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Posts posted by Tourettsbear

  1. Even without Ahead of the Curve, we, as a guild, should kill H Imperator before we go into any more Mythic. It's still progression. Half the raiders don't even have an Imperator kill in general. Saying "show up on an optional night if you want to kill the last boss in the current raid tier even though you only signed up to do Tue/Wed" or "go pug it" is ridiculous. It's too late to do Normal Imperator because no one (important) cared after the optional group got him down, and that's what's going to happen to Heroic Imperator if (and when) the optional group gets him down. He'll be put on the back burner because "progression". Hell, he's -already- on the back burner. Are we really going to go clear heroic Highmaul and kill him when we're in heroic Foundry? Like really really? No, we're not, for the same reasons we're not doing normal now. And the non-optional raiders get the short end of the stick.

    We would 100% go back for the FoS for everyone on a raid night. I don't see why we wouldn't? The reason we don't go back to normal is that it doesn't provide anything useful that we aren't getting from heroic, or mythic raiding..I believe we will go back to Heroic Imp. 

  2. I think while learning the fight, lusting at the start provides much more damage to the boss.


    I think when the fight becomes more comfortable, and 3-4 people aren't dead when we get to 100 favor we should lust at that point. 


    So to be clear, while learning fight (like we still are) lust at start, when it's farmable, lust at 100 favor.

  3. Yep, I see the problem


    Line 7 is 


    100 ) [17] => Array ( [0] => Mannykaiser [1] => 2700 [2] => 613 ) [18] => Array ( [0] => Raddbear [1] => 2700 [2] => 153 ) [19] => Array ( [0] => Budlyghttoo-BlackDragonflight [1] => 2700 


    it should be 


    100 ) [17] => Array ( [0] => Mannykaiser [1] => 2700 [2] => 613 ) [18] => Array ( [0] => Raddbear [1] => 2700 [2] => 153 ) [19] => Array ( [0] => Budlyghttoo-BlackDragonflight [1] => 2700==> 14 == (-10.5/muln) x Tbear= Raddbear


    new class confirmed boys.

  4. The least amount of healers, more amount of dps possible is best for this..Raid healing will not be an issue.

    Basically this fight is REALLY fun, and hectic, amazing.

    Essentially, this is a conditional fight from each "groups" perspective. I.e Melee, Ranged, Tanks, Healers, Hunter's. Here it is;



    • Tank swap at 4 stacks of Rot
    • Grab Fungal Flesh Eaters
    • Interrupt Decay
    • Face boss away from raid during *Necrotic Breath* (Note, if this requires him to heal up from creeping moss to do, it is still absolute..Never face raid)
    • Bring boss to Living/Rejuvenating Mushrooms


    *This is where the condition's come in




    • Mind Fungus Spawns
    • Fungal Flesh Eater spawns



    • Mind Fungus Spawns (Step Away from the raid)
    • Fungal Flesh Eater spawns
    • Some ranged have to be assigned to intercepting spores to reduce spore shot raid damage. Therefore those ranged have to attack, unless they need to intercept.


    • Don't waste good mushrooms. If the raid is currently on a Rejuvenating Mushroom, don't heal the next to 100%.. Heal it to 80-90% so we can go straight to it and have no wasted uptime. (This fight is really on the healers)


    1 person for every 1 flamethrower has to be assigned to eat BURN the moss









    Guess I should purchase dual spec now


    You talked to me about wanting to make this your offspec.  I misunderstood our conversation.  I will remove you for now.  Let me know if you get geared up and familiar and whatnot.



    Did we have this discussion Sunday morning?  I've got to be honest I don't remember it at all.



    I think so.  You asked me which offspec would be more needed.  I stated that tanking would be more important for us right now and you said you'd build towards it.


    I have no problems doing this btw, I just don't remember our conversation.  Might take me a while to start it up though as I have no pieces currently but with only needing trinkets and jewelry that should make it easier.


    You have 1 ring (the legendary quest ring), your other ring can be agi + what ever you want, Multi strike isn't great.. Mastery Crit being better..


    You really just need 1 trinket, That multi strike trinket isnt that great for tanking.

  6. My offspec has also always been healer, but since we have such a heavy healer core, I guess I won't be needed :(.


    You can keep your offspec as a healer Mort, and gear it...How-ever, the above will be geared for there offspec's first as they will be asked to switch depending on the fights. 

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