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Everything posted by Viledead

  1. Of course you did - you're THAT guy! If there is nothing else to shoot for (we're not doing heroics, no nef attempts, etc), might as well have something to do.
  2. Damn my world 24th from yesterday isn't showing... Yeah I keep bringing it up - I'm that guy.
  3. Odd - works for me. Try this bit.ly link: http://bit.ly/enr6jo
  4. Here is a perma-link to anyone in ATR who gets ranked: http://search.stateofdps.com/?name=&guild=All%20That%20Rem%C3%A0ins&server=skullcrusher&class= The whole thing is pretty sweet - search any class, any spec, and any server or toon name. Of course, the Logs need to be uploaded to WoL...right prydain!!!!
  5. Looks odd - but I don't know the math & mechanics detailed enough.. More importantly, I was ranked on two fights last night..
  6. These are comments from Nadagast, considered one of the better PvP warlocks out there: "Even if defensive dispel was removed, shadow priest damage delivery is 10 times better than warlocks, I wouldn't be surprised if they were still better in almost all or all comps." "I could debate you on how effective warlocks are right now, but as far as I'm concerned, how effective warlocks are right now is irrelevant. I think almost every warlock would be happy to take nerfs in other areas to be able to cause real pressure again." I don't think I'm interested in playing viledead anymore for PvP really - though I would consider for rated bgs just because he has the gear.. Locks do also feel strange in PvE. Most locks I know are re-rolling. I'll stick it out til next patch, then think about it. After getting "it's over 9000", I should at least be loyal to the toon for a bit longer.
  7. - Parry and Dodge should never have greater than 2-3% difference, because of diminishing returns - if you look at most top raiding tanks, they definitely are stacking mastery heavily, not stam. - Hit/expertise are completely useless to stack on purpose b/c of vengeance. Looking at top raiding tanks, I see melee hit values under 1% Honestly if people have issues with threat, it's not hit/expertise - player just needs to improve. Only issue with low hit is on initial pulls and convincing dps to count to 3 - which they never do....right axe??! My tank doesn't follow these rules because he's tanking heroics, and having an AS miss on a pull is a sure wipe, and people still judge tanks on total stam. Remember when I was asking on Arj whether I'm heroic ready or now - everyone asked "what is your health." This caused me to research..
  8. Did some 2's arenas with prydain's shaman last night. What a nightmare. Lock-healer in 2's is dead - and there are soooo many posts out there on it, on virtually all major forums. This link kind of sums it up - ignoring some of his fixes, he pretty much nails the problem. Low dot dmg, everything is dispelled, etc. Problems are in PvE as well. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2065790724
  9. Apparently our dots were nerfed by 8% in addition to the ISF 15% haste removal. Most top locks are saying this has resulted in a 5k dps nerf roughly for Affliction locks in 4.0.6.
  10. Hey could we consistently upload logs to worldoflogs? I know it is done if (remember when?) there is a progression in Group 1 - but I really think having logs uploaded would be helpful. I can do group 1 if no one else is capturing the info - i just have to get that combatlog addon.
  11. Some thoughts on how to make it a bit easier: Phase 1 Seems to me that many strats have even 10m groups spreading out further than we were. A lot of unnecessary wipes because of chain lightning hitting 2 groups at once - mostly because of moving to get past tornadoes to prep for wind burst. Its still best to be in the mini-groups rather than a long line of people - healers would prefer this for AoE heals, and it makes it much easier to say "heal these 3" rather than them trying to run around. Phase 2 Somewhat surprising that people couldn't watch stacks of feedback on the boss - basically, once it gets to roughly half, burn the add. Also, I know people said who cares about add AoE dmg, but most people say to have a melee dps or someone OT it slightly away from the raid. And yes, having aggro from that thing as a caster reduces dps. We have, what, 4 raid healing cooldowns? Perhaps we should organize who does what, when - for instance, feral druid tranq 1st, boomkin tranq 2nd, resto 3rd, div hymn 4th...then any raid dmg reduction CDs (ie divine protection or w/e). I think quite a few times last night people just went ahead and used theirs, and we actually might have seen overhealing. Also - does Ninui needs some feral pve dps gear or something? It is a 1 tank fight, and I think he was at 6-8k. That number being 12k+ alone would have pushed us into p3 on a few attempts.
  12. Viledead

    I'm done

    I love rage posts. I also love responses with passive-aggressive comments.
  13. Viledead

    Atramedes down!

    Kesler needs Dark Intent back! Axe and Pwnzirocks were best at dodging sound (dying to devastation means sound was full): http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-l1pi4f1nbin4rykf/spell/78868/
  14. Lets hear it - who had the most sound on those 3 attempts?!
  15. For those who may not know, lightwell lightwell lightwell. From EJ: Let
  16. Yep great raid indeed! Edit - I hope people review the logs. The dps we had is basically where everyone needs to be (aside from special jobs like interrupting). It's work to get the gear needed (including crafted - $), and learn proper rotation (priority), itemization, and abilities. Heck, you can see it in the realm rankings - I think almost everyone there last night was top 20 minimum for their class! http://www.worldoflo...zxe38xhh7zvzm8/
  17. Seeing as we have a few locks in the guild, I thought I'd get a thread going on cata specs/itemization. I've done a bunch of reading, and it seems like itemization is all over the place. For instance, for Destro Locks, at first everyone thought mastery & haste were pretty important, but now there is thinking that crit is key because it's important to use up all 3 charges of demon soul. I can say that 35k crits with demon soul up is pretty sweet! This is what I ran with last night. However, if you switch specs (ie going aff to ease healing), crit is less important. Also, as there is a bunch of movement, haste helps to get off that extra cast - which can't really be simcrafted. I'm avoiding demo, but looks like they just stack haste, and mastery sucks. Aff, I think haste is best too. What is interesting is that simcraft shows that haste, mastery, and crit are all more important than hit once you get to roughly 15%! However, this is the problem with simcraft - because while that might be true in an optimal environment, missing on a hard casted soul fire, well, sucks. Also, it feels dirty casting soul fire as affliction..
  18. Viledead


    I know I wasn't there last night, but I did do a lot of reading and prep because I thought I would be. Honestly, it's about control. Magmaw adds were partially nerfed today as well (parasites target people 15+ yards away now, etc). Basically, they must be slowed/etc. Perhaps a rogue with slow poison and FoK would help. I heard on vent last night that someone thought perhaps seed of corruption from a lock would help - notice in the tankspot vid that the destro lock there is actually using rain of fire - have to wonder if specing in to aftermath might help (daze on conflag, rain of fire chance to stun). Frost DKs appear OP as well. And a well-timed typhoon from a boomkin to force adds through slow (ie earthbind) is win. Honestly if the adds aren't dying after all of that, dps is probably just too low. Look at the dps in tankspot vid - dps is 13k - 18k. How was dps last night? For those who haven`t watched the tankspot vid, here it is: FYI, it looks like many other guilds go for conclave of wind or halfus windbreaker first.
  19. Hey bash, depending on when I would bring viledead.
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