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ATR Leadership
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Everything posted by Varibash

  1. One of ATR's very own has made the news with his new business. Big congratz to him and we wish him the best with his new adventure. I personally wish I lived closer to New York so I could go there. http://link.brightcove.com/services/player/bcpid2777804315001?bckey=AQ~~,AAAAB_xxTdk~,2G9NX7dxSudcTqGiNUz3CAtXTxZHsCsb&bctid=4038850427001 Go check out his website and stop by his business if you are in the Western New York area http://www.gameonwny.com/ Join the ATR facebook group and show some love to Josh Lonz Facebook group is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/239712546067061/
  2. Just tired of being stuck on the sidelines while my raid team, yes MY raid that i built in SoO, fall apart. You are all way better then you have been acting over the last few months
  3. If they are being a problem, yes. That officer tag wont omit anyone from my wrath if they are causing an issue. Those rules you all came up with apply to all.
  4. good thing only gump has more power then I do then ain't it.
  5. I'll be back full time next week, and all this little attitude problem shit stops. I will NOT tolerate this behavior while I'm around. You don't like it, tough, you can go find somewhere else to raid.
  6. tbear comes back, lumi leaves, you guys can't win
  7. Varibash- though not part of the main raid team, will be around to punish bad behavior and gkick problem children without remorse. Don't test his resolve in ensuring ATR is a great environment to raid in because you WILL lose. He has a massive hard on for going on power trips.
  8. I was going to be passive it about it but you insulted all of ATR, not just me, so these are for you...
  9. Have fun with your new guild. Glad you are happy there. You've always been a good dps, I'm sure you'll do well there.
  10. Haven't you been carried enough... do you have no shame?
  11. can confirm, just got Mythic Garrosh in a 100% pug group. Most dps were below 10k. Easy as long as people move when and where they are supposed to.
  12. poor snuggle buddy, it's not on farm yet snugg, so be there next week.
  13. most peoples alts are too shitty to even consider bringing. But I'd be all for making a shit ton of $$ for the gbank
  14. you guys ready for everyone to come out of nowhere and ask for a spot? People want the prize at the end, but don't like to work for it.
  15. Varibash

    Exodus LAN 2015

    too far, too broke, fuck you
  16. I wouldn't have a problem trying to set up a garry kill / Alt run on a thursday or something.
  17. Translated (Roughly): "I am quitting WoW, I gquit my characters so I am not tempted to play the game. I have a lot of personal shit going on in my life right now and I need to step back from my responsibility to this guild. Please stop whispering Bash asking him why I left."
  18. the 10 man group we have now is progression focus'd, we don't really have any groups running beside that one. You'd probably be able to get in for just a garrosh kill with that group if you ask nicely on a wednesday night.
  19. Well that's what happens when people stop showing up mastric. Last night we had 17 people total online for raid, we had all our tanks and healers, just DPS posting afk is the problem. I could be worse Varlash http://youtu.be/mX9PdjnggHw?list=LLuUglSl78vS__ejNSzOamnA
  20. As of last night, the guild 25 man run is on break until 6.0 / WoD. If you wish to attended the 10 man, it is being run by Lyntha, Heldarram and FTFK. I personally have no desire to do 10's, so I have opt'd out. 10 man runs on normal nights, Tuesday and Wednesday 730-11 pm server time. Loot is a Group Loot, mainspec Need offspec or minor upgrade Greed. I will still be around to hand out asskickings to people acting shitty. So don't think just because I'm not in the raid group that you can get away with acting like a jackass. I expect everyone who attends to be mature and conduct themselves appropriately. If you want to take a break until WoD, take it, no need to announce it, this is your chance. See you all in WoD
  21. I have my ACLS re-certification course this night, class runs from 5 pm to 10 pm my time, won't be online for raid.
  22. Last Wednesday was perfect example, people are getting tired of this tier. It won't be long before we do put the 25m on hiatus until the xpac drops. Then a heroic 10man group will finish progressing through the content, just like we did during Cataclysm when Dragon Soul was out forever. We've done it literally every expansion. Wrath was no different, the last month of Wrath we stopped doing the 25's and only the 10 man groups continued to raid.
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