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Posts posted by Roqwell

  1. UPDATE: Still no official calendar but there are official performance nights so I can give a rough idea of where my attendance will stand this coming month.


    I can attend this week's raids (Sept 8th & 9th) - I've cleared it with the Stage Manager and because this is the early stages of rehearsal I'm not necessarily needed until we get the ball rolling.


    Performance nights are October 9-10, and 14-17. Theoretically, I could attend the full raid night on Oct 13th and would be back into full raiding the following week starting Oct 20th (up until I house manage Senior Showcase but that won't occur until November). Until then I would at most be able to attend the second half of raid but it wouldn't be guaranteed and likely when October hits, other than the 13th and 20th on, I wouldn't be able to attend raid nights at all.


    So I'm sitting at about 5 weeks of iffiness when concerning my attendance before I can be consistently again (including consistently absent come Senior Showcase).


    ... what mostly sucks about this is HvZ week will come up in two weeks and I can't go to any missions because of Medea. I get a special assignment for the week to compensate but it's still a bummer.


    Also question... how far do you guys get on Alt Run Sunday? Do you ever kill N Archimonde?

  2. Congrats on real life achievements! But as a raider this makes me sad :(


    As a raider it makes me sad. If I could do them both I would. Rehearsals run, typically, from around 7-9, excluding time I would take to compare notes with the director or lock up the building once everyone leaves. 


    Theoretically, I could attend the second half of raid - if the officers would allow me - but that wouldn't be a certainty. I would love to help out on progression bosses and kill older heroic bosses to get others the loot they need (personally, I need nothing from what we've killed). I just can't guarantee I would be able to get on consistently at about break time, or even get on at all depending on the night. Closer to tech week and performances there is zero chance I could come on at all. 


    Good news I can say is that being house manager is significantly less time consuming than being Assistant Stage Manager. I don't need to attend any of the rehearsals. At most I would be out two weeks as house manager since my responsibilities are mostly just on performance nights.


    I can also say with a certainty I'll be able to attend this coming raid week without issue. I'm not sure if we'll even have rehearsals because we're still waiting for the scripts to come in and... well... you can't really rehearse without a script.

  3. I hate that this needs to be said, but I guess it needs to be said because there have been lots of comments about it every since the guild party:


    - - Imcute and I are not dating. - -


    This isn't an extreme issue, but it is definitely very annoying and frustrating for both of us when comments are made in passing over TeamSpeak or in chat about us being together when we never said we were dating to begin with. He's single - as far as I'm aware - and I'm single. Whether these comments are made out of an innocent assumption or through cute teasing, we would both prefer if you please would stop making comments about us having any closer relationship than being friends.


    It quickly goes from annoying to infuriating when everyone begins to assume a male and female cannot just have a close friendship and the pair gets treated as such. I know he's tired of it, I am really tired of it... Kansir knows how tired I am of it.


    So I'm just making this post to say again, we are not in a relationship and please stop making comments about it either in jest or not.

  4. Cute I told you literally when I found out. Like... you texted me:

    "Well that's awesome, maybe in a later semester you can be a manager there"


    That was coincidentally like 15 minutes after I checked my e-mail and saw what positions I got. Maybe 5 minutes after I made this post. According to timestamps as far as replies go, Mastric saw this around 5:09, I texted you about me being a manager and how I posted to the forums at 5:05. Maybe I could have checked my texts sooner to tell you but dude I totally told you first the discrepancy is too minute for it to even be an issue.

  5. I do not yet have the schedules for the productions at my college's theatre. When I get them I will update this...


    However, I have just been informed that for the first production, Medea, I will be the assistant stage manager and for the second production, the Senior Showcase, I will be the house manager.


    I'm not sure at all yet how much that will conflict with raiding. As ASM I'm pretty sure I will be out for a few weeks soon, but as House Manager I think my responsibilities are a lot lighter so I may be raiding. In either event, during opening week for both shows I'll be out. Once I get the schedules I'll update when I won't be able to raid. Until then be happy for me that I got some jobs and I'll see you guys tonight.

  6. I'll be returning to campus this coming Sunday since next week is the first week of the semester.


    However, also considering it is the first week, it is likely I'll have internet problems on those raid nights upon my return. It isn't guaranteed, but likely, so I might have D/C problems and the like since all the new freshman turds will be streaming Netflix or some shit.


    I prefer blaming all my internet problems there on freshmen.... or squirrel.... but mostly freshmen.

  7. I imagine a fun scenario where we're on a boss and Gump is AFK for some reason. Then a bear calmly walks over towards him, throws a boot at him, and kicks him from the raid so we can keep wiping on new bosses.


    New ATR procedure for removing someone from raid.


    You hit them with the boot first.

  8. Well, we've looked into what the bus tickets would cost to go and for the both of us to go it would be about $272. We're also broke as fuck college kids so... as is we probably can't go. If you guys were serious about the kickstarter-money-send-us thing it makes it more likely we could go since money is really the only thing keeping us from going at this point.


    We'd have to go by bus since my car died permanently last month and Cute won't be getting a car for another few months. It's round trip. We wouldn't need the full cost since we can pay for a bit but currently we don't have enough for that much.

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  9. I don't book faces.


    I failed a Winter Break assignment in highschool cause the teacher wanted us to read a book and post opinions to her wall on Facebook. I refused to make a profile just for an assignment and she didn't compromise.


    Also didn't like her and thought the book was asinine to begin with.. but yeah I don't have a Facebook and don't plan to.

  10. I was never made aware when or where the guild party is held or information regarding that event. People talk about it all the time... but never really when or where it is.


    Also wasn't my idea for all the vacations so close together. The beach is annually and the cruise was a special occasion on account of the dying grandfather bit. I'll still be able to raid on those days. :P

  11. I will likely still be able to raid but I still want to inform the guild that I'll be going on another vacation.


    Not this week, but the following week on the 14th and 15th I'll be at the Outer Banks. It's the same house we got last year where I raided anyway so the internet should still be fine enough for raiding again. Just a note that I'll be out of my regular place of internet for that week so it's possible things could be iffy but I'll still probably show up.


    Unless the folks plan something and make me go.


    Also Imcute is coming with me.

  12. It's a cruise made for old, white, rich farts and their middle-aged children.


    I don't believe this cruise is designed for my preferred methods of relaxation. Not that the internet is even worth it. Reviews say it's worse than Dial-up.

  13. Bump and reminder that yeah I have zero internet on this cruise. Not going to be online next week.


    Internet is $40 upfront and $15 for every five minutes you sit online. So... I don't really have $1,520 for raiding. I can't even text or receive data without being charged.


    ... bullshit no internet cruise...

  14. Grandfather's dying wish is to go on a cruise to Alaska, so the folks and I will be going on from June 26th to July 4th.


    Unfortunately, wifi isn't given with the cruise.


    Actually, internet access is about $20 per hour. So for that week I won't have internet, much less be able to raid. I'll bump this topic down the road closer to the date but wanted to post this now so I didn't forget.

  15. My college requires the attendance of every student at seven convocation events a semester. I fucked up and skipped too many so the only remaining convocation I can attend it tomorrow night at 7:30PM.


    So I'm just going to miss this whole week for raiding. I'll see you guys next week then.

  16. The folks are coming in from out of town to see our upcoming play, "The Great American Trailer Park Musical" and this is the only day they can make it so I'll have to be there watching the show with them.


    Won't be able to raid that day but otherwise I'm fee.


    Sorry team.

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