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Posts posted by Roqwell

  1. I know this is last minute but I guess it's partially expected being the holidays...

    Mother needs help with cooking. I can't really dedicate 100% of my time to raiding while also assisting my mother in the kitchen. So I'll have to focus on that tonight instead. Have fun with the rest of the farm bosses though. By the time I'd finish helping her I'm sure you'll all be done with the last of the bosses.

  2. I may be a little late tonight. I'm not sure how late.

    I'm going home tonight and originally I wasn't going to post anything because I'm two hours away from home and my dad was going to pick me up at 5:00.. but now he says he's going to be late. So I'm probably going to be a little late.

  3. 2 hours ago, Phobia said:

    all I read was "fallout came out today, i won't be here, these things are not connected, I swear"

    I don't play shooters and have never played any of the games in the Fallout series.

    Also, I don't give a shit about Fallout.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm a double major in Theatre and Studio Art with a focus on painting.

    Two majors that manly elderly people - who I suppose mean well - will advise me not to have because they find it a dying career in both cases. I mean yeah, both of those career paths are harder to find work but not impossible and they're more rewarding for me.

  5. 1 hour ago, Mastric said:

    Why you do dis!


    Well, I'm currently in college with opportunities to received experience going into a field where like many they expect experience from freshly graduated college students (who generally have no experience being freshly graduated) and would generally desire to have some form of security that my resume is decent enough I'll find work so that I won't graduate and immediately work as a waiter like others from my major who have left the college. Furthermore, I suppose I want to explore as many opportunities as I can involving different networks of the theatre so that I have a broad range of careers to choose from depending on what is available to me upon graduation should there be anything. I guess really I'm just so terrified of what life will be like outside my Berea bubble that I want to work as hard as I can doing as many things as I can so that I'll possibly be successful enough walking across the stage I'll actually have somewhere else to go and won't become another horror story of the theatre and drop off the face of recognition to being a forgotten student without a penny to my name living off my parent's paycheck like my brother. On that subject, I suppose, I push far and beyond to occupy my time with my success so that I don't follow my brother's example of being a college drop-out, void of hope, living each day in a monotone routine lacking fulfillment. Pursuing that goal, in hopes, so that my parents can better focus their time and energy into keeping my brother from the noose and waste nothing on me who has long since avoided that fate through the pursuit of opportunities so that I may never return to such a morbid occupation as mental deterioration tends to be (as my brother has taken as a solemn career). As both of my majors decree, I am required to work excessive hours outside of class in order to work on my projects enough that they would be presentable for public viewing. Therefore, because of requirements preset before I was birthed I must spend much of my time away from a laptop actively producing artwork or managing actors in an exhausting but rewarding field. Never would I plan to miss out on adventures plunging into the hellfire depths of a pixelated experience with my beloved friends, but such is the time requirement of my majors that consistently pulls me away from an activity that honestly, at best, is a pleasant distraction from the stressful and sometimes overwhelming load I am faced trying to gain valuable experiences, fulfilling my general education requirements, completing courses required of my majors, and walk the stage with a resume worthy of employment.



    Just 'cause.

    • Like 1
  6. Being house manager for Senior Showcase, I am required to attend the tech rehearsals (one of which is this Wednesday) and the performances (which start next Tuesday until Saturday). I need to arrive at 7:00PM and shows generally go until 10:30PM. During these times I won't be able to attend raid.

    I guess that works out for this week given the plan for what we're going to kill.

    Nothing available for next week though.

    I'm seriously not trying to miss so much raiding this semester, I've just been presented a lot of opportunities for the first time since coming to this college and I don't want to turn any of them down.

  7. I don't think I will be able to attend raid this week. Several reasons... main reason: I have two comprehensive exams this week. In both cases should I fail these exams I am likely to fail the courses,  I'll be denied entrance into the art major for another semester, and it will also put me on academic probation, which would deny me from working on any theatrical shows or studying abroad or interning abroad like I plan to do.

    Second main reason... is that my right thumb got smashed between a wooden platform and a metal door and it's kind of fucked up right now and makes playing difficult. Makes work or even writing difficult (my handwriting is now chicken scratch).

    As much as I enjoy raiding with you all, academics are most important right now... and my thumb is really swollen.

  8. Well, I guess I caught looking at your gear when you logged out from PVP.. so if you find the time to log out in your PVE gear that would be good.


    You don't have your legendary ring (but that isn't a huge issue and you'll get it in time) and I assume you don't have tier. A lot of your gear isn't optimized for your spec, but that's something that can't be helped until we throw you into a raid.


