terrible since snowmageddon dropped on my little mountain college. Whenever I log on I initially get about World: 11k ms.. afterwards it evens out to around Home: 4k ms and World: 5k ms. Then two minutes later I D/C. Took half an hour to do garrison missions. They haven't fixed it yet. I'm out this week regardless.

    Feb 2/3: Could get back around 9:30 PM.

    Feb 9: TBA

    Feb 10: Stumble through off-book. Likely to go on longer. Possible back around 9:30-10:00 PM.

    Feb 16/17: Far as I know, there are no rehearsals. I could attend raid without issue.

    Feb 23: Complete stumble through. Likely not to make raid.

    Feb 24: First half. Could get back around 9:30-10:00 PM.

    Mar 1: Second half. Could get back around 9:30-10:00 PM.

    Mar 2: TBA

    Mar 8/9: Spring Break. I'll be home with good internet and no obligations... at least for the first half of Spring Break.

    Mar 15: Second half. Could get back around 9:30-10:00 PM.

    Mar 16: I will be on a plane going to Salt Lake City, Utah for the theatrical convention USITT. Even if I got to my hotel and the internet was theoretically good enough for raiding, I'm going to be physically on the plane from around the time raid starts until late into the night. Fun as it would be to scream about Pikachu being a prick on a plane.. I don't think that's going to happen.

    Mar 22/23: Full runs. Likely not to attend raid at all. If anything, I'd be there around 10:20 PM.

    Mar 29/30: Opening night and second night. Likely not to attend raid at all. If anything, I'd be there around 10:20 PM.

    After that our theatre season is over and I'll be find to attend raids until late May/early June. I'll post about that later because for three weeks I'm going to be studying abroad in Ireland. We don't have the official dates yet and if I did raid it would be at like four in the morning.. and I'll have like three roommates.. if we're even in a room because we'll be traveling a lot by bus all over Ireland...... so..... likely going to be completely out during that period.

    Sorry college constantly shifts and complicates my schedule. It's a bitch to just find time to eat most days.

    As time goes on and I figure out about those "TBA" dates, I'll update this post further.

  15. I need to have some shred of responsibility for my grade...

    I have one final. This Thursday.

    It is 150 questions out of a possible 390 (all of which I need to memorize perfectly since I don't know which ones he will pick) with an 8-part essay question over Jesus' divinity. Oh.. yeah it's a required Christianity class.

    Because I definitely need to so I don't fail this class royally I'll need to spend Wednesday - as much as possible - studying. I've studied routinely but... still... this is the only really important test I have.

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