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Posts posted by Tourettsbear

  1. You all need to grow the fuck up. If you didn't act like children, rules like this wouldn't need to be discussed.


    The equation is pretty simple. This is a game. We play this game to have fun.


    On one hand, we have people who constantly disrupt the raid, and ruin the experience for others...Leave, or smarten up, but grow the fuck up.


    On the other, we have elitist attitudes, who call our more casual raider's out on things pick fun of people to boost there Epeen's.. Grow the fuck up.


    ATR is a casual guild..But just because we're casual doesn't mean we can't be focused. I was not part of the guild pre- SOO. I apped and was recruited for the progression, on a casual schedule.


    I think you seriously all need to give your heads a shake. I thought this was an 18+ guild. 


    The attendance issue discussion has been great. We appreciate your feedback. We will discuss this.


    But Mort, quit trying to get this fucking fiddle played for you. You fucked up, on a regular basis, you were ruining the raid experience for other members. Own that, Accept it, or fuck off. 


    Summa, I appreciate your constructive discussion.. But tell me exactly what you'd do in these situations, and I can point out 10 people who would have a problem with it. 




     We don't want to replace anyone, and will make every effort to avoid doing so, 

    Really? You're sure there's absolutely NO ONE you would like to replace at the first occasion?




    There is ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, we would like to replace. You and I don't often see eye to eye, based on that, I have no reason to lie to you.


    You are literally 50/50 for me. Youre great until you won't shut up. That being said, I absolutely do not want you out of the raid group. Unless of course you continue to disrupt the raiding environment. You see Mort, certain things don't make a fun environment.. I.E. wasting lust at the start on a fight that we're learning, with a softa enrage..will cause us to wipe.. That's not fun for me, or other's...Once is fine, twice is annoying. 


    Getting people going, or talking when people are trying to pay attention..or not listening to the mechanics is simply just disrespectful to your raid team. You do this regularly. 


    Joking is encouraged..Please continue..


    Being disrespectful is not. 

  3. Guys, thank you for bringing your concerns to us.


    The officer's will discuss your concerns about raiding attendance.. Keep in mind everyone. This decision was made to better our raid team, environment and experience. If our discussion has had an opposite effect. i.e this raid attendance, we will re-hash it out.


    Guys, Although this looks concrete..There is ALWAYS room for discussion, so please, bring us your concerns.


    Thank you.

  4. Nerita,


    We know that. But the concept behind this isnt fairness towards individualism, it's  fairness to the raid team as a whole. 


    What Lyntha did not mention is I am also very close to being on that list. I've missed 4 raids, late for one, and I have to leave 5 minutes early tomorrow. If I miss too many more raids, my name will be on there and the position of tank will be up for grabs. If you look at my attendance, you will see that my attendance has gotten better over the last ~10 raid days?


    I know where you're coming from, honestly I do... But don't look at it individually, look at the entirety of the situation. We're still running heroic content, which means All of those members will still have a raid spot..It just mean's for Mythic content they will be riding the bench. Unless attendance improves.

  5. I have to leave EXACTLY 5 minutes before the end of our raid. I just got my itinerary for my flight/limo. Limo picks me up at 9:00 on the dot, It's usually 9:15-930 every sec Wednesday. 

  6. Held,


    A lot of what you brought up, is currently being discussed by the officers, and was being discussed before the sunday raid. This discussion looks like it's leading in a more organized direction. 


    I hope you change your mind and come back. 


    Best of luck.

  7. the issue with Kromog wasn't anything other than dps not breaking out healers, and healer's not utilizing cool downs or not getting grabbed. If we control those mechanics in our main raid.. we will definitely have it down.


    There is no reason we can't get Beastmaster, Flamebender, and possibly Kromog tomorrow.  I think operator will be another example of Oregorger where we will wipe and wipe and it will eventually click..


    I truly believe one more attempt on beastmaster he would have been down Wednesday. 

  8. gruul > beastmaster > hanz and franz > flamebender > kromog ( > operator > oregorger )>Blast Furnace> The Iron Maidens>Blackhand


    That is the general rule of thumb of easiest-hardest. Some say Beastmaster is easier than Gruul..I think I agree and that we will have him in 1 or 2 more attempts.

  9. We can tank Oregorger facing the ranged, that way melee is behind boss and a tank is garunteed to get the acid torrent stack.. If we have the OT offset a bit the tank holding oregorger will always get the acid torrent first, then a switch can happen without dealing with any melee mechanics.

  10. Yea, there was a bit of residual frustration from the previous week in regards to bosses being face pulled, not utilizing wipe recovery..etc..etc.


    Priest Chick statements were uncalled for, I'm not 100% privy to the history of it all.. So I'll allow the other officers to address.


    As for tanking, I got frustrated because tanking wise, there is a lot mechanics that myself and Mythosaur have to get on the same page with. When we were tanking him in the corner, position wise it was very difficult for us to tank.. We ended up getting stunned too much and missing mitigation abilities if we did 1 for 1 in that corner. So when we were called out for taking 2 stacks each, we felt like we were being blamed for the wipes, even though we were put in a position to be forced to do so..which in reality wasn't the case, Pika/Lyntha/FTFK were just trying to resolve the issue.. Pika just yells instantly, and makes you feel dumb ><. 


    Feign death wasnt your fault.. But because you two were the last alive...you got the blame..

    P.S I officially don't hate you.

  11. Hey guys, Just want to give a heads up.. It is quite possible that my flight back to Alberta on Monday the 2nd is going to be cancelled. New Brunswick is scheduled to get 25-35cm (just over 1 ft for you Mericans) of snow that day. Which means I would be flying out Tuesday..If I get on the early flight, I can still make the raid no problem..But if I'm on the late flight then I won't be able to raid until Wed.


    So hopefully I'll be there!

  12. I agree with the idea that everyone is saying.. But personally I would rather step straight into heroic BRF. Then on an off night do a normal run. (Luckily it comes out my week back to work so I'll be available every night :D) I think this will give us the best gear, best progression, and be the most challenging.


    I will follow the lead of ftfk/lyntha. But honestly, I don't see much point in stepping into completely pug-able content on a main raid night

  13. Right, but take into account Lyntha that we didn't lust with 100 favor, it was like 91. Also, according to warcraft logs 1 dps was dead when we received the time warp buff. VS. 100% of the raid receiving the buff at the start of the fight. 


    Also, I agree with Muln, your number's seem a bit skewed. I'll verify myself at some point this week.

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