    Logs are good, spec is good, enchants and gems are to the right place. Clearly a good hunter that knows his class; raid awareness would have to be determined through trial. I'd say he's good to join in the fun.


    As Phobia said though, Ken, we aren't super serious. It will be up to you to determine if we're too casual for you or not. We only raid two nights a week and although we do push progression, we are very chill about it and raid more for the enjoyment than for progression. If the officers approve you for a trial, I'm all for it. My only hold-up is less than desirable gear for your spec, but that can be fixed.

    • Like 2
  9. I was going to say something funny but then I realized I am brain dead tired so it doesn't seem as funny a second time.




    I was not present for the majority of the raid last night and unfortunately won't be tonight either. To recap on my attendance, I will be fully present this coming Tuesday, gone the Wednesday, then return to regularly broadcast hunter antics through raid - I can guarantee all but one or two days - until the release of Legion. Assuming it will come out at the end of this year.


    From what I did see of the last 45 minutes was that you did seem to take your newfound authority with a respectable about of responsibility. Perhaps you were cracking the whip too close to some people's heads, but over-performance in a new position is better than under-performance. You'll have to figure it out yourself where to balance your new power between being strict and lenient since every officer has their own rhythm (whether by choice or otherwise). There is a great band of officers at the wings ready to assist you or guide you into what paths could be taken better or help you with reflection over some things you may have done wrong or right; during raid through private discussion or after raid with a relaxed atmosphere. It would be nice to allow you to ease yourself into the position before complaints or critiques are thrown into the onslaught of voices and panicked pixels running around in a chaotic mess seeking an authoritative voice to lead them... however, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. It's trial by fire. Don't stand in it and you should be fine once the burns fade.


    No one - certainly not me nor others that have posted - want to see you fail as an officer. So far, you're already showing strength in noticing your weaknesses and reflecting over it.


    Find your balance. Don't stress yourself out. Just do what you can to the best of your ability and you'll be a good officer.

    • Like 1
  10. what will we do without snuggles snuggles ;'( I might have to buy diablo 3 for pc so i can play with ya. had a lot of fun playing it wiith roq on the xbox one


    As everyone in my theatre department reminds every student: no one is irreplaceable. Though they would be missed.


    My time to shine will come!

  11. i think we should do it for another week or two because it would still help those who still need stuff. rng has not been kind this raid. but i also think  you're not wrong about skipping i think it gives us so leeway on wipes. but we should atleast get summa 4 piece before its fair to say were done with everything 


    No matter who it is, even if it were me, I wouldn't want an entire raid to be dragged into doing six bosses over and over again so 1-2 people can get their upgrade. No, RNG hasn't been nice to us as far as loot goes, but I can't (and many others can't) take the mental deterioration that comes from doing those bosses every.. single.. week. As Snug suggested, maybe in 2-3 weeks we can revisit them for loot people need... but seriously, if for the next two weeks we are still doing those six bosses I'll be glad theatre has dragged me away. As much as I love raiding, I hate wasting time and the small boost those bosses would give the raid as a whole aren't significant enough statistically to support bashing our heads on the keyboard in boredom for two hours.



    I would advise either not skipping every week or plan to go kill the first few mythic bosses. Rage was doing Heroic Archimonde for nearly a month, and that's probably what burnt people out. 


    On another note, I still need my legs from Gorefiend because I missed most of the kills this summer and we were skipping it for the past 2 months.


    H Manno is within our grasp. H Arch will be a pain, for sure, but something we could actually work on. The only real trouble of Mythic is getting a good group of 20 players going into raid night. Either we're short or we have 20-22 people with a less than favorable comp and no particularly favorable substitutes if someone needs to be sat. I'm sure a lot of the raid would enjoy the challenge of Mythic, we just don't quite have the people for it at this time. But we are getting closer to that head count.


    You have reg legs, just not heroic. It would be a boost to you but not as big of a boost as to someone without legs at all since most of the boost comes from the tier bonuses. Personally, when I'm considering numbers, just getting people the heroic version of what they already have is significantly less important than those that don't have them. I get that you want the heroic version, but that boost isn't very significant and not worth dying mentally on six bosses we could skip.



