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ATR Leadership
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Everything posted by Varibash

  1. I will cover the purchase costs, just cant buy it until I get home from work.
  2. There's your problem if that's true, you listened to mort...
  3. how much? I may buy it
  5. Attendance issues have won, raids are on break until new content drops to bring people back to the game. See you all in 6.2!! in the mean time, come play GTA 5 or Battlefield 4 with the rest of ATR Gamers!!!! See you guys in 6.2 if I don't see you sooner.
  6. I suck at all things photoshop and art. So i couldnt draw one
  7. meh, I like the first one more, that tail is too stubby. bunch of ideas here https://www.google.com/search?q=bird+emblems&safe=off&rlz=1C1ASUM_enUS622US622&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=1017&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=cotaVarLLMzutQXO8oCgBg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg#safe=off&tbm=isch&q=pheonix+emblem
  8. wow, I like Mastric's quick mock up alot. That is really cool. Only thing I would personally remove is the lightning bolt coming off the pheonix's head.
  9. kk, i'll handle that later today, need to go to the DMV now
  10. I will be in california on these dates and unable to make raid times because of it. Have fun and kill shit, but always remember....
  11. kk. we'll still be here when you finish up
  12. Wish i lived closer so I could attend
  13. Then I read/took it the wrong way, so, sorry.
  14. So much for joking around But ya, we would love to never have to sit anyone, but with the raid scaling like it does based upon number of people in the raid, having people very low on dps doesn't offset the amount of health the bosses gain by them being in there. We can work together to help every member improve. I put the picture in because of this sentence right here. If you want to be sarcastic and a smart ass, don't complain when I give you a smart ass and sarcastic response. There is 20-30 people in the raid group at any point in time, we do our best to make sure everyone feels like their opinion is valid, but it's hard to discern who's opinion to listen too when you have a bunch of people are trying to get you to use their idea. Can't use em all
  15. Ftfk said he would start sitting low performers on blast furnace at 9:00, because of an issue we had break before that so the time they sat people was at 9:30... we came back from break at 9, and the attempt after I called out the people who needed to step up, and made a general statement that we needed more dps on the Elementalist's, because we can't kill them all in 2 shots. saying each attempt was around 6-8 minutes, that is about 3-4 attempts to fix the issue. I guess since i'm not an officer i'm never heard/taken seriously.
  16. It's something we have been discussing Cute. Yes, we will do a better job on informing people in whispers that they need to step it up on a certain aspect of the fight.
  17. I will be late tonight, could be 15 minutes, could be an hour, idk. I will be there asap.
  18. 1st: I sat myself on IM, I am very aware of my place in the raid and if my mistakes are making things more difficult, I will take action against myself. I am working on improving my play on a spec I have NEVER played before, while improvement is happening, I am not up to the caliber I should be, so until that time, I will ALWAYS be the first to volunteer to sit if the group needs to maximize for a progression kill. 2nd: My answer is maybe. We can explore options to possibly have a 3 strikes rule or something similar. Say a person dies 3 times in a row to the exact same mechanic, then yes, we can sit that person. It's an idea to explore further, but ultimately, I will leave the decision on how we proceed with such a rule to FTFK and Lyntha, at this time, this is their raid group and leading it how they want to lead it is important. 3rd: as far as progression goes, no matter what route we take, there will always be someone that is unhappy with it and would rather focus on something else. I think our end game should be to always be working on "new" content that the team has never seen before to help waive off stagnation. Most people seem happy as long we we get "ahead of the curve" achievement every tier. Something to discuss after raid with those that hang around.
  19. http://nooooooooooooooo.com/
  20. We will work towards being a better, stronger guild. Ive put to much time and energy into this guild to watch some drama tear it apart. All we.can do is get all input to move forward and do whats best for everyone.
  21. These things are always fluid and discussion is always welcome. We don't want to replace anyone, and will make every effort to avoid doing so, but we need to find a balance. We will take all opinions into consideration and make decisions based upon what the raid team as a whole feels will be best. "these are more like guidelines, then actual rules." We'll make changes based upon what the raid decides is best. The raid team is the sum of it's parts, and we are only as strong as our weakest members. So lets work together to bring everyone up to a level that will best help the raid as a whole improve and make a better environment for everyone.
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