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Everything posted by Varibash

  1. no, I forgot to check the box that records win7 sounds, videos had no audio when I went to edit them
  2. If we do, give me access to it and I will reupload these vidros to it. If we dont, I will just create one.
  3. Just link the warcraft logs
  4. Great job guys 4 progression bosses down in 1 night, Way to rock it!!!
  5. Killed it, got a bit rough toward the end.
  6. Killed it!! And nobody died!!!
  7. Varibash

    HFC ALT Runs

    working that out still, messaging interested parties, deciding date and times. should be another week or so
  8. I would rate it Wrath > Warlords > Crusade > Mists > Cataclysm
  9. Varibash

    HFC ALT Runs

    I'm always down to help out.
  10. I personally prefer: Salvage Yard Inn Barracks Storehouse Trading Post
  11. found what you've been building https://gifsound.com/?gifv=tMz806G&v=U84zAfb4b58&s=1
  12. all this vacation and you arent coming to the guild party, rude.
  13. Update your addons before raid, and for the love of everything, repair your gear BEFORE coming to raid, dont need people asking for a jeeves after 1 wipe
  14. plan is to start heroic to test the waters, first few bosses look fairly easy and shouldnt cause us too much trouble
  15. https://www.youtube.com/user/FatbossTV/videos some good guides, get an idea of the first few bosses. The more people understand what is going on, the easier this will be.
  16. that's the great thing, we own the rights to it now, anyone else using it can be sued ^.^
  17. 6.2 is near. Get ready to assault Hellfire Citadel!! Hope everyone enjoyed their break, but get ready to get back in there and face Gul'Dan! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/19546341/patch-62-raid-preview-hellfire-citadel-6-2-2015
  18. it's k, raids have been on break until 6.2
  19. well, then back to the drawing board
  20. @Lyntha has been in hiding, havent seen him in GTA since monday.
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