    We're quickly getting to the point where this raid content becomes mentally draining because there is nothing new coming out until Legion. I'd like to prevent absolute drainage as much as possible, and that requires us to see new things we haven't encountered before. Such as H Archi, or the numbers grant us power, Mythic (though that is a stretch). If enough people are really so hardset in the 'no-child-left-behind' mentality we can revisit those six bosses every three weeks or something, but personally I'd really push for next week and the week after we skip the bosses. It doesn't make-or-break the raid having one or two people without their 4pc bonus and I think they can wait a bit (pug if they have the time, if not we'd still see those bosses again).


    I don't mean to be so pushy.. we've just seen those bosses the majority of the raid needs nothing from so many times it mentally drains me when I'm not in the raid knowing you guys are killing them. The upgrades left are just so minute for most of the raid and it has become so draining.


    I'd just really like to please see something new like we did tonight. H Manno dead then start attempting on H Archi.


    Regarding the topic at hand.  We have to evaluate it as a progression thing roqwell.  Heroic Archimonde is very difficult and we could use all the help we can get from gear.  That means making sure that we are as prepared as possible and have the items that people need to perform at their best.  This mainly comprises of tier tokens, weapons and trinkets but just warforged/gemmed pieces of loot also help us out.  It makes more sense to farm the gear now when we have resets rather than to get Archimonde and think "oh man, we really need more gear.  I really wish that we had been farming gear for the past 8 weeks.  Well now we're 8 weeks behind!".



    I know we are ATR, and we often have wipes at 0.5% that could have been kills if any number of things happened... but I don't think that means we should kill our mental stamina repeating bosses to fix that by min/maxing our gear as much as possible (which is the vibe I get from your explanation that in order to kill H Arch we have to min/max to the extreme). What I worry about is, in the effort to repeating these bosses to get that excessively minor boost to the entire raid team, we start having people burnout faster, get bored from repeating bosses, that they drop out until Legion. Then we find new people, who need the gear from those bosses, and we repeat and repeat until everyone is so tired of those six stupid bosses we call all raiding until Legion.


    I suppose after research and everything, it makes more sense on paper to keep farming those bosses. But on the other hand, if we spend all our time farming these bosses, we never even see the boss we are preparing for. I'd rather actually see the boss and die a lot and learn than to kill my enthusiasm preparing for something I'll never even look at. Even if H Archi is as tight as you say, unless you truly believe we can't kill him as our raid team is unless we have those tiny, insignificant upgrades for two people, doing these six bosses every week is just exhausting.


    Doing them every 2-3 weeks is an option, yes, but also take into consideration you are then setting a date where most of the raid won't want to show up because we're doing those same six bosses no one wants to do anymore.

  13. I will have people upset if we skip, and I will have people upset if we don't skip.... so where do we draw the line? 


    Are we just supposed to tell the people still needing gear off of those 6 bosses "hey thanks for helping everyone else get the gear they need, but we aren't going to do them anymore, so too bad.. you can still pug them though..."


    idk, these decisions, though seemingly simple enough will have backlash whatever way we choose....


    Of course no matter the decision there will always be people upset. Some will be happy, others won't, but in these situations you can't just listen to the loudest complainer or sit back with your hands up saying both sides are going to be unhappy one way or another.


    Look at this as percentages (as we would during an in-raid vote most days). The list I compiled has 7/19. Could even take off Imcute from that since he wants to skip... also removing Nerita and Yarn cause they have their 4pc which is why we've been so persistent about doing these bosses. That's down to 4/19. Take off those that have tier, just not the heroic version, and it drops down to 2/19 (10%) of our raid last night has any reason to do those earlier bosses.


    If you want the softest complaints - as there will always be complaints - it's best to start appealing to the 90% rather than the 10%.


    And there are better ways to construct that sentence telling the folks we won't be doing those bosses. In a less condescending manner that doesn't assume they only raid to get loot and don't care for the enjoyment of raiding, betterment of their character, or social niceties talking to others in the raid. You'd tell them, "sorry you didn't get the loot off these bosses, but unfortunately most of the raid has what we need and almost everyone feels mind-numbed killing these bosses to the point killing them over and over again is painful.. you have extra EPGP obviously, for not getting this loot, so when we kill new bosses, you are most likely to get that loot first if you want it."


    I try to stay as objectively neutral as I can in any situation. It's honestly the worst path at times when you want to avoid backlash because you open yourselves up to both sides being upset with you. 



