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ATR Veterinarian
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Everything posted by Iammoot

  1. Great job on Heroic Nazgrim tonight guys! We got him down in just 3 attempts tonight which is incredible after a week of not working on him.
  2. Iammoot

    2/12 Late

    Hey guys, I have some work I need to finish up for one of my classes so I may be a little late to raid tonight.
  3. Iammoot

    February 5th

    Tonight? Today is the 4th
  4. Congratulations All That Rem on our 25man Heroic Sha of Pride kill! Next up is Galakras!
  5. Heroic Protectors Down! 1/21/14. Heroic Norushen coming soon!
  6. Iammoot

    Moot 12/18

    Hey guys, going to be late tonight, probably won't be on until ~9:30
  7. Iammoot


    At the very least, late tonight. May not even show at all. Going to be working on a group project so I don't know when I'll get home.
  8. I do not plan to be present tonight or tomorrow night due to travel/technological limitations. I'm not certain I will have access to my computer over the coming weekend either.
  9. I do not plan to be present tonight or tomorrow night due to travel/technological limitations. I'm not certain I will have access to my computer over the coming weekend either.
  10. I do not plan to be present tonight or tomorrow night due to travel/technological limitations. I'm not certain I will have access to my computer over the coming weekend either.
  11. Iammoot


    My 21st bday. Will be absent from raid.
  12. Iammoot the Proven Defender
  13. Dzt dropping the knowledge bomb.
  14. 1.) He doesn't torrent 2.) One of my roommates isn't even living in the apartment as he is working at a startup for a few months. 3.) I got a verification from a technician that the problem is that the node I am on is simply overloaded. Apparently there is a fix in the works. The earliest possible projection date for the fix was yesterday so who knows if this will ever get fixed.
  15. cox has a monopoly in my area, no other options
  16. As some of you may be aware, I missed raid on Wednesday because my internet cut out completely in my area. I didn't have internet again until yesterday. Ever since then, my speeds have been worse than abysmal to the point where my ping is spiking with a base of ~500 ms. I won't be attending raid again for my own sanity's sake until this issue is resolved. There's supposedly some sort of fix in the works but I don't know if and/or when it will ever take place. Either way, it's both frustrating to me and crippling to the raid group to attempt to play in such a situation. Hopefully this will all get fixed soon.
  17. Since when do we have 5 mages!? Why do you guys do this to me!?
  18. Going back to school can be tough but I believe in you!
  19. Iammoot

    8/13 + 8/14

    I am currently between apartments and will not be on for raid this tuesday or wednesday as I don't have access to my computer.
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