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Posts posted by Tourettsbear

  1. Honestly, Mythic garry is 100% puggable.. There is a good chance Im going to come with the guild full time on monk next week and do another run on my druid.. so if there are any 565+ alts out there that want to do a mythic run with me...Lemme know!

  2. Yea that sucks Lyntha..


    Siegecrafter was a joke...we started with lust on because someone popped it for trash..I literally burned down the Shredder almost before the first DFA.. He died before the second shredder..


    Klaxxi was just silly. just silly.



    Garry will probably be a 1 shot going forward. There is a few different things that have to be done.

  3. Hey guys, as many of you know I currently work in a construction camp environment. Anyway, I've just been informed that the Internet in camp MAY be down tonight. It has something to do with the "Awesome" Rogers service in this area. I don't want anyone to think that this may be a common thing so I will say that I've been here for a year and a half and not once have I had this happen since I've been here.


    I'm at work right now, but I will keep updating as soon as I can.

  4. I think Lyntha's strat is sound. Now it's about smoothing out any edges, and tightening up on a personal level.  A few things I know I can improve on;

    1) Respec- Vortex/ Mass Entanglement- This should greatly assist with management of the crawler adds while I'm tanking.

    2) Respec- Nature's Vigil- This extra damage will assist with bursting down the first Shredder. Most attempts I had the shredder anyway, but this should lock me bursting him down.

    3) CD's- Sorry healers, it's a trust thing at this point. I need to be a bit more conservative with my CD's and rely on you guys to do your thing. I found a pretty decent list of what most druids are using for cds on Electromagnetic Charges. Utilize oinly barksin first 5, cloak the 6th, and SI the 7th.


    If you guys see any other spot I can improve on. Please throw your input here, I will take it as criticism to improve.

    I also urge anyone to self evaluate as well and throw it on this post. This will greatly assist any other's subbing in. (If they read it)


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