    Skip first six, stuck on Soccermom untill Roq gets on :P


    Actually, Mort has done amazingly on getting the ghosts down before I even turn around. If other ranged pitch in just a little bit, there shouldn't be much trouble getting the ghosts down outside of there being a fire problem (but Qwar is really good at controlling the robot). I do a lot of damage and pay attention to mechanics and as flattering is the jest is that I carry the raid, I alone don't carry the raid. It's a group effort on most weeks and on that particular week the raid comp was just lacking in ranged DPS. Almost any other DPS getting on besides me could have fixed the problem as well.

  14. Even though I'm not raiding most days because of my obligations to the theatre department, it still really irks me to hear from people that we still aren't skipping the first few bosses. At this point, there is no reason other than to waste time to continue doing the first six heroic bosses. Asked Imcute to grab a little information for me while I was at rehearsal and this is the breakdown for the loot last night regarding those bosses:


    6 MS | 7 Minor Upgrade | 4 OS | 6 D/E


    Keeping in mind, these are raw statistics and don't take into account whether those that rolled MS were main raiders or fairly new individuals. Regardless, less than 1/3 of the loot isn't going straight to Main Spec, thus isn't really needed or in almost half the case is thrown to OS or D/E'd.


    The main repeated reason as to why we keep doing these bosses is: "people still need tier."


    Well..... no..... no actually they really don't. I inspected everyone in raid last night near the end there and this is what I concluded as the gear everyone is sitting at.


    Helm Token off Kormok:

    No Helm: Summa.

    No Helm but has their 4pc: Imcute, Nerita, Yarn.

    Normal Helm: Buzziba.

    Everyone else has the heroic helm or greater (i.e. warforged, socket, etc.).


    Legs Token off Gorefiend:

    Nothing: Mokou.

    Normal Pants: Mort, Yarn

    Everyone else has the heroic legs or greater (i.e. warforged, socket, etc.).


    I didn't even ask most of these individuals whether or not they even want the tier piece. I know Imcute would be okay with it, but doesn't need it, and would rather skip bosses like me.


    Of our entire raid, those are the only individuals lacking the heroic tier pieces. I don't mean to be rude or ignore any need they may have, but these are not sufficient enough numbers to support spending an hour and a half to maybe get them their tier. Not to mention this causes us to repeat bosses we've seen dead dozens of time, leading to burnout a lot quicker, leading to wiping on farm content because people are burned out and bored, leading to frustration and anger, leading to more wipes, leading to people leaving or taking breaks for long periods, leading to us having to call raiding until Legion.


    To be honest, I don't want to call break until Legion just yet. But I do want to skip these six bosses because it is painful for me to even hear word that you guys are killing them. Loot is good, but progression is better, and progression leads to more loot the majority of the raid would actually need. We still have H Manno and H Archi. We've only killed H Xhul once (maybe twice I don't remember us being successful a second time).


    There is not enough evidence to support wasting time on these bosses anymore.


    For the love of god, can we please start skipping them.

    • Like 2
  15. UPDATE: I got a clear schedule on how the next few weeks will look so I can know with a fair amount of certainty about what nights I will and won't make or will make half of.


    September 22: Full work/run. Time will likely go over the scheduled 9:00PM end of rehearsal so I won't be unable to make even the last hour of this raid. Unless actors got their lines down. Don't count on it.


    September 23: Just Jason/Medea tonight. Will probably make second half of raid since they are both doing amazingly well with their interactions and rehearsal could end around 8:30-9:00PM (hope soccer mom doesn't give you the same trouble this week without me).



    September 29: Running first half. May or may not end around 9:00PM, depends how well all the actors have their lines down (they aren't allowed their script anymore).


    September 30: Running second half. Same as Sept 29th. Dependent on how well the actors know their lines. The more trouble they have the longer I'll be out.



    October 6: Dress/Tech call is at 7:00PM, we go at 8:00PM, so we will likely run over like a performance night and I won't be able to attend raid.


    October 7: [is mah birfday!] Same as Oct 6th, except we're also adding make-up.



    October 13: Reading period for midterms. I'll be back at home with the good internet so I can attend the full raid night. Assuming my parents haven't planned my birthday dinner for this night, then I will be a little late as will Imcute since he damn well better come to Sapporo with me dude it will be funny as hell watching my folks try to use chopsticks.


    October 14: Show night. I won't be able to attend raid at all.



    After all that, Medea has ended and I'm back in the full swing of raid nights! Until Senior Showcase where I'm House Manager, but at the most I'll be out two weeks for that. My only requirement as House Manager is that I attend one dress rehearsal and every show night. I could only be out one day considering we typically schedule shows as Thur/Fri then Wed-Fri... but it depends on the schedule. I'll know for sure come mid-November.

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